(A) Schematic of C-term KI of epitope mixture in vitro and in vivo. (B) Labeling of HA, Myc, and V5-epitope following mosaic KI to mouse Tubb3, showing stochastically integrated epitopes in neighboring neurons in vitro. Occasionally, cells positive for two epitopes can be seen (e.g. the magenta-colored cell in this image, showing both HA and V5 immunoreactivity). (C) Coronal section demonstrating labeling of HA and Myc-epitope following mosaic KI to mouse Tubb3 in vivo. (D) Zoomed images showing the cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, thalamo-cortical projections, globus pallidus, and corpus collosum of panel (C). Scale bar is indicated in each panel.