In “A blend of essential oils improved feed efficiency and affected ruminal and systemic variables of dairy cows” by Silva et al [], there were several errors in the original paper, listed below:
In the abstract, when treatment means are showed, first to appear needs to be control and BEO as the second.
Table 1: Composition of the diet in ingredients refers to treatments Control and BEO. That way it should be centralized.
Table 2 footnote #4: Correct is 224,000 cells/mL and 258,000 cells/mL.
Figures 1 and 2: Legend is control (solid black triangles) and BEO (solid black circles).
Table 5: Units for particle size sorting behavior and for orts as a proportion of feed offered need to be centralized.
Table 6: Units for all variables need to be centralized
These corrections have been made to the original article.