Fig. 7. The frequency of TCF7L2 mutations/copy number loss increases during tumor progression.
The percentages of colon adenocarcinoma patients with TCF7L2 mutations/copy number loss in relation to different categories according to TNM and AJCC staging systems were computed and plotted as indicated. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis was used to examine whether the frequency of TCF7L2 mutations/copy number loss follows an increasing order in parallel with tumor progression. The individual Spearman’s rank correlation values (ρ) for all categories are shown above the bars. The mean of the correlation values across all groups (TNM and AJCC staging) is 0.925 (p value = 0.0003028 [95% CI 0.772–1.077]). Tis: carcinoma in situ. Increasing T ratings indicate tumor spread to the submucosa (T = 1) and beyond (T ≥ 2). N denotes absence (N = 0) or presence (N > 0) of lymph node metastases. M indicates absence (M = 0) or presence (M = 1) of distant organ metastases.