Live (Aqua–) cells were gated from the singlets followed by gating for the CD3–CD20+B cells from live lymphocytes. Mature B cells were identified as CD10–CD20+ B cells. From the mature B cells, total memory B cells were identified as CD20+CD27+ cells. On the basis of the expression of CD21, CD27 and IgD, B cell maturation subsets were identified as naïve (CD21hiCD27–IgD+) B cells, resting memory (RM: CD21hiCD27+) activated memory B cells (AM: CD21lowCD27+) and atypical memory B cells (aMBC: CD21lowCD27–). On the basis of the IgD and IgG expression, unswitch and switch memory B cells were identified as IgD+IgG– (UM: unswitch) and IgD–IgG+ (SM: switch). Switch memory B cells in total memory, RM and AM were designated as SM, sRM and sAM, respectively, while unswitch memory B cells were designated as UM, uRM, uAM for total memory, RM and AM, respectively. All B cell subsets were gated for the expression of the proliferation marker Ki67.