Figure 5. Muscles of the anterior wall of the trunk; view from inside.
1: sternum; 2: first rib; 3: internal intercostal muscle; 4: sternal part of the diaphragm; 5: sternocostal trigon; 6: costal part of the diaphragm; 7: tendinous sign of the rectus abdominis muscle; 8: transversus abdominis muscle; 9: arcuate line; 10: inguinal ligament; 11: spermatic cord; 12: iliopsoas muscle; 13: the femoral vessels; 14: deep inguinal ring; 15: semilunar line; 16: umbilicus; 17: linea alba; 18: transverse muscle of the chest.
Reproduced with permission, from Anastasi G, et al., Anatomia dell’uomo, fourth edition [Human Anatomy], 2010, Milan: Edi-Ermes, p. 174.