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. 2020 May 29;15(5):e0233790. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233790

Application of geographically weighted regression analysis to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia

Desalegn Markos Shifti 1,2,*, Catherine Chojenta 2, Elizabeth G Holliday 3, Deborah Loxton 2
Editor: Charles A Ameh4
PMCID: PMC7259714  PMID: 32470020



Birth interval duration is an important and modifiable risk factor for adverse child and maternal health outcomes. Understanding the spatial distribution of short birth interval, an inter-birth interval of less than 33 months, and its predictors are vital to prioritize and facilitate targeted interventions. However, the spatial variation of short birth interval and its underlying factors have not been investigated in Ethiopia.


This study aimed to assess the predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia.


The study used data from the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey and included 8,448 women in the analysis. The spatial variation of short birth interval was first examined using hot spot analysis (Local Getis-Ord Gi* statistic). Ordinary least squares regression was used to identify factors explaining the geographic variation of short birth interval. Geographically weighted regression was used to explore the spatial variability of relationships between short birth interval and selected predictors.


Statistically significant hot spots of short birth interval were found in Somali Region, Oromia Region, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region and some parts of Afar Region. Women with no education or with primary education, having a husband with higher education (above secondary education), and coming from a household with a poorer wealth quintile or middle wealth quintile were predictors of the spatial variation of short birth interval. The predictive strength of these factors varied across the study area. The geographically weighted regression model explained about 64% of the variation in short birth interval occurrence.


Residing in a geographic area where a high proportion of women had either no education or only primary education, had a husband with higher education, or were from a household in the poorer or middle wealth quintile increased the risk of experiencing short birth interval. Our detailed maps of short birth interval hot spots and its predictors will assist decision makers in implementing precision public health.


A birth interval is defined as the length of time between two successive live births to the same mother [1, 2]. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a birth-to-pregnancy interval of at least 24 months, which is equivalent to a 33-month birth-to-birth interval, to reduce the risk of adverse maternal and child health outcomes [3].

A short birth interval is associated with a higher risk of maternal morbidities, including miscarriage, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, and premature rupture of membranes [4, 5]. It is also associated with an increased risk of small size for gestational age [6], low birth weight [68], preterm birth [6, 7], congenital anomalies [9, 10], autism [11] and infant mortality [6, 12].

Birth interval practices vary widely around the world [13]. A study conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) identified statistically significant spatial variation in short birth interval among women across provinces [14]. The prevalence of short birth interval among regions of Ethiopia ranges from 10.6% in Amhara Region to 45.9% in Somali Region [15]. Moreover, despite the increasing trend in contraceptive utilization in Ethiopia, from 5.9% in 2000 to 14.0% in 2005, 27.0% in 2011 and 35.0% in 2016, the prevalence of short birth interval has remained unchanged, 19.7% in 2000, 21.4% in 2005, 20.5% in 2011 and 21.7% in 2016 [1518].

To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has assessed spatial variation in short birth interval, or predictors of such spatial variation among women in Ethiopia. This implies that the ‘where’ aspect of short birth interval has been inadvertently missed, leading to a significant evidence lacuna. Failure to consider geographic variation in short birth interval, whether it is random, dispersed, or clustered, may result in socioeconomic inequity in public health resource allocation and policy design. Since birth intervals are amenable to policy intervention [19], it is valuable to identify high-risk geographic areas for targeted intervention development.

Empirical evidence has documented several risk factors of short birth intervals. These include young maternal age [2022], maternal education [2, 21, 2325], household wealth status [23, 26], rural place of residence [24, 26], having fewer than 4 children [25, 27], preceding child being female [22, 23, 25, 27], death of preceding child [27, 28], duration of breastfeeding of less than 24 months [23, 25], and non-use of modern contraceptives [2327]. Nevertheless, predictors of spatial variation of short birth interval have not been well understood in Ethiopia.

National policies regarding birth control that aim to increase contraceptive uptake (from 42% to 55%) and reduce the total fertility rate (from 4.1 to 3) by the end of 2020 [29], both of which affect birth interval duration, may not impact all regions equally. Regional-level estimates in short birth interval are needed to inform policy makers about populations where the burden is high. A precision public health approach can help identify vulnerable pockets of the population that most require increased efforts to prevent short birth interval [30, 31].

The current study aimed to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia. The findings of this study will help policy makers, program planners, and other stakeholders in guiding health investment, and prioritize prevention and intervention programs. In addition, mapping short birth interval hot spots will provide a deeper understanding of the impact of past intervention strategies, including family planning services in each region of the country.


Study setting and design

The study was conducted in Ethiopia, which is located in the Horn of Africa (30–150 N latitude and 330–480 E longitude) [15]. The country occupies an area of 1.1 million square kilometres with an altitude that ranges from the highest peak at Ras Dashen (4,620 metres above sea level) down to the Dallol Depression, about 148 metres below sea level [32, 33]. Administratively, Ethiopia is divided into nine regions and two administrative cities [15].

This analysis was based on the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) data. The EDHS sample was derived using a stratified, two-stage cluster design where Enumeration Areas (EAs) were the sampling units for the first stage and households for the second stage. The detailed methodologies of the surveys are presented in the full EDHS report [15]. The current study included 8,448 women from 620 clusters, who had reported at least two live births during the five years preceding the 2016 survey. Women who had never been married (n = 12) were not included in the study since women who have multiple births out of wedlock are unlikely to plan their births in the same way as married women. When women had more than two births in the five years preceding the survey, birth interval of their most recent two births (i.e., the birth interval between the index child and the immediately preceding child) was uniformly considered for all the study participants.

Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers were used to collect the location data (geographic coordinates) of each survey cluster. The GPS reading was made at the centre of each cluster. The GPS data collectors ensured the centre was relatively open, away from tall buildings, and out from under tree canopy in order to receive adequate satellite signal strength. To maintain respondents’ confidentiality, GPS latitude/longitude positions for all survey clusters were randomly displaced. The maximum displacement for urban clusters was two kilometres (km) and five km for 99% of rural clusters. The remaining 1% of the rural clusters were displaced a maximum of 10 km. The displacement was restricted to the country’s second administrative level (DHS survey region) so that the points stay within the country [34]. In addition, the administrative polygons of Ethiopia, which were obtained from the Natural Earth [35] has been used to develop the map of hot and/or cold spots of short birth interval. The country’s administrative polygons reflect administrative boundaries, such as regions, zones, and districts of Ethiopia.

Study variables

The outcome variable, short birth interval, was defined as an interval of less than 33 months between two successive live births [3]. Women’s birth interval data were collected through reviewing the date of birth of their biological children from children’s birth /immunization certificate and/or asking information regarding their children’s date of birth from the women. Birth interval data of women for all their children born live irrespective of their survival status at the time of the interview were collected. For children who had birth certificates, their mothers were asked to confirm the accuracy of the information prior to documenting children’s date of birth. This was done to avoid errors because in some cases the information on the document may be the date when the birth was recorded and not the date when the child was born. When children did not have a birth certificate, information regarding their date of birth were obtained from their mothers. Then, the length of birth interval was computed in months and the data were accessible for further analysis in this form. Further explanation about how birth interval data were collected can be found in the Demographic and Health Survey Interviewer’s Manual [36].

The candidate explanatory variables included in the Exploratory Regression of the current study are presented online (see S1 Table). These were maternal age at first marriage, maternal age at birth of the preceding child, polygyny status, maternal education level, husband’s/partner’s education level, maternal occupation, husband’s/partner’s occupation, wealth quintile, sex of the preceding child, survival status of the preceding child, total number of children born before the index child, exposure to mass media, and perceived distance to the health facility. Variables were selected based on reviewed literature [2, 14, 2028]. An Exploratory Regression tool, discussed below under the spatial regression analysis section, was used to identify properly specified Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models.

Data management and analysis

Descriptive analyses were performed using Stata version 14 statistical software (StataCorp. Stata Statistical Software: Release 14. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP. 2015). The spatial analysis was performed using ArcGIS 10.3.1(ESRI. ArcGIS Desktop: Release 10. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute. 2011). Before performing spatial analysis, the weighted proportion (using sample weight) of short birth interval and candidate explanatory variables (see S1 Table) data were exported to ArcGIS. A detailed explanation of the weighting procedure can be found elsewhere [15].

Descriptive analysis

Participant characteristics were described using frequency with percent. Pearson’s chi-squared tests were used to assess differences in short birth interval frequencies between place (urban/rural) and regions of residence.

Spatial analysis

The global Moran’s I statistic was computed to test for the presence of spatial autocorrelation. This statistic indicates whether the pattern of short birth interval in the study area is clustered, dispersed, or random. When the z-score or p-value indicates statistical significance, a positive Moran’s I index value indicates a tendency toward clustering while a negative Moran’s I index value indicates a tendency toward dispersion. Based on this, a decision was made about whether to reject the null hypothesis that short birth intervals are randomly distributed across the study area [37].

The Getis-Ord General G statistic was used to measure the degree of clustering, which may be high or low. The higher (or lower) the z-score, the stronger the intensity of the clustering. A z-score near zero indicates no apparent clustering within the study area. A positive z-score indicates clustering of high values and a negative z-score indicates clustering of low values [38].

Subsequently, Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation was assessed to calculate an appropriate distance threshold for identifying spatial processes that promote clustering [39]. Hot spot analysis using local Getis-Ord Gi* statistics [40] was used to depict short birth interval variation in the study area. This statistic produces a hot and/or cold spot map using short birth interval rate as the input. It compares the local mean rate (the rates for a cluster and its nearest neighboring clusters) to the global mean rate (the rates for all clusters). A z-score and p-value are produced for each cluster, allowing assessment of the significance of differences between local and global means. A high positive z-score and a small p-value for a feature (cluster in this case) indicate a spatial clustering of high values (a hot spot). A low negative z-score and a small p-value indicate a spatial clustering of low values (a cold spot). A z-score near zero indicates no apparent spatial clustering [4043]. Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is given as [42]:


where xj is the attribute value for feature (cluster in the current study) j, wi,j is the spatial weight between feature i and j, n is equal to the total number of features and


When estimating local Getis-Ord Gi* statistics, a False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction method was applied to account for multiple, dependent tests [4446]. This helps to identify true clusters by estimating the number of false positives for a given confidence level and adjusting the critical p-value accordingly. Thus, statistically significant p-values are ranked from smallest (strongest) to largest (weakest), and based on the false positive estimate, the weakest are removed from the list [44, 46]. The importance of considering the FDR correction method in DHS data has been documented elsewhere [45]. The Ethiopian Polyconic Projected Coordinate System, based on the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) coordinate reference system (CRS), was used to produce a flattened map of the country.

Spatial regression

Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression

After identifying short birth interval hot spots, spatial regression modeling was performed to identify predictors of the observed spatial patterns of short birth interval. Findings from ordinary least squares (OLS) regression are only reliable if the regression model satisfies all of the assumptions that are required by this method [47]. The coefficients of explanatory variables in a properly specified OLS model should be statistically significant and have either a positive or negative sign. In addition, there should not be redundancy among explanatory variables (free from multicollinearity). The model should be unbiased (heteroscedasticity or non-stationarity). The residuals should be normally distributed and revealed no spatial patterns. The model should include key explanatory variables. The residuals must be free from spatial autocorrelation [4749]. The OLS regression equation [50] is given as:


where i = 1,2,…n; β0, β1, β2, …βp are the model parameters, yi is the outcome variable for observation i, xik are explanatory variables and ε1, ε2, … εn are the error term/residuals with zero mean and homogenous variance σ2.

To identify a model that fulfills the assumption of the OLS method, Exploratory Regression, a data-mining tool, was used. Similar to Stepwise Regression, Exploratory Regression identifies models with high Adjusted R2 values. Moreover, unlike Stepwise Regression, Exploratory Regression identifies models that meet all of the assumptions of the OLS method [47, 51, 52]. The model was validated using internal cross-validation. Cross-validation provides an idea of how well a model built in the training dataset predicts unknown values in a validation dataset. For a model that provides accurate predictions, the mean error should be close to 0, the root-mean-square error and average standard error should be as small as possible (this is useful when comparing models), and the root-mean-squared standardized error (RMSE) should be close to 1 [53]. The model in the current study fulfilled the above statistical requirements.

Geographically weighted regression (GWR)

A variable that is a strong predictor in one cluster may not necessarily be a strong predictor in another cluster. This type of cluster variation (non-stationarity) can be identified through the use of GWR. In this context, GWR can help to answer the question: “Does the association vary across space?” Unlike OLS that fits a single linear regression equation to all of the data in the study area, GWR creates an equation for each DHS cluster. While the equation in OLS is calibrated using data from all features (cluster in this case), GWR uses data from nearby features. Thus, the GWR coefficient takes different values for each cluster [54, 55]. Maps of the coefficients associated with each explanatory variable, which are produced using the GWR, provide guidelines for targeted interventions. The GWR model [56] can be written as:


where yi are observations of response y, (uivi) are geographical points (longitude, latitude), βk(uivi) (k = 0, 1, … p,) are p unknown functions of geographic locations (uivi), xik are explanatory variables at location (uivi), i = 1,2,…n and εi are error terms/residuals with zero mean and homogenous variance σ2. Fig 1 presents a summary of the model’s framework.

Fig 1. Summary of models framework.

Fig 1

OLS = Ordinary Least Squares; GWR = Geographically Weighted Regression.

Ethical statement

Ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee (H-2018-0332), The University of Newcastle. The 2016 EDHS was approved by the National Research Ethics Review Committee of Ethiopia (NRERC) and ICF Macro International. Permission from The DHS Program was obtained to access the datasets.


Table 1 presents the weighted proportion of short birth interval based on place of residence and regions. Among women who experienced short birth interval, 94.0% resided in a rural part of the country. Similarly, the majority of women with short birth interval lived in Oromia Region (50.9%) and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR; 21.5%; Table 1). The overall prevalence of short birth interval in Ethiopia was 45.8% (95% CI: 42.91–48.62).

Table 1. Weighted proportion of short birth interval by place of residence and regions, EDHS 2016.

Variables Weighted proportion P-value
Non-short birth interval Short birth interval
N (%) N (%)
Place of residence
 Urban 818 (11.3) 468 (6.0) <0.001
 Rural 3443 (88.7) 3719 (94.0)
 Tigray 525 (7.5) 263 (4.3) <0.001
 Afar 294 (0.7) 534 (1.4)
 Amhara 578 (25.2) 222(11.1)
 Oromia 641(39.6) 666 (50.9)
 Somali 343 (2.4) 940 (8.0)
 Benishangul-Gumuz 363 (1.0) 372 (1.2)
 SNNPR* 566 (20.7) 478 (21.5)
 Gambella 338 (0.3) 219 (0.2)
 Harari 231(0.2) 225 (0.2)
 Addis Ababa 188 (2.1) 64 (0.8)
 Dire Dawa 194 (0.3) 204 (0.4)

*SNNPR = Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region, EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Statistically significant hot spots

Fig 2 shows the spatial variation of short birth interval in Ethiopia. There was statistically significant (Global Moran’s I = 0.260590, p-value <0.001) clustering of short birth interval in the study area. The Getis-Ord General G statistic revealed the presence of high clustering (z-score = 4.328, p-value<0.001). The average distance at which a feature (cluster in this case) has at least one neighbour was 18 kilometres (km). The maximum distance at which clustering of short birth interval rate peaked was at 122 km. Statistically significant hot spots of short birth interval were observed in eastern Ethiopia (Somali Region and a few parts of Afar Region), northern Ethiopia (some parts of Oromia Region), and northwestern Ethiopia (some parts of SNNPR). On the other hand, statistically significant cold spots of short birth interval were found in Tigray Region, Amhara Region, Addis Ababa, Benishangul-Gumuz, western Oromia and some parts of Afar Region (Fig 2).

Fig 2. Hot spots of short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Fig 2

SNNPR = Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s region; EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Factors affecting the spatial variation of short birth interval

Table 2 illustrates the results from an OLS model of short birth interval. This model explained about 57.0% of the variation in short birth interval (Adjusted R2 = 0.57) and met all requirements of the OLS method [47, 51, 52]. While the Joint Wald Statistic indicated the overall model significance (p < 0.01), the robust probabilities showed coefficient significance (p < 0.01) for the explanatory variables. There was no problem of redundancy (multicollinearity) among explanatory variables as evidenced by the low variance inflation factor values (VIF, which was < 7.5). The Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran’s I) test revealed that residuals were not spatially autocorrelated (p > 0.1). The Jarque-Bera statistic was non-significant (p > 0.10) indicating that the model residuals were normally distributed (Table 2). Predictors of short birth interval hot spots were women with no education or with primary education, having a husband with higher education, and coming from a poorer or middle wealth quintile.

Table 2. Summary of OLS results for short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Variable Coefficient Standard error t-statistics Probability Robust std-error Robust t-statistic Robust probability VIF
Intercept 0.01 0.01 1.55 0.121 0.01 2.95 <0.01 ----------
Women with no education 0.50 0.02 24.87 <0.01 0.01 31.98 <0.01 1.34
Women with primary education 0.47 0.04 11.42 <0.01 0.05 9.11 <0.01 1.21
Husbands with a higher education 0.33 0.03 9.98 <0.01 0.04 7.43 <0.01 1.07
Poorer wealth index 0.30 0.05 5.61 <0.01 0.07 4.18 <0.01 1.46
Middle wealth index -0.48 0.05 -9.41 <0.01 0.06 -7.88 <0.01 1.43
OLS Diagnostics
Number of observation: 620 Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc): -445.28
Multiple R-squared: 0.57 Adjusted R-Squared: 0.57
Joint F-Statistics: 163.45 Prob(> F), (5,616) degrees: <0.01
Joint Wald Statistic: 1646.99 Prob(> chi-squared), (5) degrees of freedom: <0.01
Koenker (BP) Statistics: 82.22 Prob(> chi-squared), (5) degrees of freedom: <0.01
Jarque-Bera Statistics: 0.63 Prob(> chi-squared), (2) degrees of freedom: 0.73

VIF = Variance Inflation Factor; EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Geographic weighted regression (GWR)

The OLS regression identified predictors of short birth interval hot spots. However, it is a global model that assumes the relationship between each explanatory variable and short birth interval is stationary across the study area [55]. Table 3 depicts the GWR model for short birth interval in the study area. GWR improves the model fit when the relationship between the predictors and short birth interval is non-stationary [55, 57]. For instance, the adjusted R2 value obtained from OLS increased from 0.57 (Table 2) to 0.64 using GWR (Table 3). In contrast to a higher corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion value (AICc, which was -445.28) obtained from the OLS model (Table 2), the model from GWR provided a smaller AICc (-537.00; Table 3). Comparing the GWR AICc value to the OLS AICc value is one way to assess the benefits of moving from a global model (OLS) to a local regression model (GWR). If the AICc values for two models (OLS and GWR) differ by more than 3, the model with the lower AICc is held to be better [58]. Overall, this study revealed that GWR analysis improved the model compared to the model estimated using OLS.

Table 3. Geographic weighted regression (GWR) model for the short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Explanatory variables Women with no education, women with primary education, husbands with higher education, poorer, and middle wealth quintiles
Residual squares 13.32
Effective number 54.68
Sigma 0.15
Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc) -537.00
Multiple R-Squared 0.67
Adjusted R-Squared 0.64

EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Figs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 demonstrate the geographic areas where the explanatory variables were strong and weak predictors of short birth interval. Not attending formal education by women, for instance, had a positive relationship with short birth interval. As the proportion of women who had not attended formal education increased, the occurrence of short birth interval in Somali Region and Dire Dawa increased. In Fig 3, the geographic area with red-colored clustered points indicates where the coefficient for the variable not attending formal education is largest. The larger the coefficient, the stronger the relationship [49]. Similarly, women with primary education was a strong predictor of short birth interval in the SNNPR and Somali Region. Fig 4 shows the coefficient of women who had attended primary education. Women having husbands who had attended higher education showed a strong and positive relationship with short birth interval in Gambella region and western Oromia Region. On the other hand, a weaker and positive relationship between husbands’ higher level of education and short birth interval was observed in the Tigray Region and parts of Amhara Region. Fig 5 shows the coefficients for husbands who had attended a higher-level education. Fig 6 demonstrates the coefficients for poorer wealth quintile, which was found to be a key explanatory variable for predicting spatial variation in short birth interval. This variable has a strong positive correlation with short birth interval in Oromia Region, Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Dire Dawa, Afar Region and most parts of Somali Region. In contrast, clusters with a larger proportion of households from the middle wealth quintile were associated with a reduced occurrence of short birth interval. Fig 7 presents a map of the coefficients for the middle wealth quintile, indicating that being from the middle wealth quintile household was a negative and strong predictor of short birth interval in Tigray Region, parts of Amhara Region, and a few parts of SNNPR. It suggests that as the proportion of households in the middle wealth quintile in particular geographic areas increased, the occurrence of short birth interval in that area decreased. Similarly, middle wealth quintile was a moderate and negative predictor of short birth interval in the majority of Amhara Region, Oromia Region, Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Gambella, Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, Afar, and a few parts of SNNPR, whereas it was a weak and negative predictor of short birth interval in most parts of Somali Region.

Fig 3. Women with no education GWR coefficients for predicting short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Fig 3

GWR = Geographically Weighted Regression; SNNPR = Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s region, EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Fig 4. Women with primary education GWR coefficients for predicting short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Fig 4

GWR = Geographically weighted Regression; SNNPR = Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s region, EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Fig 5. Husbands with a higher education level of GWR coefficients for predicting short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Fig 5

GWR = Geographically Weighted Regression; SNNPR = Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s region, EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Fig 6. Poorer wealth index GWR coefficients for predicting short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Fig 6

GWR = Geographically Weighted Regression; SNNPR = Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s region, EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Fig 7. Middle wealth index GWR coefficients for predicting short birth interval in Ethiopia, EDHS 2016.

Fig 7

GWR = Geographically Weighted Regression; SNNPR = Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s region, EDHS = Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.


This is the first study to demonstrate the geographic variation of short birth interval and its associated predictors in Ethiopia. Short birth interval hot spots were observed in eastern Ethiopia (Somali Region and limited parts of Afar Region), northern Ethiopia (some parts of Oromia Region), and northwestern Ethiopia (some parts of SNNPR). It was found that women who had no education or primary education, husbands with higher education, and being from a poorer or middle wealth quintile were predictors of short birth interval hot spots. The GWR coefficients of the two strong predictors of short birth interval across Ethiopia, for instance, range from 0.325643 to 0.727715 for women with no education and from 0.24926 to 1.114590 for women with primary education. The findings of the current study can be used to prioritize the expansion of family planning services to the most affected areas of Ethiopia.

The presence of statistically significant spatial variation in short birth interval across Ethiopian regions in our study is consistent with the finding of a study conducted in the DRC [14], which revealed the presence of statistically significant spatial variation of short birth interval across provinces. The observed geographic variation of short birth interval could be associated with a low level of modern contraceptive utilization in Afar Region and Somali Region, in addition to the predictors identified in the current study. This idea is supported by the findings of a previous study for cold spots (low proportion) of modern contraceptive utilization in these regions [59]. Additionally, the variation in short birth interval hot spots could be due to differences in demographic, cultural, and socioeconomic factors among regions. The majority of populations in Somali Region and Afar Region, for instance, are pastoralists, a lifestyle characterized by seasonal mobility [59]. People in these areas have limited access to health information and services. In addition to their mobility, pastoralist communities also live in very traditional settings and adhere strongly to cultural and religious values [60]. For instance, literature has documented that because of a fear of disapproval by community members due to cultural and religious norms, women in pastoralist areas were less likely to use modern contraceptives, which in turn affects birth interval duration [61, 62].

Not attending formal education by women had a strong positive relationship with hot spots of short birth interval in Somali Region and Dire Dawa. Similarly, women attending primary education only had a strong positive relationship with hot spots of short birth interval in SNNPR and Somali Region. Literature has also reported that the highest proportion of women with no education is in Somali Region (75.0%) and the lowest proportion is in Addis Ababa (9.0%) [15]. Education may influence birth interval by influencing women’s health-seeking behavior, including the use of family planning services. In addition, women with higher education are more likely to have a higher level of health awareness, greater knowledge of available health services, improved ability to afford the cost of medical health care, and greater autonomy in making health-related decisions, including choices in family planning [63, 64].

The current study identified a positive relationship between husbands having a higher level of education and cold spots of short birth interval in Tigray Region and Amhara Region. It is possible that husbands with higher education possess knowledge of family planning methods, might encourage their partner to seek family planning services, and support optimum birth interval practice, which might account for the low proportion of short birth interval (cold spots) in Tigray Region and Amhara Region. On the other hand, women whose husbands had attended a higher level of education had a positive relationship with the hot spots of short birth interval in Gambella Region and western Oromia Region. The possible reasons for the observed finding in Gambella Region could be due to the low contraceptive prevalence rate in the region [59]. Further in-depth qualitative study is required to understand the finding in the western Oromia Region.

There was a positive and strong correlation between poorer wealth index of the household in the cluster and hot spot of short birth interval in most of Oromia Region, Afar Region, and Somali Region. Lack of adequate wealth in a community is likely to be associated with poor access to health information, and low utilization of maternal health care. The existing literature shows clear connections between household- and community-level socioeconomic factors and maternal health care utilization [65]. In addition, evidence has reported that wealth-based inequalities in contraceptive, which is a method to control birth interval use, still prevail in Ethiopia despite efforts made to provide access to free contraception at all public health facilities [66].

It was found that as the proportion of households in the middle wealth quintile in geographic areas increased, the occurrence of short birth interval decreased. A household with a middle wealth quintile was a strong and negative predictor of short birth interval in Tigray Region, a few parts of Amhara Region and SNNPR. It is possible that women from middle wealth quintile households could relatively have better financial freedom to access and use family planning services and thus have optimum birth intervals. Evidence has also shown that disparities in access to family planning, knowledge of the services and direct contact with field workers are associated with the wealth gradient [67].

In this study, it was found that different predictors of short birth interval (women with no education or with primary education, having a husband with higher education, and coming from a household with a poorer wealth quintile or middle wealth quintile) act more/less strongly across regions. For instance, women not attending formal education or attending primary education only had a strong positive relationship with hot spots of short birth interval in Somali Region while they had a week positive association with short birth interval in Amhara and Tigray region. This might be related to variations in the availability and accessibility of different family planning services, socioeconomic and cultural variations across administrative regions of the country.

The findings of this study were not without limitations. The geographical coordinates of clusters were displaced by up to 2km in urban areas, 5km for most clusters in rural areas and 10km for 1% of clusters in rural areas to prevent identification of respondents or the community; this could affect estimated cluster effects in the spatial analysis. In addition, the EDHS did not collect data regarding the maternal previous history (before the index child) of multiple pregnancies, caesarean section, and comorbidities, which could be potential predictors for the spatial variation of short birth interval. Therefore, the interpretation or conclusion based on this study should consider these limitations. Despite the above limitation, the study has the following strengths. First, it used data from the most recent, nationally representative and largest sample of a population-based survey, which covers all regions and administrative cities of the country. In addition, it used a robust methodology to analyze the data closely to assess the non-stationary nature of predictors.


Overall, the study illustrated that there was a spatial variation of short birth interval among women in Ethiopia. Short birth interval hot spots were identified in Somali Region, Oromia Region, SNNPR and a few parts of Afar Region. Being a resident in a geographic area with a high proportion of women having no education or primary education, husbands who had attended higher education and households from a poorer or middle wealth quintile increased the risk of experiencing short birth interval.

National and regional decision makers should give priority to the identified hot spot clusters through further expansion of family planning services. The government should involve religious and community leaders in efforts to reduce the magnitude of short birth interval. Working with religious leaders has been shown to be one of the emerging effective strategies, and is associated with increasing modern family planning use [68, 69]. Likewise, community interventions targeting empowering women with education help reduce the magnitude of short birth interval. Inter-sectoral collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education is required to improve women’s literacy status. In addition, using mass media to disseminate consistent messages about the WHO recommended birth interval practice could help increase awareness of the community regarding the benefits of an optimal birth interval. Moreover, initiating community dialogue to create awareness about optimum birth interval is recommended. Integrating birth interval counseling, as per the WHO recommendation, with antenatal care, postnatal care, family planning, and immunization services should be supported. Further studies that assess cultural and social factors affecting the geographic variation of short birth interval is also vital.

Implications for program planners and policy practice

Our detailed maps of short birth interval hot spots and its predictors enable decision makers to exercise precision public health. For instance, the findings of this study can help policy makers and health programmers set national and regional targets to reduce the magnitude of short birth interval in a defined period. In addition, the current study identified target areas where resources should be directed to prevent short birth interval. Moreover, the evidence obtained from the current study can be used to monitor the impact of family planning programs across regions of the country. Another inference that can guide policy makers and program planners which emerged from this study is that the association between short birth interval hot spots and significant explanatory variables (women having no education or primary education, having husbands with a higher education, and being from a poorer or middle wealth quintile) varied across administrative regions of the country. Consequently, health policy and intervention directed towards reducing the burden of short birth interval should focus on the local association of the abovementioned predictors of short birth interval hot spots. Targeted interventions such as empowering women through education and improving household income are among the key strategies to promote optimum birth interval practice of the population.

Supporting information

S1 Table. Candidate explanatory variables used in the Exploratory Regression tool.



We are grateful to The DHS Program for allowing us to use the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) data for further analysis.

Data Availability

Data underlying the study was sourced from a third party. The data used in this study is available in The DHS Program database, which can be accessed with registration in (i.e., New User Registration platform). The authors confirm that they did not have any special access to this data which others would not have.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Charles A Ameh

12 Feb 2020


Application of Geographically Weighted Regression analysis to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

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Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors have done a commendable job analysis the spatial variability of predictors’ effects on short birth interval across Ethiopia.


Overall well-written abstract, however, I suggest including the meaning of “short” in “short birth interval” in the background/methods section


• Did any women have more than >2 births during the recall period? How were these dealt with in the analysis?

• Add description of how GPS data is collected in the DHS.

• Line 48: the definition of what varies?

• Line 103: because birth interval is the focus of this analysis, please give a short explanation of how birth interval data were collected in the manuscript, on top of directing readers to the DHS Interviewer’s Manual for further details.

• Line 118: I think the authors might be referring to sampling weights here, either way, please specify what weights were applied.

• Lines 168-169: Positive, instead of negative, statements should be easier to understand. Rephrase to something along the line of “The model should unbiased…. The residuals should normally distributed and present no spatial patterns.”


• Line 206: This statement may be misinterpreted, as majority of all births in Ethiopia are in rural areas. Either make this point clear, or present % of short birth intervals by place of residence.

• What is the Getis-Ord General G statistic found? What is the distance threshold used for hot-spot analysis?

• Lines 266-270: Why did the authors select the middle wealth quintile for comparison? The proportion of households in the middle wealth quintile of an EA can be higher (leading to a decreased occurrence of short birth interval, as shown here) either for EAs that are relatively poorer/wealthier. This makes the effect of socioeconomic status less apparent.


• First paragraph: I suggest adding the important finding of the variable strengths of the different predictors on short birth interval across Ethiopia.

• Second paragraph: Data on both religion and ethnicity can collected in the DHS. Why have they not been considered in the current analysis?

• Lines 309-317: And what is the authors’ interpretation of between higher husband education and hot spots of birth interval in Oromia Region, SNNPR and Somali Region?

• The discussion will benefit from the authors’ interpretation of the mechanisms through which different predictors act more/less strongly in different places in the country.

• In Ethiopia, increased uptake of contraceptives has not translated into reduced birth interval, which may indicate additional unmet need (for limiting and for spacing) among women who have given birth, perhaps due to lack of postpartum counselling or other reasons. The authors may want to comment on this in the current manuscript.

Reviewer #2: This is a very interesting and, overall, potentially useful piece of work from the health services planning perspective. I would recommend its publication should the authors clarify some questions. Briefly stated:

Major considerations

Despite the moderate coefficient of determination and the values of the statistics used to assess the goodness-of-fit of the different models, I wonder why the authors did not considered (factored in) the following covariates in the models given their likelihood of being associated with (explanatory o predictive variables) short-birth interval: previous 1) multiple pregnancies, 2) miscarriages, 3) c-sections, and 4) previous and current comorbidities. If some of them were associated, the models would incur in an important omitted variable bias, and reported coefficients and results could be biased. The authors must first account for this, and depending on the justification they must then explain in the Discussion the omission and its likely effects on the results.

Minor considerations

Lines 97-99. Women who had never been married were not included in the study, since women who have multiple births out of wedlock are unlikely to plan their births in the same way as married women.

What is the share of women who have never been married in Ethiopia and the different regions? How do women with multiple births out of wedlock plan their births? A substantial share could be biasing the results. This being the casa it should be addressed in the Discussion. Otherwise, it should be so stated.

Lines 79-80. Strictly speaking, the formulation of the objective of the study (The current study aimed to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia) should not include the methods used to accomplish it (by using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) analysis.).


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Kerry LM Wong

Reviewer #2: No

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PLoS One. 2020 May 29;15(5):e0233790. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233790.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

10 Mar 2020

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The above-mentioned two sources have been acknowledged in all figures (Figure 2-7). Furthermore, the source of the map has been mentioned in the method section of this revised version of the manuscript as follows (line 109-112).

‘In addition, the administrative polygons of Ethiopia, which were obtained from the Natural Earth [35] has been used to develop the map of hot and/or cold spots of short birth interval. The country’s administrative polygons reflect administrative boundaries, such as regions, zones, and districts of Ethiopia.’

Reviewer #1: The authors have done a commendable job analysis the spatial variability of predictors’ effects on short birth interval across Ethiopia.

Response: Thank you.

Reviewer #1: Abstract

Overall well-written abstract, however, I suggest including the meaning of “short” in “short birth interval” in the background/methods section

Response: We have now incorporated the meaning of ‘short’ in “short birth interval” in the background section of the abstract (line 18-19).

Reviewer #1: Did any women have more than >2 births during the recall period? How were these dealt with in the analysis?

Response: When women had more than two births within the five years preceding the survey, birth interval of the most recent births were considered in this current study. The 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey report that has been released to the public also followed this approach.

In this revised version of the manuscript, we have included a statement describing the inclusion of the most recent birth in the method section of this revised version of the manuscript as follow (line 98-100):

‘When women had more than two births in the five years preceding the survey, birth interval of the most recent two births was considered in this current study.’

Reviewer #1: Add description of how GPS data is collected in the DHS.

Response: We have incorporated information regarding GPS data collection accordingly (line 101-109):

‘Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers were used to collect the location data (geographic coordinates) of each survey cluster. The GPS reading was made at the centre of each cluster. The GPS data collectors ensured the centre was relatively open, away from tall buildings, and out from under tree canopy in order to receive adequate satellite signal strength. To maintain respondents’ confidentiality, GPS latitude/longitude positions for all survey clusters were randomly displaced. The maximum displacement for urban clusters was two kilometres (km) and five km for 99% of rural clusters. The remaining 1% of the rural clusters were displaced a maximum of 10 km. The displacement was restricted to the country's second administrative level (DHS survey region) so that the points stay within the country [34].’

Reviewer #1: Line 48: the definition of what varies?

Response: The sentence has been rewritten as follow (line 49):

‘A short birth interval is associated with a higher risk of maternal morbidities, including miscarriage, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, and premature rupture of membranes (4, 5).’

Reviewer #1: Line 103: because birth interval is the focus of this analysis, please give a short explanation of how birth interval data were collected in the manuscript, on top of directing readers to the DHS Interviewer’s Manual for further details.

Response: We have incorporated information regarding how birth interval data were collected (line 115-125).

‘Women’s birth interval data were collected through reviewing the date of birth of their biological children from children’s birth /immunization certificate and/or asking information regarding their children’s date of birth from the women. Birth interval data of women for all their children born live irrespective of their survival status at the time of the interview were collected. For children who had birth certificates, their mothers were asked to confirm the accuracy of the information prior to documenting children’s date of birth. This was done to avoid errors because in some cases the information on the document may be the date when the birth was recorded and not the date when the child was born. When children did not have a birth certificate, information regarding their date of birth were obtained from their mothers. Then, the length of birth interval was computed in months and the data were accessible for further analysis in this form.’

Reviewer #1: Line 118: I think the authors might be referring to sampling weights here, either way, please specify what weights were applied.

Response: We have now specified the type of weight used as follows (line 141).

‘Before performing spatial analysis, the weighted proportion (using sample weight) of short birth interval and candidate explanatory variables (see supplementary Table 1) data were exported to ArcGIS.’

Reviewer #1: Lines 168-169: Positive, instead of negative, statements should be easier to understand. Rephrase to something along the line of “The model should unbiased…. The residuals should normally distributed and present no spatial patterns.”

Response: The comment is accepted and we have corrected the statement accordingly (line 192).

‘The model should be unbiased (heteroscedasticity or non-stationarity). The residuals should be normally distributed and revealed no spatial patterns.’

Reviewer #1: Line 206: This statement may be misinterpreted, as majority of all births in Ethiopia are in rural areas. Either make this point clear, or present % of short birth intervals by place of residence.

Response: We are afraid that the statement was not misinterpreted (line 229). We had already computed the column percentage and presented the percentage of short birth interval by place of residence in the previous version of the manuscript. The finding of the study showed that the majority (94.0%) of women with short birth interval in Ethiopia resided in rural areas. Would you please see the statement again?

‘Among women who experienced short birth interval, 94.0% resided in a rural part of the country.’

For further information, please refer to Table 1.

Reviewer #1: What is the Getis-Ord General G statistic found? What is the distance threshold used for hot-spot analysis?

Response: We have included the finding of Getis-Ord General G test and the distance threshold used for hot-spot analysis as follow (line 236-239):

‘The Getis-Ord General G statistic revealed the presence of high clustering (z-score=4.328, p-value<0.001). The average distance at which a feature (cluster in this case) has at least one neighbour was 18 km. The maximum distance at which clustering of short birth interval rate peaked was at 122 km.’

Reviewer #1: Lines 266-270: Why did the authors select the middle wealth quintile for comparison? The proportion of households in the middle wealth quintile of an EA can be higher (leading to a decreased occurrence of short birth interval, as shown here) either for EAs that are relatively poorer/wealthier. This makes the effect of socioeconomic status less apparent.

Response: At the variable selection phase of our analysis (using Exploratory Regression tool), it was only the middle wealth quintile that fulfilled the assumption of the ordinary least squares (OLS) (line 188-192). That is why it was included in the model. As it is described in the method section (line 127-132), each wealth quintile was among the candidate explanatory variables that were considered in the Exploratory Regression of the current study (also see S1 Table).

Reviewer #1: First paragraph: I suggest adding the important finding of the variable strengths of the different predictors on short birth interval across Ethiopia.

Second paragraph: Data on both religion and ethnicity can collected in the DHS. Why have they not been considered in the current analysis?

Response: We accept the comment and have incorporated those findings accordingly (line 305-308):

‘The GWR coefficients of the two strong predictors of short birth interval across Ethiopia, for instance, range from 0.325643 to 0.727715 for women with no education and from 0.24926 to 1.114590 for women with primary education.’

Yes, data on both religion and ethnicity were collected in the DHS. However, in our study, the variables did not satisfy the criteria of properly specified Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models in the Exploratory Regression tool (line 188-194). On the other hand, those predictors identified in the current study [i.e., women’s education, husband’s education, and wealth quintile] were the ones with the highest adjusted R2 (adjusted R2=0.64) and met all the requirement of OLS. A search of peer-reviewed articles and grey literature showed a dearth of information on the association between ethnicity and birth interval experience in Ethiopia. The authors have also recommended (line 404-405) for further studies that assess the cultural factors affecting the geographic variation of short birth interval.

Reviewer #1: Lines 309-317: And what is the authors’ interpretation of between higher husband education and hot spots of birth interval in Oromia Region, SNNPR and Somali Region?


We have refined our previous justification and incorporated the additional reasons for the observed finding as follows (line 337-346).

‘It is possible that husbands with higher education possess knowledge of family planning methods, might encourage their partner to seek family planning services, and support optimum birth interval practice, which might account for the low proportion of short birth interval (cold spots) in Tigray Region and Amhara Region. On the other hand, women whose husbands had attended a higher level of education had a positive relationship with the hot spots of short birth interval in Gambella Region and western Oromia Region. The possible reasons for the observed finding in Gambella Region could be due to the low contraceptive prevalence rate in the region [58]. Further in-depth qualitative study is required to understand the finding in the western Oromia Region.’

Reviewer #1: The discussion will benefit from the authors’ interpretation of the mechanisms through which different predictors act more/less strongly in different places in the country.

Response: We agree with the reviewer. In addition to the implication of each finding of the current study discussion for each predictor of short birth interval, we have added the following statement (line 364-372):

‘In this study, it was found that different predictors of short birth interval (women with no education or with primary education, having a husband with higher education, and coming from a household with a poorer wealth quintile or middle wealth quintile) act more/less strongly across regions. For instance, women not attending formal education or attending primary education only had a strong positive relationship with hot spots of short birth interval in Somali Region while they had a week positive association with short birth interval in Amhara and Tigray region. This might be related to variations in the availability and accessibility of different family planning services and cultural variation across administrative regions of the country.’

Reviewer #1: In Ethiopia, increased uptake of contraceptives has not translated into reduced birth interval, which may indicate additional unmet need (for limiting and for spacing) among women who have given birth, perhaps due to lack of postpartum counselling or other reasons. The authors may want to comment on this in the current manuscript.


The information that shows the increase in uptake of contraceptives in Ethiopia over time but the unchanged birth interval has been obtained from previous literature (line 56-59; under the introduction section).

‘Moreover, despite the increasing trend in contraceptive utilization in Ethiopia, from 5.9% in 2000 to 14.0% in 2005, 27.0% in 2011 and 35.0% in 2016, the prevalence of short birth interval has remained unchanged, 19.7% in 2000, 21.4% in 2005, 20.5% in 2011 and 21.7% in 2016 [15-18].’

There could be individual-, household- and community-level factors that are responsible for the above-mentioned findings. Since the objective of the current study was to assess the predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia, and it is beyond the scope of the current study to comment on that.

Literature has also shown that modern contraceptives are effective at preventing conception; what is not understood is why, in practice, their use may not always result in longer birth intervals or preventing short birth interval (Yeakey MP, et al., 2009. How Contraceptive Use Affects Birth Intervals: Results of a Literature Review. Family Planning; 40(3): 205–214). Even though women who use contraceptives increase over time unless they took the contraception to achieve an optimum birth interval (as per the WHO recommendation) the magnitude of short birth interval may not be reduced. It could also be associated with improper contraceptive use, which may end up with unintended/unplanned pregnancy and as a result a short birth interval.

Generally, the issue of why the increase in trend of contraception use over time in Ethiopia did not result in reducing the magnitude of short birth interval (described in the introduction section; line 56-59) is complex and beyond the scope of the current study. The authors believe that it requires further studies (it could be trend analysis and assessing its associated factors) to comment on the underlying factors responsible for the observed findings.

We also would like to thank you for raising this issue and will consider it for further study in the future.

Reviewer #2: Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Response of reviewer #2: Partly

Response: For further clarification, the conclusion has been rewritten as follow (line 386-387):

‘Overall, the study illustrated that there was a spatial variation of short birth interval among women in Ethiopia. Short birth interval hot spots were identified in Somali Region, Oromia Region, SNNPR and a few parts of Afar Region. Being a resident in a geographic area with a high proportion of women having no education or primary education, husbands who had attended higher education and households from a poorer or middle wealth quintile increased the risk of experiencing short birth interval.’

Reviewer #2: This is a very interesting and, overall, potentially useful piece of work from the health services planning perspective. I would recommend its publication should the authors clarify some questions. Briefly stated

Response: Thank you.

Reviewer #2: Major considerations

Despite the moderate coefficient of determination and the values of the statistics used to assess the goodness-of-fit of the different models, I wonder why the authors did not considered (factored in) the following covariates in the models given their likelihood of being associated with (explanatory o predictive variables) short-birth interval: previous 1) multiple pregnancies, 2) miscarriages, 3) c-sections, and 4) previous and current comorbidities. If some of them were associated, the models would incur in an important omitted variable bias, and reported coefficients and results could be biased. The authors must first account for this, and depending on the justification they must then explain in the Discussion the omission and its likely effects on the results.

Response: We appreciate your observation. In order to consider these particular variables (i.e., previous history of multiple pregnancies, miscarriages, cesarean section, and previous and current comorbidities) as potential factors, data regarding the presence/absence of the aforementioned events before the birth of the index child should be collected. However, these variables were not collected in the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey. In this revised version of the manuscript, the implication of not including some of these variables has been included.

The authors, however, believe that it would not be relevant to consider the history of abortion as one of the potential predictors. Because the most recent WHO recommendation for a healthy pregnancy interval after abortion is six months (World Health Organization. Report of a WHO Technical Consultation on Birth Spacing. Geneva, Switzerland. 13-15 June 2005.), which could fall under short birth interval category while it is not in reality. Therefore, considering this variable as one of the potential factors could be misleading.

Regarding comorbidities, it would have been good to include the comorbidity status of women at/after the birth of the preceding child (not at the birth of the index child) as a predictor. Nevertheless, the data were not available in the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey. As a result, it was not included in the analysis.

To acknowledge some of the above limitations of our study, the following statement has been included in this revised version of the manuscript (line 376-380):

‘In addition, the EDHS did not collect data regarding the maternal previous history (i.e., before the index child) of multiple pregnancies, caesarean section, and comorbidities, which could be potential predictors for the spatial variation of short birth interval. Therefore, the interpretation or conclusion based on this study should consider these limitations.’

Reviewer #2: Minor considerations

Lines 97-99. Women who had never been married were not included in the study, since women who have multiple births out of wedlock are unlikely to plan their births in the same way as married women.

What is the share of women who have never been married in Ethiopia and the different regions? How do women with multiple births out of wedlock plan their births? A substantial share could be biasing the results. This being the casa it should be addressed in the Discussion. Otherwise, it should be so stated.

Response: First of all, the total number of women who had never been married but eligible to provide birth interval data was small (n=12; 1.4%). With regard to their sample size, excluding these women is less likely to bias the findings of the study.

Second, literature has shown that marital status of women had a contribution to the differences in the prevalence of postpartum family planning use among women (Gebremedhin AY. et al. Family planning use and its associated factors among women in the extended postpartum period in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine (2018) 3:1). The study performed by Gebremedhin AY. et al., 2018 also pointed out that the difference in postpartum family planning use among married and not married women could be associated with their difference in risk perception related to unwanted or mistimed pregnancy, which is expected to be high among married women than none married ones.

Finally, having multiple children out of wedlock in a culturally conservative society, like Ethiopia, is not common. Though it requires peer-reviewed evidence, the primary author knows the study area very well and understand the relationship between marital status and birth interval issue in the country.

For further clarity, the number of women who had never been married and excluded from the analysis (n=12) was specified in the method section of this revised version of the manuscript (line 96).

Reviewer #2: Minor considerations

Lines 79-80. Strictly speaking, the formulation of the objective of the study (The current study aimed to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia) should not include the methods used to accomplish it (by using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) analysis.).

Response: We agree with the reviewer and have deleted the statement that specifies the methods used to accomplish the objective. It is rewritten as follows (line 79):

‘The current study aimed to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia.’


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Charles A Ameh

24 Apr 2020


Application of Geographically Weighted Regression analysis to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia


Dear Mr. Shifti,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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Kind regards,

Charles A. Ameh, PhD, MPH, FWACS (OBGYN), FRCOG

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (if provided):

Thanks for a comprehensive and satisfactory response to most of the reviewers comments. One questions is still unresolved: How did you deal with the analysis of women with more than 2 births during the recall period?

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PLoS One. 2020 May 29;15(5):e0233790. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233790.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

11 May 2020

Thanks for the constructive feedback. When women had more than 2 births during the recall period (i.e., five years preceding the survey), birth interval of their most recent two births, which is birth interval between the index child and the immediately preceding child of women was uniformly considered for all the study participants. The 2016 Ethiopia DHS in its report released to the public also considered birth interval information from women’s most recent two births (i.e., the birth interval between the index child and the immediately preceding child) (Central Statistical Agency (CSA) [Ethiopia] and ICF. Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2016. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: CSA and ICF. 2016.). In this revised version of the manuscript (line 98-101), the inclusion of women’s birth interval from their most recent two births is described as follow:

‘When women had more than two births in the five years preceding the survey, birth interval of their most recent two births (i.e., the birth interval between the index child and the immediately preceding child) was uniformly considered for all the study participants.’

All figures are uploaded to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool,


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 2

Charles A Ameh

13 May 2020

Application of Geographically Weighted Regression analysis to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia


Dear Dr. Shifti,

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With kind regards,

Charles A. Ameh, PhD, MPH, FWACS (OBGYN), FRCOG

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

All comments have been satisfactorily addressed. Congratulations

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Charles A Ameh

20 May 2020


Application of Geographically Weighted Regression analysis to assess predictors of short birth interval hot spots in Ethiopia

Dear Dr. Shifti:

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Academic Editor


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    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Table. Candidate explanatory variables used in the Exploratory Regression tool.



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    Data underlying the study was sourced from a third party. The data used in this study is available in The DHS Program database, which can be accessed with registration in (i.e., New User Registration platform). The authors confirm that they did not have any special access to this data which others would not have.

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