As the global pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) continues, nuances of the disease it precipitates in humans continue to emerge. After early reports of presentation with gastrointestinal-type symptoms in China1 and Italy,2 a group from Wuhan reported a series of 9 patients with purported pancreatic injury in the context of SARS-CoV2 infection3 but did not provide robust evidence for pancreatitis. relying on mild hyperamylasemia alone. Current international consensus for a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis requires 2 of the following 3 features: abdominal pain consistent with pancreatitis, serum amylase/lipase greater than 3 times the upper limit of normal, and characteristic findings on cross-sectional imaging.4 Simply put, there are too many causes for hyperamylasemia in the context of systemic illness, with or without SARS-CoV2, for its use in isolation as a marker of pancreatic injury. Nonetheless, we report here 5 cases of atypical but proven acute pancreatitis in the context of SARS-CoV2 infection.
This review was registered with the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust audit department (ID TA0002744). Cases were identified by searching admission diagnoses (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision code K85) or radiology requests and reports for “acute pancreatitis.”
SARS-CoV2 was diagnosed when either swabs were positive on rapid polymerase chain reaction (VIASURE, Certest Biotec, Spain) or patients had radiologic evidence of SARS-CoV2 infection (Supplementary Figure 1). Cases with pre-existing pancreatic pathology or where the etiology was clearly non–SARS-CoV2 related were excluded.
Data extracted from patient and radiology records were used to calculate clinical scores and hepatic steatosis estimates by analysis of contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) images as previously described.5 Imaging findings were re-reported by an expert pancreatic radiologist.
Between March 14, 2020 and April 30, 2020, 35 patients with acute pancreatitis were assessed at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital. Twenty-five patients were negative for SARS-CoV2 and were excluded. Of the remaining 10 patients who were deemed positive for SARS-CoV2, a further 5 were excluded because they presented with a clearly defined etiology (eg, choledocholithiasis). The remaining 5 patients, all with SARS-CoV2, presented atypically yet homogenously with a distinct metabolic-pancreatitis phenotype. These 5 patients form the cohort subsequently discussed (Supplementary Figure 1).
All 5 patients (Table 1 ) were young adult men (median age, 42 years; interquartile range [IQR], 15) who were either overweight or obese (median body mass index, 30 kg/m2; IQR, 6.7). Serum amylase was elevated but nondiagnostic in all patients (median, 149 U/L; IQR, 238), and abdominal CECT was used to confirm the diagnosis. Patients had no sonographic evidence of gallstones on this admission. No patient had known cardiovascular disease. On admission patients had evidence of metabolic distress; median levels of triglycerides and glucose were 2.7 mmol/L (IQR, 18.2) and 10 mmol/L (IQR, 8.6), respectively. One patient had sustained ethanol use without hypertriglyceridemia or hyperglycemia but importantly had no prior pancreas symptoms. One patient had a long-term medication history (atorvastatin and sertraline), again without prior pancreatitis symptoms. However, in all patients CECT showed transient moderate to severe hepatic steatosis (<104 Hounsfield units), which rapidly regressed in patients for whom follow-up CECT was available. Median attenuation on admission was –3.5 Hounsfield units (IQR, 55.8) with a median improvement at 7 days of 31.12 Hounsfield units (IQR, 3.1). The pattern of pancreatic inflammation was similarly unusual in these patients: mild pancreatic edema without significant pancreatic or peripancreatic necrosis, with distinct duodenal/periduodenal inflammation involving the second and third part of the duodenum. Radiologic findings were accompanied by a profound systemic inflammatory response (SIRS, [1-2 criteria on admission; 2-4 after 48 hours]) and dramatic elevation of C-reactive protein (median, 31 mg/L [IQR, 141] on admission vs 485 mg/L [IQR, 286.5] after 48 hours).
Table 1.
Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Acute Pancreatitis in the Context of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection
Characteristic | Patient |
Summary Statistic |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Median | Interquartile Range | |||
Demographics | |||||||||
Age, y | 29 | 41 | 42 | 47 | 53 | 42 | 15 | ||
Sex | M | M | M | M | M | ||||
Body mass index, kg/m2 | 32.9 | 35.8 | 29.7 | 25.7 | 30 | 30 | 6.7 | ||
Ethnicity | Other Asian | White British | White British | White British | Other White | ||||
Hypertension | No | No | No | No | No | ||||
Diabetes mellitus | No | No | No | No | No | ||||
RespiratoryDisease | No | No | Asthma | No | No | ||||
Charlson comorbidity index | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ||||
Coronavirus disease 2019 status | |||||||||
Computed tomography score | Normal (CVCT0) | Classic/probable (CVCT1) | Classic/probable (CVCT1) | Non–coronavirus disease 2019 (CVCT3) | Classic/probable (CVCT1) | ||||
Throat swab | Positive | Negative | Unknown | Positive | Negative | ||||
Pancreatitis diagnostics | |||||||||
Typical pain | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Amylase, U/L | 77 | 149 | 378 | 211 | 36 | 149 | 238 | ||
Amylase timing (hours after pain) | 27 | 20 | 6 | 16 | 23 | 20 | 14 | ||
Computed tomography on admission | Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis | ||||
Pancreatitis risk factors | |||||||||
Gallstones on ultrasound(Ultrasound) | No | No | No | No | No | ||||
Alcohol intake, g/wk | 0 | 80 | 400 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 240 | ||
Smoker | Never | Yes | Never | Ex | Yes | ||||
Medication | None | None | Omeprazole; thiamine; hydroxycobalamin | Atorvastatin; sertraline | None | ||||
Clinical characteristics of pancreatitis | |||||||||
SIRS (admission) | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | ||||
SIRS (48-h peak) | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | ||||
CRP (admission) | 258 | 37 | 5 | 8 | 31 | 31 | 141 | ||
CRP (peak) | 597 | 550 | 292 | 485 | 282 | 485 | 286.5 | ||
Peak CRP time, days from admission | 0 | 2 | 9 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 5.5 | ||
Organ failure | No | No | No | No | No | ||||
Activity index (admission) | 250 | 220 | — | 245 | 145 | 232.5 | 85 | ||
Activity index (48 h) | 205 | 150 | — | 175 | 25 | 162.5 | 141.3 | ||
Imaging findings | |||||||||
Focus of inflammation | Periduodenal (D1-D4) and pancreatic head | Periduodenal (D2-D3) and pancreatic head | Periduodenal (D1-D3) and peripancreatic | Duodenal thickening (D2-D3) and peripancreatic | Duodenum spared; peripancreatic | ||||
Peripancreatic necrosis | No | No | No | No | No | ||||
Pancreatic necrosis | None | None | None | Pancreatic tail (<30%) | None | ||||
Acute fluid collections | Paraduodenal | None | Peripancreatic | Pancreatic tail | Paraduodenal | ||||
Modified Balthasar score | 6 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 4 | ||
Metabolic parameters | |||||||||
New-onset diabetes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | ||||
Glucose on admission, mmol/L; mg/dL | 14.3; 257.4 | 16.6; 298.8 | 7.9; 142.2 | 5.9; 106.2 | 10; 180 | 10; 180 | 8.6; 154.8 | ||
HbA1c, IFCC mmol/mol | 86 | — | — | 36 | 47 | ||||
Urinalysis on admission | Glucose 4+ | Glucose +; ketones + | — | — | — | ||||
Insulin therapy | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | ||||
Triglycerides on admission, mmol/L; mg/L | 30.9; 2740 | 8.4; 743 | 1.65; 146 | 2.7; 239 | 1.3; 115 | 2.7; 239 | 18.2; 1610 | ||
Hepatic steatosis (admission), HU | 18.0 | –46.7 | –18.1 | 11.1 | — | –3.5 | 55.8 | ||
Hepatic steatosis (7 days), HU | 50.6 | –15.6 | 8.30 | 42.2 | — | 25.2 | 50.1 | ||
ΔHepatic steatosis | 32.7 | 31.1 | 26.4 | 31.1 | — | 31.1 | 3.1 | ||
Outcome parameters | |||||||||
Severity of pancreatitis | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | ||||
Length of stay, days | 16 | 14 | 16 | 12 | 6 | 14 | 7 | ||
Intervention | No | No | No | No | No | ||||
New therapy on discharge | Insulin; PERT; fibrate | Insulin | No | PERT; fibrate | No |
NOTE. Ethnicity labels are those used by the Office of National Statistics of the United Kingdom. Coronavirus disease 2019 computed tomography score is based on the British Society of Thoracic Imaging criteria where changes are classed as “probable” when there is >70% confidence of coronavirus disease 2019 infection. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) score is calculated by presence of the following: temperature > 38oC or <36oC, heart rate > 90 bpm, respiratory rate > 20 or Paco2 < 32 mm Hg, and white blood cell count > 12,000/mm3. Organ failure is defined as a Sequential Oran Failure Assessment score of 2 or more. Pancreatic activity index is a composite score including organ failure, tolerance to oral diet, SIRS, abdominal pain, and intravenous morphine equivalent dose on any given day. Hepatic steatosis is based on CECT image evaluation as previously reported. Severity of pancreatitis is defined by the Revised Atlanta Classification 2012. CRP, C-reactive protein; CVCT, corona virus CT score; HU, Hounsfield unit; IFCC, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry.
All patients were treated with intravenous fluids; 3 of 5 received insulin and/or fibrate therapy. Abdominal pain was managed with opiate analgesia, and all patients tolerated an oral diet from admission. Four of 5 patients with CT findings suggestive of pneumonitis received broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics. None of the patients received corticosteroids, and none required organ support, beyond low-flow oxygen, or admission to a level 2/3 care setting. Thus, all were classed as moderate pancreatitis based on the presence of acute fluid collections alone. Two patients required pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy to control their abdominal pain and steatorrhea, indicating a true exocrine component to their disease. Median length of stay was 14 days (range, 6-16).
Despite the dramatic way these 5 patients presented, with multiple metrics predictive of severe disease, their pathway was much more benign than anticipated and not dissimilar from a typical attack of moderate pancreatitis. We therefore propose the combination of male sex, abdominal pain, metabolic stress, and CT findings of predominantly pancreaticoduodenal inflammation with steatosis represent a distinct subset of pancreatitis in patients infected with SARS-CoV2. Furthermore, we postulate that the endocrine pancreas is particularly vulnerable to this infection. Although we cannot deduce causality based on data presented here, we note that the human pancreas is known to express high concentrations of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2,6 especially (but not exclusively) in the pancreatic islets where binding to SARS-CoV1 has been shown to induce acute diabetes.7 Persons with pre-existing metabolic syndrome, even if not formally diagnosed, may be at particular risk in light of the high body mass indices and HbA1c in our case series.
Acute pancreatitis secondary to hypertriglyceridemia is uncommon in Western populations and is more often associated with severe disease, organ failure, and death than other etiologies.8 No patient presented here had transient or persistent organ failure, and the main reason for the prolonged length of stay in all cases was poor diabetic control or persistent elevation of serum inflammatory markers. We speculate that because of the low levels of free pancreatic enzymes (as evidenced by near-normal levels of circulating pancreatic amylase), toxic lipolysis does not occur, and the liver is able to absorb most triglycerides resulting in the changes in hepatic steatosis observed. These patients likely represent the severe end of the pancreatopathy spectrum, but transient dyslipidemias and impaired glucose tolerance may be common in SARS-CoV2 patients and warrant further investigation.
CRediT Authorship Contributions
Peter Szatmary, MBBChir, PhD, FRCS (Conceptualization: Lead; Data curation: Lead; Formal analysis: Equal; Methodology: Lead; Writing – original draft: Lead; Writing – review & editing: Equal). Ankur Arora, MBBS, MD, FRCR (Data curation: Supporting; Formal analysis: Equal; Writing – review & editing: Equal). Michael Godwin Thomas Raraty, MBBS, PhD, FRCS (Writing – review & editing: Equal). Declan Francis Joseph Dunne, MBChB, MD, FRCS (Conceptualization: Supporting; Supervision: Equal; Writing – review & editing: Equal). Ryan David Baron, BMBCh, PhD, FRCS (Conceptualization: Supporting; Supervision: Equal; Writing – review & editing: Equal). Christopher Michael Halloran, MBChB, MD, FRCS (Conceptualization: Equal; Project administration: Lead; Supervision: Lead; Writing – original draft: Supporting; Writing – review & editing: Equal).
Conflicts of interest The authors disclose the following: Peter Szatmary has received grants from the NIHR, Wellcome Trust, and PSGBI. Ryan David Baron has received travel grants from Mylan. Declan Francis Joseph Dunne has received grants from PCUK. Christopher Michael Halloran has received grants from CRUK, PCUK, NIHR, and RCS(Eng).
Author names in bold designate shared co–first authorship.
Note: To access the supplementary material accompanying this article, visit the online version of Gastroenterology at, and at
Supplementary Material
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