Mediator is an essential, multisubunit complex that functions as a transcriptional coactivator in yeast and other eukaryotic organisms. Mediator has four conserved modules, Head, Middle, Tail, and Kinase, and has been implicated in nearly all aspects of gene regulation. The Tail module has been shown to recruit the Mediator complex to the enhancer or upstream activating sequence (UAS) regions of genes via interactions with transcription factors, and the Kinase module facilitates the transition of Mediator from the UAS/enhancer to the preinitiation complex via protein phosphorylation. Here, we analyze expression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HO gene using a sin4 Mediator Tail mutation that separates the Tail module from the rest of the complex; the sin4 mutation permits independent recruitment of the Tail module to promoters without the rest of Mediator. Significant increases in recruitment of the SWI/SNF and SAGA coactivators to the HO promoter UAS were observed in a sin4 mutant, along with increased gene activation. These results are consistent with recent studies that have suggested that the Kinase module functions negatively to inhibit activation by the Tail. However, we found that Kinase module mutations did not mimic the effect of a sin4 mutation on HO expression. This suggests that at HO the core Mediator complex (Middle and Head modules) must play a role in limiting Tail binding to the promoter UAS and gene activation. We propose that the core Mediator complex helps modulate Mediator binding to the UAS regions of genes to limit coactivator recruitment and ensure proper regulation of gene transcription.
Keywords: gene regulation, mediator, chromatin, coactivator
MEDIATOR is a large multisubunit transcriptional coactivator complex that is conserved throughout eukaryotes. Mediator was first identified in budding yeast as a bridge between general transcription factors (GTFs) and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) (Thompson et al. 1993; Kim et al. 1994; Koleske and Young 1994). Currently, Mediator has been implicated in nearly all facets of gene regulation: transcriptional initiation and elongation (reviewed in Malik and Roeder (2000), Poss et al. (2013), Soutourina 2018), chromatin architecture (Allen and Taatjes 2015; Hsieh et al. 2015), messenger RNA (mRNA) processing and export (Huang et al. 2012; Schneider et al. 2015), and transcriptional memory (A. Zhang et al. 2013; D’Urso et al. 2016). Together, these activities allow Mediator to modulate activation and expression required for proper gene regulation.
In yeast, mediator contains 25 subunits that are organized into four conserved modules: Head, Middle, Tail, and Kinase. The Head and Middle modules are essential for viability, and thus make up the “core” Mediator (Jeronimo and Robert 2017). Both of these modules interact with RNAPII as well as with GTFs required for transcriptional initiation and elongation. The Tail module attaches to the core Mediator through the Med14 (Rgr1) scaffold subunit (Tsai et al. 2014), and interacts with sequence-specific transcription factors that recruit the Mediator complex to the upstream activating sequence (UAS) or enhancers of genes (Bhoite et al. 2001; Kagey et al. 2010; Jeronimo and Robert 2014). Transcriptional activators primarily interact with proteins in the Tail module (Jeronimo and Robert 2017), although there are examples where activators interact with Middle module subunits (Harms et al. 2015; Iida et al. 2015). The Tail module is also required for SWI/SNF recruitment to the yeast CHA1 gene (Ansari et al. 2016). Importantly, the Tail module is required for efficient recruitment of Mediator and RNAPII to promoters (Knoll et al. 2018). The Kinase module is freely dissociable and attaches to the Middle module of Mediator via an interaction with its Med13 subunit. As part of the Mediator complex, the Kinase/CDK8 module antagonizes the function of the Tail module (van de Peppel et al. 2005; Jeronimo and Robert 2017) and facilitates the transition of Mediator from the UAS to the preinitiation complex (Jeronimo et al. 2016; Petrenko et al. 2016).
Distinct forms of Mediator have been identified with and without the dissociable Kinase module (Poss et al. 2013), and additional stable forms have been identified through mutations of specific Mediator subunits. Deletion of the SIN4 (MED16) gene or a C-terminal truncation of the Med14 scaffold subunit each results in a stable tail-less Mediator complex and an independent Tail subcomplex composed of Med2, Pgd1 (Med3), and Gal11 (Med15) (Li et al. 1995). Yeast cells lacking the Mediator tail complex are viable but have pronounced defects in regulating a large subset of genes (Li et al. 1995; Larsson et al. 2013). This is likely due to the inability to recruit core Mediator and the CDK8/Kinase module to the UAS of these genes (Jeronimo et al. 2016; Petrenko et al. 2016). Changes in global chromatin structure (Macatee et al. 1997) and increased long-distance transcription factor activation (Dobi and Winston 2007) have also been reported during separation of the Tail subcomplex via disruption of SIN4.
Disruption of SIN4 has been studied extensively at the HO promoter (Stillman et al. 1994; Tabtiang and Herskowitz 1998; Yu et al. 2000; Li et al. 2005). HO expression is under substantial regulation (Stillman 2013) and typically requires sequential activation at two distinct upstream regulatory sequence (URS) regions, URS1 and URS2 (Nasmyth 1985; Cosma et al. 1999; Bhoite et al. 2001). Sequence-specific transcription factors Swi5 and SBF (Swi4/6 complex) bind to URS1 and URS2, respectively, and recruit the SWI/SNF, Spt-Ada-Gcn5 acetyltransferase (SAGA), and Mediator coactivator complexes. Loss of any of these factors results in defective HO activation. However, disruption of SIN4 suppresses the requirement for SBF binding to URS2, and allows robust HO expression even when the Gcn5 catalytic subunit of SAGA is mutated (Yu et al. 2000). Mediator is initially recruited to the HO promoter via an interaction between Swi5 and the Gal11 Tail subunit (Bhoite et al. 2001), and it is likely that disruption of SIN4 results in failure to recruit the core Mediator and/or the Kinase/CDK8, and/or Tail-less core Mediator, to the URS regions.
In this study, we further investigated the effects of disrupting SIN4 at the HO promoter, and we explored the mechanism behind the resulting suppression of key regulatory events. We found that disrupting SIN4 resulted in significant increases in both transcription factor and coactivator binding at the HO promoter, and that these increases are mostly due to prolonged persistence of these factors at the promoter. In agreement with this result, we also observed elevated and persistent nucleosome eviction during HO promoter activation. These results likely explain the suppression of multiple HO promoter mutants by sin4Δ. Surprisingly, we were unable to reproduce these results by mutating the catalytic subunit of the Kinase module, ruling out the simple model that the observed effects were due to loss of antagonistic effects of the Kinase module on Tail function. Rather, we found that elevated coactivator binding and suppression of promoter mutants were completely dependent on the presence of the Mediator Tail subcomplex. As we do not observe these effects with whole Mediator, we propose that the core Mediator must restrict the binding of either the Tail subcomplex or other transcription factors/coactivators to limit promoter activation and ensure proper regulation of gene transcription.
Materials and Methods
Experimental methods
All yeast strains used in this study are listed in Supplemental Material, Table S1 and are isogenic in the W303 background (Thomas and Rothstein 1989). Standard genetic methods were used for strain construction (Rothstein 1991; Sherman 1991). The 5X-sbf, +700, and +1300 HO promoter mutants were described in Yarrington et al. (2015), the ho(m-2700) mutation was described in Yu et al. (2016), and the HO-GFP-NLS-PEST reporter was described in Mitra et al. (2006). C-terminal epitope tags were added as described (Knop et al. 1999), using plasmids pZC03 (pFA6a-TEV-6xGly-V5-HIS3MX; #44073; Addgene plasmid) and pZC13 (pFA6a-TEV-6xGly-V5-HphMX; #44085; Addgene plasmid), provided by Zaily Connell and Tim Formosa, and plasmid pYM6 (Knop et al. 1999), provided by Elmar Schiebel. Strain YTT1722 with a SWI2:FLAG(3):KanMX tag (Kim et al. 2006) was provided by David Clark, and the marker swap method (Voth et al. 2003) was used to convert it to SWI2:FLAG(3):NatMX using plasmid pAG25 (Goldstein and McCusker 1999) provided by John McCusker.
Cell cycle synchronization was performed by galactose withdrawal and readdition with a GALp::CDC20 strain grown at 25° in yeast extract and peptone medium containing 2% galactose and 2% raffinose (Bhoite et al. 2001). A high degree of synchrony was confirmed by examination of budding indices and analysis of cycle-regulated mRNAs. In all other experiments, cells were grown at 30° in (yeast extract, peptone, adenine, and dextrose) medium (Sherman 1991).
Chromatin immunoprecipitations (ChIPs) were performed as described previously (Bhoite et al. 2001; Voth et al. 2007) using mouse monoclonal antibody to the V5 epitope (SV5-Pk1, Abcam), the FLAG epitope (M2; Sigma [Sigma Chemical], St. Louis, MO), the Myc epitope (4A6; Upstate), or anti-histone H3 (07-690, Upstate), and antibody-coated magnetic beads (rabbit and pan-mouse IgG beads, Life Technologies). Samples prepared for ChIPs were cross-linked in 1% formaldehyde overnight on ice. ChIP assays were analyzed by real time quantitative PCR (qPCR) as described previously (Eriksson et al. 2004). H3 samples were first normalized to the ChIP signal at the IGR-I gene-free reference region on chromosome I (Mason and Struhl 2005), while Swi4-V5 ChIP samples were first normalized to the CLN1 or CLN2 promoter, and then both types of ChIPs were normalized to their respective input DNA samples. Unless otherwise noted, error bars reflect the SD of at least three biological samples. P-values were calculated by paired Student’s t-tests.
RNA was isolated from either synchronized or logarithmically growing cells, and HO mRNA levels were measured by RT-qPCR as described previously (Voth et al. 2007). For all logarithmically grown strains, RNA expression was normalized to RPR1 expression and graphed relative to wild-type (WT) expression. For the synchrony experiment, RNA expression was normalized to RPR1 expression and graphed relative to the peak WT expression. Unless otherwise noted, error bars reflect the SD of at least three biological samples. P-values were calculated by paired Student’s t-tests.
Single-cell analysis of HO expression was performed by time-lapse fluorescence microscopy as described previously (Q. Zhang et al. 2013).
Data availability
Strains are listed in Table S1 and are available upon request. Oligos used for RT-qPCR, for ChIP, and for strain construction are listed in Table S2. Supplemental material (including five supplemental figures and two supplemental tables) available at figshare: https://doi.org/10.25386/genetics.12111399
Disruption of SIN4 can rescue HO promoter mutants that affect activation of URS2
We have previously demonstrated that sin4Δ can rescue HO expression when the Swi6 subunit of SBF is also disrupted (Yu et al. 2000). However, the SBF complex is an important transcriptional regulator with numerous binding sites at genes controlling the G1/S transition (Andrews and Herskowitz 1989), and our previous suppression result could have been impacted by alterations to the yeast cell cycle caused by the swi6 mutation. To demonstrate the impact of sin4Δ specifically at the HO gene, we made use of HO promoter mutants that either eliminated SBF sites at the left-half of URS2 (URS2L) or increased the distance between URS1 and URS2 (Figure 1; Yarrington et al. 2015). Both of these mutation classes drastically reduce SBF binding to the entire URS2 region with corresponding decreases in HO expression (Yarrington et al. 2015).
HO expression results confirmed previous findings that SBF is essential for WT levels of HO expression and that sin4Δ is capable of suppressing a SWI6 disruption (Figure 1B). Interestingly, we observed that sin4Δ alone resulted in elevated HO expression compared to WT; some of this increase is due to HO expression in daughter cells (see Figure 7C). Additionally, mutation of the five SBF sites at the left half of URS2 (the 5x-sbf construct, Figure 1B) or inserting 700 bp of CDC39 exon sequence between URS1 and URS2 (+700, Figure 1C) resulted in decreases in HO expression, similar to those seen in a swi6 mutant. However, in both cases disruption of SIN4 rescued HO expression to levels similar to that of WT. As mutating the HO promoter does not affect cell cycle progression, these results indicate that suppression of swi6Δ by sin4Δ is not an artifact of cell cycle impairment. Furthermore, as SBF binding to the right half of URS2 (URS2R) is essential for HO expression (Yarrington et al. 2015), these results suggest that sin4Δ or Mediator Tail separation allows SBF binding to URS2R under circumstances when it is normally prohibited, such as mutation of SBF sites at URS2L, or insertion of 700 bp between URS1 and URS2. This suppression is not without limits as the reduced HO expression caused by a 1300-bp insertion between URS1 and URS2 (+1300) was not suppressed by sin4Δ (Figure 1C). Similarly, sin4Δ is unable to suppress mutations of the four SBF binding sites on the right side of URS2 (data not shown).
Disruption of SIN4 rescues SBF binding to URS2 in HO promoter mutants
We next wanted to test the hypothesis that disruption of SIN4 rescues SBF binding to URS2 in our HO promoter mutants. We have previously shown that mutation of SBF sites at URS2L or increasing the distance between URS1 and URS2 inhibits binding of SBF to the entire URS2 region (Yarrington et al. 2015). To test whether sin4Δ can rescue SBF binding, we performed a Swi4-V5 ChIP in strains with these HO promoter mutations and probed SBF binding at both URS2L and URS2R (Figure 2).
As expected, SBF enrichment at URS2L is over twofold higher than at URS2R in WT cells, despite similar numbers of SBF sites (Figure 2). Preferential enrichment to URS2L has been observed previously (Takahata et al. 2011; Yarrington et al. 2015) and is due to closer proximity to remodeling events initiated at the upstream URS1 region. Interestingly, a sin4Δ mutation results in an almost threefold increase in SBF binding compared to WT, at both URS2L and URS2R, and this elevated SBF binding likely explains the similar increase in HO expression of this mutant. In the +700 and 5X-sbf HO promoter mutants, disruption of SIN4 resulted in similar increases in SBF binding to URS2R to levels around two-thirds that of WT, and around fourfold higher than that of the single mutants without sin4Δ (Figure 2). In cell cycle synchrony experiments, we also see prolonged SBF binding to HO in the sin4Δ mutant compared to WT (Figure S1). These results support the model that sin4Δ or separation of the Mediator Tail subcomplex enhances SBF binding to URS2, even when combined with mutations that normally block SBF binding.
sin4Δ-mediated suppression of HO is dependent on Swi5 and Gal11
We have shown that separation of the Mediator Tail subcomplex enhances SBF binding to URS2 and suppresses defects in HO expression in certain promoter mutants, but the mechanism behind this suppression remains largely unknown. To investigate this mechanism further, we combined sin4Δ with other mutations known to affect HO expression.
We first focused on the approximately two- to threefold increase in both HO expression and SBF binding observed in sin4Δ relative to WT. Similar increases occur when the gene for the daughter-specific inhibitor Ash1 factor is disrupted (Takahata et al. 2011; Stillman 2013). However, combining sin4Δ with an ASH1 disruption revealed that these two mutations are additive for HO expression (Figure S2) and are therefore not working together in the same pathway.
We next investigated the Swi5 transcription factor that recruits Mediator to URS1 to initiate HO activation (Bhoite et al. 2001). Combining sin4Δ with a SWI5 disruption blocked promoter activation similarly to that of swi5Δ alone, and swi5Δ sin4Δ failed to activate expression from the 5X-sbf HO promoter mutant with five SBF site mutations (Figure 3A). This result indicates that sin4Δ-mediated suppression does not bypass normal activation of the HO promoter and its dependence on Swi5. We further probed the relationship between sin4Δ and Swi5 by examining Swi5-V5 enrichment levels during logarithmic growth by ChIP at its two binding sites in URS1, sites A and B (Tebb et al. 1993). Comparing Swi5-V5 enrichment in WT and sin4Δ revealed an ∼50% increase in Swi5 binding at both sites when SIN4 is disrupted (Figure 3B). Swi5 binding normally peaks 20 min after release from a G2/M arrest and quickly dissipates as the cell cycle progresses (Takahata et al. 2009b). To determine whether the increase in Swi5-V5 enrichment in sin4Δ was due to greater peak binding at 20 min after release or to a change in binding kinetics, we synchronized cells using GALp:CDC20 arrest and examined Swi5-V5 binding after release. Total Swi5 binding at 20 min postrelease was largely similar between WT and sin4Δ, with the major difference being significant persistence of the Swi5 factor at URS1 in the sin4 mutant (Figure 3C).
It has also been shown previously that Swi5 directly interacts with the Gal11 subunit of the Tail subcomplex, and that Mediator fails to bind when GAL11 is disrupted (Bhoite et al. 2001). however, disruption of SIN4 separates the Tail subcomplex from the rest of Mediator and it remains capable of binding independently of the rest of Mediator (Zhang et al. 2004; Ansari and Morse 2012). To address whether a sin4 mutation affects binding of Mediator core to the HO promoter, we constructed WT and sin4∆ strains with epitope tags on three Mediator subunits: Gal11-V5, Nut1-Flag, and Srb4-Myc. Gal11(Med15) is a subunit of the Tail module, Srb4(Med17) is a subunit of the Head module, and Nut1(Med5) is a subunit of the Middle module of Mediator. ChIP experiments showed that while a sin4∆ mutation results in increased HO binding of Gal11-V5 from the Mediator Tail, binding of Nut1-Flag (Middle) and Srb4-Myc (Head) to the HO promoter are eliminated (Figure S3A). This ChIP result is consistent with the Tail module separating and binding independently from the rest of Mediator in a sin4Δ mutant. We previously showed that Srb4 transiently binds to the TATA region of the HO promoter at the time of expression (Bhoite et al. 2001). Binding of Nut1 and Srb4 to HO TATA is not reduced by a sin4∆ mutation (Figure S3B). This result is consistent with the report that core Mediator lacking the Tail associates with the TATA region of promoters via interactions with preinitiation complex components (Knoll et al. 2018).
To determine whether the Tail subcomplex was required for sin4Δ-mediated suppression, we next examined HO expression when SIN4 and GAL11 were disrupted either independently or together. The double mutant did not have elevated HO expression in the WT promoter and failed to rescue expression of the 5x-sbf site mutant HO promoter, indicating that sin4Δ-mediated suppression is dependent on functional Gal11 (Figure 3D). Furthermore, disruptions of other Tail subunits, PGD1 and MED2, also blocked sin4Δ-mediated suppression (Figure S4). These results suggest that it is the independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex, rather than the loss of core Mediator or its associated Kinase module, that is responsible for the observed suppression.
sin4Δ-mediated suppression is not dependent on the mediator CDK module
The current model for Mediator-mediated promoter regulation proposes that the Kinase module antagonizes the function of the Tail module (van de Peppel et al. 2005; Jeronimo and Robert 2017). Disruption of SIN4 leads to independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex (Zhang et al. 2004), likely without the Kinase/CDK8 module (Tsai et al. 2014; Jeronimo et al. 2016; Petrenko et al. 2016), and our data are consistent with hyperactivation due to the loss of an inhibitor of promoter activation. Furthermore, the Srb10(Cdk8) catalytic subunit of the Kinase module has been shown to target Swi5 for degradation (Kishi et al. 2008), and failure to recruit the Kinase module might cause Swi5 protein levels to persist in a way congruent with our findings. However, this model is not consistent with the requirement of a functional Tail subcomplex for suppression. To better understand the role of the Kinase module in sin4Δ-mediated hyperactivation of the HO promoter and suppression of promoter mutants, we examined HO expression when SIN4 and SRB10 were disrupted, either independently or together. As expected, disruption of SIN4 resulted in elevated expression of the native promoter and suppression of the 5X-sbf promoter to WT levels (Figure 4). However, loss of Srb10 failed to show an appreciable effect on either the native or the mutant promoter, and sin4Δ srb10Δ double mutants produced expression results only modestly different from those of sin4Δ single mutants (Figure 4). These results indicate that loss of Kinase module activity has a minimal impact on HO expression. Additionally, these results further support the interpretation that sin4Δ-mediated hyperactivation of the HO promoter is due to independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex rather than loss of the Kinase module associated with Mediator.
Disruption of SIN4 results in elevated coactivator enrichment at the HO promoter
Swi5 recruits the SWI/SNF, SAGA, and Mediator coactivator complexes to URS1, and SBF recruits these same complexes to URS2 (Takahata et al. 2009b). Disruption of SIN4 causes increased enrichment of both of these DNA-binding factors and may similarly affect their ability to recruit coactivators to the HO promoter. Elevated and/or persistent recruitment of coactivators to the HO promoter could explain the hyperactivation observed with disrupting SIN4. To examine this possibility, we performed ChIP to measure recruitment of Swi2-V5 of the SWI/SNF complex, Gcn5-V5 of the SAGA complex, and Gal11-V5 of the Mediator complex. As Gal11 is part of the Mediator Tail module, in the sin4Δ mutant we were only examining recruitment of the Tail subcomplex.
We first examined binding of the coactivator complexes to HO URS1 during logarithmic growth and found that disrupting SIN4 caused coactivator enrichment to increase for all three complexes, ranging from 1.6- to twofold enhanced enrichment (Figure 5A). A functional Tail module was required for the hyperactivation and suppression by sin4Δ (Figure 3D), and we next investigated whether this Tail dependence held true for coactivator complex recruitment. To test this possibility, we examined Swi2-V5 binding when SIN4 and GAL11 were disrupted, either independently or together. Coactivator binding is interdependent (Takahata et al. 2011), and we observed an expected small decrease in Swi2-V5 enrichment in the gal11Δ single mutant. However, in the gal11Δ sin4Δ double mutant we saw complete loss of the near fourfold enrichment observed with the sin4Δ single mutant (Figure 5B). These results suggest that independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex is necessary and sufficient to increase recruitment of SWI/SNF to the HO promoter. Interestingly, sin4Δ suppresses phenotypes caused by a swi2Δ mutation (Jiang and Stillman 1992; Roberts and Winston 1997).
Additionally, the Swi5 factor persists at the HO promoter in a SIN4 disruption (Figure 3C), and this persistence may affect the binding kinetics of recruited coactivators. To examine this possibility, we synchronized cells using GALp:CDC20 arrest and release, and performed ChIP on the V5-tagged coactivator subunits. For all three coactivator complexes, we observed greater and prolonged enrichment of URS1 (Figure 5C). Interestingly, coactivator enrichment at URS1 continues well past Swi5 binding at URS1 (compare Figure 3C and Figure 5C). We also found enhanced and persistent coactivator enrichment at URS2, and this recruitment appears to be in good agreement with altered SBF binding in sin4Δ (Figure S1).
Disruption of SIN4 enhances nucleosome eviction at the HO promoter
HO experiences waves of nucleosome eviction along the length of its promoter during normal activation (Takahata et al. 2009b). However, these waves of nucleosome eviction are dependent on transient recruitment of transcription factors and coactivators whose binding kinetics are altered in a SIN4 disruption. To determine whether sin4Δ affects nucleosome eviction at HO, we performed a H3 histone ChIP, examining H3 occupancy every 100 to 200 bp between URS1 and URS2R, after GALp:CDC20 arrest and release.
Nucleosome eviction at URS1 was nearly identical between WT and sin4Δ for the first 20 min after release (Figure 6A). However, in agreement with altered coactivator recruitment (Figure 5C), nucleosome eviction appeared to continue beyond 20 min in sin4Δ leading to greater and more persistent eviction of nucleosomes. Typically, nucleosome occupancy at URS1 is mostly repopulated after 60 min postrelease (Takahata et al. 2009b) but repopulation in sin4Δ was significantly delayed (Figure 6B, compare WT and sin4Δ −1208 and −1109). Nucleosome eviction at URS2 was also affected, with much greater nucleosome depletion observed after 30 min postrelease in sin4Δ (Figure 6, A and B). For example, the H3 occupancy data clearly show a marked delay in nucleosome repopulation along the HO promoter in the sin4 mutant at the later time points (Figure 6C). These results indicate that independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex leads to enhanced nucleosome eviction at the HO promoter, presumably due to increased and persistent recruitment of the SWI/SNF complex.
Disruption of SIN4 can increase coactivator binding and increases the probability of HO promoter activation
Mutations in the catalytic subunits of SWI/SNF and SAGA greatly reduce HO expression and the recruitment of other coactivators (Cosma et al. 1999; Mitra et al. 2006; Takahata et al. 2011). As sin4Δ leads to HO hyperactivation and enhanced coactivator binding, we next wanted to investigate whether disrupting SIN4 could also rescue swi2 and gcn5 coactivator mutants. To test this possibility, we examined Swi2-V5 and Gcn5-V5 binding when SIN4, and either GCN5 or SWI2, were mutated, respectively.
As expected, disrupting GCN5 alone resulted in a small decrease in Swi2-V5 at URS1, while disrupting SIN4 alone resulted in a threefold increase in Swi2-V5 binding (Figure 7A). Disrupting SIN4 and GCN5 together yielded an approximately threefold increase in Swi2-V5 enrichment similar to that of the sin4 single mutant. This result suggests that SWI/SNF binding at the HO promoter is no longer dependent on functional SAGA when SIN4 is also disrupted. As a control, Swi2-V5 binding was similarly measured when GAL11 was disrupted instead of GCN5 and binding was found to be Tail-dependent (Figure 7A). We next examined Gcn5-V5 binding in a swi2-314 (E843K) mutant that encodes a partially functional Swi2 protein (Mitra et al. 2006). Mutating swi2 resulted in a large decrease in Gcn5-V5 enrichment, while disrupting SIN4 resulted in a 50% increase in Gcn5-V5 binding over WT (Figure 7B). Combining swi2-314 with sin4Δ rescued Gcn5-V5 binding to levels 20% higher than WT and nearly twofold higher than that found in the swi2-314 strain alone. Taken together, these results indicate that when the Tail subcomplex is separated from the rest of Mediator, SWI/SNF and SAGA can be recruited to the HO promoter independently of the other coactivator.
The defect in HO activation observed in gcn5 and swi2-314 cells could be due to WT, or near-WT, levels of activity from a subset of cells or to low levels of promoter activity from a larger fraction of cells. Examining these two options and how sin4Δ suppresses these mutants at the single-cell level could provide additional information on the mechanism of its suppression. To address these possibilities, we combined gcn5 and swi2-314 mutations with an HO-GFP reporter, and analyzed expression using single-cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy (Q. Zhang et al. 2013). Single-cell analysis revealed a significant reduction in the number of mother cells expressing at HO-GFP WT levels in both the swi2 and gcn5 single mutants, and this fraction increased significantly when a sin4 mutation was introduced (Figure 7C; movies are shown in Figure S5). Disrupting SIN4 did not result in cells expressing HO at levels surpassing WT, but rather increased the percentage of cells expressing HO. Therefore, independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex increases the probability of promoter activation within a population of cells. HO is normally expressed only in mother cells, and not in daughters (Jensen et al. 1983; Nasmyth 1983). Interestingly, the sin4Δ gcn5Δ double mutant displayed expression in a significant fraction of daughter cells, a property not found in either of the single mutants. Mechanistically, it is not at all clear why HO is expressed in the sin4Δ gcn5Δ double mutant, and this requires further investigation.
Disruption of SIN4 enables SWI/SNF binding under arrest conditions
A possible explanation for the effect of sin4Δ on coactivator recruitment is that the entire Mediator complex has both positive and negative roles in the binding of other coactivators. A similar argument has been proposed for SAGA, which is capable of stimulating SWI/SNF binding to chromatin via histone acetylation, but also facilitating SWI/SNF dissociation by direct Snf2 acetylation (Kim et al. 2010). By this model, the inhibitory roles of Mediator are limited to the core Mediator and the Kinase module, and are therefore absent when an independent Tail module alone is recruited to the promoter, thereby creating a permissive environment for other coactivators to bind. Elevated and persistent coactivator binding observed in sin4Δ (Figure 5C) supports this model.
To further explore this proposed model of inhibition by the complete Mediator complex, we next examined HO under arrest conditions in which only SBF and Mediator are bound to the promoter (Q. Zhang et al. 2013; Yu et al. 2016). If our model is correct, the lack of SWI/SNF binding under arrest conditions is at least partly due to inhibitory pressure from the Kinase module and core Mediator complex that would be absent in sin4Δ. To test this theory, we examined Swi2 enrichment by Swi2-V5 ChIP under α-factor arrest in WT and sin4Δ cells. Since α-factor arrest induces expression of a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that disrupts factor binding (Yu et al. 2016), the cells used in this experiment have an HO promoter mutation at the Ste12-binding site required for inducing this lncRNA. Interestingly, while WT cells had Swi2-V5 levels comparable to no tag controls, sin4Δ had elevated Swi2-V5 binding to URS2L with 2.5-fold enrichment over background (Figure 8A). Although it is possible that this persistent Swi2 binding is due to the three- to fourfold greater binding that was observed during logarithmic growth, we saw nearly identical levels of Gal11 binding in WT and sin4Δ cells when we probed similarly for Gal11-V5 instead of Swi2-V5 (Figure 8B). Thus, SWI/SNF is recruited at the arrest in sin4Δ cells, where only the Mediator Tail is present. In contrast, SWI/SNF is not recruited in WT cells where complete Mediator is present, suggesting that Mediator core can inhibit SWI/SNF recruitment under these circumstances. These results support a model in which Mediator can both positively and negatively regulate SWI/SNF binding to promoters, and, furthermore, that these two regulatory effects can be separated from one another by independent recruitment of only the Tail module to promoters.
Mediator consists of four conserved modules (Head, Middle, Kinase, and Tail), and previous work has implicated the Kinase module as the primary antagonist to Tail binding at the UAS elements of genes (van de Peppel et al. 2005; Jeronimo and Robert 2017). In this study, we probed the antagonist model at the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HO gene by utilizing a SIN4 disruption that separates the Tail module from the Kinase module and core Mediator. In sin4Δ mutant cells we observed a significant increase in Tail module recruitment, elevated SWI/SNF and SAGA coactivator binding, persistent nucleosome eviction, and hyperactivation of the HO gene. These results are consistent with the Kinase module as the primary Tail antagonist, as the Kinase module would not be present at the UAS in the sin4Δ mutant to limit Tail module recruitment to the HO promoter. However, mutation of the catalytic subunit of the Kinase module failed to reproduce the hyperactivation of HO observed here with independent Tail recruitment. These results suggest that the activity and binding of the Tail is limited by other factors. One intriguing possibility is the core Mediator, which is also not present at the UAS during independent Tail module recruitment in the sin4Δ mutant, and thus core Mediator might function to limit Tail binding.
A sin4Δ mutation allows HO expression in the absence of the normally required SBF-binding sites at the left end of URS2, or when the spacing between URS1 and URS2 is increased by an additional 700 bp (Figure 1). ChIP experiments show that the sin4Δ mutation has this effect by increasing the amount of SBF bound to the HO promoter (Figure 2). We suggest that sin4Δ has this effect because the coactivators bound at URS1 can now act over a longer distance, and for a longer period of time (Figure 9). Thus, in sin4∆ the coactivators are more effective at evicting nucleosomes further away from URS1, increased nucleosome eviction allows more SBF to bind (Yarrington et al. 2015; Yarrington et al. 2016), and HO expression more likely (Figure 9). However, there are limits to this effect as sin4Δ is unable to suppress the transcriptional defect caused by a 1300-bp insertion between URS1 and URS2. This latter result raises the conundrum of why cannot sin4Δ suppress all of these promoter mutations when sin4Δ can suppress a SWI6 disruption. Our best explanation is that the swi6∆ mutation is quite pleiotropic, including an altered cell cycle and secondary effects. Importantly, SBF also recruits the inhibitory Rpd3(L) histone deacetylase complex to the HO promoter, but Rpd3(L) is not present in the swi6∆ mutant (Huang et al. 2009; Takahata et al. 2009a, 2011; Wang et al. 2009). The evidence suggests that SBF bound to the URS2R is the proximal activator for HO expression (Yarrington et al. 2015). Since, SBF only recruits Mediator Tail in the sin4Δ mutant, how is transcription activated in the absence of core Mediator subunits that engage with the RNAPII? One answer comes from Petrenko et al. (2017), who suggest that the Tail module may be able to interact with a component of the basic RNAPII machinery, or that the Tail may be able to help recruit Head and Middle subunits of Mediator to the transcription start site.
Our results suggest that the core Mediator may also limit the binding of the SWI/SNF and SAGA coactivators. When the Tail module was recruited independently of the rest of Mediator, we observed greater than WT levels of SWI/SNF and SAGA coactivators, even when the other coactivator or its activity was disrupted. Additionally, when core Mediator was absent, we were able to observe considerable enrichment of SWI/SNF at HO URS2 even under α-factor arrest conditions in which coactivators are typically evicted by transcribing RNAPII (Yu et al. 2016). These results suggest that Mediator has both positive and negative roles in the recruitment of other coactivators, similar to those of SWI/SNF in the recruitment of the SAGA complex (Kim et al. 2010). We propose that core Mediator limits the ability of other coactivators to bind while the Tail module facilitates their binding.
An alternative explanation for the increased coactivator recruitment in sin4Δ is that the Tail subcomplex stimulates the recruitment of other coactivators, while core Mediator, along with the Kinase module, simply limits Tail occupancy at promoters. When SIN4 was disrupted, we saw an ∼50% increase in the enrichment of the Gal11 Tail subunit to HO. This increase in Tail occupancy in sin4Δ could be responsible for stimulating elevated recruitment of the SWI/SNF and SAGA coactivator complexes, and rescuing recruitment of either of these coactivators when the other is impaired or disrupted. In this model, core Mediator would regulate coactivator binding by limiting the availability of the Tail module to the UAS or enhancers of genes.
Why would Mediator limit its own recruitment and the binding of other coactivators? The S. cerevisiae genome is very compact, with inter-ORF distances ranging from 150 to 400 bp (Pelechano et al. 2006). The increased coactivator recruitment and nucleosome eviction that we observe at the HO promoter when the Tail module is recruited independently has profound effects on HO transcriptional regulation, and it is possible that these effects are occurring genome-wide. Although microarray analysis of sin4Δ does not reveal drastic changes in global transcript levels (van de Peppel et al. 2005), changes in global chromatin structure and hypersensitivity to micrococcal nuclease have been reported in a sin4Δ mutant (Macatee et al. 1997). We have shown previously that nucleosomes act as gates to regulate both activation and timing of expression (Yarrington et al. 2016), and coactivator recruitment and nucleosome eviction must be precise to limit promoter activation, and ensure proper regulation of gene transcription.
Disruption of SIN4 has been previously implicated in the long-range activation of genes (Dobi and Winston 2007). In this report, the authors identified sin4Δ as capable of enabling transcriptional activation at normally nonpermissive distances of ≥ 800 bp in S. cerevisiae. Interestingly, this effect was specific to sin4Δ as the authors were unable to reproduce long-range activation with other Mediator mutations affecting all four modules. These results are therefore consistent with the effect being due to an independent Tail subcomplex. Although the authors were unable to provide a mechanism for this altered activation by sin4Δ, based on our results with HO, it is likely that the observed long-range activation is due to independent Tail recruitment with associated elevated and persistent transcription factor and coactivator binding.
Lastly, it is important to note that we find no evidence that disrupting SIN4 has altered the function of Mediator, only the recruitment of its four modules. Binding of the Tail subcomplex to HO still requires both the Gal11 Tail subunit and the Swi5 transcription factor, and HO expression requires SBF bound to URS2R. Furthermore, single-cell analysis demonstrates that independent recruitment of the Tail subcomplex has not altered the mechanism of HO activation, but rather the probability of activation. These results are consistent with whole Mediator working in concert with, and regulating the recruitment of, other coactivators to achieve proper gene regulation.
We thank Tim Formosa and Emily Parnell for comments on the manuscript; Tim Formosa and members of the Stillman laboratory for helpful advice throughout the course of this project; Leena Bhoite, David Clark, Sophie Song, and Warren Voth for providing strains with epitope tags; and Zaily Connell, Tim Formosa, John McCusker, and Elmar Schiebel for providing plasmids. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants GM-121858 (L.B.) and GM-121079 (D.J.S.)
Supplemental material available at figshare: https://doi.org/10.25386/genetics.12111399.
Communicating editor: A. Hinnebusch
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Associated Data
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Data Availability Statement
Strains are listed in Table S1 and are available upon request. Oligos used for RT-qPCR, for ChIP, and for strain construction are listed in Table S2. Supplemental material (including five supplemental figures and two supplemental tables) available at figshare: https://doi.org/10.25386/genetics.12111399