Table 2.
Overview of MEATabolomics studies cited in this review.
Category of Objective | Species/Meat Type | Factors Analyzed | Methodology | Multivariate Data Analysis | Ref. | Authors |
Meat characterization | Cattle | Muscle type | HR–MAS 1H–NMR | PLS–DA, OPLS–DA | [39] | Ritota et al. |
Lamb | Storage time, display time, packaging conditions | HILIC–MS | PCA | [40] | Subbaraj et al. | |
Chicken | pHu | 1H–NMR | OPLS–DA, MSEA | [41] | Beauclercq et al. | |
Beef | Flavor | GC–MS | - | [42] | Takakura et al. | |
Beef | Flavor, aging period | HS/SPME GC–MS | - | [43] | Watanabe et al. | |
Beef, pork, chicken | Flavor, species, breeds, tissues | GC–MS | OPLS–DA | [44] | Ueda et al. | |
Chicken | Age of chicken, muscle type | 1H–NMR | PLS–DA | [45] | Xiao et al. | |
Meat abnormality | Chicken | Dystrophy of breast | HR–MAS 1H–NMR | PCA, OPLS–DA | [46] | Sundekilde et al. |
Chicken | Wooden breast | GC–MS, LC–MS/MS | RF | [47] | Abasht et al. | |
Chicken | Wooden breast | 1H–NMR | OPLS–DA | [48] | Wang et al. | |
Chicken | Wooden breast | 1H–NMR | OPLS–DA | [49] | Xing et al. | |
Chicken | White striping | GC–MS, LC–MS | PCA, Pathway | [50] | Boerboom et al. | |
Genetic background | Pig | Crossbreeds | 1H–NMR | PLS | [6] | Straadt et al. |
Pig | Drip loss, association with SNP | GC–MS, LC–MS | Pathway, GWAS | [35] | Welzenbach et al. | |
Cattle | Genetic parameters for growth and precocity | 1H–NMR | PLS–DA | [51] | Consolo et al. | |
Cattle | Genetic parameters for chemical traits | GC, LC | - | [52] | Sakuma et al. | |
Cattle | NT5E genotype | GC, LC | - | [53] | Komatsu et al. | |
Animal feeding | Cattle | Grass-fed/grain-fed | GC–MS, LC–MS/MS |
PCA, RF | [20] | Carrillo et al. |
Cattle | Dietary amino acid supplementation | 1H–NMR | PCA | [21] | Yu et al. | |
Cattle | Dietary mate extract supplementation | 1H–NMR | PCA | [22] | de Zawadzki et al. | |
Pig | Clenbuterol supplementation | GC–MS | PCA, PLS–DA, OPLS–DA |
[23] | Li et al. | |
Chicken | Lysine supplementation | CE–MS | - | [24] | Watanabe et al. | |
Chicken | Age | 1H–NMR | PCA, OPLS–DA | [25] | Liu et al. | |
Pig | Ractopamine supplementation | REIMS | PCA, LDA, OPLS–DA | [26] | Guitton et al. | |
Postmortem aging | Pork | Pm. aging period, muscle type | CE–MS | PCA | [14] | Muroya et al. |
Beef | Pm. aging period, muscle type | LC–MS | PCA | [15] | Ma et al. | |
Pork | Pm. aging period, muscle type | UPLC–MS/MS | PCA | [16] | Yu et al. | |
Beef | Pm. aging period | CE–MS | PCA | [17] | Muroya et al. | |
Beef | Pm. aging period | 1H–NMR | OPLS–DA | [18] | Kodani et al. | |
Beef | Pm. aging period | 1H–NMR | PCA | [19] | Graham et al. | |
Pork | Pm. aging period, muscle type (on thiamine) | CE–MS | - | [54] | Muroya et al. | |
Beef | Pm. aging period | LC–MS | PCA | [55] | Lana et al. | |
Beef | Pm. period of dry-aging | 1H–NMR | - | [56] | Kim et al. | |
Lamb | Fast chilling effect | LC–MS, 1H– and 31P–NMR |
PCA | [57] | Warner et al. | |
Beef | Pm. aging period (on oxidative stability) |
GC–MS | PCA | [58] | Mitacek et al. | |
Processing | Pork | Marination time | 1H–NMR | PCA, OPLS–DA | [30] | Yang et al. |
Pork | Drying/aging period, fermentation of sausage | HR–MAS 1H–NMR | PCA | [59] | García-García et al. | |
Processing, authentication | Pork | Geographic origin, processing method | CE–MS | PCA | [27] | Sugimoto et al. |
Pork | Geographic origin, processing method | 1H–NMR | PCA, OPLS–DA | [28] | Zhang et al. | |
Processing, Spoilage | Chicken | Marinade type, storage time, microbial load, sensory score | GC–MS | PCA, FDA | [7] | Lytou et al. |
Chicken | Marinade type, marination time and temperature | LC | PCA | [29] | Lytou et al. | |
Sensory evaluation | Beef | Grinding score, packaging method | LC–MS | PCA, PLS | [60] | Jiang et al. |
Beef | Commercial brands | GC–MS | – | [61] | Suzuki et al. | |
Spoilage | Pork | Salmonellae contamination, time of microbial exposure | GC–MS | PCA, etc. | [62,63] | Xu et al. |
Beef | Packaging, temperature | LC–MS | PCA, FDA, PLS–R | [64] | Argyri et al. | |
Beef | Packaging, temperature, sensory score, microbial growth | HS/SPME GC–MS | PCA, FDA, PLS–R | [65] | Argyri et al. | |
Authentication | Beef | Geographic origin | 1H–NMR | PCA, OPLS–DA | [66] | Jung et al. |
Beef | Geographic origin | IMS | PCA | [67] | Zaima et al. | |
Beef | Production system | 1H–NMR | PLS–DA | [68] | Osorio et al. | |
Beef, Pork | Species | GC–MS, UPLC–MS | PCA, PLS–DA, Pathway | [69] | Trivedi, et al. | |
Beef, Pork | Species | HS/SPME GC–MS | PCA, PLS–DA | [70] | Pavlidis et al. | |
Chicken | Live/dead on arrival | LC–MS | PCA | [71] | Sidwick et al. | |
Chicken | Live/dead on arrival | LC–MS | PCA, Pathway | [72] | Cao et al. | |
Beef | Irradiation doses (on lipids) | 1H–NMR | sLDA, ANN | [73] | Zanardi et al. | |
Beef | Irradiation doses (on hydrophilic compounds) | 1H–NMR | PCA, CT | [74] | Zanardi et al. |
ANN: artificial neural networks; CT: classification tree; FDA: factorial discriminant analysis; GWAS: genome-wide association analysis; HILIC: hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography; HS/SPME: head space–solid phase microextraction; LDA: linear discriminant analysis; MSEA: metabolite set enrichment analysis; OPLS–DA: orthogonal PLS–discrimination analysis; Pathway: pathway enrichment analysis; Pm.: postmoretm; PCA: principal component analysis; PLS: partial least square analysis; PLS–DA: PLS–discrimination analysis; REIMS: rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry; RF: random forest; sLDA: stepwise linear discriminant analysis; UPLC: ultra-performance LC.