Fig. 4.
Survival, distance traveled, length, weight, and incidence of kyphosis of male and female F1 zebrafish (parents exposed to 2 μM THC). a, b Male, n = 39–60, and female, n = 13–20, survival (%) from 12 to 30 months old. The number displayed at the base of each bar is the total number of fish per treatment enrolled into the study at 12 months old. c, d Male and female zebrafish distance traveled (cm), n = 6. e, f Weight, g, h length, and i, j spinal curvature (kyphosis) of adult F1 male (n = 11–60) and female (n = 6–19) zebrafish. Number sign indicates a significant difference compared with aged controls (ANOVA, Dunnett’s posthoc, p ≤ 0.05 or Fisher’s exact test p ≤ 0.05)