COVID-19 has disrupted in-clinic perimetry, perhaps permanently. We have co-developed a visual field test (A) performed on inexpensive virtual reality headsets using an oculo-kinetic perimetry (VR-OKP) test strategy (see ARVO 2020 abstract: 4800-A0174). During COVID-19 shelter-in-place, we remotely installed VR-OKP onto a 72-year-old glaucoma patient’s VR headset who then conducted at-home perimetry (B). VR-OKP matched Humphrey visual field 24-2 (C), giving repeatable results (D). Additional characterization is now underway to determine whether VR-OKP (also known as Vivid Vision Perimetry) will enable physicians to reliably monitor patients' visual fields remotely. (Magnified version of Fig A-D is available online at
Implementing and Monitoring At-Home Virtual Reality Oculo-kinetic Perimetry During COVID-19
Michael S Deiner, PhD
Bertil E Damato, MD, PhD
Yvonne Ou, MD
Issue date 2020 Sep.
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