Sequence analysis of the MCPyV NCCR recovered from urine. The alignment is shown between the nucleotide sequence from 5077 to 5280 of the published sequence of MCPyV in GenBank (NCBI) (EU375803) [2] and that obtained from the sequencing of urine positive for MCPyV NCCR (MCPyV 11,19,27,30,36,38,40,47,64,65). AP-1: 5104–5114 nucleotide position (5′-GATGATGCCCC-3′); 5164–5172 nucleotide position (5′-CTTTGTAAG-3′); 5257–5265 nucleotide position (5′-GTTTATCAG-3′); 5261–5269 nucleotide position (5′-ATCAGTCAA-3′); NF1: 5088–5105 nucleotide position (5′-TATTGGCCAGCAGTGTG-3′); TST1: 5200–5214 nucleotide position (5′-GTTGAAAAAAAGTTA-3′); OCT1: 5116–5129 nucleotide position (5′-CATCCTGAAAAATA-3′); 5143–5146 nucleotide position (5′-ACTCTTTTAATG-3′); NFκB: 5188–5197 nucleotide position (5′-CGGGCCTCCC-3′); TATA-like sequences: 5146–5160 nucleotide position (5′-CTTTTAATGTCCTCC-3′); 5202–5212 nucleotide position (5′-TGAAAAAAAG-3′); 5256–5265 nucleotide position (5′-TGTTTATCAG-3′); E: experienced HIV-1-positive patients; N: naive HIV-1-positive patients.