Table 2:
Inter-modality data harmonization approaches with a free modality scope
Method name | Strategy | Main advantages | Main limitations | Citation |
DeepMF | Deep learning and non-negative matrix factorization | Robust to noise and missing data | Manual parameter tuning and prior information may be required | [70] |
JIVE | Dimensionality reduction | Identifies the global modes of variation that drive associations across and within data types | Not robust to outliers, missing values, or class imbalance | [71] |
GCCA | Generalized canonical correlation analysis | Identifies blocks of variables within datasets for correlation across datasets | Less effective if the number of observations is smaller than the number of variables or if multiple linear correlations are present between datasets. Biases towards strong variation in the data | [72] |
NetICS | Graph diffusion | Robust to frequency of aberrant genes in sample | Can only examine effects of known genes present in a defined interaction network | [73] |
DIABLO | Multivariate model and latent variable model | Captures quantitative information. Visual outputs aid interpretation | Assumes a linear relationship between the selected omics features. Parameter tuning is required | [20] |
iCluster | Latent variable model | Captures both concordant and unique alterations across data types | Sensitive to initial subset selection. Trained only on array data | [62] |
GFA | Latent variable model | Accepts data with missing values | Manual parameter tuning. Prior information may be required | [63] |
MOFA | Latent variable model and probabilistic Bayesian | Leverages multiomics to impute missing values. Single-cell version available | Assumes a linear relationship between the selected omics features. Manual parameter tuning required | [74] |
seurat | Mutual nearest neighbours | Effective in intra-modality as well as inter-modality integration. Robust to parameter changes | Restricted to single cell. Requires robust reference data | [69] |
SNF | Network analysis | Effective in small heterogeneous samples. Captures quantitative information | Does not yield quantitative data. Trained only on array data | [75] |
NMF | Non-negative matrix factorization | Accounts for complex modular structures in multimodal data | Trained only on array data | [65] |
iNMF | Non-negative matrix factorization | Stable even in heterogeneous conditions | Trained only on array data | [66] |
LIGER | Non-negative matrix factorization | Effective in intra-modality as well as inter-modality integration; effective in highly divergent datasets | Restricted to single cell | [67] |
sMBPLS | Sparse multi-block partial least-squares regression | Derives weights for modalities indicating contributions to expression | Performance is reduced with lower data dimensions | [76] |
Note that seurat and LIGER are specific to single-cell data and the others are intended for bulk data. Names, strategies, advantages, and limitations of each method are provided. Regarding advantages and limitations, a few major points are highlighted. A citation for reference to the original publication of each method is provided where full details can be obtained.