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. 2020 Jun 19;92(10):2221–2226. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26116

High‐coverage SARS‐CoV‐2 genome sequences acquired by target capture sequencing

Shaoqing Wen 1,2,, Chang Sun 2, Huanying Zheng 3, Lingxiang Wang 2, Huan Zhang 3, Lirong Zou 3, Zhe Liu 3, Panxin Du 2, Xuding Xu 2, Lijun Liang 3, Xiaofang Peng 3, Wei Zhang 3, Jie Wu 3, Jiyuan Yang 2, Bo Lei 2, Guangyi Zeng 4, Changwen Ke 3, Fang Chen 4, Xiao Zhang 1,5
PMCID: PMC7300714  PMID: 32492196


In this study, we designed a set of SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probes to increase the capacity for sequence‐based virus detection and obtain the comprehensive genome sequence at the same time. This universal SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probe set contains 502 120 nt single‐stranded DNA biotin‐labeled probes designed based on all available SARS‐CoV‐2 viral sequences and it can be used to enrich for SARS‐CoV‐2 sequences without prior knowledge of type or subtype. Following the CDC health and safety guidelines, marked enrichment was demonstrated in a virus strain sample from cell culture, three nasopharyngeal swab samples (cycle threshold [C t] values: 32.36, 36.72, and 38.44) from patients diagnosed with COVID‐19 (positive control) and four throat swab samples from patients without COVID‐19 (negative controls), respectively. Moreover, based on these high‐quality sequences, we discuss the heterozygosity and viral expression during coronavirus replication and its phylogenetic relationship with other selected high‐quality samples from the Genome Variation Map. Therefore, this universal SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probe system can capture and enrich SARS‐CoV‐2 viral sequences selectively and effectively in different samples, especially clinical swab samples with a relatively low concentration of viral particles.

Keywords: gene expression, genetic networks, genetic variability, mutation, SARS coronavirus


The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (SARS‐CoV‐2) disease has become a global and ongoing health concern. Since a patient with pneumonia of unknown etiology was first reported in the city of Wuhan on 30 December 2019, epidemiological, clinical, radiological, laboratory and genomic findings of this virus were gradually discovered by Chinese and international experts. 1 At the current stage of research, however, two crucial topics must be addressed. First, according to the latest diagnostic criteria, reverse‐transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) assays are recommended as the standard diagnosis of SARS‐CoV‐2‐infection. However, present studies found that some patients have typical imaging findings, including ground‐glass opacity, but negative RT‐PCR results. 2 The false‐negative RT‐PCR results can be caused by many factors, especially the insufficient detection sensitivity in a low viral load scenario. 2 Second, more work must be done to monitor the virus mutation, and these mutations influence of disease severity and progression. Necessitating the full‐length of the SARS‐CoV‐2 genome, metagenome sequencing technology is the latest and most comprehensive approach 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 but still costly. Moreover, in the metagenome sequencing library, there are significant amounts of host (human) nucleic acid contamination and carrier RNA contamination introduced in commercial RNA extraction kits, both of which impair the amount of viral sequence readout.

In this context, we developed a set of SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probes by using hybridization capture technology to increase the sensitivity of sequence‐based virus detection and characterization. This method was first used to enrich sequence targets from the human genome 7 and then from vertebrate virome. 8 The enrichment probe set contains 502 single‐stranded DNA biotin‐labeled probes at 2× tiling designed based on all available SARS‐CoV‐2 viral sequences, downloaded from the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID; on 1 February 2020, and it can be used to enrich for SARS‐CoV‐2 sequences without prior knowledge of type or subtype. In addition, the probes for human housekeeping genes (GAPDH, PCBP1, EIF3L, POLR2A, EIF3A, TGOLN2, TCEB3, CDK12, and BTBD7) were spiked in the probe set as internal controls for studying viral expression.


To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity, we tested the enrichment probe set by using a virus strain sample derived from cell culture, three nasopharyngeal swab samples collected from patients diagnosed COVID‐19 (positive controls), and four throat swab samples were taken from patients without COVID‐19 (negative controls), respectively. Blank control is RNase free water.

The SARS‐CoV‐2 virus isolation and culturing were reported previously, 9 which followed the CDC guidelines and good practice in laboratory health and safety requirements. Experiments were performed with the approval of the W96‐027B framework. The RT‐PCR tests were performed on all samples following a previously described method. 10 The RT‐PCR test kits (Bioperfectus) were officially approved by China's National Medical Products Administration. The C t values for all samples are listed in Table 1. Notably, the sample GDFS2020329 showed weakly positive RT‐PCR results, and the C t value was adjacent to the cut‐off value (40) for positivity.

Table 1.

Summary statistics of the enrichment libraries in this study

Sample ID Sample type RT‐PCR (C t value) Volume, µL PCR circles of library amplification Total_reads_raw Total_reads_rmdup Map_SARS‐CoV‐2_Reads _Reads SARS‐CoV‐2_Endo_Ratio Cluster_Factor Mean_depth
20200217A_1 Virus strain 33 9 15 5 841 044 5 036 902 4 813 734 0.95569 1.15965 15 070.33
20200217A_2 Virus strain 33 9 15 5 738 560 4 797 881 4 412 665 0.91971 1.19606 13 816.72
20200217A_3 Virus strain 33 7 15 6 125 219 5 150 484 4 638 866 0.90067 1.18925 14 526.37
20200217A_4 Virus strain 33 7 15 8 837 914 7 432 367 6 694 515 0.90072 1.18911 20 966.49
20200217A_5 Virus strain 33 6 17 170 189 070 150 142 532 145 007 261 0.96580 1.13352 454 007.04
20200217A_6 Virus strain 33 7 17 224 071 046 199 421 414 192 545 532 0.96552 1.12361 602 829.61
GDFS2020309 Nasopharyngeal swabs 36.72 10 15 90 343 603 86 471 821 31 821 0.00037 1.04478 98.92
GDFS2020329 Nasopharyngeal swabs 38.44 10 15 97 086 902 79 596 774 4750 0.00006 1.21973 14.76
GDFS2020336 Nasopharyngeal swabs 32.36 10 15 97 608 772 64 347 810 756 973 0.01176 1.51689 2370.64
MGI056Z14D Throat swab 20 13 13 062 316 12 121 570 0 0 1.07761 0
MGI057Z15A Throat swab 20 13 18 048 427 15 685 239 0 0 1.15066 0
MGI066Z17B Throat swab 20 13 19 511 564 15 694 790 0 0 1.24319 0
MGI076Z19D Throat swab 20 13 36 170 265 31 850 222 0 0 1.13564 0
Blank control RNase free water 20 13 105 835 91 275 0 0 1.15952 0

Abbreviation: RT‐PCR, reverse‐transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.

We divided the total RNA sample of the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus strain (20SF014) into six samples (with slightly different experimental conditions) (Table 1). Six virus strain samples, three positive samples, four negative samples, and one blank control were reverse‐transcribed into complementary DNA, respectively, followed by the second‐strand synthesis. Using the synthetic double‐stranded DNA, all DNA libraries were constructed through DNA‐fragmentation, end‐repair, adaptor‐ligation, and PCR amplification. Subsequently, library hybridization capture was performed by using the SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probe set. The enriched libraries were qualified with Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer using Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit and equivalent double‐stranded DNA libraries were pooled and transformed into a single‐stranded circular DNA library through DNA‐denaturation and circularization. DNA nanoballs were generated from single‐stranded circular DNA by rolling circle amplification, then qualified with Invitrogen Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Foster City, CA) and loaded onto the flow cell and sequenced with PE100 on the MGISEQ‐2000 platform (MGI, Shenzhen, China). Detailed experimental protocol in the Chinese and English version is presented in the Supporting Information Doc S1.

The Cutadapt (version 2.7) and trimmomatic (version 0.38) software were used for clipping adaptors and trimming low‐quality reads. After removing the adaptor, low‐quality, and low‐complexity reads, high‐quality reads were first filtered against the human reference genome (hg 38) using Burrows‐Wheeler Alignment (MEM). The remaining nonhuman reads were then realigned to the SARS‐COV‐2 reference (MN908947.3, using bowtie2 (version and filtered reads according to mapping quality (−q 30) by SAMtools (version 1.10). The variant was called by SAMtools and VarScan (version 2.3.9, parameter: —strand‐filter 0 —min‐avg‐qual 30 —min‐reads2 15 —min‐coverage 15). Finally, the sample consensus sequence was created by SAMtools and BCFtools (version 1.9) according to the variants called above.


The summary statistics for each enrichment library are described in Table 1. For virus strain sample (library 1‐6) and three positive samples, 4 797 881‐199 421 414 and 64 347 810‐86 471 821 unique reads were obtained, of which 4 412 665‐192 545 532 and 4750‐756 973 reads (reflecting the viral RNA copy number [inversely related to C t value]) were mapped to SARS‐CoV‐2 reference sequence (MN908947.3), respectively. For four negative and one control samples, none reads were mapped to the SARS‐CoV‐2 reference sequence. The fraction of SARS‐CoV‐2 endogenous DNA from virus strain enrichment libraries were found to be between 90.07% and 96.58%, demonstrating that the numbers of mapped reads to SARS‐CoV‐2 reference sequence significantly increased compared with metagenomic sequencing technology. The library complexity is evaluated by cluster factor, which is defined by “the number of raw reads divided by the number of reads after removing duplicates.” In all enrichment libraries, the clustering factor is less than 1.5, with 1 being the best value for library construction. Notably, when adding the PCR cycle numbers of library amplification from 15 to 17, the library quality improves. Moreover, by merging the data from six virus strain enrichment libraries, we obtained a total of 371 981 580 unique reads, among which 358 112 573 reads were mapped to SARS‐CoV‐2 reference. Using these unique SARS‐CoV‐2 fragments from the virus strain sample, we reconstructed six SARS‐CoV‐2 genomes (mean depth being 186 869× and minimum coverage 13 816×). Only the merged sequence (coverage 1 121 217×) was used for further analysis. For three positive samples, we also reconstructed three SARS‐CoV‐2 genomes (mean depth 98.92×, 14.76×, and 2370.64×, respectively). Their C t values are 36.72, 38.44, and 32.36, accordingly. Finally, for the virus strain sample, there are five variants called from merged data, including one homozygous variant at SNP (T23569C), and four heterozygotic variants (three SNPs: C4534T, A5522T, C23525T, and one deletion: CT16779C). For three positive samples, GDFS2020309 has two homozygous variants: C23525T, CT27791C, and heterozygotic variants T23569C; GDFS2020336 has two homozygous variants: C635T and C29303T; GDFS2020329 has no variant. The phenomenon of heterozygosity had been reported in previous studies, 6 , 11 we propose that this heterogeneity could be caused by the mutations that occur during viral replication or the infection by multistrain of coronavirus.

We collected the variations information (gff3 files) of high‐quality samples from the Genome Variation Map ( (on 22 March 2020). According to the quality criteria for 2019‐nCoV delivered by National Genomics Data Center (2019nCoVR;, 12 we enrolled 601 samples with 45 SNVs at first and second levels (with MAF > 0.01 and no dense variation regions; see in the following analysis. The information of raw variations in the gff3 file is recoded into the binary format as an input file for Network analysis (Network version 5;; Table S1). Five clades could be identified and labeled, corresponding to the full genome tree delivered by GISAID (see Figure S1). Except for three main larger clades (named: S:ORF8‐L84S [defined by SNP: 28144], G: S‐D614G [SNP: 23403], V:NS3‐G251V [SNP: 26144]), we defined a new clade, clade I: orf1ab‐V378I (segregating at position 1397). The haplotype of the reference genome (MN908947) is in the central clade (yellow circle), and our samples (20200217A, GDFS2020309, GDFS2020329, and GDFS2020336) are also in this clade.

In Figure 1A, we found two peaks in genome sequencing depths, one covering the 5′‐UTR region (MN908947.3:1‐256) and another covering the N region (MN908947.3:28274‐29533), which may be associated with the high expression in these two regions during replication of coronavirus. 13 , 14 For high sequencing depths in 5′‐UTR region, a reasonable explanation is that 5′‐UTRs before ORF1a is necessary for the discontinuous synthesis of subgenomic RNAs in the beta coronaviruses and contains the cis‐acting sequences necessary for viral replication. 12 Clinically, N gene RT‐PCR assay was found to be more sensitive than other genes in SARS‐CoV‐2 detection, which is consistent with our finding of high sequencing depths in N region. This can be explained as the structural composition of coronavirus, also the difference in expression regulation in the host cells regarding subgenomic mRNA. 14 , 15 , 16 In Figure 1B, however, there were no typical depth peaks found in the 5′‐UTR region and N region in positive samples. We suggest that a larger sample size is needed to evaluate the divergent expression pattern in the future.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Sequencing depth statistics and transcripts per million (TPM) statistics. A, Sequencing depth of the virus strain sample, corresponding to SARS‐CoV‐2 genome reference (MN908947.3). B, Sequencing depths of three positive samples. C, TPM statistics of the positive and negative samples

In general, in our selected human housekeeping genes (GAPDH, PCBP1, EIF3L, POLR2A, EIF3A, TGOLN2, TCEB3, CDK12, and BTBD7), GAPDH exhibited a relatively high expression level, PCBP1, EIF3L and POLR2A showed a moderate expression level, and the rest genes had a relatively low expression level. This gene expression pattern was clearly shown in all positive and negative samples (see Figure 1C). Importantly, according to the transcripts per million statistics, we found that positive samples (GDFS2020336 [C t value: 32.36], GDFS2020309 [C t value: 36.72], and GDFS2020329 [C t value: 38.44]) exhibited the high, moderate, and low expression level (red bar), respectively, which was nearly equivalent to that of gene GAPDH, PCBP1, and BTBD7 (Figure 1C).

In the current study, we, based on the available SARS‐CoV‐2 virus sequences, designed a set of SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probes. We made six enrichment libraries from one cultured SARS‐CoV‐2 virus strain and seven enrichment libraries from three positive samples (especially a weakly positive sample) and four negative samples to test the enrichment effects and sequenced them on MGISEQ‐2000 platform. Overall, the SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probe described in this study showed significant, SARS‐CoV‐2‐specific enrichment and should be a useful tool for the SARS‐CoV‐2 research community for detecting SARS‐CoV‐2 RNA in low amounts and for monitoring the future mutations.


The authors declare that there are no conflict of interests.


SQW and XZ were involved in designing the study and preparing the manuscript. HYZ, HZ, LRZ, ZL, LJL, XFP, WZ, JW, JYY, BL, and GYZ performed most of the experiments. SQW, CS, LXW, PXD, and XDX analyzed the data. CWK, FC, and XZ contributed to the critical revision of the manuscript. The corresponding authors were responsible for all aspects of the study and ensured that issues related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work were investigated and resolved. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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The authors sincerely thank those who are on the front lines battling the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus. We also thank the technical support provided by Guangzhou Koalson Bio‐Technique Co Ltd. Groups interested in testing this protocol can request guidance by emailing, and a limited number of our SARS‐CoV‐2 enrichment probe set are available on request.

Wen S, Sun C, Zheng H, et al. High‐coverage SARS‐CoV‐2 genome sequences acquired by target capture sequencing. J Med Virol. 2020;92:2221–2226. 10.1002/jmv.26116

Shaoqing Wen, Chang Sun, and Huanying Zheng contributed equally to this study.


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