In the article titled “The Cost of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An Initiative From the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation”, based on inquiries, we updated this paper to include a breakdown of demographics and costs based on disease state (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) in addition to the published data on IBD overall.
. 2020 May 6;26(7):1118. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izaa081
Corrigendum to The Cost of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An Initiative From the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
K T Park
, Orna G Ehrlich
, John I Allen
, Perry Meadows
, Eva M Szigethy
, Kim Henrichsen
, Sandra C Kim
, Rachel C Lawton
, Sean M Murphy
, Miguel Regueiro
, David T Rubin
, Nicole M Engel-Nitz
, Caren A Heller
K T Park, MD
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Orna G Ehrlich, MPH
Find articles by Orna G Ehrlich
John I Allen, MD
Find articles by John I Allen
Perry Meadows, MD
Find articles by Perry Meadows
Eva M Szigethy, MD, PhD
Find articles by Eva M Szigethy
Kim Henrichsen, RN, MSN
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Sandra C Kim, MD
Find articles by Sandra C Kim
Rachel C Lawton, PhD
Find articles by Rachel C Lawton
Sean M Murphy, PhD
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Miguel Regueiro, MD
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David T Rubin, MD
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Nicole M Engel-Nitz, PhD
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Caren A Heller, MD, MBA
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Issue date 2020 Jul.
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