Figure 2.
Offline gains in rotarod motor learning are minimized by 10 h of acute sleep disruption. (A) Trial-by-trial rotarod performance on day 1 and day 2 for mice experiencing ad libitum sleep (n = 52) or 10 h acute sleep disruption (mSD) (n = 43). (B) Mice experiencing ad libitum sleep demonstrate significant improvement in the first 3 trials of day 2 (F3D2) compared to the last 3 trials of day 1 (L3D1) whereas mice experiencing 10 h acute sleep disruption do not. There was no significant difference in L3D1 performance between conditions. (C) Offline improvement in motor performance expressed as F3D2/L3D1 was significantly higher in mice experiencing ad libitum sleep vs. acute sleep disruption. *** p < 0.001. * p < 0.05. n.s. = not significant.