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. 2020 Jul 7;7:214. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0565-9

Liver transcriptome resources of four commercially exploited teleost species

André M Machado 1,, Antonio Muñoz-Merida 2, Elza Fonseca 1,3, Ana Veríssimo 2,3, Rui Pinto 1, Mónica Felício 4, Rute R da Fonseca 5, Elsa Froufe 1, L Filipe C Castro 1,3,
PMCID: PMC7340784  PMID: 32636445


The generation of omic resources is central to develop adequate management strategies for species with economic value. Here, we provide high-coverage RNA-seq datasets of liver tissue (containing between 80,2 and 88,4 million of paired-end reads) from four wildtype teleost species with high commercial value: Trachurus trachurus (TTR; Atlantic horse mackerel), Scomber scombrus (SSC; Atlantic mackerel), Trisopterus luscus (TLU; pout), and Micromesistius poutassou (MPO; blue whiting). A comprehensive assembly pipeline, using de novo single and multi-kmer assembly approaches, produced 64 single high-quality liver transcriptomes – 16 per species. The final assemblies, with N50 values ranging from 2,543–3,700 bp and BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs) completeness values between 81.8–86.5% of the Actinopterygii gene set, were subjected to open reading frame (ORF) prediction and functional annotation. Our study provides the first transcriptomic resources for these species and offers valuable tools to evaluate both neutral and selected genetic variation among populations, and to identify candidate genes for environmental adaptation assisting in the investigation of the effects of global changes in fisheries.

Subject terms: Transcriptomics, Ecological genetics

Measurement(s) RNA • transcriptome • sequence_assembly • sequence feature annotation
Technology Type(s) RNA sequencing • sequence assembly process • sequence annotation
Factor Type(s) teleost species
Sample Characteristic - Organism Trachurus trachurus • Scomber scombrus • Trisopterus luscus • Micromesistius poutassou

Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12533171

Background & Summary

Multi-data approaches using complementary techniques are essential to successfully define fish stocks and management strategies (e.g.1,2). The revolution of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has created an unprecedented opportunity to contribute to each component of fisheries management (e.g. reviewed in3), allowing to address population structure and adaptive divergence in commercially relevant teleost fish species (e.g. Atlantic cod4 and Atlantic herring5), to identify candidate genes for environmental adaptation3 or to explore the function of genes with aquaculture relevance6. Importantly, the expansion of genomic and transcriptomic datasets has been fundamental to detail the complex phylogenetic relationships of this taxon-rich clade79. Additionally, these resources have also been proven important in conservation strategies, where they have allowed the prediction of how species will respond to new environmental scenarios and the identification of the threats endangering species at risk (e.g.10). Yet, these formidable tools have to be applied to the vast majority of the world fisheries: 60% of which are at their maximum sustainable yield, 33% are exploited at biologically unsustainable levels and only 7.0% are considered underfished11.

Here, we generated four liver transcriptomic datasets from important fishing resources in European waters belonging to three different taxonomic families: the Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus 1758), the Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus (Linnaeus 1758) (SSC), the pout, Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus 1758) and the blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou (Risso 1827) (Fig. 1a). Together, these species represent an important fraction of fish captures in European waters (Fig. 1a) and are, therefore, relevant models for which the development of omic tools for research is highly desirable. Although some information regarding basic biological traits is currently available, some aspects of their biology remain poorly known, particularly population structure, nutritional requirements, reproduction, coastal recruitment processes, and studies involving NGS datasets are also scarce or absent. For example, in Scomber scombrus two RNA-seq projects are available (PRJNA272777 (low coverage RNA-seq dataset produced from a pool of tissues (muscle, liver, gonad, brain) and 454 GS-FLX Titanium System) and PRJNA305977 (RNA-seq dataset produced from white muscle tissue and with Illumina HiSeq2000 system))12,13. For the remaining species, no RNA-seq data is currently available. To cover the above-mentioned biological aspects, the liver was selected to produce a high-quality and coverage transcriptome for each species. Tipically, this tissue has a large number of expressed genes. On the other hand, the selection of a single specimen per species avoided the intraspecies variations, which associated with heterozygosity levels of marine fish species, generally higher than freshwater species, makes the construction of high-quality genomic and transcriptomic references a complex and challenging task.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Schematic overview of the study. (a) Geographic coordinates of sampling, photographs of the collected specimens, taxonomy classification and fishery relevance. (b) Experimental setup used to perform RNA extraction and sequencing. (c) Bioinformatics workflow used to post-sequencing dataset analyses.


Animal sampling

Adult specimens of T. trachurus, S. scombrus, T. luscus, and M. poutassou were collected to perform the RNA-seq analyses. Individuals were caught in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, Portugal: T. trachurus and S. scombrus (40.961667 N, 9.336000 W) and T. luscus and M. poutassou (41.055000 N, 9.246667 W), under the guidelines of the “Programa Nacional de Amostragem Biológica”, conducted by the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) (Fig. 1a; Table 1). Immediately upon capture, liver tissue from each specimen was collected and stored in RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent (Qiagen, Germany) during 24 h at 4 °C (Fig. 1b). The samples were later transferred to −80 °C until total RNA extraction (Fig. 1b).

Table 1.

MixS descriptors of four commercial fish species used on this study.

Species T. trachurus S. scombrus T. luscus M. poutassou
Investigation_type Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote
Project_name Liver transcriptome of four commercial fish species
Lat_lon 40.961667 N 9.336000 W 40.961667 N 9.336000 W 41.055000 N 9.246667 W 41.055000 N 9.246667 W
Geo_loc_name NorthEast Atlantic Ocean NorthEast Atlantic Ocean NorthEast Atlantic Ocean NorthEast Atlantic Ocean
Collection_date 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 6/22/2017
Biome Coastal sea water (ENVO:00002150) Coastal sea water (ENVO:00002150) Coastal sea water (ENVO:00002150) Coastal sea water (ENVO:00002150)
Feature Coastal water body (ENVO:02000049) Coastal water body (ENVO:02000049) Coastal water body (ENVO:02000049) Coastal water body (ENVO:02000049)
Material Sea water (ENVO:00002150) Sea water (ENVO:00002150) Sea water (ENVO:00002150) Sea water (ENVO:00002150)
Env_package Water Water Water Water
Seq_meth Illumina HiSeq4000 Illumina HiSeq4000 Illumina HiSeq4000 Illumina HiSeq4000
Assembly method Multiple Methods (Trinity, rnaSPAdes, SOAPdenovo-trans, IDBA-trans) Multiple Methods (Trinity, rnaSPAdes, SOAPdenovo-trans, IDBA-trans) Multiple Methods (Trinity, rnaSPAdes, SOAPdenovo-trans, IDBA-trans) Multiple Methods (Trinity, rnaSPAdes, SOAPdenovo-trans, IDBA-trans)
Collector Mónica Felicio Mónica Felicio Mónica Felicio Mónica Felicio
Sex female female male female
Fork length 28,3 cm 40,5 cm 18 cm 21,5 cm
Maturity Mature Mature Mature Mature

RNA extraction, library construction, and sequencing

Total RNA was extracted from liver using the Illustra RNAspin Mini RNA Isolation Kit (GE Healthcare, UK), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The isolated RNA was treated with RNase-free DNase I to remove residual genomic DNA contamination and eluted in RNase-free water. RNA concentration was measured using a microplate spectrophotometer with Take3™ Micro-Volume Plate (BioTeK, USA) (T. trachurus - 2816,556 ng/μl, S. scombrus - 2379,382 ng/μl, T. luscus - 1147.368 ng/μl, and M. poutassou - 1236.980 ng/μl). The RNA quality was verified with the measurement of the OD260/280 ratio values (1.8 to 2.0). The integrity of each RNA sample was checked by running 1 μl in a 1% agarose gel. Afterwards, the four RNA samples were used to build four strand-specific libraries, one per species, with an insert size of 250–300 bp and sequenced using 150 bp paired-end reads on the Illumina HiSeq4000 platform by Novogene (China).

Pre-assembly processing stage

The raw dataset for each specimen was initially inspected with the FastQC (version 0.11.8) software ( Trimmomatic (version 0.38)14 was then used to trim, quality-filter the raw reads and remove Illumina adaptors, under the following parameters (LEADING:5 TRAILING:5 SLIDINGWINDOW:5:20 MINLEN:36) (Fig. 1c). To correct random sequencing errors introduced during the sequencing or in another stage of the pre-in silico processing, we applied a kmer-based error correction method, Rcorrector (version 1.0.3)15, with default settings. At this stage, all the unfixable reads were discarded. The error-corrected reads were posteriorly introduced in the Centrifuge (version 1.0.3-beta)16 program and taxonomically classified against the pre-compiled nucleotide database of NCBI ( (version nt_2018_3_3). Importantly, all the reads not classified as belonging to Actinopterygii superclass (Taxon Id: 7898) were considered exogenous to our target species and removed from the initial datasets (Fig. 1c).

De novo transcriptome assembly stage

To build the transcriptome, we opted by the de novo assembly strategy using a multi-kmer approach. Thus, to generate the liver transcriptomes of TTR, SSC, TLU, and MPO we used four assemblers – Trinity (version 2.8.4)17,18, rnaSPAdes mode of SPAdes (version 3.11.1)19, SOAPdenovo-trans (version 1.03)20, and IDBA-trans (version 1.1.3)21 (Fig. 1c). The first assembly was carried out by Trinity software with a fixed Kmer of 25 and a strand-specific data parameter on (SS_lib_type RF). The RnaSPAdes tool was then applied with the default parameters (kmer of 73, following the strategy used in the original publication (read length/2−1)19. In the remaining assemblers, we used a multi-kmer approach that required both the mean insert size (IS) and standard deviation (SD) values of the raw dataset. To calculate these values, we used the transcriptome generated by Trinity as a reference, the Bowtie2 (version 2.3.5)22 to map the clean raw reads, and finally CollectInsertSizeMetrics function of Picard tools (version 2.19.2)23 to estimate the insert size and standard deviation values. The IDBA-trans assemblies were performed with the SD and IS, previously calculated, the kmer values of 25, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81 and the–ss-fr parameter on. On the other hand, SOAPdenovo-trans used the kmer values of 25, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81 with (-L 200; -F YES) parameters. To remove the gaps inserted during the SOAPdenovo-trans assemblies, the GapCloser (version 1.12) module of SOAPdeonovo224 software was used, with default settings.

Post-assembly processing stage

In the post-assembly processing stage, all assemblies were processed with the SeqKit (version 0.10.1) toolkit25. This tool removed all contigs with less than 200 nucleotides, and concatenated all assemblies, per species, in one multi-assembly file. Furthermore, we also conducted several searches against the nucleotide NCBI (nt-NCBI) (downloaded on 30/03/2019) and UniVec (downloaded on 02/04/2019) databases to identify and remove biological contaminations, vectors or adapters not identified in the previous stages. These searches were done via blast-n (version 2.9.0) against the nt-NCBI database with the parameters (-evalue 1e-5; -max_target_seqs. 1; -perc_identity 90; -max_hsps 1; and minimum alignment length of 50 bp), and against UniVec database with the settings (-reward 1; -penalty -5; -gapopen 3; -gapextend 3; -dust yes; -soft_masking true; -evalue 700; -searchsp 1750000000000). For the nt-NCBI searches, all contigs with the best match hits out of the Actinopterygii taxon were considered contaminations and removed from the transcriptome assemblies. The remaining transcripts, without any match hit or with match hits in Actinopterygii taxon were kept into the transcriptomes and used for further analyses. Regarding the Univec database, all transcripts with a match hit were considered exogenous and removed from the dataset. To decrease the redundancy and complexity within the decontaminated transcriptomes, we clustered highly similar nucleotide sequences with the CD-HIT-EST (version 4.7)26 software, with the following settings (-c 0.95; -g 1; -M 60000; -T 30) (Fig. 1c). Essentially, the software clusters and compares nucleotide sequences, keeping the longest sequence per cluster above a certain similarity threshold, in our case 95% of similarity. All steps of the transcriptome assembly and post-processing stage (from the single kmer assemblies build until the concatenation, decontamination and the clean-up of redundancy) were further inspected to guarantee the accuracy of our approach. Thus, we used the Trinity and Transrate (1.0.3)27 for primary statistics and the Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs (BUSCO version 3.0.2)28 – with four lineage-specific profile libraries (Metazoa, Eukaryota, Vertebrates and Actinopterygii) – to evaluate the gene completeness of each assembly. In addition, the rate of reads back mapping to the transcriptome (RBMT) was also calculated for all the assemblies after the decontamination step (Fig. 1c). The RBMT was performed with Bowtie2 (version 2.3.5)22 tool.

Open reading frame prediction and transcriptome annotation

The open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted using the Transdecoder software (version 5.3.0) ( (Fig. 1c). This pipeline is mainly subdivided into three stages. In the first stage, the software pre-predicted the longest ORF per transcript with a cut off length of 100 aminoacids. In the second stage, to find homology and protein evidence, two databases were screened – blast-p (version 2.9.0) with cut-off evalue of 1e-5 against UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database (downloaded on 12/04/2019)29 and hmmscan of hmmer2 package (version 2.4i)30 to find protein profiles against PFAM database (downloaded on 12/04/2019)31, respectively. In the last stage, all the information collected from both databases, together with the pre-predicted ORF’s were used to perform the final prediction of the amino acid sequence. Afterwards, all transcripts codifying for a protein, per species, were used to carry out a functional annotation step with the Sma3s (version 2.1)32 tool (Fig. 1c). Functional annotation was assigned applying consecutive filters to a blast record (performed against the Uniref90 database (downloaded on 2019-02)) based on both similarity and query coverage. Functional domains were also identified clustering all significant blast hits, and their annotations were retrieved only when their frequency was higher than the frequency of appearance in the reference database following the hypergeometric distribution. Annotation types retrieved consist of GO terms, EC codes from ENZYME repository and Uniprot keywords and pathways. Gene name is only associated in cases of a blast hit greater than 75% of identity and 75% of query coverage.

Data Records

The data generated in this study is subdivided in three main categories: the raw reads, the transcriptome assemblies, and the functional annotation. The decontaminated raw reads, for each species, were deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive – SRP21618733. Furthermore, the non-redundant transcriptome assemblies were submitted in fasta format, to the NCBI Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly Sequence Database, under the accession number, GHRS00000000, (TTR), GHRT00000000 (SSC), GHRZ00000000 (TLU), GHRY00000000 (MPO)3437. The remaining transcriptome assemblies (fasta format), the open reading frames, as well the annotation files per species were uploaded to figshare online repository38. In detail, it is possible to consult in figshare, the 16 initial individual transcriptome assemblies of the four species produced with four different assemblers, the multi assembly and the final assembly, per species, in fasta format. In addition, also the predicted open reading frames (.pep file), as well as the remaining outputs of TransDecoder software (.bed,.gff3 and.cds files) and the functional annotation files are available, per species38.

Technical Validation

Raw datasets and pre-assembly processing quality control

The sequencing process generated a total of 88,4 M in TTR, 87,8 M in SSC, 80,2 M in TLU and 84 M in MPO paired-end raw reads. All raw datasets were initially scrutinized by the FastQC tool, trimmed with Trimmomatic, error-corrected with Rcorrector and decontaminated with Centrifuge software. The percentage of removed reads per step in the pre-assembly processing stage can be visualized in Table 2. Overall, ~86,7 M in TTR, 87,1 in SSC, 79,2 in TLU and 82,8 MPO reads had Phred scores higher than 20 and were retained for the transcriptome assembly stage (Table 2 and Fig. 2a–d33).

Table 2.

Technical features of raw datasets and percentages of raw reads removed in each step of the pre-assembly processing stage.

Raw Reads T. trachurus S. scombrus T. luscus M. poutassou
Raw sequencing reads 88451325 87805244 80273856 84099678
Trimmomatic reads removed 62084 (0.07%) 43757 (0.05%) 49140 (0.06%) 63070 (0.07%)
Centrifuge reads removed 1658993 (1.88%) 585774 (0.67%) 965820 (1.20%) 1145446 (1.36%)
Reads used in assembly 86730248 (98.05%) 87175713 (99.29%) 79258896 (98.74%) 82891162 (98.52%)
Technical features
Median Insert size 274 264 277 275
Mode insert size 266 262 271 268
Median Absolute Deviation 40 39 41 40
Minimum Insert size 122 124 123 122
Maximo Insert size 887 889 1013 1812
Mean insert size 277.884336 267.483079 280.906177 278.967563
Standard Deviation 61.001219 59.050183 61.544275 60.196021

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Quality FastQC report of post-processing RNA-seq datasets (after Centrifuge (version 1.0.3-beta)16 cleaning stage). For each species, it is presented the R1 and R2 FastQC reports. (a) Trachurus trachurus; (b) Scomber scombrus; (c) Trisopterus luscu; (d) Micromesistius poutassou.

Transcriptome assembly metrics

The de novo transcriptome assembly was performed using multiple software including Trinity, rnaSPAdes, SOAPdenovo-trans and IDBA-trans. This strategy has been previously applied with success in transcriptome projects of multiple organisms, without a reference genome3941. The first assembly obtained with Trinity tool was used to map the raw decontaminated reads and to calculate the IS and SD for each species. In all species, the IS and SD values ranged between 267–280 and 59–61 (Table 2). The initial multi-assembly approach generated 64 transcriptome assemblies, 16 for each species38. The statistic metrics for each assembly, such as N50 transcript length, mean transcript length, percentage of GC, longest transcript length, or transcript number over 1k or 10k nucleotides can be visualized in Online-only Tables 14. In addition, we also performed BUSCO analyses using 303, 978, 2586 and 4584 near-universal single-copy orthologs in Eukaryota, Metazoa, Vertebrata, and Actinopterygii gene sets, respectively, for all the 16 assemblies (Online-only Tables 14). Regarding the individual assemblies, the Trinity tool presented the higher values of N50 and mean transcript length in all species: TTR – 1708 and 921,55 bp, SSC – 1964 and 984,48 bp, TLU – 1321 and 780,05 bp, and MPO – 1228 and 782.03 bp, respectively (Online-only Tables 14). Moreover, the BUSCO analyses revealed the same pattern with higher percentage of total genes found (complete + fragmented) in Trinity assemblies for all lineage-specific profile libraries consulted (Eukaryota, Metazoa, Vertebrata and Actinopterygii): TTR – 100.00, 99.28, 90.37, 81.72%, SSC – 99.01, 99.28, 89.29, 79.89%, TLU – 100.00, 99.80, 92.34, 83.40%, and MPO – 100.00, 99.69, 92.42, 83.99% (Online-only Tables 14). The magnitude of these values is comparable and, in some cases, superior to several fish transcriptomes, publicly available, e.g. (e.g. Xiphias gladius – 99 and 98.2% of genes found in Eukaryota, Metazoa databases42; Amphiprion percula – 85.4% of genes found in Actinopterygii database43), which suggests a high quality of our initial assemblies.

Online-only Table 1.

Transrate and Busco statistics of the 16 initial liver transcriptome assemblies of T. trachurus.

Basic statistics Trinity RnaSpades SOAPdenovo-Trans (k25) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k31) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k41) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k51) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k61) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k71) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k81) Idba-trans (k25) Idba-trans (k31) Idba-trans (k41) Idba-trans (k51) Idba-trans (k61) Idba-trans (k71) Idba-trans (k81)
Number of transcripts 335497 245191 125230 131782 144544 159289 175732 174999 151673 145474 145126 152429 161206 171675 179629 183528
Longest transcript 29599 20910 19537 20428 18720 17339 17828 19243 16992 16618 17032 19198 15600 14635 13980 12397
n bases 309175642 177721497 89820450 92779476 95333230 97574502 100078540 99338997 93415859 80564095 84494772 85909498 87246182 88331398 88582303 87650963
Mean transcript lenght (bp) 921.55 724.83 717.24 704.04 659.54 612.56 569.5 567.65 615.9 553.8 582.22 563.6 541.21 514.53 493.14 477.59
Number of transcripts over 1 K nt 84012 41005 21399 22015 22015 22130 22218 22451 22506 16562 18560 18064 17605 16568 15662 14489
Number of transcripts over 10 K nt 403 191 109 110 93 82 49 48 29 9 14 15 16 10 7 11
N90 trancript lenght (bp) 346 275 267 262 249 239 232 237 258 264 267 262 257 250 243 238
N70 trancript lenght (bp) 819 517 570 553 503 450 401 394 444 421 442 421 398 373 357 347
N50 trancript lenght (bp) 1708 1382 1274 1238 1116 997 888 865 949 679 742 707 664 610 564 534
N30 trancript lenght (bp) 2930 2757 2514 2466 2287 2047 1821 1732 1803 1135 1291 1247 1191 1109 1033 965
N10 trancript lenght (bp) 5445 5512 5167 5139 4780 4448 3922 3645 3604 2262 2641 2631 2565 2434 2306 2220
Percentage of GC (%) 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.47
Busco analysis (%)
BUSCO Complete (Single + Duplicated)* 97.36\96.83\78.27\71.97 95.38\95.91\75.33\67.69 97.03\95.40\78.27\70.40 96.37\94.79\76.91\69.48 91.42\92.74\73.32\67.15 91.09\91.72\69.88\63.26 85.81\87.22\62.34\56.98 84.82\83.74\57.15\52.86 79.87\83.13\55.96\49.80 65.02\66.87\41.11\33.92 67.66\69.02\42.54\34.97 69.64\71.88\41.69\35.23 74.26\76.48\46.67\39.86 77.23\78.94\47.22\40.64 79.87\80.88\48.41\42.41 78.22\81.70\49.54\42.52
BUSCO Single* 13.53\10.33\13.19\12.91 69.31\67.38\55.30\49.19 89.77\89.06\74.05\65.53 89.77\87.32\72.27\64.31 84.82\85.99\68.21\62.00 84.49\82.31\64.58\57.11 77.89\76.89\55.45\49.85 73.93\70.55\49.19\44.31 69.31\67.59\45.82\40.07 63.04\64.31\40.29\33.25 64.69\66.26\41.61\33.97 66.34\69.02\40.95\34.40 70.96\72.49\45.82\38.66 73.93\74.34\46.25\39.40 77.23\76.58\47.37\41.08 76.90\77.20\48.41\41.30
BUSCO Duplicated* 83.83\86.50\65.08\59.05 26.07\28.53\20.03\18.50 7.26\6.34\4.22\4.86 6.60\7.46\4.64\5.17 6.60\6.75\5.10\5.15 6.60\9.41\5.30\6.15 7.92\10.33\6.88\7.13 10.89\13.19\7.97\8.55 10.56\15.54\10.13\9.73 1.98\2.56\0.81\0.68 2.97\2.76\0.93\1.00 3.30\2.86\0.73\0.83 3.30\3.99\0.85\1.20 3.30\4.60\0.97\1.24 2.64\4.29\1.04\1.33 1.32\4.50\1.12\1.22
BUSCO Fragmented* 2.64\2.45\12.10\9.75 4.62\3.68\15.58\13.31 2.97\3.68\12.14\11.26 3.30\4.09\12.99\11.63 7.59\6.03\15.55\12.67 7.26\6.44\18.41\14.86 12.54\10.94\24.48\18.26 13.53\14.42\28.38\20.20 17.49\14.83\28.42\21.14 31.02\28.73\42.19\29.73 29.70\28.32\41.34\31.06 27.06\25.36\42.27\30.78 23.10\21.37\38.05\28.21 21.12\19.02\37.24\27.51 18.48\17.69\36.43\26.42 19.80\16.67\34.15\25.00
BUSCO Missing* 0.00\0.72\9.63\18.28 0.00\0.41\9.09\19.00 0.00\0.92\9.59\18.35 0.33\1.12\10.09\18.89 0.99\1.23\11.14\20.18 1.65\1.84\11.72\21.88 1.65\1.84\13.19\24.76 1.65\1.84\14.46\26.94 2.64\2.04\15.62\29.06 3.96\4.40\16.71\36.34 2.64\2.66\16.13\33.97 3.30\2.76\16.05\33.99 2.64\2.15\15.27\31.94 1.65\2.04\15.55\31.85 1.65\1.43\15.16\31.17 1.98\1.64\16.32\32.48
Total Buscos Found* 100.00\99.28\90.37\81.72 100.00\99.59\90.91\81.00 100.00\99.08\90.41\81.65 99.67\98.88\89.91\81.11 99.01\98.77\88.86\79.82 98.35\98.16\88.28\78.12 98.35\98.16\86.81\75.24 98.35\98.16\85.54\73.06 97.36\97.96\84.38\70.94 96.04\95.60\83.29\63.66 97.36\97.34\83.87\66.03 96.70\97.24\83.95\66.01 97.36\97.85\84.73\68.06 98.35\97.96\84.45\68.15 98.35\98.57\84.84\68.83 98.02\98.36\83.68\67.52


Euk: Dataset with 303 genes of Eukaryota library profile.

Met: Dataset with 978 genes of Metazoa library profile.

Ver: Dataset with 2586 genes of Vertebrata library profile

Actino: Dataset with 4584 genes of Actinopterygii library profile.

Online-only Table 4.

Transrate and Busco statistics of the 16 initial liver transcriptome assemblies of M. poutassou.

Basic statistics Trinity RnaSpades SOAPdenovo-Trans (k25) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k31) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k41) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k51) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k61) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k71) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k81) Idba-trans (k25) Idba-trans (k31) Idba-trans (k41) Idba-trans (k51) Idba-trans (k61) Idba-trans (k71) Idba-trans (k81)
Number of transcripts 464167 330050 177545 186370 195930 207329 216930 206477 172974 208443 210941 215238 220501 226879 231007 232815
Longest transcript 21943 24472 19591 18778 21129 21290 19702 26373 19501 14207 14848 13517 14471 14052 14191 15424
n bases 362993700 233843506 117331079 123189353 127788108 128934716 128494411 123468531 112004054 103493945 111919073 116653625 118143740 117849403 116075407 112981783
Mean transcript lenght (bp) 782.03 708.51 660.85 660.99 652.21 621.88 592.33 597.98 647.52 496.51 530.57 541.98 535.8 519.44 502.48 485.29
Number of transcripts over 1 K nt 93608 55128 26856 27659 28223 27820 26929 26060 25078 17044 21013 22733 22718 21742 20655 19261
Number of transcripts over 10 K nt 237 165 84 97 115 111 102 83 70 4 9 12 18 15 18 19
N90 trancript lenght (bp) 322 279 265 265 257 247 242 248 270 258 264 266 262 256 247 239
N70 trancript lenght (bp) 614 512 502 499 487 451 420 417 457 377 401 407 400 384 368 352
N50 trancript lenght (bp) 1228 1193 1013 1003 1009 950 877 881 968 563 621 642 635 607 578 548
N30 trancript lenght (bp) 2261 2387 2079 2101 2158 2090 1965 1956 2032 892 1022 1089 1100 1069 1041 1007
N10 trancript lenght (bp) 4313 4649 4363 4482 4655 4520 4280 4259 4251 1731 2050 2258 2317 2323 2320 2320
Percentage of GC (%) 0.51 0.5 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.5 0.5 0.51 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.5 0.5
Busco analysis (%)
BUSCO Complete (Single + Duplicated)* 100.00\98.88\83.64\75.28 94.39\95.71\77.34\69.87 98.35\97.34\82.13\72.40 99.34\97.96\82.87\74.39 99.01\97.44\83.06\75.15 97.36\96.83\80.74\73.91 96.37\95.40\77.03\70.09 93.40\94.58\75.33\68.41 93.40\93.66\74.25\66.36 66.67\65.54\33.02\24.80 72.94\71.06\38.01\30.37 73.27\71.98\39.40\32.70 75.91\72.80\41.07\36.32 76.24\74.85\44.04\38.57 79.87\78.63\48.26\42.19 83.50\83.03\83.03\44.55
BUSCO Single* 8.25\8.18\13.11\12.70 58.75\65.24\57.42\50.48 86.47\87.63\76.26\66.51 87.79\88.34\76.49\68.22 85.48\87.63\76.57\68.35 83.17\86.30\73.98\66.84 81.19\83.33\70.07\62.54 78.88\81.90\67.79\60.43 77.56\79.86\66.82\58.12 64.69\62.68\32.52\24.24 69.31\68.00\37.28\29.82 69.64\68.20\38.32\31.61 71.95\68.30\39.98\34.95 71.62\69.43\43.12\37.00 76.24\73.21\47.02\40.36 78.22\76.69\76.69\42.54
BUSCO Duplicated* 91.75\90.70\70.53\62.59 35.64\30.47\19.91\19.39 11.88\9.71\5.88\5.89 11.55\9.61\6.38\6.17 13.53\9.82\6.50\6.81 14.19\10.53\6.77\7.07 15.18\12.07\6.96\7.55 14.52\12.68\7.54\7.98 15.84\13.80\7.42\8.25 1.98\2.86\0.50\0.57 3.63\3.07\0.73\0.55 3.63\3.78\1.08\1.09 3.96\4.50\1.08\1.37 4.62\5.42\0.93\1.57 3.63\5.42\1.24\1.83 5.28\6.34\6.34\2.01
BUSCO Fragmented* 0.00\0.82\8.78\8.70 5.28\4.09\15.74\12.65 1.32\2.25\10.56\9.51 0.66\1.64\10.05\8.94 0.99\2.15\9.67\8.60 2.31\2.76\11.18\9.14 3.30\3.99\14.54\11.23 5.94\4.91\15.70\12.65 6.60\5.52\15.58\13.26 31.68\30.67\47.18\30.63 26.07\26.79\45.90\30.58 25.74\25.66\45.24\31.46 23.43\25.46\44.43\29.43 23.10\24.03\42.23\29.30 19.80\20.45\38.55\27.25 16.50\16.26\16.26\26.00
BUSCO Missing* 0.00\0.31\7.58\16.01 0.33\0.20\6.92\17.47 0.33\0.41\7.31\18.08 0.00\0.41\7.08\16.67 0.00\0.41\7.27\16.25 0.33\0.41\8.08\16.95 0.33\0.61\8.43\18.67 0.66\0.51\8.97\18.94 0.00\0.82\10.17\20.38 1.65\3.78\19.80\44.57 0.99\2.15\16.09\39.05 0.99\2.35\15.35\35.84 0.66\1.74\14.50\34.25 0.66\1.12\13.73\32.13 0.33\0.92\13.19\30.56 0.00\0.72\0.72\29.45
Total Buscos Found* 100.00\99.69\92.42\83.99 99.67\99.80\93.08\82.53 99.67\99.59\92.69\81.92 100.00\99.59\92.92\83.33 100.00\99.59\92.73\83.75 99.67\99.59\91.92\83.05 99.67\99.39\91.57\81.33 99.34\99.49\91.03\81.06 100.00\99.18\89.83\79.62 98.35\96.22\80.20\55.43 99.01\97.85\83.91\60.95 99.01\97.65\84.65\64.16 99.34\98.26\85.50\65.75 99.34\98.88\86.27\67.87 99.67\99.08\86.81\69.44 100.00\99.28\99.28\70.55


Euk: Dataset with 303 genes of Eukaryota library profile.

Met: Dataset with 978 genes of Metazoa library profile.

Ver: Dataset with 2586 genes of Vertebrata library profile

Actino: Dataset with 4584 genes of Actinopterygii library profile.

Post-assembly processing and annotation verification

At this stage, the 16 assemblies per species were concatenated and decontaminated, resulting in four multi-assembly transcriptomes – Online-only Table 438. During the decontamination phase, all blast-n results were manually inspected and the threshold of minimum alignment length of 50 bp and taxonomic superclass Actinopterygii, were specifically selected due to two factors: the considerable number of plausible biological contamination hits with more 50 bp of nucleotide alignment length (e.g. Lasthenia californica (Taxon ID: 149440)) and the relatively high number of Actinopterygii species with genome sequenced and annotated on nt-NCBI database (at least 43 species), respectively. Although, some transcripts have been discarded at this stage (e.g. novel sequences not present in this 43 Actinopterygii species), we have ensured the application of sensitive blast parameters. Thus, instead of focusing the analyses on the removal of all sequences with a match hit, we performed first an effort on the identification of the hits, via homology, against the possible sources of contamination and only after excluded if confirmed. Apart from a few transcripts that have been removed, this approach increased the confidence levels of each dataset. Posteriorly, four multi-assemblies were subject to a redundancy removal step to decrease the complexity and to remove the overlapping transcripts above 95% of sequence similarity3437. This method has been highly used to remove redundancy in several datasets and organisms40,4446, namely in the build of new transcriptomic references. In addition, this strategy still decreased the natural heterozygoty of the organisms in the assemblies. It should be noted that although naturally present in the organisms, the heterozygosity continues to be a crucial parameter to consider during the generation of transcriptomic and genomic datasets. In some cases, where heterozygosity is not contemplated in the bioinformatic approach, the results change completely and their interpretation can be affected. Using this approach, the total number of transcripts in each dataset was substantially reduced, TTR – 2769441 to 414729, SSC – 2728965 to 377586, TLU – 3203445 to 548983, and MPO – 3675167 to 602418, allowing a better overview and understanding of the datasets (Online-only Table 5). After this step, we implemented another quality control strategy, the RBMT. This method, together with the already established metrics, general statistics, and gene completeness, allowed us to verify the raw read content of the transcriptomes. Importantly, this metric showed that even with the redundancy removal step, the RBMT rate in the non-redundant transcriptomes has kept very high values, TTR – 96.78, SSC – 97.16, TLU – 95.3, MPO – 95.51% (Online-only Table 5).

Online-only Table 5.

Transrate, Busco and RBMT statistics of multi and non-redudant liver transcriptome assemblies of T. trachurus, S. scombrus, T. luscus, M. poutassou.

Basic statistics Multi-assembly (T. trachurus) Non-redundat assembly (T. trachurus) Multi-assembly (S. scombrus) Non-redundat assembly (S. scombrus) Multi-assembly (T. luscus) Non-redundat assembly (T. luscus) Multi-assembly (M. poutassou) Non-redundat assembly (M. poutassou)
Number of transcripts 2769441 414729 2728965 377586 3203445 548983 3675167 602418
Longest transcript 29599 29599 44312 44312 32751 32751 26373 26373
n bases 1747321952 368691712 1890204885 380142640 1907624448 430348125 2233549078 494330249
Mean transcript lenght (bp) 630.93 888.99 692.65 1006.77 595.49 783.9 607.74 820.58
Number of transcripts over 1 K nt 394404 95958 431868 93637 409605 108225 476782 125499
Number of transcripts over 10 K nt 1190 574 2104 1072 871 384 1144 535
N90 trancript lenght (bp) 261 294 272 324 262 289 265 294
N70 trancript lenght (bp) 463 819 522 1015 430 630 442 681
N50 trancript lenght (bp) 937 1825 1121 2324 800 1396 818 1512
N30 trancript lenght (bp) 1898 3181 2342 4014 1622 2606 1666 2793
N10 trancript lenght (bp) 4166 5934 4998 7110 3568 4986 3755 5273
Percentage of GC (%) 0.46 0.47 0.43 0.44 0.52 0.53 0.5 0.51
Rate mapping % 96.78 97.16 95.3 95.51
Busco analysis (%)
BUSCO Complete (Single + Duplicated)* 98.02\97.03\82.13\76.70 99.34\98.26\84.11\78.45 97.03\97.14\82.68\76.03 98.02\97.85\84.61\76.96 99.67\97.85\85.11\79.67 99.67\99.08\88.28\82.02 100.00\97.96\86.23\80.54 99.67\99.39\89.13\82.57
BUSCO Single* 2.97\2.15\3.48\3.97 35.97\34.05\32.68\30.52 1.98\2.25\3.40\4.65 32.34\32.21\33.49\31.76 1.98\2.76\3.52\4.62 24.09\28.32\30.12\28.47 1.32\1.94\3.48\4.45 23.76\27.71\28.38\28.34
BUSCO Duplicated* 95.05\94.89\78.65\72.73 63.37\64.21\51.43\47.93 95.05\94.89\79.27\71.38 65.68\65.64\51.12\45.20 97.69\95.09\81.59\75.04 75.58\70.76\58.16\53.56 98.68\96.01\82.75\76.09 75.91\71.68\60.75\54.23
BUSCO Fragmented* 1.98\2.56\9.63\7.66 0.66\1.33\7.77\6.22 2.31\2.25\8.39\6.15 1.32\1.53\6.54\5.24 0.00\1.84\8.47\6.68 0.00\0.61\5.34\4.47 0.00\1.84\7.70\5.93 0.33\0.41\4.80\4.19
BUSCO Missing* 0.00\0.41\8.24\15.64 0.00\0.41\8.12\15.34 0.66\0.61\8.93\17.82 0.66\0.61\8.86\17.80 0.33\0.31\6.42\13.66 0.33\0.31\6.38\13.50 0.00\0.20\6.07\13.53 0.00\0.20\6.07\13.24
Total Buscos Found* 100.00\99.59\91.76\84.36 100.00\99.59\91.88\84.66 99.34\99.39\91.07\82.18 99.34\99.39\91.14\82.20 99.67\99.69\93.58\86.34 99.67\99.69\93.62\86.50 100.00\99.80\93.93\86.47 100.00\99.80\93.93\86.76


Euk: Dataset with 303 genes of Eukaryota library profile.

Met: Dataset with 978 genes of Metazoa library profile.

Ver: Dataset with 2586 genes of Vertebrata library profile

Actino: Dataset with 4584 genes of Actinopterygii library profile.

In the process of ORF prediction, the TransDecoder software identified TTR – 111866, SSC – 97811, TLU – 150334, MPO – 167124 transcripts with an assigned ORF. Importantly, the entire set of transcripts codifying for a protein was collected from the non-redundant transcriptomes and placed in files classified as final transcriptome assemblies38.

The basic metrics, BUSCO analyses and RBMT rates for TTR, SSC, TLU, and MPO final transcriptome assemblies are available in Table 3. Notwithstanding, the final transcriptome statistics demonstrate the power of the assembly and processing strategy chosen, with N50 values ranging from 2543 to 3700 bp, BUSCO values between 81.8–86.5% in Actinopterygii gene set, and raw reads rate mapping ranging from 91.45 to 94.63% (Table 3). Interestingly, the BUSCO analyses in Vertebrata and Actinopterygii gene sets still shown a decrease in the percentage of fragmented genes (less than half) and missing genes (slightly), in the final transcriptome assemblies when compared with the initial individual assemblies, for all species.

Table 3.

Transrate, Busco and RBMT statistics of the final liver transcriptome assemblies of T. trachurus, S. scombrus, T. luscus, M. poutassou.

Basic statistics T. trachurus S. scombrus T. luscus M. poutassou
Number of transcripts 111866 97811 150334 167124
Longest transcript 29599 44312 32751 26373
n bases 223085715 237628172 247718527 288345963
Mean transcript lenght (bp) 1994.22 2429.46 1647.79 1725.34
Number of transcripts over 1 K nt 70814 68168 81638 92951
Number of transcripts over 10 K nt 567 1050 379 528
N90 trancript lenght (bp) 957 1212 739 776
N70 trancript lenght (bp) 1994 2477 1648 1739
N50 trancript lenght (bp) 2991 3700 2543 2699
N30 trancript lenght (bp) 4370 5249 3718 3926
N10 trancript lenght (bp) 7131 8290 6125 6431
Percentage of GC (%) 0.49 0.46 0.55 0.53
RBMT (%) 93.78 94.63 91.45 91.52
Busco analysis (%)
BUSCO Complete (Single + Duplicated)* 99.01\97.85\83.99\78.42 97.69\97.44\84.49\76.81 99.01\98.47\88.05\81.85 99.01\98.88\88.90\82.42
BUSCO Single* 36.63\34.87\32.95\30.61 33.33\32.72\33.64\31.87 23.76\28.12\30.12\28.49 23.76\28.12\28.54\28.29
BUSCO Duplicated* 62.38\62.99\51.04\47.82 64.36\64.72\50.85\44.94 75.25\70.35\57.93\53.36 75.25\70.76\60.36\54.12
BUSCO Fragmented* 0.66\1.12\7.54\6.06 0.99\1.23\5.96\5.02 0.00\0.51\5.07\4.45 0.33\0.31\4.60\4.08
BUSCO Missing* 0.33\1.02\8.47\15.51 1.32\1.33\9.55\18.17 0.99\1.02\6.88\13.70 0.66\0.82\6.50\13.50
Total Buscos Found* 99.67\98.98\91.53\84.49 98.68\98.67\90.45\81.83 99.01\98.98\93.12\86.30 99.34\99.18\93.50\86.50
Transcripts with ORF 111866 97811 150334 167124
Transcrips annotated with Gene Name 87847 77369 93067 102433
Transcrips annotated with GO terms 88269 78116 93274 104086
Transcrips annotated with ENZYME 32485 29241 34832 39244
Transcrips annotated with PATHWAY 8653 7462 8712 9760
Final number of transcrips annotated 90428 79911 95110 106354


Euk: Dataset with 303 genes of Eukaryota library profile.

Met: Dataset with 978 genes of Metazoa library profile.

Ver: Dataset with 2586 genes of Vertebrata library profile

Actino: Dataset with 4584 genes of Actinopterygii library profile.

In the end, the final transcriptomes were functionally annotated using the Sma3s software. A high number of the transcripts were annotated and most of them including the gene name which suggests a remarkable quality of the assemblies. Annotation distribution across the different species is very similar, keeping a logical proportion based on the total number of transcripts. All the annotations stats, including the gene homology, the most probable gene name, the GO terms, Kegg Pathways and EC numbers for Enzymes can be consulted in Table 338.


This work was financed by the Project The Sea and the Shore, Architecture and Marine Biology: The Impact of Sea Life on the Built Environment [PTDC/ART-DAQ/29537/2017] from FCT/MCTES through National Funds (PIDDAC) and co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029537], in the aim of the new partnership agreement PT2020 through COMPETE 2020 – Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI), and by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. This work is part of the CIIMAR-lead initiative Portugal-Fishomics. AM-M was supported by the project GenomePT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184). R.R.F. thanks the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF96) for its funding of the Center for Macroecology, Evolution, and Climate.

Online-only Tables

Online-only Table 2.

Transrate and Busco statistics of the 16 initial liver transcriptome assemblies of S. scombrus.

Basic statistics Trinity RnaSpades SOAPdenovo-Trans (k25) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k31) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k41) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k51) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k61) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k71) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k81) Idba-trans (k25) Idba-trans (k31) Idba-trans (k41) Idba-trans (k51) Idba-trans (k61) Idba-trans (k71) Idba-trans (k81)
Number of transcripts 338127 232079 147977 150881 155364 161248 167990 157372 127912 158669 154159 156448 159617 162132 163995 164176
Longest transcript 44312 31456 24021 18568 28780 23475 22324 21718 25449 13982 15855 15411 22675 14708 17172 23031
n bases 332877922 177812586 110023758 112372948 111808036 110297592 107667878 101838468 91484534 93886615 97249133 97433311 96459740 94515627 92012738 88753661
Mean transcript lenght (bp) 984.48 766.17 743.52 744.78 719.65 684.02 640.92 647.12 715.21 591.71 630.84 622.78 604.32 582.95 561.07 540.6
Number of transcripts over 1 K nt 88423 38863 24989 25416 24927 24225 23147 22368 21502 20994 23006 22423 21489 20243 19132 17727
Number of transcripts over 10 K nt 566 306 183 186 206 180 143 122 98 10 24 22 21 25 29 23
N90 trancript lenght (bp) 356 279 273 271 261 248 241 250 275 272 276 273 268 262 253 246
N70 trancript lenght (bp) 921 553 582 584 557 516 465 464 531 454 485 472 450 427 405 386
N50 trancript lenght (bp) 1964 1610 1343 1361 1321 1256 1117 1107 1234 755 854 842 808 765 723 682
N30 trancript lenght (bp) 3346 3262 2852 2896 2843 2741 2507 2396 2496 1288 1517 1537 1505 1463 1408 1352
N10 trancript lenght (bp) 6008 6159 5886 5985 5934 5729 5279 5014 5014 2592 3140 3320 3272 3222 3107 3031
Percentage of GC (%) 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43
Busco analysis (%)
BUSCO Complete (Single + Duplicated)* 97.03\97.34\80.78\72.45 92.74\93.35\73.05\64.18 97.03\96.22\78.96\70.64 96.37\96.01\78.23\70.88 96.04\95.60\77.49\70.07 95.05\94.99\77.30\68.59 94.06\93.87\72.89\65.34 91.09\92.33\92.33\64.11 91.42\90.80\68.64\61.21 63.04\65.13\38.86\31.22 63.04\66.67\40.56\34.23 64.36\66.56\40.64\34.21 64.03\69.63\42.38\35.73 69.97\74.13\44.97\37.85 72.94\77.10\47.72\40.29 76.90\79.14\49.57\41.97
BUSCO Single* 13.20\13.60\16.36\14.83 64.03\68.81\56.84\50.76 87.79\87.83\72.89\64.59 88.45\87.42\72.39\64.53 87.46\87.12\71.58\63.70 85.15\86.09\71.50\63.11 83.83\84.46\67.05\59.53 81.52\83.23\83.23\58.53 81.52\79.65\62.57\55.54 61.39\63.39\38.21\30.85 61.06\65.75\39.79\33.73 61.72\65.24\39.95\33.46 62.38\67.59\41.57\34.95 68.98\71.98\44.12\37.00 71.62\74.95\46.71\39.42 75.25\76.99\48.53\41.03
BUSCO Duplicated* 83.83\83.74\64.42\57.61 28.71\24.54\16.20\13.42 9.24\8.38\6.07\6.04 7.92\8.59\5.84\6.35 8.58\8.49\5.92\6.37 9.90\8.90\5.80\5.48 10.23\9.41\5.84\5.80 9.57\9.10\9.10\5.58 9.90\11.15\6.07\5.67 1.65\1.74\0.66\0.37 1.98\0.92\0.77\0.50 2.64\1.33\0.70\0.74 1.65\2.04\0.81\0.79 0.99\2.15\0.85\0.85 1.32\2.15\1.01\0.87 1.65\2.15\1.04\0.94
BUSCO Fragmented* 1.98\1.94\8.51\7.44 6.60\5.93\16.59\13.90 1.98\2.76\10.60\9.05 2.31\3.07\11.06\8.64 2.97\3.37\11.52\8.99 3.96\4.19\11.25\9.90 5.28\4.81\14.54\11.71 7.59\6.24\6.24\11.87 6.93\7.67\17.13\13.59 33.66\31.19\43.35\29.97 34.32\30.27\41.80\28.82 32.67\30.06\41.69\29.08 34.98\27.61\39.87\28.69 28.71\23.72\37.39\27.55 25.08\20.86\35.23\26.18 21.45\19.12\33.57\24.65
BUSCO Missing* 0.99\0.72\10.71\20.11 0.66\0.72\10.36\21.92 0.99\1.02\10.44\20.31 1.32\0.92\10.71\20.48 0.99\1.02\10.98\20.94 0.99\0.82\11.45\21.51 0.66\1.33\12.57\22.95 1.32\1.43\1.43\24.02 1.65\1.53\14.23\25.20 3.30\3.68\17.79\38.81 2.64\3.07\17.63\36.95 2.97\3.37\17.67\36.71 0.99\2.76\17.75\35.58 1.32\2.15\17.63\34.60 1.98\2.04\17.05\33.53 1.65\1.74\16.86\33.38
Total Buscos Found* 99.01\99.28\89.29\79.89 99.34\99.28\89.64\78.08 99.01\98.98\89.56\79.69 98.68\99.08\89.29\79.52 99.01\98.98\89.02\79.06 99.01\99.18\88.55\78.49 99.34\98.67\87.43\77.05 98.68\98.57\98.57\75.98 98.35\98.47\85.77\74.80 96.70\96.32\82.21\61.19 97.36\96.93\82.37\63.05 97.03\96.63\82.33\63.29 99.01\97.24\82.25\64.42 98.68\97.85\82.37\65.40 98.02\97.96\82.95\66.47 98.35\98.26\83.14\66.62


Euk: Dataset with 303 genes of Eukaryota library profile.

Met: Dataset with 978 genes of Metazoa library profile.

Ver: Dataset with 2586 genes of Vertebrata library profile

Actino: Dataset with 4584 genes of Actinopterygii library profile.

Online-only Table 3.

Transrate and Busco statistics of the 16 initial liver transcriptome assemblies of T. luscus.

Basic statistics Trinity RnaSpades SOAPdenovo-Trans (k25) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k31) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k41) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k51) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k61) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k71) SOAPdenovo-Trans (k81) Idba-trans (k25) Idba-trans (k31) Idba-trans (k41) Idba-trans (k51) Idba-trans (k61) Idba-trans (k71) Idba-trans (k81)
Number of transcripts 411058 292811 154794 160812 169625 178939 188647 181540 153558 179390 182171 185489 189073 195450 201382 204619
Longest transcript 32751 23400 19450 17026 17906 21246 19563 19466 17065 13829 13875 13939 13807 14323 15162 13521
n bases 320646510 200542845 98646712 104201244 107378705 107861212 107809770 104007203 95013750 88082035 95851297 99609397 100437843 100142391 98964534 96881871
Mean transcript lenght (bp) 780.05 684.89 637.28 647.97 633.04 602.78 571.49 572.92 618.75 491.01 526.16 537.01 531.21 512.37 491.43 473.47
Number of transcripts over 1 K nt 84119 46332 22508 23557 23788 23364 22835 22274 21686 14387 17980 19449 19474 18632 17564 16470
Number of transcripts over 10 K nt 250 117 57 74 90 77 67 56 44 2 5 8 9 7 9 10
N90 trancript lenght (bp) 321 278 259 260 253 244 238 244 265 256 262 263 260 251 242 235
N70 trancript lenght (bp) 615 485 478 484 464 429 397 393 432 371 396 401 394 375 356 340
N50 trancript lenght (bp) 1231 1102 958 994 973 912 837 824 907 555 615 638 632 598 561 529
N30 trancript lenght (bp) 2217 2263 1953 2076 2055 1972 1839 1786 1849 884 1024 1091 1107 1079 1029 990
N10 trancript lenght (bp) 4245 4492 4059 4300 4367 4187 3961 3834 3711 1725 2049 2226 2320 2313 2260 2228
Percentage of GC (%) 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.5 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.52
Busco analysis (%)
BUSCO Complete (Single + Duplicated)* 100.00\98.57\82.56\74.45 95.38\96.42\77.53\70.51 98.35\97.55\80.51\71.10 98.68\97.75\81.55\73.39 99.01\97.65\81.52\73.67 97.36\96.73\80.01\72.36 96.70\94.68\75.14\68.26 93.73\93.25\72.66\64.75 92.08\92.84\69.68\62.15 58.09\64.21\35.69\27.07 66.34\72.90\41.65\34.27 70.63\78.22\44.74\38.11 71.95\79.14\49.19\42.30 77.23\82.21\51.82\44.20 80.86\84.15\53.79\46.42 84.49\85.28\56.26\47.77
BUSCO Single* 7.26\7.77\11.52\11.65 66.34\67.69\58.20\52.33 92.74\91.62\75.95\66.45 92.41\90.80\76.57\68.02 92.08\89.78\76.95\68.19 89.44\88.75\75.37\66.84 86.80\86.40\69.61\62.33 81.19\82.11\65.85\58.57 75.58\78.63\60.98\54.30 56.44\62.88\35.11\26.79 64.36\71.27\40.87\33.57 68.98\76.58\43.97\37.30 70.30\77.71\48.34\41.34 75.25\80.06\50.85\43.28 79.21\81.39\52.71\45.29 82.84\81.70\55.22\46.58
BUSCO Duplicated* 92.74\90.80\71.04\62.81 29.04\28.73\19.33\18.17 5.61\5.93\4.56\4.65 6.27\6.95\4.99\5.37 6.93\7.87\4.56\5.48 7.92\7.98\4.64\5.52 9.90\8.28\5.53\5.93 12.54\11.15\6.81\6.17 16.50\14.21\8.70\7.85 1.65\1.33\0.58\0.28 1.98\1.64\0.77\0.70 1.65\1.64\0.77\0.81 1.65\1.43\0.85\0.96 1.98\2.15\0.97\0.92 1.65\2.76\1.08\1.13 1.65\3.58\1.04\1.20
BUSCO Fragmented* 0.00\1.23\9.78\8.94 4.29\3.37\14.97\12.22 1.32\2.25\11.21\10.51 1.32\1.94\10.67\9.77 0.99\2.04\10.56\9.27 2.31\2.86\11.52\10.25 3.30\4.91\15.74\12.67 6.27\6.13\17.32\14.73 7.92\6.54\19.84\15.34 37.62\31.49\46.98\31.06 32.34\24.54\43.74\30.28 29.04\20.45\40.99\29.19 28.05\19.84\37.59\26.96 22.44\17.28\35.58\26.13 19.14\15.54\33.80\25.00 15.51\14.31\31.28\24.17
BUSCO Missing* 0.00\0.20\7.66\16.60 0.33\0.20\7.50\17.28 0.33\0.20\8.28\18.39 0.00\0.31\7.77\16.84 0.00\0.31\7.93\17.06 0.33\0.41\8.47\17.39 0.00\0.41\9.13\19.07 0.00\0.61\10.02\20.53 0.00\0.61\10.48\22.51 4.29\4.29\17.32\41.86 1.32\2.56\14.62\35.45 0.33\1.33\14.27\32.70 0.00\1.02\13.23\30.74 0.33\0.51\12.61\29.67 0.00\0.31\12.41\28.58 0.00\0.41\12.45\28.05
Total Buscos Found* 100.00\99.80\92.34\83.40 99.67\99.80\92.50\82.72 99.67\99.80\91.72\81.61 100.00\99.69\92.23\83.16 100.00\99.69\92.07\82.94 99.67\99.59\91.53\82.61 100.00\99.59\90.87\80.93 100.00\99.39\89.98\79.47 100.00\99.39\89.52\77.49 95.71\95.71\82.68\58.14 98.68\97.44\85.38\64.55 99.67\98.67\85.73\67.30 100.00\98.98\86.77\69.26 99.67\99.49\87.39\70.33 100.00\99.69\87.59\71.42 100.00\99.59\87.55\71.95

*euk/met / ver/act

Euk: Dataset with 303 genes of Eukaryota library profile.

Met: Dataset with 978 genes of Metazoa library profile.

Ver: Dataset with 2586 genes of Vertebrata library profile

Actino: Dataset with 4584 genes of Actinopterygii library profile.

Author contributions

L.F.C.C. supervised the study. A.M.M., L.F.C.C. and R.R.D.F. designed and conceived the work. M.F. collected the samples. E.F. performed the RNA extraction. A.M.M., A.M.-M., A.V. and R.P. conducted the transcriptome analyses. A.M.M., L.F.C.C., R.R.D.F., A.V. and E.F. wrote the first version of the manuscript. All authors revised and contribute to the final version of the manuscript.

Code availability

All the software programs used in the bioinformatics workflow (transcriptome assembly, pre and post-assembly processing stages and transcriptome annotation) are presented in the Methods section. All programs and databases have the versions, download dates, and parameters described. Software programs with no parameters associated were used with the default settings.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


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Contributor Information

André M. Machado, Email:

L. Filipe C. Castro, Email:


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Data Citations

  1. 2020. NCBI Sequence Read Archive. SRP216187
  2. Machado AM, 2020. TSA: Micromesistius poutassou, transcriptome shotgun assembly. GenBank. GHRY00000000.1
  3. Machado AM, 2020. TSA: Trisopterus luscus, transcriptome shotgun assembly. GenBank. GHRZ00000000.1
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Data Availability Statement

All the software programs used in the bioinformatics workflow (transcriptome assembly, pre and post-assembly processing stages and transcriptome annotation) are presented in the Methods section. All programs and databases have the versions, download dates, and parameters described. Software programs with no parameters associated were used with the default settings.

Articles from Scientific Data are provided here courtesy of Nature Publishing Group