42例(7.2%)伴TP53基因异常,其中单纯基因突变31例(5.3%),单纯基因缺失8例(1.4%),同时伴有突变和缺失3例(0.5%)。34例伴TP53基因突变患者中共检测到37个TP53突变,其中35个位于DNA结合结构域(第5~8号外显子),1个位于第10号外显子,1个为剪切位点突变。伴TP53基因异常组的平均基因突变数目(2.52个)显著高于无异常组(1.96个)(z=−2.418,P=0.016)。伴TP53基因异常患者的中位年龄[60(21~78)岁]高于无异常患者[52(14~83)岁](z=−2.188,P=0.029);伴TP53基因异常组中复杂核型比例、IPSS较高危组(中危-2及高危)比例显著高于无异常组(P值均<0.001)。伴TP53基因异常组的中位OS期[13(95%CI 7.57~18.43)个月]较无异常组(未达到)显著缩短(χ2=12.342,P<0.001),但多因素模型纳入复杂核型进行校正后,TP53突变不再是独立预后因素。
Keywords: 骨髓增生异常综合征, TP53基因, 突变, 缺失, 预后
To explore the clinical implications and prognostic value of TP53 gene mutation and deletion in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
112-gene targeted sequencing and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were used to detect TP53 mutation and deletion in 584 patients with newly diagnosed primary MDS who were admitted from October 2009 to December 2017. The association of TP53 mutation and deletion with several clinical features and their prognostic significance were analyzed.
Alterations in TP53 were found in 42 (7.2%) cases. Of these, 31 (5.3%) cases showed TP53 mutation only, 8 (1.4%) cases in TP53 deletion only, 3 (0.5%) cases harboring both mutation and deletion. A total of 37 mutations were detected in 34 patients, most of them (94.6%) were located in the DNA binding domain (exon5–8), the remaining 2 were located in exon 10 and splice site respectively. Patients with TP53 alterations harbored significantly more mutations than whom without alterations (z=−2.418, P=0.016). The median age of patients with TP53 alterations was higher than their counterparts[60 (21–78) years old vs 52 (14–83) years old, z=−2.188, P=0.029]. TP53 alterations correlated with complex karyotype and International prognostic scoring system intermediate-2/high significantly (P<0.001). Median overall survival of patients with TP53 alterations was shorter than the others[13 (95%CI 7.57–18.43) months vs not reached, χ2=12.342, P<0.001], while the significance was lost during complex karyotype adjusted analysis in multivariable model.
TP53 mutation was more common than deletion in MDS patients. The majority of mutations were located in the DNA binding domain. TP53 alterations were strongly associated with complex karyotype and always coexisted with other gene mutations. TP53 alteration was no longer an independent prognostic factor when complex karyotype were occurred in MDS.
Keywords: Myelodysplastic syndromes, TP53 gene, Mutation, Deletion, Prognosis
1.病例资料:2009年10月至2017年12月于中国医学科学院血液病医院MDS和骨髓增殖性肿瘤(MPN)诊疗中心确诊并保存骨髓细胞标本的584例初诊MDS患者纳入本研究。男368例,女216例,中位年龄53(14~83)岁。按照WHO(2016)标准[9]进行诊断和分型,其中MDS伴单系发育异常(MDS-SLD)25例(4.3%),MDS伴多系发育异常(MDS-MLD)304例(52.1%),MDS伴环形铁粒幼红细胞(MDS-RS)21例(3.6%),MDS伴原始细胞增多-1(MDS-EB-1)106例(18.2%),MDS伴原始细胞增多-2(MDS-EB-2)111例(19.0%),MDS伴单纯5q− 7例(1.2%),MDS未分类(MDS-U)10例(1.7%)。采用国际预后积分系统(IPSS)[10]对患者进行预后分层,其中低危组53例(10.2%),中危-1组313例(60.4%),中危-2组123例(23.7%),高危组29例(5.6%)。584例患者中可追踪到治疗方案的共504例,48例(9.5%)接受单纯支持治疗,289例(57.3%)接受免疫抑制剂或免疫调节剂治疗,73例(14.5%)接受地西他滨治疗,58例(11.5%)接受造血干细胞移植,14例(2.8%)接受CAG/HAG(阿克拉霉素/高三尖杉酯碱+阿糖胞苷+G-CSF)方案化疗,22例(4.4%)单纯接受中医药治疗。
2.染色体核型分析:骨髓细胞经过24 h培养,收集细胞常规制片,R显带,根据《人类细胞遗传学国际命名体制(ISCN2013)》[11]描述核型异常。染色体核型可分析共518例(88.7%)。按照IPSS染色体核型分组标准[10]进行染色体核型预后分组。
4.靶向二代测序分析:取患者骨髓,分离单个核细胞,常规提取DNA。使用PCR引物扩增目的基因组(涵盖112个血液肿瘤相关基因),将目标区域DNA富集后,采用Ion Torrent半导体测序平台进行测序。平均基因覆盖率98.1%,平均测序深度1 314×。测序后原始数据利用CCDS、人类基因组数据库(HG19)、dbSNP(v138)、1000 genomes、COSMIC、PolyPhen-2等数据库进行生物信息学分析,筛选致病性基因突变位点。具体方法参见本研究组此前已发表文献[5]。
6.统计学处理:全部统计分析均利用SPSS 25.0统计软件完成。非正态分布的计量资料采用Mann-Whitney U检验,数据以中位数(范围)表示;分类资料采用卡方检验或Fisher精确概率法进行差异性分析;Kaplan-Meier法绘制生存曲线,单因素分析采用Log-rank检验,多因素分析采用Cox回归分析。双侧检验P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
1. TP53基因异常检出率:584例MDS患者中共42例(7.2%)伴有TP53基因突变和(或)缺失,其中基因突变34例(5.8%)(31例为单纯突变),基因缺失11例(1.9%)(8例为单纯缺失),同时有基因突变和缺失3例(0.5%)。
2. TP53基因突变位点分布及共突变情况:34例伴有基因突变的患者中共检测到37个TP53突变,其中31例有1个突变,3例各有2个突变。30个为错义突变,4个为无义突变,移码(缺失)突变和剪接位点突变分别有2个和1个。共35个(94.6%)突变位于DNA结合结构域(第5~8号外显子),出现频率较高的突变位点分别有密码子175(3个)、220(6个)、248(4个)、273(4个)和306(3个)。其他突变位点详见图1。
表1. TP53基因异常组与无异常组骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)患者临床特征比较.
临床特征 | TP53基因异常组(42例) | 无异常组(542例) | 统计量 | P值 |
性别[例(%)] | 0.507 | |||
男 | 29(69.0) | 339(62.5) | ||
女 | 13(31.0) | 203(37.5) | ||
年龄[岁,M(范围)] | 60(21~78) | 52(14~83) | -2.188 | 0.029 |
WHO 2016诊断分型[例(%)] | 10.422 | 0.166 | ||
MDS-SLD | 0(0) | 25(4.6) | ||
MDS-MLD | 20(47.6) | 284(52.4) | ||
MDS-RS | 1(2.4) | 20(3.7) | ||
MDS-EB-1 | 13(31.0) | 93(17.2) | ||
MDS-EB-2 | 7(16.7) | 104(19.2) | ||
5q− | 1(2.4) | 6(1.1) | ||
MDS-U | 0(0) | 10(1.8) | ||
HGB[g/L,M(范围)] | 70(47~119) | 74(28~153) | 1.351 | 0.177 |
WBC[×109/L,M(范围)] | 2.48(0.84~12.39) | 2.86(0.61~20.68) | 1.334 | 0.182 |
ANC[×109/L,M(范围)] | 1.12(0~9.14) | 1.20(0~11.17) | 0.769 | 0.442 |
PLT[×109/L,M(范围)] | 43.5(4~1 100) | 61(2~1 232) | 1.706 | 0.088 |
原始细胞比例[%,M(范围)] | 3(0~18) | 2.5(0~19.5) | -0.540 | 0.589 |
染色体核型[例(%)] | <0.001 | |||
复杂核型 | 26(70.3) | 48(10.0) | ||
非复杂核型 | 11(29.7) | 433(90.0) | ||
IPSS预后分组(4组)[例(%)] | 44.651 | <0.001 | ||
低危 | 0(0) | 53(11.0) | ||
中危-1 | 8(21.6) | 305(63.4) | ||
中危-2 | 25(67.6) | 98(20.4) | ||
高危 | 4(10.8) | 25(5.2) | ||
IPSS预后分组(2组)[例(%)] | <0.001 | |||
较低危(低危及中危-1) | 8(21.6) | 358(74.4) | ||
较高危(中危-2及高危) | 29(78.4) | 123(25.6) |
4. TP53异常的预后分析:截止末次随访日,死亡162例(31.2%),伴有TP53基因异常组死亡18例(52.9%),无异常组死亡144例(29.7%)。伴有TP53基因异常组患者的中位OS期为13(95%CI 7.57~18.43)个月,无异常组患者中位OS期未达到。伴有TP53基因异常组患者的生存期较无异常组显著缩短(图5A),差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.342,P<0.001)。伴TP53突变组及缺失组中位OS期分别为13(95%CI 7.68~18.33)个月、10个月,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.687,P=0.407)(图5B)。
对突变频率大于2%的基因分别进行Log-rank检验,除TP53基因异常外,还有U2AF1、ASXL1、TET2、NRAS和PTPN11基因突变与更短的OS期显著相关(P<0.05)(表2)。将P<0.1的基因以及年龄(按照<50岁、≥50岁分组)纳入Cox回归分析模型,结果表明TP53基因异常为OS的独立预后不良因素(HR=2.248,95% CI 1.363~3.709,P=0.002)。而在纳入复杂核型进行校正之后,TP53异常对OS的影响失去显著性(P=0.913)(表2)。
表2. 影响伴TP53基因异常骨髓增生异常综合征患者总生存的单因素和多因素分析.
变量 | HR | 95%CI | P值 |
单因素分析 | |||
TP53异常 | 2.321 | 1.153~4.670 | <0.001 |
U2AF1突变 | 1.540 | 1.066~2.227 | 0.022 |
ASXL1突变 | 1.650 | 1.083~2.515 | 0.020 |
TET2突变 | 1.780 | 1.090~2.909 | 0.021 |
RUNX1突变 | 1.685 | 0.934~3.041 | 0.083 |
SETBP1突变 | 1.643 | 0.931~2.899 | 0.086 |
NRAS突变 | 1.901 | 1.098~3.291 | 0.022 |
PTPN11突变 | 2.716 | 1.379~5.349 | 0.004 |
年龄≥50岁 | 2.610 | 1.819~3.744 | <0.001 |
复杂核型 | 3.706 | 2.469~5.561 | <0.001 |
无年龄及核型校正的多因素分析 | |||
TP53异常 | 2.607 | 1.582~4.296 | <0.001 |
U2AF1突变 | 1.505 | 1.035~2.189 | 0.032 |
ASXL1突变 | 1.569 | 1.022~2.410 | 0.039 |
TET2突变 | 2.054 | 1.247~3.383 | 0.005 |
RUNX1突变 | 1.870 | 1.027~3.406 | 0.041 |
NRAS突变 | 1.794 | 1.034~3.111 | 0.038 |
年龄校正的多因素分析 | |||
TP53异常 | 2.248 | 1.363~3.709 | 0.002 |
U2AF1突变 | 1.720 | 1.178~2.512 | 0.005 |
TET2突变 | 1.863 | 1.129~3.075 | 0.015 |
PTPN11突变 | 2.191 | 1.054~4.554 | 0.036 |
年龄≥50岁 | 2.544 | 1.765~3.668 | <0.001 |
年龄及核型校正的多因素分析 | |||
U2AF1突变 | 1.972 | 1.289~3.017 | 0.002 |
TET2突变 | 1.737 | 1.006~2.998 | 0.047 |
RUNX1突变 | 2.155 | 1.143~4.062 | 0.018 |
SETBP1突变 | 2.086 | 1.026~4.241 | 0.042 |
年龄≥50岁 | 2.962 | 1.969~4.458 | <0.001 |
复杂核型 | 3.938 | 2.581~6.010 | <0.001 |
对染色体核型可分析的518例患者进行分组,复杂核型组中,是否伴有TP53基因异常对OS期无影响;非复杂核型组中,伴TP53基因异常的患者死亡5例(55.6%),中位OS期为22(95%CI 8.921~35.079)个月,无基因异常患者死亡100例(25.8%),中位OS未达到,两者之间差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.192,P=0.139)(图5C)。进一步按照IPSS预后分组,IPSS较高危组(中危-2及高危)中,TP53基因异常组与无异常组之间OS期无显著差异;IPSS较低危组(低危及中危-1)中,TP53基因异常患者的中位OS期[22(95%CI 0~44.563)个月]较无异常患者(中位OS期未达到)有降低的趋势(χ2=2.744,P=0.098)(图5D)。
Funding Statement
Fund program: National Natural Science Foundation of China(81870104, 81530008, 81470297, 81770129); Tianjin Key Natural Science Funds(18JCZDJC34900); CAMS Initiative Fund for Medical Sciences(2016-I2M-1-001); Program for Peking Union Scholars and Innovative Research Team
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