Keywords: 儿童; 白血病, 淋巴细胞, 急性; 血栓形成; 导管插入术, 外周; 导管相关性感染
To investigate the current status of catheter-related-thrombosis (CRT) and the risk factors of Chinese acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) children with peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC).
The clinical data of the 116 inpatients preliminarily diagnosed ALL in the Leukemia Ward of Beijing Children's Hospital with PICC from 1st March 2014 to 31st December 2014 were collected prospectively.
①Refer to the B-ultrasound on the 15th day after catheterization, the incidence of CRT was 28.4% (33/116 cases), all cases were symptom-free. ②There were no statistical differences in terms of gender, age distribution, degree, immunotype between CRT and CRT-free groups. This study revealed no statistical differences of blood routine test items, coagulation function items, co-infection and catheterization vein between the two groups. While there was significant statistical difference of catheterization side, the frequency of right catheterization was higher in CRT group[75.8% (25/33) vs 55.4% (46/83), P=0.043]. ③On the 15th day after catheterization, significant statistical difference of D-Dimer between the two groups was revealed[0.18 (0.05–2.45) mg/L vs 0.11 (0.01–5.34) mg/L, P=0.001], while no statistical differences of blood routine test items and other coagulation function items. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis verified catheterization on right was a risk factor of CRT. ④During the observation, there were 3 cases of catheter-related complications other than CRT, all of which were CRI, 2 of them had CRT meanwhile. ⑤The B-ultrasound on the 33rd day after catheterization showed that 73.1% of the cases had reduced thrombosis, 3.8% had growth thrombosis, 23.1% had no obvious change respectively.
CRT was a common catheter related complication among ALL children during induction chemotherapy, and CRT cases with symptoms were rare. Catheterization on right was a risk factor for CRT, and regular test of D-Dimer and B ultrasound contributed to detect CRT. Most of the CRT cases had reduced thrombosis without specific management.
Keywords: Child; Leukemia, lymphocytic, acute; Thrombosis; Catheterization, peripheral; Catheter-related infection
2.导管置入及维护:优先选择左上臂贵要静脉、头静脉或隐静脉,所选穿刺部位及附近组织无感染、皮炎、烧伤等皮肤损害,无近心端静脉损伤、栓塞,置管肢体无肌肉挛缩和无放射治疗史。导管选用美国BARD公司生产的三向瓣膜式PICC导管,4岁以下儿童导管型号为3 Fr,4岁以上儿童导管型号为4 Fr。置管成功后复查胸部X线片了解导管头端位置,并适当调整,使导管头端位于第3胸椎至第7胸椎之间。置管后每周更换1次肝素帽及贴膜。
3.诊断标准和定义:CRT诊断标准:通过影像学检查提示导管所在血管部分堵塞或完全堵塞,或存在右心房血栓,伴或不伴典型临床症状。导管功能不全:2次及以上涉及至少1根管腔的取血或输液困难。非导管相关性血栓:在导管部位未发生血栓的情况下出现其他部位静脉血栓或者在非导管所在血管出现的血栓。导管相关性感染(CRI)诊断标准[5]:发热、寒战、血压下降等临床表现,毛细血管充盈试验时间>3 s,少尿,伴或不伴血培养阳性,无其他明确感染灶。①确证感染:在导管头端和血液中培养出同种致病菌;定量血培养:导管头端血培养菌落形成单位(CFU)大于或等于同时外周静脉血培养CFU的10倍;②可能感染:血培养阳性、导管置入处局部感染;血培养阳性、导管移除后48 h仍有持续发热;③潜在感染:血培养“典型” CRI病原菌阳性;血培养阳性、无其他明确感染灶。
5.统计学处理:采用SPSS 19.0软件进行数据分析。非正态分布计量资料采用中位数(范围)表示,计数资料采用率及百分比表示,计量资料均数的比较采用独立样本秩和检验,组间计数资料采用Person卡方检验及Fisher精确检验,危险因素采用多元Logistic回归进行分析。P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义,所有P值均为双侧。
表1. 诱导化疗期行外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管的急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患儿导管相关性血栓(CRT)的危险因素分析.
指标 | CRT组(33例) | 非CRT组(83例) | P值 |
性别(例,男/女) | 16/17 | 47/36 | 0.427 |
年龄[月,M(范围)] | 48(21~164) | 42(15~167) | 0.448 |
ALL分类[例(%)] | 1.000 | ||
B-ALL | 31(93.9) | 77(93.9) | |
T-ALL | 2(6.1) | 6(6.6) | |
疾病危险度[例(%)] | 0.559 | ||
标危 | 23(69.7) | 65(78.3) | |
中危 | 9(27.3) | 15(18.1) | |
高危 | 1(3.0) | 3(3.6) | |
置管时合并感染[例(%)] | 11(33.3) | 17(20.5) | 0.144 |
置管静脉[例(%)] | 0.312 | ||
贵要静脉 | 19(87.9) | 63(75.9) | |
正中静脉 | 4(12.1) | 11(13.3) | |
其他 | 0 | 9(10.8) | |
右侧置管[例(%)] | 25(75.8) | 46(55.4) | 0.043 |
表2. CRT组与非CRT组外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管前血常规和凝血指标比较[M(范围)].
组别 | 例数 | 血常规 |
凝血指标 |
WBC | HGB(g/L) | PLT(×109/L) | PT(s) | APTT(s) | FIB(g/L) | D-二聚体(mg/L) | AT-Ⅲ(%) | ||
CRT | 33 | 3.99(1.08~87.68) | 96(70~134) | 82(6~404) | 10.8(9.1~13.2) | 32.4(19.0~59.5) | 2.74(1.05~4.55) | 0.287(0.029~13.759) | 116.0(76.4~167.0) |
非CRT | 83 | 3.26(0.87~205.38) | 94(56~133) | 73(3~431) | 11.3(8.9~17.2) | 31.2(1.4~44.7) | 2.45(0.92~6.73) | 0.457(0.014~7.746) | 118.0(82.0~174.0) |
P值 | 0.778 | 0.792 | 0.363 | 0.129 | 0.469 | 0.781 | 0.442 | 0.719 |
表3. CRT组与非CRT组外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管后第15天血常规和凝血指标比较[M(范围)].
组别 | 例数 | 血常规 |
凝血指标 |
WBC(×109/L) | HGB(g/L) | PLT(×109/L) | PT(s) | APTT(s) | FIB(g/L) | D-二聚体(mg/L) | AT-Ⅲ(%) | ||
CRT | 33 | 1.55(0.62~4.01) | 92(74~117) | 148(36~316) | 10.8(9.0~13.4) | 27.3(21.9~51.1) | 1.36(0.73~3.71) | 0.18(0.05~2.45) | 118.1(83.5~170.0) |
非CRT | 83 | 1.96(0.20~9.29) | 92(68~118) | 147(22~576) | 10.7(8.9~15.2) | 28.1(18.2~38.0) | 1.45(0.65~3.65) | 0.11(0.01~5.34) | 127.0(53.0~180.0) |
P值 | 0.518 | 0.993 | 0.743 | 0.543 | 0.161 | 0.198 | 0.001 | 0.121 |
4.CRT危险因素的Logistics回归分析:经多元Logistic回归分析验证,对已收集的可能危险因素(年龄、性别、危险度、置管体侧、置管静脉、合并感染及置管时白细胞计数)进行回归分析,结果显示仅右侧置管为CRT危险因素[P=0.046,OR=2.514(95%CI 1.016~6.221)],而年龄、性别、危险度、置管静脉、合并感染及置管时白细胞计数不是CRT危险因素(P值分别为0.640、0.534、0.422、0.096、0.326和0.797)。
CVC的应用使得化疗更加方便安全。但由于CVC的使用和急性白血病都是儿童深静脉血栓的独立危险因素,使用CVC和ALL患儿的血栓发病率均显著高于正常儿童[6]。2014年一项Meta分析结果显示:儿童CRT的发病率为20%(95%CI 16%~24%)[7]。ALL患者的血栓发生率为1.7%~36.7%,显著高于非ALL人群[8]。肿瘤患者的CRT发生率为4%~16%[9]。目前对于ALL患儿的CRT发生率尚无确切统计数据。Revel-Vilk等[10]的研究结果显示症状性CRT在ALL患者中的发病率为3.8%(10/262)。在Schoot等[11]的报告中,305例恶性肿瘤患儿接受中心静脉置管,仅3例发生症状性CRT。本组儿童ALL患者诱导化疗期的CRT发生率为28.4%(33/116),且均无临床症状。本研究CRT组与非CRT组性别及年龄差异无统计学意义,与文献[12]结果一致。且本研究显示CRT组与非CRT组患儿危险度及细胞来源差异均无统计学意义。Wang等[13]研究表明,高白细胞血症尤其WBC>1.3×109/L是静脉血栓的危险因素。本组病例中CRT组与非CRT组置管时血常规及凝血功能指标差异均无统计学意义,可能与合并高白细胞血症患儿行PICC置管前接受降白细胞治疗有关。有研究认为置管体侧与CRT发生无关[14],但也有研究结果显示左侧置管患者的CRT发生率更高[15]–[17]。本研究中,右侧置管患儿CRT的发生率高于左侧置管的患儿(P=0.043),多元Logistic回归分析显示右侧置管为CRT危险因素[P=0.046,OR=2.514(95% CI 1.016~6.221)]。
2012年美国胸科医师协会(ACCP)发布的《抗血栓治疗与血栓预防指南》第九版[7]推荐的CRT处理方案:①若导管已失效或已无需要,进行3~5 d抗凝治疗后移除导管;②若导管仍通畅且需继续使用此导管,则建议维持导管,予以预防剂量的维生素K拮抗剂或低分子肝素抗凝治疗3个月,直到导管移除;③若在患者接受预防治疗时血栓再发,建议导管移除、抗凝治疗,并随访观察至少3个月。本研究病例数较少,ALL患儿化疗诱导期CRT的发生率、影响因素、预防及治疗方案尚需大样本、多中心、前瞻性临床研究进行验证。
Funding Statement
Fund program: Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding Support(ZY201404)
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