In this paper by Mo and colleagues (BMJ 2020;370:m2215, doi:10.1136/bmj.m2215, published 1 July 2020), the funding statement was incomplete and should have included the following sentence in full: “BSC is supported by UK Medical Research Council/Department for International Development (grant MR/K006924/1) and the UK Department of Health and Social Care using UK Aid funding managed by the National Institute for Health Research (grant PR-OD-1017-20006).” Furthermore, in the summary box, the third point should read: “Potential confounders should be prespecified in order to collect relevant and complete data from both adherent and non-adherent participants during the trial.”
. 2020 Jul 10;370:m2692. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m2692
Non-adherence in non-inferiority trials: pitfalls and recommendations
Collection date 2020.
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PMCID: PMC7349201 PMID: 32651165
This corrects the article "Non-adherence in non-inferiority trials: pitfalls and recommendations", m2215.