RBPs that regulate translation of NOS-2 differentially impact nos-2 mRNA subcellular localization. (A,B) The impact of depleting POS-1 (A) or PIE-1 (B), two RBPs important for translation activation of nos-2 mRNA at the 28-cell stage, was assayed. chs-1 mRNA (magenta, top) and nos-2 mRNA (magenta, bottom) were imaged in knockdown and control conditions using smFISH in a GLH-1::GFP-expressing strain. DAPI-stained DNA illustrates developmental stage. The 28-cell stage, when nos-2 normally becomes translationally active, is shown for pos-1 RNAi conditions. The 8-cell-stage embryo is shown for pie-1 RNAi conditions to illustrate a stage when nos-2 is normally repressed. (C) Pictograph demonstrating nos-2 behavior under conditions where translation repression is never relieved. (D) Schematic showing a summary of localization and translation phenotypes exhibited in knockdown of nos-2 RBPs. Scale bars: 10 μm.