Quantitative analysis of clearance of PEG-NRs. Blood circulation kinetics of mPEG2k-NRs (a), mPEG5k-NRs (b), and branched PEG7k-NRs (c) probed by intravital TPL imaging method. The blood concentration of GNRs was represented by TPL contrast, INR/Iblood. Each data point was an average from 3 mice (n = 3). The data were fitted with one-compartment model (red, y = Ae−(x − x0)/t1 + y0) and two-compartment model (green, A1e−(x − x0)/t1 + A2e−(x − x0)/t2 + y0) (d) ICP-MS analysis of gold concentration in blood at different p.i. times, normalized by the gold concentration at 0.5 h after injection. n = 3.