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. 2020 Jul 28;140:110150. doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110150

Analysis of the evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 in Italy, the role of the asymptomatics and the success of Logistic model

Gabriele Martelloni 1, Gianluca Martelloni 1,
PMCID: PMC7386499  PMID: 32834638


In this article we study the temporal evolution of the pandemic Sars-Cov-2 in Italy by means of dynamic population models. The time window of the available population data is between February 24, and March 25. After we upgrade the data until April 1. We perform the analysis with 4 different models and we think that the best candidate to correctly described the italian situation is a generalized Logistic equation. We use two coupled differential equations that model the evolution of the severe infected and the dead. This choice is due to the fact that in Italy the pharyngeal swabs are made only to severe infected, therefore we have no information about asymptomatic people. Moreover, an important observation is that the virus spreads between Regions with some delay. Indeed, we suggest that a different analysis, region by region, would be more sensible than one on the whole Italy. In particular the region Lombardy has a behaviour very fast compared to the other ones. We show the fit and forecast of the dead and total severe infected for Italy and five regions: Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Tuscany. Finally we perform an analysis of the peak (intended, in our study, as the maximum of the daily total severe infected) and an estimation of how many lives have been saved by means of the LockDown.

Keywords: Sars-Cov-2, Italy, Logistic model, Gompertz model, Non linear differential equations, Model calibration

1. Introduction

In early December, or reasonably during November, the Sars-Cov-2, or commonly coronavirus, appears in Wuhan, China.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses causing diseases from the common cold to more serious ones such as Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Coronaviruses were identified in the mid-1960s and are known to infect humans and some animals (including birds and mammals). The primary target cells are the epithelial ones of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract and seven Coronaviruses has been identified to be able to infect humans. They can cause common colds but also serious respiratory infections as pneumonia.

The virus, causing the current Coronavirus epidemic, has been called “severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus2” (SARS-CoV-2). The latter was announced by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) which deals with the designation and naming of viruses (i.e. species, genus, family, etc.). The name has been indicated by a group of experts specifically appointed to study the new viral strain. According to this pool of scientists, the last Coronavirus is the brother of one caused Sars (SARS-CoVs), hence the name of SARS-CoV-2.

Moreover, the disease caused by the new Coronavirus has been named “COVID-19” (where “CO” stands for corona, “VI” for virus, “D” for disease and “19” indicates the year in which it occurred). The WHO (World Health Organization) General Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced it on February 11, 2020, during the extraordinary forum dedicated to this virus.

The appearance of new pathogenic viruses for humans, previously circulating only in the animal world, is a widely known phenomenon (called spill over) and it is believed that it may also be at the basis of the origin of the last Coronavirus (SARS- CoV-2). The scientific community is currently trying to identify the source of the infection.

On December 31, 2019, the Municipal Health Commission of Wuhan (China) reported to the WHO a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology in the city of Wuhan, in the Chinese district of Hubei.

Then, on January 9, 2020, the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) reported that a new Coronavirus has been identified as the causative agent and has been made public the genomic sequence.

Shortly after, on January 30, 2020, the WHO declared that this epidemic represents an international public health emergency.

On March 11, 2020 WHO declared that COVID-19 can be defined as a pandemic.

Now let’s to described the situation in Italy and in particular how the Italy government reacted to the pandemic risk. After notification of the epidemic by China, Italy immediately recommended postponing unnecessary flights to Wuhan and, subsequently, with the spread of the epidemic, to all of China. Consequently, the latter has cancelled all flights from Wuhan.

On 30 January, the Italy Minister of Health ordered the suspension of air traffic with the People’s Republic of China, including the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao. The measure was also applied to Taiwan.

Immediately, the day after, in consideration of the WHO declaration of “International public health emergency” the Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency as a consequence of the health risk associated with Coronavirus infection.

The pandemic does not save Italy that has become a protected area with the DPCM (Decree by the President of the Council of Ministers) signed on the evening of 9 March by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, who has extended the restrictive measures, already applied for Lombardy and the 14 northern districts most Coronavirus affected, to the whole national territory. The new action became operational on March 10, and will take effect until April 3. Among the main measures: it limits the movement of people, stops sporting events, interrupts teaching activities in schools and universities throughout the country.

Afterwords, with a new ordinance of 22 March 2020, issued by the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior, people are prohibited moving with public or private transport in a municipality other than that where they are located, except for proven work needs, of absolute urgency or for health reasons [1].

In this scenario let’s try to analyze the time evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 in Italy with growth patterns. Many mathematical models have been recently applied to study the Covid-19 infection [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. Two very famous examples of these models are described by the Logistic [10] and the Gompertz [11] equations. The Logistic law is applied in population dynamics, in economics, in material science and in many other fields, while the Gompertz one describes cancer growth, kinetics of enzymatic reactions, oxygenation of haemoglobin, intensity of photosynthesis as a function of CO2 concentration, drug dose-response curve, dynamics of growth, (e.g., bacteria, normal eukaryotic organisms).

The Logistic behaviour assumes that growth stops when maximum sustainable population, i.e., the carrying capacity K, that depends on the environmental conditions, is reached. For example, the people’s new strong hygiene habits, adopted according to the Goverment measures, are encoded in the carrying capacity K.

Whilst, the Gompertz equation takes into account the ageing population through a lower reproductive capacity over time. Not knowing yet the characteristics of the virus we think it could be a correct choice.

At this point, we describes the regional and national choices to contain the epidemic and consequently our strategy in term of modelling.

At first in Italy, pharyngeal swabs were initially made only at seriously ill people. This choice, extremely correct in safeguarding the hospital structure (at least apparently), is wrong for a study of the disease data. We explain better: if we believe or reasonably assume that the Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) is 1% [12] the number of the dead is the only data extremely relevant. From the extrapolation of total number of infected,1 we observe that the number of infected detected is only 10% of the total. This means that in Italy about 90% of the infected are not detected.

Therefore, having no information on the asymptomatic and infected with mild symptoms, we decided to study two populations: one for the total severe infected and another for the dead, i.e., we consider two coupled equations. Therefore, we implement a Logistic model that take into account the contribute of the asymptomatic in the evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 total infected by means of an additional constant and an equation of proportionality between the time derivatives of the total infected and dead considering the delay between this two populations. We consider also an interpolating model between Logistic and Gompertz.

We show that the Logistic scenario is more optimistic and faster respect to the Gompertz one.

Finally, we observe the data of each region separately, noting that a delay is present in the evolution of the virus between the various regions and that each one has its own trend. In particular, Lombardy has the fastest trend and Veneto the slowest one. We conclude with the observation that Veneto strategy of performing swabs even to the potential asymptomatic seems to have successful, as can be seen from the estimate of the constant term of the logistic model.

2. The Logistic model

A possible scenario of the evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 virus in Italy is described by the logistic differential equation. The model is represented by the following equation

dI(t)dt=r0I(t)(1I(t)K), (1)

where I(t) is the number of total infected and the time t is the integration variable. The constant r 0 is the growth rate of population I(t) and K is the carrying capacity.

The growth rate r 0 is typical of the population because it is linked to the reproductive mechanism of the virus, while the carrying capacity K depends on the environmental conditions. For example, the Italy government actions (Locked Down(LD)) and the people’s hygiene habits are intrinsic in the carrying capacity K.

However, we modify this equation adding a constant term A

dIdt=r0I(1IK)+A, (2)

that represents the contribution of the asymptomatic. We explain our idea for the Italian situation. Studying [12] we assume that the CFR is 1%. Considering the situation of the March 19, in Italy, we have:

  • 3405 deaths,

  • 41,035 infected (severe cases, which is presented the necessity to verify the positivity to avoid the collapse of the healthcare facility),

  • 340,500 estimated, symptomatic + asymptomatic cases, starting from the number of the fatalities (multiplied by 100).

This means that we have a source of about 300,000 infected (not considered) that can produce severe cases. We consider for simplicity that the infected population growth rate is constant.

The exact solution for the Eq. (2) is well-known

I(t)=K2+K(4A+Kr0)tanh(K(4A+Kr0)t)2r0 (3)

and the limit for t>,

I()=K2(1+1r04r0AK+r02), (4)

represents the possible maximum number for this population.

After the March 23, we think it will be necessary recalibrate the parameter A (using always the civil protection data) as 2 weeks after the LD, the incubation period is over and we suppose that the Government action stops the propagation of the virus. Finally we have

dIdt=r0I(1IK)+At=March23, (5)
dIdt=r0I(1IK)+ALDt>March23. (6)

where ALD < A represents, according to the LD, the possibility of contagion, by means of asymptomatic, only in individual houses or just on the job places.

After 11 days the possibility to have symptoms are 2, 5% [13], thus also March 20, is a good candidate to consider ALD < A. We can also imagine the possibility that, if LD measures work correctly, we can obtain a value of ALD < 0.

We remark that the exact date of the decrease in the infected is so difficult as the results of the test is not always referred to the same day, but we can have a delay for the large number of pharyngeal swabs.

In conclusion we think that a day between March 20, and March 23, is a good candidate to the initial decreasing of the daily infected curve.2

Now let’s to consider the second population of this model, the fatalities. We couple the total infected I with the dead D in the following equation:

dD(t)dt=K1dI(ttd)dt. (7)

After a simple integration we obtain

D(t)=K1I(ttd)+D(t1)I(t1td). (8)

where t 1 is the first integration extreme, reasonably the February 24.

Therefore, we fix to have the same growth for the severe cases and the dead proportionally to constant parameter K 1; td represents the interval between the onset of symptoms and death. From [14] we estimate td=13 days, but we observe from numerical aspects that td=4. A brief comment: this reflects the Italy choice to do swabs only to severe cases, and not at the very beginning of the disease.

3. The Gompertz model

The second scenario of the evolution of Sars-Cov-2 virus in Italy is described by the Gompertz differential equation. The model is represented by the following equation

dI(t)dt=rgI(t)ln(I(t)Kg), (9)

where I(t) is the number of infected and the time t is the integration variable. The constant r 0 is the growth rate of the virus Sars-Cov-2 and K is the carrying capacity.

This model takes into account the ageing of the population through a lower reproductive capacity over time, in other words we can consider the virus less contagious over time.

The solution of the previous equation give us the Gompertz law

I(t)=Kgeergt. (10)

As in the logistic study we compute the limit or t> and we obtain

I()=Kg, (11)

this represents the asymptotic term of the population, defined by the resources available in the environment. In a way, also in this model, we can encoded the human external action.

We implement also in this model a constant term in order to describe the role of the asymptomatic people. Thus, we study numerically this generalized Gompertz equation

dI(t)dt=rgI(t)ln(I(t)Kg)+A. (12)

4. The interpolating model

From the study of the data, as we will see later in this letter, it is clear that the logistic scenario is very optimistic respect to the natural disaster described by the Gompertz model. Our idea is to build a model considering a new parameter that allows to interpolate between the two regimes.

So we take into account the following differential equation

I˙=qr0I(1IKl)(q1)r0Iln(IKg)+A, (13)

where r 0, Kl are respectively the growth rate and the carrying capacity of the Logistic model, equally r 0, Kg for the Gompertz one and the time t is always the integration variable. The parameter q has range between 0 and 1, and obviously for q = 0 we obtain the Gompertz behaviour and for q = 1 the Logistic one.

5. The situation in Italy

From the numerical simulations, performing 200 stochastic runs of the Gillespie direct method algorithm applied to the logistic equation, we obtain the following parameters for the Italy situation described by Fig. 1 :

r0=0.200±0.001,K=110950±20andA=49±3, (14)


K1=0.14andtd=4. (15)

The errors are estimated at 5 σ, or about 5%.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Italy.

With the interpolating model at 21 March (see Fig. 2 ) we observe how the situation could become particularly dramatic, especially for the duration of the epidemic (the curve becomes flat in late May). However, it becomes comforting with the data of March 25: the two model results overlap as from the numerical simulations we find q = 1. This means that environmental factors, i.e. the LD, prevail over virus growth factors. Therefore, 15 days after the LD, we started to see concrete effects and this is compatible with the incubation times of the virus.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

The interpolating curve of severe infected in Italy at March 21, with q=0.7.

Thus, it seems obvious to study the evolution of the virus with a Logistic model when a Government applies LD.

In conclusion, we expect around 111,000 diagnosed patients and around 16,000 deaths. This, considering a CFT of 1.2%, would lead to a total of about 1,334,000 infected.

Moreover, in Fig. 3 , we see that the peak, considering the total infected daily curve i.e., the derivative of total (or cumulative) infected curve, is near 21–22 March and the end of the epidemic at the early May.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

The peak of severe infected at 21 March and the end of the epidemic.

5.1. Updating of Italy situation at 27/03/2020

In this section we update the Italy situation according to the calibration performed using the real data of Civil Protection at 27/03/2020. In Fig. 4 we report the forecast of infected and dead. Considering the assimilation of two new daily data, used for the calibration of the model, the total number of infected goes to about 124,800 and dead to about 17800. Observing Fig. 5 , we can note how the curve of daily total infected changes from day to day according to the acquisition of a new data, but the right tails of the considered curves are similar. This suggests that the end of contagion is confirmed, according to our study, at the end of April or early May. Finally, in Fig. 6 , we show the high correlation between the temporal series of total infected and dead, according to the delay between this two populations. The plot represents the real data of dead and the real ones of the total infected shifted of 4 days and rescaled according to the minimum difference between them, i.e., we search the best fit between the dead data and the rescaled infected one shifted forward according to Eq. 7 (dead are delayed compared to infected). By means of this analysis, performed by means of an optimization algorithm implemented in the native function ”fminsearch” of the MATLAB environment, we found both the correct delay and the best value of the parameter K 1 of Eq. 7 that represents the rate between the derivatives of infected and dead. The value of K 1, update at 27/03/2020, is 0.1429 according to the optimization procedure.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Italy calibrated according to the data of 27/03/2020.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Comparison between the daily total infected prevision in the last three days 25-26-27/03/2020.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Analysis of delay between infected and dead: for Italy delay is 4 days; the plot represent the real data of dead (blue circles) and the real data of total infected (red diamonds) shifted of 4 days and rescaled, according to the minimum difference, using optimization procedure. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

6. Upgrade at April 1 and the generalized Logistic model: Considerations about a peak marker

We consider the following generalized Logistic equation

dI(t)dt=r0(I(t)αI(t)2K)+A, (16)

where α is an experimentally parameter to fit better the initial power law growth.

We show the trend of the severe infected in Fig. 7 , Fig. 8 and in Fig. 9 respectively with the α-model, the Logistic calibrated with data at 29 March and with the α-model calibrated at 1 April.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

The curve of dead and severe infected for Italy with the α-model calibrated at 29 March with data until the 1 April.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

The curve of dead and severe infected for Italy with the Logistic model calibrated at 29 March with data until the 1 April.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9

The curve of dead and severe infected for Italy with the α-model calibrated at 1 April.

We observe that, fitting better the initial power law growth, the estimated number of severe infected and dead increases of 2%, therefore we choose to use the α-model in order to estimated the total number of severe infected and dead. We obtain

I(end)=138500,D(end)=19900, (17)

with the following values of the parameters

r0=0.173±0.004,K=138400±3500andA=79±2. (18)

A brief comment, we expect the growth coefficient r 0 is decreasing, but the carrying capacity is obviously increased as the number of infected has grown. It is interesting that the contribution A of asymptomatics is also increased. We can explain this by thinking that asymptomatics remain the most important sources of contagion in the single houses of italian people during the LD. We note that, in a week after the peak, the estimated number of severe infected and dead are increased of 20%, but in the following 4 days the model forecast is in agreement with the data. In particular the end of epidemic, according to the prevision, is stable from March 27. For this stability behaviour we decide to estimate the errors at 2,5 σ, i.e. 2, 5%.

A possible marker of the presence of the peak could be the following quantity:

Pmarker=I(ti)S(ti), (19)

where I(ti) is the total number of infected at the day ti and S(ti) is the total number of swabs at the same day. As we see in Fig. 10 P marker exhibits a peak at 24 March, which is basically in agreement with our prediction. The graph of Fig. 10 has been reproduced with a moving average in order to remove the fluctuations.

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10

The data of the Civil Protection for Pmarker until 1 April.

To complete the peak analysis we show the diagrams of the severe infected and dead, for single day (Fig. 11 e Fig. 12 ), that are in agreement with the delay time td of 4–5 days estimated numerically. Considering the uncertainty in performing swabs (in term of delay) and the end of the incubation time (10–14 days), the plot of the peak in the temporal window 21–24 March seems to be reasonable.

Fig. 11.

Fig. 11

The data of the Civil Protection and the theoretical curve of severe infected for single day.

Fig. 12.

Fig. 12

The data of the Civil Protection and the theoretical curve of severe infected for single day.

6.1. Comparison with Gompertz scenario and the estimation of lives saved with LD

As we see in Fig. 13 the two scenarios are very different. We compare the generalized Logistic curve at 1 April (Fig. 8) with the Gompertz one calibrated at 21 March (i.e. with the data before the effect of the LD), imaging that the spread of the virus stops as tits reproductive capacity decreases in time. Without LD, we have the following scenario:

  • 831,000 severe infected,

  • 119,000 deaths,

  • 11,900,000 total infected,

  • the end of epidemic at early September.

Fig. 13.

Fig. 13

Comparison between Gompertz and Logistic scenario.

This means that with LD we probably saved 100,000 human lifes!

7. The situation for 5 regions

Now, let’s start with the analysis of the single regions. If we show the data of the Civil Protection in Fig. 14 , it’s evident as any region has a propagation velocity of the virus different from each other. In particular, Lombardy is very fast and Veneto is much slow at the beginning of the virus diffusion (we observe how in each region the number of days in which the number of infections increases by an order of magnitude ranges from 10 days in Lombardy to 16 in Veneto).

Fig. 14.

Fig. 14

The data of the Civil Protection for dead and severe infected.

Looking at the data and from the previous simple observations, it is spontaneous to think that an analysis of the individual regions is more sensible than a global analysis of Italy.

This idea seems correct for two reasons: the virus arrives in the various regions at different times and each region has its different environmental and working characteristics (linked to communications routes), which mainly involves a different population density. After these considerations we therefore propose an analysis for the 5 regions (see Fig. 15, Fig. 16, Fig. 17, Fig. 18, Fig. 19) mainly affected by the virus on 25 March.

Fig. 15.

Fig. 15

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Lombardy.

Fig. 16.

Fig. 16

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Emilia-Romagna.

Fig. 17.

Fig. 17

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Veneto.

Fig. 18.

Fig. 18

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Piedmont.

Fig. 19.

Fig. 19

The logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Tuscany.

7.1. Lombardy scenario

Unfortunately, the forecast of Lombardy shows us that 59% of future dead are due to this region.

The parameter A is the highest of all regions and this seems to confirm the interpretation that A is the contribution of asymptomatics.

From the numerical simulations we obtain the following parameters:

r0=0.184,K=44900andA=49.2, (20)


K1=0.21andtd=5. (21)

7.2. Emilia-Romagna scenario

The region Emilia-Romagna will probably be the second most affected region in Italy. The geographical proximity to Lombardy and a large industrial activity could be the main causes.

From the numerical simulations we obtain the following parameters:

r0=0.175,K=19200andA=15.5, (22)


K1=0.12andtd=2. (23)

7.3. Veneto scenario

For Veneto we make the opposite consideration compared to Lombardy: the coefficient A is the lowest among the regions that performed the largest number of swabs.

This data seems to be in agreement with the fact that Veneto has carried out a large number of swabs also with asymptomatic so that to contain the spread of the virus by identifying potential vectors of the disease.

From the numerical simulations we obtain the following parameters:

r0=0.187,K=10100andA=5.4, (24)


K1=0.06andtd=5. (25)

Moreover, another demonstration of our idea is contained in the K 1 value of the Veneto region, which is the lowest ever.

7.4. Piedmont and Tuscany Scenario

From the numerical simulations we obtain the following parameters, respectively for Piedmont and Tuscany:

r0=0.24,K=9200andA=2.57, (26)


K1=0.10andtd=3. (27)
r0=0.23,K=4250andA=2.05, (28)


K1=0.11andtd=7. (29)

Concerning the numbers of these two regions: the contagion certainly started later than the other 3 ones. Then, it could be that, in the initial stages of the contagion, the coefficient r is greater (as it was in our previous simulations for Italy) and then slowly going down. As you can see from Fig. 14 Piedmont and Tuscany are quite fast. We justify the largest r 0 parameter for this two regions compared to Lombardy, showing a sensitivity analysis of the parameters later.

8. Upgrading the regions with the generalized Logistic equation at 1 April: A brief analysis of the single peaks region by region

As for the Italy case also for Lombardy and the other regions we have an increase of 20% respect to the estimated values of 25 March as we see in Fig. 20, Fig. 21, Fig. 22, Fig. 23, Fig. 24 , in fact we obtain

I(end)=54370,D(end)=11190. (30)

These numbers are very significant, it is the signal that Lombardy is the carrier region of the spread of the virus in Italy.

Fig. 20.

Fig. 20

The generalized logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Lombardy at 1 April.

Fig. 21.

Fig. 21

The generalized logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Emilia-Romagna at 1 April.

Fig. 22.

Fig. 22

The generalized logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Piedmont at 1 April.

Fig. 23.

Fig. 23

The generalized logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Tuscany at 1 April.

Fig. 24.

Fig. 24

The generalized logistic curve of severe infected and dead in Veneto at 1 April.

Finally, as we see in Fig. 25, Fig. 26, Fig. 27, Fig. 28, Fig. 29 , it is evident how the spread of the infection occurred at different times between the various regions, as the peaks appear at different times. In particular, observing the tails of the curve, Tuscany seems to be the region that will last come to zero infections, at 4–5 May.

Fig. 25.

Fig. 25

The curve of daily severe infected in Lombardy at 1 April.

Fig. 26.

Fig. 26

The curve of daily severe infected in Emilia-Romagna at 1 April.

Fig. 27.

Fig. 27

The curve of daily severe infected in Tuscany at 1 April.

Fig. 28.

Fig. 28

The curve of daily severe infected in Piedmont at 1 April.

Fig. 29.

Fig. 29

The curve of daily severe infected in Veneto at 1 April.

9. Conclusions

In this manuscript, we analyse the evolution of Sars-Cov-2 in Italy with Civil Protection data in the time window from 24 February to 25 March with the Logistic model. We upgrade the curves of severe infected and dead until 1 April with a generalized Logistic model, that works very well at the early of the contagion.

We expect, according to the model forecast, about 138,500 diagnosed patients and around 19,900 dead on the whole Italian territory. This, considering a CFT of 1.2%, would lead to a total of about 1,658,000 infected at the end of coronavirus epidemic. We observe how the peak is about in correspondence of 21–24 March and the end of epidemic towards the last days of April and early May (see Fig. 9).

We emphasise the idea that a possible marker of the presence of the peak could be the quantity:

Pmarker=I(ti)S(ti). (31)

The latter do not exhibit fluctuations after passing its maximum value: in our opinion it is a great signal of stability.

Another important result is the estimate of the delay time td between the peak of the severe infected and the peak of the dead which seems to be in good agreement with the data of the Civil Protection. It is also interesting the comparison between the coefficient at 25 March and 1 April:

  • r0=0.200, K=110950 and A=49, at 25 March,

  • r0=0.173, K=138400 and A=79, at 1 April.

As it is obvious, the rate r 0 is reducing during the LD and the parameter K is increasing. We note that it is very interesting that the contribution A of asymptomatics is also increased. A possible interpretation is that asymptomatics remain the most important sources of contagion in the single houses of italian people during the LD. Finally we studied the evolution of the virus in the most affected regions. A delay is present in the appearance of the virus between the individual regions, so it seems more sensible to study them individually. We note how Veneto region strategy in making swabs, to as many people as possible, proves successful in containing the evolution of the virus.

In the upgrading of the single regions with the data at 1 April, we observe explicitly the peak of the daily severe infected and we show the effective time delay of the comparison of the Sars-Cov-2 in every regions. Finally, Tuscany will be the last region with zero infections, at 4–5 May.

The last consideration about the importance of the LD: with a simulation with a Gompertz model, i.e. a model that predicts that the virus stops only because its infectivity propagation goes to zero, we estimate 119,000 dead. With LD 100,000 human lifes was probably saved !

Obviously this project is on-going, being the possibility that the data of the next days may change the scenario. Maybe for the better, following the government’s more restrictive measures on 22 March. Indeed, our work has been extended in [15].

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Gabriele Martelloni: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Project administration. Gianluca Martelloni: Software, Validation, Investigation, Data curation, Resources, Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Supervision.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


We thank many colleagues for interesting discussions, in particular Andrea Marzolla, Domenico Seminara and Jacopo Viti. They were fundamental for correct observations and for providing us with ideas from which to take inspiration. We also thank Pierluigi Blanc, S.O.C. Infectious Diseases 1 Santa Maria Annunziata Hospital, for stimulating discussions on technical subjects on which we had no knowledge.



Total number of infected is simply total number of the dead x 100 or if we believe that in Italy the CFR is 1, 2% (for the high number of ancient people) simply total number of the fatalities per 83,3.


Indeed, we observe the March 22, as the date of the initial decreasing from the real data, i.e., the date of the peak of the daily infected curve.


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