FIG 3.
UL11 copurifies with RNA. (A) Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) shows that UL11-StII is separated from copurifying nucleic acids on heparin resin. Protein, but not nucleic acids (NAs), binds heparin resin and elutes with a salt gradient (conductivity). UL11-StII is present in the eluted fraction, but not in the unbound fraction. The y axis shows absorbance or conductivity (in arbitrary units [AU]). Samples were resolved by SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue. The A260/A280 ratio shown below the SDS-PAGE confirms the presence of nucleic acids in the input fraction but not in the eluted fraction. (B) Nucleic acids that copurify with UL11-StII in acidic or neutral phenol-chloroform (P:C) are susceptible to digestion by RNase, but not DNase. The banding pattern is characteristic of E. coli rRNA, as marked. Samples were resolved on a formaldehyde agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. The gel in panel A was split to remove unrelated lanes, but contrast settings remain consistent between related gels.