N95 respirators are equivalent to type 3 face masks in preventing infection transmission.
Proper donning and doffing is critical for safe use of PPE.
Face shields should be used only in combination with lower face protection.
High volume evacuation helps to limit the production of aerosolized particles at the source.
Keywords: N95 respirator, Surgical facemask, Infectious disease transmission, Evidence-based review
Abbreviations: ADA, American Dental Association; ASTM, American Society of Testing Materials; CDC, Center for Disease Control; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; NASIOM, National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration; WHO, World Health Organization; ARI, Acute Respiratory Infections; CRI, Confirmed respiratory infection; COVID-19, Coronavirus Disease, first detected in 2019; DHCP, Dental Health Care Practitioner; ER, Emergency Room; FFR, Filtering Facepiece Respirators; H1N1, H1N1 Subtype of Influenza-A; HCW, Healthcare Workers; HVE, High-Volume Evacuation; ICP, Infection Control Protocol; ILI, Influenza-like Illness; LCI, Laboratory-confirmed Influenza; MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (a coronavirus formally identified in 2012); N95, Non-oil-resistant, filtering facepiece respirator filtering 95% of airborne particles; PPE, Personal protective equipment; RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial; SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (a coronavirus formally identified in 2003
With the 2019 emergence of coronavirus disease 19 (colloquially called COVID-19) came renewed public concern about airborne and aerosolized virus transmission. Accompanying this concern were many conflicting dialogues about which forms of personal protective equipment best protect dental health care practitioners and their patients from viral exposure. In this comprehensive review we provide a thorough and critical assessment of face masks and face shields, some of the most frequently recommended personal safeguards against viral infection.
We begin by describing the function and practicality of the most common mask types used in dentistry: procedural masks, surgical masks, and filtering respirator facemasks (also called N95s). This is followed by a critical assessment of mask use based on a review of published evidence in three key domains: the degree to which each mask type is shown to protect against airborne and aerosolized disease, the reported likelihood for non-compliance among mask users, and risk factors associated with both proper and improper mask use. We use this information to conclude our review with several practical, evidence-based recommendations for mask use in dental and dental educational clinics.
1. Background
In a 2017 study by Ramich et al., 275 dental employees and students anonymously completed a survey about perceived disease risk in dental medicine. Of these, 33 percent reported believing the risk of blood-borne disease transmission was high, and the majority reported feeling that disease transmission from dental health care practitioners (DHCPs) to patients was higher than the reverse. However, 28 percent of participants did not know their routine vaccination status against airborne disease, including those diseases more likely to be encountered when providing dental care. This study underscores a disconnection between perception and reality when it comes to preventing and mitigating disease spread in dentistry. Its results are especially timely given the increased attention on airborne and aerosolized viral transmission brought on by the 2019 emergence of Coronavirus Disease (colloquially called COVID-19). In the interest of sharing evidence-supported dentistry as the profession adapts to this novel virus (as well as those yet to come), this manuscript presents a thorough, scoping review of what is often touted as a “front line” defense against viral transmission: face masks and shields.
Much of what is known about viral outbreaks and mask use arises from research involving various influenza strains, for which outbreak incidence increases in colder seasons as people are in closer proximity. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), influenza accounts for roughly 36,000 deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations each year in the United States, presenting a considerable, yet predictable, healthcare burden (Radonovich et al., 2009). In the midst of the 2006 H5N1 pandemic, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies of Science (Institute of Medicine 2006)reviewed the literature for infection control guidelines concerning reuse of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs). Their conclusions projected a shortfall of FFRs should a 6-week pandemic occur in the United States. The IOM estimated that such an event would require up to 90 million FFRs. Furthermore, the 2009 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) report (number 3328-05R) indicated that as many as 360 million FFRs would be needed to properly manage a future influenza pandemic, an amount that would overwhelm domestic stockpiles. As predicted by these reports, the current number of FFRs necessary to protect front-line healthcare workers working with COVID-19 patients is grossly inadequate.
Given the likelihood that this critical shortage of FFRs will extend into the foreseeable future, it is important to evaluate mask use with a critical eye so that protocols can be implemented to best balance FFR preservation with the safety of both practitioner and patient. Many variables must be considered when developing plans to minimize the risk of disease transmission to dental healthcare practitioners (DHCPs), including pathogen type and stage of pathogenicity, community exposure, protocol compliance, and ancillary PPEs.
This review presents a critical assessment of FFR use in dentistry and evaluates whether current precautions will suffice in managing COVID-19, or whether it is necessary to adopt new protocols. A critical review of the literature by Stegenga (Stegenga 2014) defined a Hierarchy of Evidence, or a system that uses a “rank-ordering of kinds of methods according to the potential for that method to suffer from systematic bias.” This scoping review uses this Hierarchy of Evidence to understand the substantial amount of mask literature from many evidentiary levels, ranging from expert opinion to primary research to systematic reviews and meta-analyses, in contradistinction to previous reviews that have drawn their conclusions based only on a single level of published evidence.
Databases searched for English language articles included: PubMed; the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Scopus; Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source; Google Scholar, and MEDLINE Complete. The quality of 149 relevant articles was assessed, leaving 75 articles of sufficiently high quality to include in this scoping review.
2. Overview of mask types and function
The American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) is the agency responsible for establishing criteria and testing methods to determine mask specification requirements for healthcare workers (ASTM, 2012). Beginning in 2012, the ASTM rated masks based on three type categories or “levels,” and five resistance categories (see Table 1 ). Before this date, there was no differentiation between mask types. Therefore, mask levels are not distinguished in this review because many of the articles published before 2012 did not present this information.
Table 1.
ASTM criteria for Medical Face Masks (ASTM, 2012).
Test Criterion | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Fluid resistance to synthetic blood (in mm Hg) | 80 | 120 | 160 |
Bacterial filtration efficiency (at 3.0 µm) | ≥ 95% | ≥ 98% | ≥ 98% |
Particulate filtration efficiency (0.1 µm) | ≥ 95% | ≥ 98% | ≥ 98% |
Differential pressure through the mask (mm H2O/cm2) | < 4.0 | < 5.0 | < 5.0 |
Time for a flame to spread for 5 in. of fabric | Class 1 (>3.5 sec) | Class 1 (>3.5 sec) | Class 1 (>3.5 sec) |
The term N95 refers to a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved, and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-cleared particulate filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) that can filter at least 95% of airborne particles. Those respirator filters that collect at least 95% of challenge particle are given a “95” rating, those that collect at least 99% receive a “99” rating, and those that collect at least 99.97% (essentially 100%) receive a “100” rating (NIOSH-Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators, n.d.). Respirator filters are also rated as N, R, or P based on their level of protection against oil aerosols. This rating is important because some industrial oils can remove electrostatic charges from filter media, thereby degrading (reducing) filter performance efficiency. Respirators are rated “N” if they are not resistant to oil, “R” if somewhat resistant, and “P” if strongly resistant or oil proof. Thus, there are nine types of particulate respirator filters commonly used in industry.
N95 FFRs are manufactured with a void or “dead space” to better protect the user against significant carbon dioxide build-up. Masks also vary in lifespan and cleanliness, in large part due to humidity, moisture, temperature, and exhaled gases. Therefore, it is also important to consider the interior conditions of a facemask and whether they contribute any risk to healthcare providers, particularly if worn over long periods (e.g., for an entire shift, as is often seen with N95 masks). Humidity, moisture, and temperature increases inside an N95 mask were examined by Roberge et al. (2012), who found that relative humidity in the dead space increased over time, reaching levels as high as 93% after just 60 min of use. Time also had a significant effect on dead space temperature, which rose roughly 3 °C within 60 min. In addition to generating discomfort, these temperature and humidity rises also exacerbate the degradation effect of moisture on the electrostatic filter surface, thereby impeding filter efficiency and downstream health safety (Lowkis and Motyl, 2001, Yang et al., 2018, Kim et al., 2006). Moyer and Bergman (2000) found that intermittent loading of N-95 respirators (as is typical when a DHCP moves from patient to patient throughout the day) had a marked degrading effect on the filtering efficiency. Importantly, this did not noticeably affect breathing resistance. As a result, DHCPs were not alerted that the filter needed replacement, leaving them with substandard respiratory protection. With liquid particles, the particle penetration into the filter steadily increases with particle loading (Biermann et al., 1982).
Condensed water vapors from the mouth collect on the N95 FFR inner surfaces due to exhalation. This moisture coupled with the dead space and porous or textured inner mask surfaces create a microclimate favorable for bacterial growth. Experimental results show that bacteria do reside on the inner surface of used N95 masks, particularly in regions close to the chin (Yang et al., 2018). These bacteria can fuel skin irritations and infections (Lan et al., 2020), now known as maskne in the popular press, thereby creating a situation where protection against one disease may, in fact, trigger another and may fuel use noncompliance (see Section 3.2).
3. Masks and disease control in health care settings: The knowns and unknowns
3.1. N95 respirators, surgical masks, and particle size
Patient coughing or sneezing is expected when working in the mouth, making contact with potentially disease-bearing aerosols and spatter a routine hazard of dental care. Models vary as to the number of viruses found on the outside of a face mask, as well as the concentration, dispersion, and type of virus-bearing aerosols even within a single exam room (Baig et al., 2010). While it remains an unresolved topic, public and professional concerns about the potential of limited-distance ARI transmission means it is important to understand the degree to which different mask types prevent aerosolized particles from reaching the user (Chung et al., 2014, Hall, 2007, Siegel et al., 2007, Tellier, 2007).
Particles and aerosols can enter the mask through one of two pathways: the face seal and the filter medium. In both pathways, penetration depth generally decreases with increasing particle size for particles greater than 0.20 μm (Grinshpun et al., 2009). There is no significant association between penetration depth and size for particles smaller than 0.20 μm. The number of particles entering through the faceseal exceed that entering through the filter of an N95 respirator by about 7-to-20 fold for particles with diameters between 0.04 and 1.0 μm. With a surgical mask, the number of particles entering the face seal exceeded the amount entering via the filter on the surgical mask at a ratio of approximately 6:1. The penetration levels for the surgical mask were much higher than those for the N95 respirator. So, for all masks, the number of particles penetrating through the face seal was greater than the number penetrating the filter. Grinshpun et al. (2009) strongly recommend future mask developments focus on improving peripheral fit rather than just improving filtering efficiency. Diaz and Smaldone (2010) observed that wet particulate aerosols (similar to those that are generated in many dental practices) evaporate to submicron particles capable of penetrating N95 FFRs. Their study concluded with an important discovery: exhaled particles from a DHCP resulted in greater protection because of airflow deflection. In effect, the force of the exhaled air around the seal was greater than the force of the aerosol-containing air challenging the facial protection.
3.2. N95 Respirators versus surgical masks in preventing respiratory disease transmission
Smith et al. (2016) searched electronic databases for articles comparing N95 masks and surgical masks published between 1990 and 2014. Six clinical studies and 23 surrogate exposure studies were identified. They concluded that the transmission of acute respiratory infections is a very complex process which is not replicated reliably in laboratory settings. Their systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies found no significant difference between the N95 respirators and surgical masks in association with the risk of laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection (CRI), influenza-like illness (ILI), or reported workplace absenteeism. However, they showed that under laboratory experimentation, N95 masks did perform better than surgical masks in several key aspects: having less filter penetration, less face seal leakage, and less inward leakage when used on mannequins. They conclude that even though the N95 mask performs better under laboratory simulation, there were no significant differences between N95 and surgical masks in preventing the above illnesses when used in clinical settings (Smith et al., 2016).
Another systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by Offeddu et al. (2017) quantified the protective effect of face masks and respirators against respiratory infections among healthcare workers. They found that masks and respirators were both more effective in preventing respiratory illness and ILI than not wearing any face protection. Use of N95 masks was considered superior to face masks in preventing bacteria-related infections, however, there was no significant difference between the mask types in preventing viral infections. Of particular significance to the current COVID-19 pandemic, among health care workers attending to H1N1-patients, 21% of those not wearing PPE had seroconversion, but none of the health care workers wearing either N95 or surgical masks developed antibodies in response to exposure (Offeddu et al., 2017).
There are conflicting recommendations for mask use by healthcare practitioners working with severe acute respiratory syndrome. The WHO recommends using masks in low-risk clinical situations and N95 respirators in high-risk situations, while the CDC recommends N95 respirator use in both. This contradictory advice lead to the publication of a systematic review and meta-analysis looking specifically at evidence to determine effectiveness of N95 compared to surgical masks (Long et al., 2020). They found five randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) involving 8444 participants with laboratory-confirmed influenza. Their meta-analysis with fixed-effects model showed no statistically significant differences in influenza transmission between those wearing N95 respirators and those with surgical masks. Four RCTs involving 3264 participants reported laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections. A meta-analysis with fixed-effects model similarly showed no significant difference in preventing these respiratory viral infections between providers using N95 respirators versus those using surgical masks. However, when investigating transmission of laboratory-confirmed bacterial infections, Long et al. (2020) report two RCTs (2538 participants) showing N95 respirators significantly reduced hospital bacterial colonization. Based on the total of their results, they conclude that use of N95 masks, relative to surgical masks, is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza (LCI), CRI, and ILI.
A systematic review by Cowling et al. (2010) of English language publications related to the effectiveness of face masks or respirators in preventing transmission of influenza or ILI in community studies found insufficient evidence to show that mask use (surgical or N95) prevented the wearer from becoming infected. The authors noted mask use compliance was grossly insufficient, due in some part to social norms and behavior. This is corroborated by other studies within their review, showing low mask use compliance, without explanation (Cowling et al., 2008, Cowling et al., 2010, Seale et al., 2009). The authors conclude that while laboratory-based/controlled studies may show masks to be variably effective against viral transmission, there is insufficient evidence for such in natural or clinical settings (Cowling et al., 2010).
A systematic review by Jefferson et al. (2010) assessed whether there was sufficient evidence to demonstrate which, if any, physical barriers (including masks) interrupted the spread of respiratory viruses. Included in this analysis were 67 RCTs and observational studies. Results showed that frequent and proper handwashing was most effective at interrupting viral spread. Results affirm that PPE, like masks, is just one of many barriers necessary to prevent the spread of disease in healthcare settings. The authors also report finding limited evidence that N95 respirators were more effective than simple surgical masks in preventing respiratory virus transmission. In total, they conclude that across diverse populations, settings and threats, the best performing barrier intervention was the surgical mask, partially due to the N95 respirators being more expensive, uncomfortable, and irritating to skin. (Jefferson et al., 2010). They also state that more stringent, controlled testing of physical methods are necessary. [An interesting side note was their finding of insufficient evidence that social distancing reduced the spread of a virus between infected and non-infected people.]
In a 2019 RCT, Radonovich et al. compared the effectiveness of N95 respiratory and medical masks in preventing healthcare personnel from acquiring workplace-related viral respiratory infections. This large, multisite study was conducted at 137 diverse outpatient settings during peak periods of viral respiratory illness. Participants were randomly assigned to wear N95 respirators (1993 participants in 189 clusters) or medical masks (2058 participants in 191 clusters) when attending to patients with respiratory illness. They reported 207 cases of LCI in the N95 group and 193 cases in the medical mask group; 1556 cases of ARI in the N95 group and 1711 cases in the mask group; 679 laboratory-detected respiratory infections amongst N95 wearers versus 745 cases in the mask group; 371 CRIs in the N95 group versus 417 in the mask group; and 128 ILI cases in the N95 group and 166 in the mask group. They concluded that there was no significant difference in incidence of LCI between those using N95 masks and those using the medical masks (Radonovich et al., 2019).
A randomized trial tested whether there was a significant difference in LCI rates between 225 ER nurses wearing surgical masks compared to 221 nurses wearing N95 masks while treating patients during flu season in Ontario, Canada. They found comparable rates of LCI between groups, 22.2% for surgical mask wearers versus 21.7% for N95 users, concluding there was no significant difference between the two in preventing LCI (Loeb et al., 2009). While not assessing respirator masks, another recent study compared detectable levels of multiple, laboratory-confirmed viruses after 30 min of normal exhalaton in two clinic populations presenting with ILI (Leung et al., 2020). One participant group was given a surgical mask with no use instructions, and the second wore no facial protection. Their results show that surgical masks reduced the detectable levels of influenza-bearing spatter particles greater than 5 µm and coronavirus levels in particles both larger and smaller than 5 µm (i.e., both spatter- and aerosol-transmitted viruses). However the authors caution that there was considerable variation in the amount of detectable virus across individuals, with no virus detected for many participants, including those not using a mask. Therefore, degree to which viral load and mask type interact to affect the spread and dispersion of viral particles is an important topic for further research.
Another randomized controlled trial comparing surgical masks, non-fitted N95 respirators, fitted N95 respirators, and no masks showed that non-fitted N95s outperformed all other groups when used by healthcare workers (HCW) in a large hospital in Bejing, China (MacIntyre et al., 2011). CRI rates of 9.2% were reported for the no mask group, 6.7% for the surgical mask group, 4.6% for the fitted N95 group, and 3.3% for the non-fitted N95 group. When N95 masks were pooled, the CRI rate of 3.9% was not significantly different from surgical masks. They attribute these results to biases in compliance and calibration, highlighting the importance of protocol adherence in the effectiveness of masks in preventing disease transmission. These results are corroborated by other RCTs and observational studies showing comparable outcomes between N95 and surgical mask use, however these may have been underpowered (MacIntyre et al., 2014, MacIntyre et al., 2013).
Studies conducted during the SARS and H1N1 outbreaks failed to show significant differences in infection rate between HCWs wearing surgical masks as opposed to those wearing respirators (Loeb et al., 2004, Johnson et al., 2009, Loeb et al., 2009). This, in combination with evidence from multiple systematic reviews (with and without meta-analysis) and RCTs performed in clinical settings indicate the non-superiority of N95 mask use (over surgical masks) in moderate and high-risk clinical situations.
3.3. Respiratory disease transmission and cloth masks
In a case control study performed during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Beijing, China, HCWs reported seeing more than 50 ILI patients daily (Zhang et al., 2013). This resulted in 51 HCWs contracting ILI. These were matched with 255 control HCWs. The majority of the participants [72.5% (37 ⁄ 51) in the case group and 71.6% (146 ⁄ 204) in the control group] reported wearing a medical mask over 80% of their working time. Interestingly, a further 17.3% (44 ⁄ 255) stated that they routinely used cloth masks and only 6.3% (16 ⁄ 255) reported using an N95 respirator. An additional 4.7% (12 ⁄ 255) of participants stated never or seldom wearing a facial mask in their clinical practice. Further studies investigating HCW behavior during viral outbreaks like the H1N1 pandemic may provide evidence as to why adherence to PPE and engineering controls vary between HCWs and DHCPs, and may identify alternative measures that can be deployed to help prevent or mitigate adherence failures.
In McIntyre’s study (2015), cloth masks performed poorly compared to medical masks. The rate of CRI was highest in the cloth mask arm, and the rate of ILI was significantly higher among the group wearing cloth masks. In addition, laboratory tests showed particle penetration through the cloth masks at 97% compared to 44% for medical masks. The control arm consisted of HCWs using a mask when they would normally wear it, while the experiment arm included HCWs who wore their mask throughout the day. The control arm performed better than the cloth mask group as assessed by having a lower rate of HCWs with CRI or ILI and fewer with laboratory confirmed virus (LCV).(MacIntyre et al., 2015). The authors conclude that cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs. Importantly, results of this study show that cloth masks may actually increase risk of infection in HCWs (MacIntyre et al., 2015). This study was included in this review despite having low power because of the current discussions regarding the use of PPE and the current COVID-19 pandemic, and recommendations by the CDC and others to the general public to wear fabric or material masks.
3.4. Face shields
Large particle spray and spatter are natural components of patient exhalation and are routine in many dental procedures (with and without high-volume evacuation) (Harte 2010). Although primarily used for tooth isolation rather than aerosol protection, some authors report that consistent use of physical or engineering barriers (e.g., dental dams and high-volume evacuation (HVE)) may help reduce some forms of aerosolized particles (Cochran et al., 1989, Tag el-Din and Abd el-Hady Ghoname 1997, Harrel and Molinari, 2004, Rajeev et al., 2020). However, evidence is somewhat mixed, with at least one study showing dam use increasing aerosolized particle concentrations in areas immediately surrounding the DHCP’s upper body (Al-Amad et al., 2017). Furthermore, most studies focus on only bacterial contaminants, even though oral fluids are known to carry viral agents as well (Szymanska, 2007). While multiple studies recommend dental dams as protective against various viral infections (Manzella et al., 1984, Thompson, 2005), no primary literature was found which demonstrated a clear link between dental dam use and reduced risk of viral infection, specifically. Furthermore, physical barriers are not possible for every dental procedure (e.g., use of dental dams for subgingival restorations) (Harrel and Molinari, 2004). Therefore, it is necessary to look at another potential PPE safeguard against aerosolized disease transmission: face shields (including goggles).
The topic of face shields is particularly important in dentistry, given that oral fluids are known carriers of both dangerous and innocuous viral and bacterial agents (Tellier et al., 2019). Recent research shows medial eye mucosae to be at the second-highest risk of splash contamination during routine dental procedures (mandibular ultrasonic scaling and tooth preparation with a high-speed handpiece), following nasal regions (Nejatidanesh et al., 2013). This is corroborated by research showing gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial contamination of hygienist eye shields after they performed patient prophylaxis (Choi et al, 2018), and further by a review of over 3500 peer-reviewed articles and abstracts showing abundant evidence of infectious disease acquired via the eye in DHCPs (Ekmekçioĝlu and Ünür, 2017). Some infections were easily treated with no adverse long-term effects (e.g., bacterial or viral conjunctivitis with variable etiologies), others resulted in life-long impairment (e.g., herpes-induced ulceration or infections associated with hepatitis). Interestingly, use of a preprocedural chlorhexidine rinse in addition to a face mask significantly reduced some forms of bacterial contamination risks to hygienists during routine cleanings (Choi et al, 2018).
Much like masks, face shields come in a variety of styles purported to protect areas ranging from the upper face (e.g., rimmed glasses or goggles) to the full face and neck, and with varying degrees of lateral head coverage. DHCPs can protect against fluid exposures by use of a transparent face shield designed as a physical barrier against spray and spatter. In a thorough review of face shield use and protective effects against infectious disease in healthcare, Roberge (2016) concluded that despite widespread use in healthcare settings, there remains insufficient evidence as to the exact degree of protective benefit offered by the differing face shield types, and that more “scientifically sound research needs to be conducted on the use of this form of PPE”. As with face masks, the author states that compliance to use and donning/doffing protocols are critical to face shield effectiveness. Studies also show compliance rates for face shield use among certain US DHCPs are lower than those for other forms of PPE, such as gloves and face masks (Hastreiter et al., 1990).
Using a laboratory-based breathing simulator, Lindsley et al. (2014) modeled a “worst case scenario” wherein a patient would cough directly into the HCW’s face (at a velocity of 32 m/sec) at the moment of inhalation. Despite this “worst case scenario”, the Lindsley study reported a significant protection to the DHCP from immediate discharge of large and small particles from the cough machine when using a face shield. While the protection against smaller particles diminished over time, use of a face shield always offered significantly greater protection against large particles than using no face shield at all (Lindsley et al., 2014).
When large particles (e.g., greater than 50um) are generated, they generally behave in a ballistic manner, ejected from the operating site and traveling until contact with a surface or fall to the floor (Micik 1969). Face shields can reduce the number of particles to which a mask is exposed. As mentioned earlier, small aerosol particles (<50 um) can remain airborne for longer periods of time and have the ability to migrate around the face shield and challenge the resistance of a mask situated beneath (Noti et al., 2012). Because of the airflow of small particles around the face shield, these cannot be used as a substitute for surgical or N95 masks. In fact, two recent studies conclude with recommendations to use shields/goggles only in combination with face masks (Roberge, 2016, Choi et al., 2018). Further studies are needed in real clinical situations measuring the velocity of the equipment used in dental procedures.
The above studies indicate that face shields do offer some degree of protection against airborne contaminants, though more systematic, controlled research is necessary to define the extent of this protection, particularly regarding viral agents.
4. Mask fit, compliance, and adherence
Quality of the mask fit is critical for protection against sub-micron airborne particles using an N95 FFR (Grinshpun et al., 2009). Use of N95 FFRs have been recommended by the CDC during treatment of a known COVID-19 patient encounter. Therefore, investigation into faceseal efficacy (fit) and use training is essential for mask/PPE compliance and effectiveness (Fischer et al., 2015, Verbeek et al., 2016). Multiple studies attest to the difficulty in properly fitting these masks to HCWs, even when the qualitative fit test was done properly. Traditionally, proper fit is assessed by many variables, including (but not limited to) the position of the mask on the nose, room for eye protection, room to talk, position of mask on face and cheek, proper placement around the chin, adequate strap tension, fit across bridge of nose, protection against respirator movement or slippage, and self-observation in a mirror (OSHA 1910.134 App A- Fit Testing Procedures (Mandatory)).
Improper fit reduces effectiveness and protection against disease-bearing airborne particles (Noti et al., 2012). Furthermore, there is no guarantee the HCWs will have an adequately fitted respirator. Lawrence et al. (2006) tested 25 people wearing 21 different types of N95 respirators. They found that only 4 of the 21 respirators tested successfully fit more than half of subjects. Respirator fit depends upon two important design criteria: ensuring nothing impedes the negative or positive pressure of the respirator; and ensuring the facepiece adequately covers the lower face. Improper coverage will result in leakage around the seal of the respirator and drastically reduce its efficacy. Thus, proper fit and adherence to donning, doffing, and use protocols are essential components to the success of the entire system.
Fit tests of N95 FFR in a laboratory setting do not adequately control for the various physical changes associated with face, head, and body movement throughout the typical DHCP workday, although these changes are part of the proper fit requirements from OSHA (OSHA 1910.134 App A, Fit Testing Procedure). DHCPs need to communicate frequently, turn their head, open and close their mouth, adjust their surgical telescopes/goggles, move the upper body and head to increase their field of vision, etc. Ramich et al. (2017) showed 70% variability in face seal performance due to face and body movement (but not facial shape and/or size). How these actions affect the performance of surgical masks or N95 FFRs needs to be systematically explored, particularly given that airborne particle penetration predominately occurs via breaches in the face seal. This is to be expected in the surgical mask but illuminated the importance of the faceseal for expected performance of the N95 FFR. They also showed that only 1 out of every 21 particles penetrating into the respirator came through the filter. The other 20 particles came through the faceseal. In comparison, 1 out of every 6 particles penetrating through the surgical mask came via the filter, and the other 5 came through the faceseal leak. In the study, there was a 70% variability in the faceseal performance based upon facial and body movement and not facial shape and size (Ramich et al., 2017).
In a recent CDC NIOSH Science Blog, Coffey et al. (2020) highlight the inconsistent clinical data on the type of mask appropriate to wear for respiratory protection. They also state that respirator manufacturers do not make specific claims about disease prevention, and that use noncompliance is a known problem. Problems of noncompliance are corroborated by another study showing that HCW-reported problems with mask use included discomfort (41.9% of N95 mask users compared to 9.8% of medical mask users) and communication difficulties (8.0% for N95 mask users compared to 3.0%) (MacIntyre et al., 2011). PPE that is uncomfortable or impractical in modern health care settings will invariably lead to disuse or improper use among HCWs. Compliance is a critical component of a comprehensive infection control protocol (ICP). Establishing controls that are impractical in clinic settings may put DHCPs at greater risk than having no controls at all. A study survey of 559 HCWs at three different hospitals in Florida and Georgia revealed possible compliance issues for DHCPs wearing N95 respirators over an eight-hour shift. Of these, 54.4% responded N95s were never comfortable to wear; 47% responded that the FFR obstructed their vision at least sometimes; 56.4% responded that they experienced increased heat around their face; 77% said they had difficulty communicating with patients and coworkers sometimes-to-most of the time; and 86.5% responded they would not be able to tolerate wearing the N95 for a full 8-hour day, even with standard breaks (Baig et al., 2010).
In the United States, most workers do not tolerate wearing masks for the appropriate amount of time and with the appropriate consistency (Radonovich et al., 2009). One study showed no more than 30% of workers tolerated their devices for the duration of a standard work shift. When asked why they removed their mask, workers cited the need to speak or facilitate communication, and discomfort (facial heat and pressure) as primary reasons for disuse. Several workers cited dizziness or concentration issues (Radonovich et al., 2009). A recent survey of HCWs showed that they desired respirators that were more comfortable, interfered less with breathing, diminished heat buildup, were disposable, and permitted users to have facial hair (Fisher and Shaffer 2014). Any negative ramifications of mask use on mental or physical constitution (e.g., dizziness, concentration) or comfort would be particularly important for anyone performing delicate and intricate surgery or dental procedures over an extended period.
Studies also show that mask compliance differs by gender, occupational rank, and role. Women were significantly more likely to experience discomfort and intolerance before reaching a full 8-hour time period than were men (Radonovich et al., 2009). In the same study, 59% of participants removed their mask before completing an 8-hour shift. In a study of faculty, staff and students from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, 58.7% of dentists, 86.7% of dental assistants, and 65.9% of dental students changed their mask after each patient. This variability was not reported for rates of glove changing after patients (97.8% for dentists, 95.5% for dental assistants, and 99.4% for dental students) (Ramich et al., 2017).
Even when PPE, including masks, are used properly, infection risks persist. This can occur via self-contamination by HCWs after inappropriately removing the PPE. In a systematic review of personal protective equipment, Verbeek (2016) states “[i]t is unclear which type of PPE protects best, what is the best way to remove PPE, and how to make sure HCWs use PPE as instructed.” A critical component of this review specifically focused on adherence to PPE donning and doffing, showing that following CDC recommendations compared to individual ways of donning and doffing seemed to decrease risk of contamination. The review further states that there was not a preferred method of PPE use training (spoken or computer simulation). Each dental healthcare workplace should develop consistent, repeatable, and active training of DHCPs following CDC recommendations in order to minimize contact transmission when PPE is changed.
5. Mask sterilization
Given that improper doffing and redonning of a PPE is a known and important source of contact transmission, and the current shortage of PPE nationwide, it is important for healthcare providers to consider which items can be safely sterilized, and the proper sterilizing procedures to include in any ICPs. This has been cited as one of the dangers of reuse or extended use of PPE, especially face masks (Moyer and Bergman, 2000, Bergman et al., 2012, Fisher and Shaffer, 2014). An argument for reusing the N95 FFRs may be cost effectiveness. Studies show that airborne particulates of variable size may rest upon the facepiece after 7 min of use and when the mask surface temperature increases due to normal respiration (Roberge et al., 2012). A study found that the accumulation of microorganisms on filter materials is dependent upon the amount and type of accumulated moisture (i.e., mask saturation). One study showed that several types of microorganisms can remain on the facepiece for long periods of time (Baig et al, 2010). Therefore, sterilization in some form is necessary if the N95 FFR were to be used safely after its single-use duration (Baig et al., 2010).
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is one disinfection method that uses Ultraviolet C (UV-C) radiation to inactivate various microorganisms (Fisher and Shaffer 2011). There are studies that show some efficacy of using UV-C to inactivate coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 and MERS, as well as H1N1 influenza viruses. This was accomplished with relatively low irradiance (compared to photopolymerization in dentistry) and minimal time. Efficacy was shown after treating the N95 FFR for 60–70 s at 17 mW/cm2. (Fisher and Shaffer 2011). Two important findings from disinfection studies were that particle penetration was only slightly affected (up to 1.25%) and that UV light is known to degrade polymers (which N95 FFRs contain). Increasing the dosage of exposure does not increase microbial inactivation but may damage the respirator (Bergman et al., 2012, Hamzavi et al., 2020, Majchrzycka et al., 2016).
Further research is necessary for the development of protocols to generalize decontamination of FFRs with UVC. One study was performed on a single plane, flat surface (coupons) with a single UV-C source (Bergman et al., 2012). The testing of complete, intact FFRs would provide a perspective on the effects of the multiple planes of the three-dimensional form and other components such as straps and face-seal interfaces.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) vapor sterilization of N95 respirators has also been investigated, and recent evidence suggests that this may be a viable solution when respirators are in short supply. As this is a relatively novel sterilizing technique, many questions remain as to the degree of viral removal, the effect of future disease resistance (e.g., impact on filter), and breathability through the respirator after sterilization. However, preliminary conclusions are that “respirator function was excellent, with no impairment of aerosol collection efficiency or air flow resistance after 50cycles” (Brooks, 2016). These two modalities UVC light and H2O2 vapor may be beneficial if reuse of N95 FFRs are critical during supply shortages. However, reusing disposable PPEs will require additional protocols to limit or prevent contact contamination (WHO, 2014).
6. Practical recommendations for infectious disease control in dentistry
Reviewing the published evidence using Steganga’s Hierarchy of Evidence allows DHCPs to determine the proper engineering controls to safeguard against disease transmission in order to establish recommendations that will best help maintain a safe dental healthcare workplace. Below are several recommendations based on the weight of the high-quality published studies presented above.
6.1. Mask and shield use considerations
Personal protective equipment protocols should be based on the precautionary principle that reasonable steps to reduce risk should not await scientific certainty. Use of Level 3 masks would provide the greatest protection from particle penetration if the mask is exposed to moisture from aerosols or spatter. Part of the heated debate during the SARS outbreak centered on whether N95 respirators were necessary (Campbell, 2004). Those who argued against N95 use believed that SARS was spread primarily via large droplets, and that a surgical mask offered sufficient protection in most instances. Diaz and Smaldone (2010) found insufficient data to show the superiority of the N95 respirators over the surgical masks unless the fit to the operator was completely sealed to the face. In fact, there is evidence that engineering barriers, such as use of suction or controlled air flow, may be more important at controlling the spread of airborne and aerosolized particles (Bentley et al., 1994, Harrel and Molinari, 2004, Holloman et al., 2015).
Given the lack of evidence that N95s and surgical masks differ in their ability to protect against infectious disease transmission, it seems reasonable at this time to propose logical, realistic ICPs for modern dental practitioners in the time of COVID-19 (Campbell 2004). Each dental organization must evaluate the fluid and penetration models degrading the mask. There are several guidelines available for choosing proper PPE (Australian NHMRC, 2010, CDC, 2014, ECDC, 2014, WHO, 2014). Though all guidelines propose using similar protective clothing, there are also noticeable differences (Fisher et al., 2014). The aspects of the evidence reviewed here show that the characteristics most relevant to DHCPs are proper selection of PPE, proper fit, compliance, ancillary controls and equipment to reduce mask challenge, knowledge of the literature, and proper donning and doffing.
6.1.1. Specific recommendations
Based on the evidence presented above,
N95 respirator masks should only be worn by a DHCP when there is a high likelihood of small-sized aerosolized particles directed towards the DHCP and there are no engineering safeguards (high-volume evacuation, etc.) in place.
The use of a surgical mask, especially a Type 3 mask, should be standard protocol within the dental operatory.
Proper donning and doffing is critical for the safety of both the DHCP and the patient.
Current sterilization measures are not sufficient to permit routine re-use of facemasks. All facemasks should be treated as single use only to prevent cross-contamination.
In an emergency shortage situation, were masks must be reused, masks should be stored in a paper bag (again paying strict attention to doffing protocols) until sterilized.
Based on the evidence presented in Section 3.4, some practical recommendations for face shield use are as follows:
Faceshields should be used in combination with an underlying facemask for all procedures in which copious fluid quantities are expected in close proximity to the user’s face.
Larger faceshields that offer lateral facial protection should be selected.
Face shields should be used only in combination with lower face protection (mask or respirator) and, if necessary, a surgical cap.
When performing procedures that are likely to produce small-sized aerosolized particles directed toward the practitioner, DHCPs should consider using goggles in supplement to a face mask, as the tighter seal these may better protect the user against infections transmitted via ocular pathways.
It is worth noting that these recommendations are largely consistent with already published views of OSHA, the CDC, and the ADA, and may already be in practice. This, however, does not specifically address any noncompliance issues that arise from training, clinic-level protocols, or shield comfort.
6.2. Beyond masks: Preventing or mitigating inhalation of airborne-particles and aerosols
Use of proper engineering controls before relying on personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, should be a part of broader infection protocol systems (IPS) in dental healthcare clinics and practices. Based on the evidence presented in the literature, some broader engineering recommendations for all DHCPs include:
Taking steps to ensure DHCPs and patients adhere to hand hygiene and cough etiquette while in the clinics (e.g., implementing routine training or reminder practices).
Using high-volume evacuation, particularly in combination with four-handed dentistry is highly recommended. This is because use of high-volume evacuation greatly reduces the user exposure to particulates produced during dental procedures. Making it standard practice to have four hands (i.e., 2 DCHPs) during every procedure will allow for better control over evacuating systems and limit the production of aerosolized particles at the source .
Using dental dams whenever possible to isolate the field of operation and minimize droplet spatter.
Making it standard practice to use a patient procedural pre-rinse with an antimicrobial agent to reduce bacterial challenges to the mask (Bentley et al., 1994, Harrel and Molinari, 2004, Liu et al., 2019).
The appropriate use of PPE in addition to these practices serves to further reduce the risks of transmission of respiratory pathogens to health-care workers and others who interact with patients in health-care or assisted living facilities.
Use of PPE should be defined by policies and procedures addressing isolation precautions. However, their effectiveness depends on adequate and regular supplies, adequate staff training, proper hand hygiene and, importantly, employee adherence to these protocols. The World Health Organization (WHO, 2014) now recommends additional precautions for patients with all acute respiratory infections (ARIs), including SARS-CoV2. These reduce, but do not eliminate, the risk of respiratory pathogen exposure. It is also recommended that dental healthcare facilities use clinical triage for early identification of patients with ARIs to prevent the transmission of ARI pathogens to DHCPs and other patients. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the clinical triage system helps to ensure effectiveness (WHO, 2014).
6.3. Recommendations for further research
There is more fundamental research that needs to be performed in the area of dental aerosols and dental specific instrumentation. This is particularly true with regard to the potential for generation of infectious bio-aerosols, and how the risk of these aerosols might be mitigated in the workplace environment. Dental procedures often use high energy instruments that are designed to produce water-aerosols when operated. The concentrations of infectious (bacterial and viral) organisms present in both human saliva/mucosa/blood and contaminated dental aerosols has yet to be comprehensively identified. The duration of bio-aerosol persistence and distance from the source patient (spread), as well as the ability of infected particles to drift into adjacent operatory or examination rooms (e.g., over barrier walls, through different ventilation flows) needs to be better quantified, as does the duration of pathogenicity of those infectious agents likely to be encountered in dental setting. This is particularly true for viral agents, and includes the speed of small aerosol evaporation, the ability of viral agents to survive without being bound to moist particles, and viability of viral agents to be reconstituted (e.g., among dust particles disrupted from floors and other surfaces as people move or clean).
As mentioned earlier in this review, facemask studies, particularly those published prior to 2012, often failed to report the ASTM level of the masks evaluated. Therefore, this remains an important topic for reproducibility of the research. Because behavioral and engineering controls are so important at mitigating or preventing disease spread, the ability of existing dental practice standard precautions (i.e. PPE and engineering controls) to prevent bio-aerosol infections and cross-contaminations should be systematically evaluated. This will reveal whether new protocols are necessary to curtail disease transmission in COVID-era dentistry.
7. Conclusions
The past few months have seen a marked increase in scientific studies, professional and public dialogues, and review articles that evaluate the past, present, and future trends in DHCP PPE protocols. Not all of these are relevant to the dental workplace; in fact, much of the information is extrapolated from medical models and studies of medical HCWs. While useful, having a hierarchy of evidence can help in the decision-making process. Standard precautions have served the profession well for over thirty years. This review gives strong credence that the past application of surgical masks in a routine dental setting will continue to minimize DHCP risk and fall within the reasoning to use current standard precautions. This includes the use of surgical masks, which the preponderance of evidence shows are equivalent to N95 masks in preventing transmission of respiratory infections in the clinical setting. However, as numerous studies attest, compliance continues to be one of the primary factors contributing to PPE failure. Therefore, creating reasonable, comfortable PPE coupled with routine training and reinforcement of use and disposal protocols is essential.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The authors acknowledge the assistance of the following individuals that contributed to this article by searching the vast literature to cull the highest level evidence reviewed in this manuscript: Brad Wall DMD; Larry Johns, DMD, MS; Michael Meharry DDS, MS; Fatuma Osman DMD; Denise Mills DDS; Rey Bergelin DDS; Sabita Rao DMD; Marc Cohn DDS; Jacquelyn Mathews DMD; and Melanie Bauer DMD.
Additional appreciation goes to Alexandra Pierre-Bez DDS; David Hancock DDS; Qing Hong PhD; and Megan Davis for their helpful discussions that helped shape the article.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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