Correction to: Scientific Reports10.1038/s41598-018-19188-2, published online 22 January 2018
This Article contains errors.
The legend of Figure 4 is incorrect:
“N2O spectroscopy at 0.013 mbar over 65 cm−1. Green line: P(40), 37435005.26(10) MHz; blue line: P(18), 38052238.584(63) MHz; red line: R(31), 39268217.812(78) MHz.”
should read:
“N2O spectroscopy at 0.013 mbar over 65 cm−1. P(40), 37435005.58(10) MHz; blue line: P(18), 38052238.986(63) MHz; red line: R(31), 39268218.298(78) MHz”
As a result, there is an error in the Results and Discussion section where,
“The resulting line centre-frequency of the P(18) line is 38052238584(63) kHz; the HITRAN value for the line-centre frequency is only 2.7 MHz above our determination while the HITRAN value has relatively large nominal uncertainty range of 3–30 MHz”
should read:
“The resulting line centre-frequency of the P(18) line is 38052238986(63) kHz; the HITRAN value for the line-centre frequency is only 2.7 MHz above our determination while the HITRAN value has relatively large nominal uncertainty range of 3–30 MHz.”