A) Analysis of libraries from a MEF RNA sample prepared for RNA-seq or SM-PAT-seq. Following RNA-seq, transcripts were aligned with Salmon (
Patro et al., 2017) against GENCODE v23 transcripts to generate transcripts per million (TPM) abundance measures. Following SM-PAT-seq and transcript assignment of reads, counts were converted to TPM. Data for all non-zero genes were evaluated for Spearman correlation of abundance, using the base R package (
Bates et al., 2020). R
2 correlation = 0.58 with
p value of 2.2e-16.
B) Plot of unique vs. total reads, with the dashed line representing the theoretical perfect library where every sequenced molecule is unique; numerals on axes are millions. The dark pink and blue lines represent actual data for the HEK293 and MEF library data sets, with light shaded regions representing 90% confidence. The data indicate that >99.03% and 99.04% of SM-PAT-seq CCS reads obtained from these libraries were unique.