MEDICAL SCIENCES, CHEMISTRY Correction for “The intelligent knife (iKnife) and its intraoperative diagnostic advantage for the treatment of cervical disease,” by Menelaos Tzafetas, Anita Mitra, Maria Paraskevaidi, Zsolt Bodai, Ilkka Kalliala, Sarah Bowden, Konstantinos Lathouras, Francesca Rosini, Marcell Szasz, Adele Savage, Julia Balog, James McKenzie, Deirdre Lyons, Phillip Bennett, David MacIntyre, Sadaf Ghaem-Maghami, Zoltan Takats, and Maria Kyrgiou, which was first published March 16, 2020; 10.1073/pnas.1916960117 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 7338–7346).
The authors note that Eftychios Manoli should be added to the author list between Adele Savage and Julia Balog. Eftychios Manoli should be credited with performing research, contributing new reagents/analytic tools, and analyzing data. The corrected author line, affiliation line, and author contributions appear below. The online version has been corrected.
In addition, the authors note that the grant “Biomedical Research Centre Cancer Imperial College (P83204)” appeared incorrectly. It should instead appear as: “NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust (P83204).”
The authors wish to also thank the wider Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge Rosetta consortium members for supporting this research. The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from Cancer Research UK (A24034) which supported this work.
Menelaos Tzafetasa,b,c, Anita Mitraa,b,c, Maria Paraskevaidia,b, Zsolt Bodaia,b, Ilkka Kallialaa,b,d, Sarah Bowdena,b,c, Konstantinos Lathourasc, Francesca Rosinia,b, Marcell Szasze, Adele Savagea,b, Eftychios Manolif, Julia Baloga,b,g, James McKenziea,b, Deirdre Lyonsc, Phillip Bennetta,b,c, David MacIntyrea,b, Sadaf Ghaem-Maghamia,b,c, Zoltan Takatsa,b, and Maria Kyrgioua,b,c
aDepartment of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London SW7 2DD, United Kingdom; bDepartment of Surgery and Cancer, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London SW7 2DD, United Kingdom; cDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London W2 1NY, United Kingdom; dDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital Helsinki, Helsinki University, 00290 Helsinki, Finland; eDepartment of Tumour Biology, National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology, 1122 Budapest, Hungary; fDepartment of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, London SW7 2DD, United Kingdom; and gWaters Research Center, 1031 Budapest, Hungary
Author contributions: Z.T. and M.K. designed research; M.T., Z.B., I.K., S.B., K.L., A.S., E.M., J.B., and M.K. performed research; M.T., A.M., Z.B., I.K., S.B., K.L., F.R., M.S., A.S., E.M., J.B., D.L., D.M., S.G.-M., Z.T., and M.K. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; M.T., Z.B., F.R., M.S., A.S., E.M., J.B., J.M., and M.K. analyzed data; and M.T., A.M., M.P., P.B., D.M., S.G.-M., Z.T., and M.K. wrote the paper.