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. 2020 Aug 10;15(8):e0237390. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237390

Retention of volunteers and factors influencing program performance of the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program in Jiangsu, China

Hong-Li Chen 1,#, Pei Chen 1,#, Yu Zhang 1, Ying Xing 1, Yuan-Yuan Guan 1, Dao-Xiang Cheng 2, Xian-Wen Li 1,*
Editor: Sharon Mary Brownie3
PMCID: PMC7416946  PMID: 32776995



As the country with the largest aging population, China faces an enormous challenge with its elderly support and care. One of the proposed solutions is the development of volunteerism for elderly care. The Senior Care Volunteers Training Program (SCVTP) was initiated by the Red Cross Society of China with the purpose of training volunteers to care for community seniors. As one of the four pilot provinces, Jiangsu Province launched the program since 2017.


The present study was conducted to investigate the dropout rate of trained volunteer group leaders, the characteristics of the retained trained volunteer group leaders and the activities that their groups conducted. Additionally, the exploration of the factors influencing the SCVTP’s performance was listed as another aim.


A cross-sectional study was designed. The study used purposive sampling to select participants who meet the criteria from all the trained volunteer group leaders (n = 623). Demographic questionnaire, volunteer role identity (VRI) scale, attitude toward helping others (AHO) scale, team climate and atmosphere (TCA) scale, and volunteer program performance evaluation (VPPE) questionnaire were used to collect the data online. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the dropout rate and general characteristics of the retained volunteers and the activities. A multiple linear regression equation was developed to study the factors that influence program performance.


In total, 307 questionnaires were valid in the study. About 67.9%, 53.7%, and 30.0% of the trained volunteer group leaders dropped out of the program in the year of 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively. The retained trained volunteer group leaders were more likely to be females (84.7%), those in excellent health (75.2%) and with a bachelor’s degree or above (87.6%). Less attention has been paid to frailty care (n = 76) than other volunteer caring activities (e.g., safe care: n = 277, diet care: n = 250, drug management care: n = 226). VRI (β = 0.118, p = 0.017), AHO (β = 0.134, p = 0.021), TCA (β = 0.459, p<0.001), and financial sustainability (β = 0.179, p<0.001) affected the SCVTP’s performance significantly (adjusted R2 = 0.356).


High rate of trained volunteer group leaders’ dropout should be brought to the policymaker’s attention. The characteristics of the retained trained volunteer group leaders provide a useful reference for the recruitment of trainees in the future. Frailty care may need more training by the volunteer service provider. In order to enhance program performance, a better team climate and atmosphere, financial sustainability, and volunteers with appropriate attitude and role identity are also necessary for the volunteer program.


Population aging is a global demographic megatrend [1]. According to World Population Prospects 2019, 16.7% of people will be aged 65 years or over by 2050 worldwide [2]. As the country with the largest population, China has approximately 176 million persons aged 65 years or over, accounting for 12.6% of the country's total population by the end of 2019 [3]. Compared with developed countries, the status quo of "getting old before getting rich" in China makes it likely to face more fiscal pressures in relation to public systems of healthcare, pensions and social protection schemes for older persons [1]. Previous studies on elderly care services indicated that volunteers can supplement family members’ care and paid staff care [47]. The participation of trained volunteers in old-age care could also be beneficial for the delivery of caring knowledge to relatives and paid housekeepers of community seniors [8]. In addition, the care for seniors provided by volunteers can relieve the physiological and psychological care pressure on caregivers or paid housekeepers [9].

To make use of volunteer resources to cope with the aging society, the Red Cross Society of China initiated the first national volunteer training program for community senior care, named the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program (SCVTP), in 2017 [10]. As one of the four pilot provinces, Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Branch has been developing the program since 2017. For the program, the volunteer group leaders with at least 2 years of experience in senior care were recommended by the local Red Cross Society. A two-stage training were designed in the program. The first stage is the training of the trainer (ToT), which aimed to culture and improve the caring ability of the volunteer group leaders, and the second stage was expected to educate volunteer groups and to supply volunteer care for the local community seniors. For the first stage, a 7-day ToT course was utilized, including lecture and skill practice. The course was developed based on brainstorming between eight nursing professors, two Red Cross administrators, one medicine education professor, and one human medicine doctor. If the volunteer group leaders could pass the test, he or she will be afforded a certificate. There is no payment for them. However, Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Branch supplied 20 thousand Chinese Yuan to encourage trained volunteer group leaders to launch a new volunteer group or develop an original group taking care for local community senior.

Evaluation is a critical part of volunteer training programs to clarify the advantages and problems of the project and to take more targeted measures for promoting the quality and sustainable development of the project [11]. Retaining volunteers has proved a challenge for volunteer organizations. Previous studies found that high turnover causes the costly training of replacement volunteers and lowers the productivity and morale for the organization [12,13]. Considering these factors, the first aim of the present study is to investigate the dropout of ToT-trained volunteer group leaders and the second aim is to describe the characteristics of retained volunteer group leaders and the activities that their groups have completed. Many factors can affect volunteer program performance directly. Besides, some factors can affect volunteer participation or personal performance and thus affect program performance. The factors mentioned above include team factors such as financial sustainability [14,15], team climate and atmosphere [1620], and personal factors such as gender [21,22], education background [31,32], retirement status [23], attitude toward helping others [2427], volunteer role identity [2831]. Based on the above literature review, monitoring of the factors and intervention are necessary in this dynamic environment to improve program performance [3234]. Therefore, the third aim of this paper is to explore the factors influencing volunteer program performance. The Project Monitoring and Evaluation Guide, designed by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, was regarded as a useful tool for volunteers and partners involved in development programs [35]. The guide was used as the evaluation framework in the present study.


Ethical considerations

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Nanjing Medical University, Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Branch and School of Nursing, Nanjing Medical University. Before the survey, the aims and the main contents of the study were briefly described to the participants. They were told they could refuse the survey and had the right to withdraw from the study at any stage. Electronic informed consent was obtained from each participant. The opportunity to participate in consolidation training in the next step and the financial support from the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Branch were not influenced even if the volunteers refused to participate in this study.

Study design

A population-based, cross-sectional design was utilized in this study.

Study participants and dropout

All the volunteer group leaders who attended SCVTP developed by Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Branch in the year of 2017, 2018 and 2019 were recruited to take part in this study. According to the record, 623 volunteer group leaders attended this program. The sampling frame in the study consisted of a roster of all the trained volunteer group leaders. Previous research has shown that purposive sampling method may prove to be effective when only limited numbers of people can serve as primary data sources due to the nature of research design and aims [36]. The study used purposive sampling to select participants who met the criteria, which helped in simplifying the selection of the subject of the investigation. The criteria used to measure retainment of participants are as follows: (a) The trained volunteer group leaders who did not respond to this investigate were defined as one kind of dropout. (b) Even though the trained volunteer group leaders responded to this study but did not launch the volunteer group program carrying out activities related to community senior care services (e.g., diet care, respite care, chronic disease care) were defined as one kind of dropout. (c) The respondents who did not meet the criterion of average response time for each question of spending at least 2 seconds on each question [37] or who self-reported that they answered questions carelessly [38] were defined as the dropout.


The demographic questionnaire

The demographic questionnaire included gender, age, job condition and other characteristics of the ToT volunteer group leaders. Volunteer team status, such as team size, activities time, average hours of one activity, types of activities (e.g., diet care, safe care, excretion care), and finance sustainability, were also investigated. The options in “types of activities” characteristic are multiple choices.

Volunteer Role Identity scale (VRI)

The VRI is a five-item scale designed by Grube and Piliavin [39]. The items are as follows: (a) My volunteer work is something I rarely ever think about; (b) I would feel a loss if I were forced to give up volunteering; (c) I really don’t have any clear feelings about volunteer work; (d) For me, being a volunteer means more than just doing volunteer work; and (e) Volunteering is an important part of who I am. The answer categories ranged from (1) strongly disagree to (7) strongly agree. The higher scores of the VRI, the more important the volunteer identity to them. The items formed a reliable scale in Grube and Piliavin’s study (α = 0.82). The Cronbach’s α of VRI in the present study was 0.543.

Attitude Toward Helping Others scale (AHO)

The AHO is a 4-item instrument measuring the degree of helping attitudes [40]. The authors define the AHO as “global and relatively enduring evaluations with regard to helping or assisting other people.” The items are as follows: (a) People should be willing to help others who are less fortunate; (b) Helping troubled people with their problems is very important to me; (c) People should be more charitable toward others in society; and (d) People in need should receive support from others. Respondents answered each item using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Higher AHO scores indicate a stronger willingness to help others. The four items for the AHO in the two samples had acceptable Cronbach’s α of 0.79 and 0.80, respectively. The Cronbach’s α of the AHO in this study was 0.834.

Team Climate and Atmosphere scale (TCA)

The TCA [41] has 10 items, which are mainly about trust, support, feelings, care among team members, recognition of individual performance, efficiency of solving conflicts, freeness of expressing opinion, and individual influence on team decisions. The TCA is part of The Long-Term Care version of Team STEPPS 2.0 that reflect the environment of nursing homes and other long-term care settings, such as assisted living and continuing care retirement communities. The answer categories ranged from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree. The higher scores of the scale are, the more harmonious the team atmosphere is. The Cronbach’s α of the scale in the present study was 0.824.

Volunteer Program Performance Evaluation (VPPE) questionnaire

The questionnaire [42] was designed based on the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Guide via a two-round Delphi method to measure the program performance. After the discussion of our research team, efficiency (time and activity efficiency), effectiveness (effectiveness for the elderly and their family), relevance (relevance for the elderly), impact (impact on volunteer teams and the elderly) and sustainability (program and activity plan sustainability) were kept to the evaluation questionnaire. As the degree of satisfaction is regarded as one of the vital factors of care [43]. The degree of satisfaction (satisfaction of the elderly and their family about the program) was added. The concordance coefficients of the questionnaire ranged from 0.163 to 0.318 and 0.162 to 0.222. and the variation coefficients ranged from 0.081 to 0.245 and 0.059 to 0.204 for the two rounds. The Cronbach’s α of the scale in the present study was 0.982, indicating good reliability of the tool. The answer categories ranged from 0 to 10, and the score was weighted according to the tool description. The VPPE score was the dependent variable. Higher weighted score indicates the better program performance. The development process and some details of the two-round Delphi method have been introduced in one Chinese article written by our research group.

Data collection

A self-rated formative evaluation was conducted in this study. The evaluation questionnaire was delivered to all trained volunteer group leaders in 2017, 2018 and 2019 via twelve WeChat groups, an online communication tool widely used in China. To increase the response rates, we employed incentives in our study ranging from 1 to 10 RMB, which was lottery-based where the respondent had a chance to win the incentive [44]. The participants were informed that they could receive the incentive before they answered the questionnaires. Three reminders were also sent to volunteer group leaders about the online questionnaire. Data were collected in late December (between 27 and 31) 2019 only once.

Statistical analysis

The software IBM® SPSS® Statistics (Armonk, New York, USA) was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the general characteristics of the subjects. The comparison of the VPPE scores between variables of trained volunteers and volunteer teams was tested by independent-sample t test and one-way ANOVA, and the correlation between variables was examined by bivariate correlation. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to study the variables that can significantly influence volunteer program performance.


Demographic description

In total, 310 trained volunteers submitted the questionnaires. According to the standard (response time and self-reported diligence), there was one respondent who spent less than 2 seconds on average answering each question and 2 respondents who reported that they did not answer the questions carefully or seriously. In total, 307 questionnaires were valid.

According to the record from the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Branch, 215 volunteers in 2017, 201 volunteers in 2018, and 207 volunteers in 2019 attended the ToT program. A total of 67.9% of ToT volunteer group leaders trained in 2017 dropped out, and 53.7% and 30.0% dropped out in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The total dropout rate of all the ToT volunteer group leaders is 49.3%. The ratios between the three years were significantly different (P<0.001). (Table 1).

Table 1. The number of respondents and trained volunteers in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Training Year Retained volunteers, n(%) Total (N) χ2 p
2017 69(32.2) 215 61.859 <0.001
2018 93(46.3) 201
2019 145(70.0) 207

According to Table 2, the mean age of the retained volunteer group leaders was 41.96 years (Standard Deviation: 10.24). Approximately nine-tenths of them (281, 91.5%) were already married. Three-fifths of the respondents (231, 75.2%) were in excellent health. The educational level of the majority of the volunteer group leaders was the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree (183, 59.6%).

Table 2. Characteristics of retained volunteer group leaders (N = 307).

Characteristics Options Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Gender Female 260 84.7
Male 47 15.3
Age (years, x¯±s: 41.96±10.24) <45 186 60.6
45~ 106 34.5
≥60 15 4.9
Marital status Married 281 91.5
Others 26 8.5
Health status Excellent 231 75.2
Well 68 22.1
General 8 2.6
Care for the elderly at home Yes 178 58.0
No 129 42.0
Translation into parenthood Yes 276 89.9
No 31 9.1
Education level Below high school 9 2.9
High school 29 9.4
Undergraduate 183 59.6
Above Undergraduate 86 28.0
Employment Employed 277 90.2
Retired 30 9.8
Occupation Doctors 26 8.5
Nurses 161 52.4
Preventive medicine workers 11 3.6
Social workers 70 22.8
Others 39 12.7

Team and activity description

Table 3 reveals the characteristics of retained volunteer group leaders’ teams and their activities. The size of most teams was less than 29 volunteers. Approximately two-thirds of the groups’ activities for the community senior were carried out no more than 60 times since they set up, while a quarter were carried out more than 100 times. The average hours of one activity for most teams varied from 1 to 2 hours. More than half of the volunteer teams (56.4%) reported that they did not have enough money to support the development of the program. As for the details of the activity contents, most volunteer groups (n>200) supplied more safe care, diet care, drug management care, and psychological care for the community senior, while less frailty care was supplied. Compared with the three years of 2017, 2018 and 2019, there was no statistically significant differences in different team sizes, different activities times and some other characteristics in the table.

Table 3. Characteristics of retained volunteer group leaders’ teams and activities, N(%).

Characteristics Options(n = 307) 2017(n = 69) 2018(n = 93) 2019(n = 145) Z/χ2 p
Team size (persons) <15, 116(37.8) 20(29.0) 38(40.9) 58(40.0) 0.547 0.761
15~29, 89(29.0) 26(37.7) 26(28.0) 37(25.5)
30~44, 42(13.7) 16(23.2) 12(12.9) 14(9.7)
45~89, 27(8.8) 4(5.8) 8(8.6) 15(10.3)
≥90, 33(10.7) 3(4.3) 9(9.7) 21(14.5)
Activities times <20, 61(19.9) 9(13.0) 22(23.7) 30(20.7) 0.013 0.994
20~39, 81(26.4) 25(36.2) 17(18.3) 39(26.9)
40~59, 58(18.9) 14(20.3) 20(21.5) 24(16.6)
60~79, 22(7.2) 3(4.3) 8(8.6) 11(7.6)
80~99, 11(3.6) 3(4.3) 4(4.3) 4(2.8)
≥100, 74(24.1) 15(21.7) 22(23.7) 37(25.5)
Average hours of one activity <1, 16(5.2) 2(2.9) 5(5.4) 9(6.2) 1.459 0.482
1~, 158(51.5) 39(56.5) 42(45.2) 77(53.1)
2~, 82(26.7) 21(30.4) 29(31.2) 32(22.1)
≥3, 51(16.6) 7(10.1) 17(18.3) 27(18.6)
Finance Inadequate, 173(56.4) 41(59.4) 46(49.5) 86(59.3) 2.566 0.277
Adequate, 134(43.6) 28(40.6) 47(50.5) 59(40.7)
Types of respite care (multiple choice) Safe care, 277(90.2) 63(91.3) 84(90.3) 130(84.4) 7.056 0.996
Diet care, 250(81.4) 61(88.4) 73(78.5) 116(75.3)
Drug manage care, 226(73.6) 59(85.5) 63(67.7) 104(67.5)
Excretion care, 163(53.1) 41(59.4) 46(49.5) 76(49.4)
Clean care, 198(64.5) 48(69.6) 68(73.1) 82(53.2)
Sleep care, 155(50.5) 39(56.5) 46(49.5) 70(45.5)
Rehabilitation Care, 146(47.6) 37(53.6) 44(47.3) 65(42.2)
Frailty care, 76(24.8) 21(30.4) 17(18.3) 38(24.7)
Chronic disease care, 186(60.6) 43(62.3) 53(57.0) 90(58.4)
Psychological care, 218(70.0) 53(76.8) 61(65.6) 104(67.5)
Others, 59(19.2) 17(24.6) 15(16.1) 27(17.5)

Descriptive statistics of the main variables

The average scores of the VRI (x¯ = 5.89), AHO (x¯ = 4.66), TCA (x¯ = 4.42) and VPPE (x¯ = 8.49) were near the end of the possible maximum. It is clear from the standard deviation (s = 1.01, 0.51, 0.51, 1.33) that there was no considerable variation around the mean. (Table 4).

Table 4. Descriptive statistics of the main variables.

Variables α x¯ s Range Possible range
VRI 0.543 5.89 1.01 3~7 1~7
AHO 0.834 4.66 0.51 1.25~5 1~5
TCA 0.824 4.42 0.51 1.4~5 1~5
VPPE 0.982 8.49 1.33 0.52~10.00 0~10.00
Relevance 0.941 2.81 0.43 0.17~3.19 0~3.19
Efficiency 0.760 0.28 0.07 0.00~0.37 0~0.37
Effectiveness 0.962 0.87 0.17 0.01~1.08 0~1.08
Satisfaction 0.981 1.33 0.19 0.11~1.48 0~1.48
Social impact 0.929 0.58 0.11 0.03~0.70 0~0.70
Sustainability 0.955 2.60 0.56 0.20~3.19 0~3.19

VRI: volunteer role identity; AHO: attitude toward helping others; TCA: team climate and atmosphere; VPPE: volunteer project performance evaluation; Range: minimum to maximum score of the scale; Possible range: actual minimum to maximum score that respondents answered.

Comparison of the VPPE scores between different ToT volunteer leaders and volunteer teams

It can be seen from Table 5 that among different characteristics of the volunteer group leaders (gender, age, marital status, etc), there were no differences in the VPPE scores, while the VPPE scores were significantly different in different team size and finance.

Table 5. Comparison of the VPPE scores between different ToT volunteer leaders and volunteer teams.

Characteristics Options x¯ s t/F p
Gender Female 8.53 1.28 1.405 0.161
Male 8.23 1.56
Age <45 8.56 1.21 0.722 0.487
45~ 8.37 1.49
≥60 8.39 1.53
Marital status Married 8.47 1.35 -0.607 0.544
Others 8.64 0.99
Health Excellent 8.54 1.25 1.788 0.169
Well 8.41 1.27
General 7.67 3.08
Care for the elderly at home Yes 8.59 1.23 1.662 0.098
No 8.34 1.34
Translation into parenthood Yes 8.47 1.34 -0.701 0.484
No 8.65 1.22
Education Below high school 8.16 3.01 1.426 0.235
High school 8.91 0.82
Bachelor 8.49 1.32
Above bachelor 8.37 1.20
Employment Employed 8.48 1.34 -0.176 0.860
Retired 8.53 1.23
Position Doctors 8.75 0.90 1.385 0.239
Nurses 8.48 1.27
Preventive medicine workers 8.96 0.97
Social workers 8.53 1.33
Others 8.12 1.77
Team size <15 8.14 1.41 4.191 0.003
15~29 8.65 1.17
30~44 8.72 1.07
45~89 8.45 1.82
≥90 9.03 0.96
Activities times <20 8.25 1.46 1.956 0.085
20~39 8.42 1.33
40~59 8.37 1.54
60~79 8.51 1.19
80~99 8.22 1.74
≥100 8.88 0.89
Average hours of one activity <1 8.49 1.30 1.285 0.280
1~ 8.36 1.30
2~ 8.57 1.15
≥3 8.75 1.63
Finance Inadequate 8.33 1.33 2.303 0.022
Adequate 8.68 1.30

Correlation between VRI, AHO, TCA and VPPE

VRI, AHO, and TCA were all positively correlated with the VPPE scores, and all the correlation coefficients were statistically significant. (Table 6).

Table 6. Correlation coefficient between VRI, AHO, TCA and VPPE (r/p).

VPPE 1.000 \ \ \
VRI 0.289** 1.000 \ \
AHO 0.426** 0.317** 1.000 \
TCA 0.544** 0.247** 0.575** 1.000

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level; VRI: volunteer role identity; AHO: attitude toward helping others; TCA: team climate and atmosphere; VPPE: volunteer project performance evaluation.

Multiple linear regression analysis of the VPPE scores

The variables of VRI (β = 0.118, p = 0.017) AHO (β = 0.134, p = 0.021), TCA (β = 0.459, p<0.001), and finance (β = 0.179, p<0.001) affected the SCVTP’s performance which were significant at the 0.05 level. A unit change in VRI, AHO, TCA, finance increased program performance by 0.118, 0.134, 0.459, 0.179 units, respectively. The adjusted R2 of the model (0.356) revealed that 35.6 percent of variance in participation could be explained by the four aforementioned variables. (Table 7).

Table 7. Coefficients of the variables for the VPPE score regression equation.

B S.E. β p 95% CI
(Constant) -0.015 0.671 / 0.982 [-1.335,1.305]
VRI 0.155 0.065 0.118 0.017 [0.028,0.282]
AHO 0.346 0.149 0.134 0.021 [0.053,0.638]
TCA 1.197 0.148 0.459 <0.001 [0.906,1.487]
Finance 0.478 0.124 0.179 <0.001 [0.233,0.723]

Dependent Variable: VPPE; VRI: volunteer role identity; AHO: attitude toward helping others; TCA: team climate and atmosphere; B: unstandardized regression coefficient; S.E.: Std.Error; β: standardized regression coefficient; p: p-value; CI: confidence interval.


The present study found that close to half (49.3%) of trained volunteer leaders dropped out of the program in total (67.9%, 53.7%, and 30.0% for 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively). For the training of first year, that is, 2017, nearly seventy percent of trainees dropped out according to the operative definition of this study, which is beyond the expectation of the policymaker. Although dropout trends, including multi-measurements, for 2017 and 2018 were not acquired as no panel data were available in this study, the dropout ratio comparison of the three years could also imply that the dropout rate increased over time, which is the first main finding of the present study. Osamu Watanabe and Jiraporn Chompikul conducted a study in terms of turnover intention of village health volunteers (VHVs) who engaged in elderly home care in a Thailand volunteer program and found that approximately one-third of the VHVs intended to leave volunteering in elderly care [45]. To a certain extent, the actual dropout rate or the turnover intention of such a training program is normal. The high dropout rate of the present program, however, should be brought to the forefront of the program design and to the policymaker’s attention. Further study to explore the reasons that result in a high turnover rate is needed, as large amounts of time and money have been invested to train the volunteers.

The present study investigated the characteristics of retained trained volunteer leaders. They were more likely to be female and married, in excellent health and with a bachelor’s degree. A previous study demonstrated that the majority of the volunteer work force is comprised of women and highly educated individuals [21]. Some findings stated that retirement also plays an important role in volunteers. The retirement effect is accounted for by investing retirees’ extra time in the volunteer role, signaling a compensation strategy [23]. The characteristics of the retained trained volunteer leaders provide a useful reference for the recruitment of trainees in the future. For the retained volunteer leaders’ groups and the activities, most of the teams in this study were small- to medium-sized. One to two hours was the normal time for general activities. Volunteer groups supplied more care concerning safe care, diet care and psychological care for community seniors, which may have something to do with the curricula related to these fields delivered to the volunteers. Frailty care has received little attention in the implementation of activities, though it is also vital to community seniors. One study provided evidence that frailty is associated with increased healthcare costs, requires more attention in aging societies and is a major task for healthcare systems [46]. Given this, the volunteer service provider may need more training in frailty care.

The third main finding of the study is that team climate and atmosphere were the principal factors contributing to volunteer program performance. Previous research has shown that team climate positively affects relational coordination and communication between team members [47], and there is a positive relationship between team climate and members’ satisfaction [4850]. It was also examined in an earlier study that inter-team coordination and personal satisfaction with the job or organization are conducive to team effectiveness [51,52]. First, considering the relationships among the TCA, teamwork, satisfaction and program performance, making more efforts to support a positive team climate by the leader of the volunteer team, such as creating harmony team culture and delivering it to the new members when they participate, is the basis for improving the performance of the organization and program. Second, the coordination and communication between members are influenced by team climate, so it is believed to promote program development by enhancing the quality of underlying relationships. To attain these aims, all the committed efforts directed toward a highly interdependent common goal can make team members closely interact and coordinate their efforts, which is important to program performance, as collective efficacy can be solidified [53]. Last but not least, regarding the level of personal satisfaction, in addition to the efforts made to support the team climate, attention should be paid to other strategies related to incentives, support and commitment.

The study also revealed that volunteer role identity, attitude toward helping others, and finance were factors contributing to volunteer program performance. Volunteer role identification could make volunteers feel proud to be members and devote themselves to common goals. Teams are cohesive when volunteer participants identify with their membership, and the result of joint efforts is further conducive to program performance [54]. A team member with a positive attitude can improve individual performance, leading to holistic development in the performance of the organization [24,55]. It is the same with attitude toward helping others in the area of volunteerism. To meet these expectations, organizations must establish systematic human resource management and select appropriate volunteers to meet organizational objectives, which can lead organizations to develop better. In regard to finance, if the sustainable provision of financing can be guaranteed for the volunteer program, the volunteer services may be better promoted, and the sustainable development of the program may be ensured. To achieve this goal, the leader should have some money-generating activities that will ensure adequate finance to implement their project [23]. A volunteer team that only provides volunteer services can consider transforming into a private non-profit enterprise organization to improve financial sustainability and better promote team and volunteer services. However, in this way, its product and service positioning and organization structure need to be comprehensively considered to realize its “self-hematopoietic” function.


A limitation of our study is that qualitative data on specific factors affecting volunteers’ turnover were not available in our study to provide in-depth information. In addition, the quality of the volunteer care was not rated in the present study. A qualitative study concerning the quality of volunteer care needs to be conducted to explore the quality perception from the perspective of the seniors receiving care and their family. Finally, a self-rated formative evaluation was used in this study. There may be a Hawthorne effect when the volunteer team initiator assessed the activity impact. Triangulation of data collection sources and analysis methods would enhance the validity of the study.


High rate of trained volunteers’ dropout in the present program should be brought to the forefront of the program design and to the policymaker’s attention. The characteristics of the retained trained volunteer leaders provide a useful reference for the recruitment of trainees in the future. Frailty care may need more training by the volunteer service provider.

Regarding the factors influencing the national volunteer pilot program performance, team climate and atmosphere, financial sustainability, volunteer role identity and attitude toward helping others have significant influences on the performance of the volunteer program. Our recommendations are that when volunteers are provided with a better team climate and atmosphere, such as close interactions between team members, incentives, support and commitment from leaders, and when the sustainability of finance can be ensured, volunteer program performance will be enhanced. Furthermore, appropriate volunteers who incorporate the volunteer role into their self-concept and have an attitude toward helping others are also necessary to enhance program performance.

Supporting information

S1 File. Study questionnaire.



We would express our gratitude to the experts who provided some suggestions to revise the online questionnaire in our pilot study. We are also grateful to all the study participants who were willing to provide precious information for this study. We would also acknowledge the volunteers who devoted themselves to this volunteer program with no payment.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by the Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (2017SJB0285). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Sharon Mary Brownie

11 Jun 2020


Involvement of volunteers in community senior care in China: Evaluation of one national pilot program, the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program


Dear Dr. Xianwen Li,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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Sharon Mary Brownie

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Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Dear Authors,

This paper reports important findings related to the SCVTP pilot project. I have listed a few comments to further improve the paper.

1. Study title: You may want to simplify the title to be more straight forward and appealing to the reader. My suggestion: Volunteers' Involvement and reasons for Their Retainment in the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program in Jiangsu, China

2. Please provide further information on sampling method, study outcome and the methods used to measure programme performance in the abstract.

3. Please provide more context on the volunteers who participated in this program in the Introduction section of the article. Who ware they? How were they recruited? Any payment/honorarium given? what are their roles?

4. The methodology employed to measure the programme performance is not clear. Further explanation on VPPE score is important to provide clarity on the study outcome. What are the dependent variables? How do you measure retainment of participants/ how many times did you do the data collection? How do you sample the participants? What is your sampling frame? How do you ensure the validity and reliability of the instrument used in this study?

5. The results and conclusion presented are not in line with the objectives of the article. Please review.

Reviewer #2: The study report useful findings on community volunteers in China. It highlights areas of strength and weaknesses of the volunteer programme. Using various validated tools, the authors assess the performance of the volunteers and factors associated with the performance score such as team climate and atmosphere, role identify, attitude towards helping other and finances. The findings would be useful to policymakers in China in improving the volunteer involvement in community seniors. While the manuscript provide useful information, the authors need to address the following major and minor areas:


1. The introduction/literature review should be shortened and reviewed for clarity. Most information under literature review can easily be summarised into a paragraph which that then be included in the introduction.

2. Revise the abstract to make it short, clear and concise. The results in the abstract especially those on multiple regression review in line with other comments below.

3. The study aims should also be revised to make them clear.


1. Line 75-76 should be revised to make it clearer

2. Line 154-155: The part of the statement from “..addressing….performance.” should be deleted

3. Line 157: Does “The person..” mean “Everyone”?

4. The authors should indicate percentages using brackets

5. Line 257-259: The statement is based on the data presented in Table 4 is unclear. The table is also unclear especially the numbers in brackets.

6. The authors should use standard statistical abbreviation/notations e.g. M does not represent mean and is confusing when used.

7. Table 5 includes a column with possible range. What is possible range and how different is it from range?

8. Line 273 should be revised for clarity

9. Table 7: The p-values should be presented in a better manner e.g. using asterisks (*/**) to avoid obscuring the correlation coefficients

10. Delete line 287

11. Line 287-290 is a repeats information already in Table 8. The authors should report their findings and not repeat information already in the table. For example what does R2 or the various βs mean?

12. Table 8 should also be revised to communicate the data effectively. For example, for what values (β, P, B, SE) are the 95% CI for?

13. I suggest that the authors combine table 3 and 4 and include annual percentages for values in table 3.

14. Line 284: VPPQ should be revised to VPPE

15. The manuscript would also benefit from further English editing


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PLoS One. 2020 Aug 10;15(8):e0237390. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237390.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

11 Jul 2020

Reviewer #1:

1. Study title: You may want to simplify the title to be more straight forward and appealing to the reader. My suggestion: Volunteers' Involvement and reasons for Their Retainment in the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program in Jiangsu, China.

Response: Thank you very much for your suggestion about the title. We did want to simplify the title to be more straight forward. However, we may not handle it well. Considering your above suggestion and the contents of the article (factors that influencing program performance), we have revised the original title to “Retention of volunteers and factors influencing program performance of the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program in Jiangsu, China.”

We deleted the original title and highlighted revised title in yellow in the file 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

2. Please provide further information on sampling method, study outcome and the methods used to measure programme performance in the abstract.

Response: Thank you very much for your comments about the Abstract section. We indeed missed these details in the abstract. In this study, all the volunteer group leaders (n=623) who attended SCVTP in the year of 2017, 2018 and 2019 were recruited. Previous research (Black, 2010) has shown that purposive sampling method may prove to be effective when only limited numbers of people can serve as primary data sources due to the nature of research design and aims. The present study used purposive sampling method to select volunteer group leaders who met the criteria, which helped in simplifying the selection of the subject of the investigation. Study outcomes included dropout rate of the trained volunteer group leaders, and the program performance of SCVTP. The method used to measure program performance was via VPPE questionnaire.

We have added and highlighted above information in yellow in the file 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.


Black, K. Business statistics: Contemporary decision making. 6th ed. Jefferson City: John Wiley; 2010.

3. Please provide more context on the volunteers who participated in this program in the Introduction section of the article. Who were they? How were they recruited? Any payment/honorarium given? what are their roles?

Response: Thanks very much for the suggestions about the Introduction section. Volunteer group leaders with at least two years of experience in senior care were recommended by the local Red Cross Society. There was no payment for them. After the training, if volunteer group leaders pass the test, they would be afforded a certificate and the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu Province would supply twenty thousand Chinese Yuan to encourage them to launch a new volunteer group or to develop an original group taking care for local community senior.

We have added these explanations in the introduction section and highlighted them in yellow in the file 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

4. The methodology employed to measure the programme performance is not clear. Further explanation on VPPE score is important to provide clarity on the study outcome. What are the dependent variables? How do you measure retainment of participants/ how many times did you do the data collection? How do you sample the participants? What is your sampling frame? How do you ensure the validity and reliability of the instrument used in this study?

Response: Thank you for your comments. We have given further explanation of the VPPE meaning and the dependent variable in the Instruments section. For the regression model, the VPPE score was the dependent variable. The higher weighted VPPE score, the better program performance was. As for the way to measure retainment of participants, sample the participants and sample frame, we did miss these details in the manuscript. We have added related statement in the study participants and dropout section and data collection section, respectively. In this study, all the volunteer group leaders who attended SCVTP developed in the year of 2017, 2018 and 2019 were recruited. The sampling frame consisted of a roster of all the trained volunteer group leaders. The study used purposive sampling to select participants who met the criteria, which has been explained in the above response. The criteria used to measure retainment of participants are as follows: (1) The trained volunteer group leaders who did not respond to this study were defined as one kind of dropout. (2) Even though they responded to this investigate but did not launch a volunteer group program caring for local community senior were defined as the dropout. (3) The respondents who did not meet “response time” and “self-reported diligence” criteria were also defined as the dropout (Bowling NA, 2016; DeSimone JA, 2017). The data was collected only once, and we sent three reminders to volunteer group leaders about the online questionnaire. Cronbach’s α was used to ensure the psychometric property of the instrument (The Cronbach’s α of VPPE questionnaire have been added). Concordance coefficients and variation coefficients were also the way to ensure the psychometric property of VPPE when we framed this tool.

These contents have been highlighted in yellow in the file 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.


Bowling NA, Huang JL, Bragg CB, Khazon S, Liu M, Blackmore CE. Who cares and who is careless? Insufficient effort responding as a reflection of respondent personality. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2016; 111(2):218-29. PMID: 26927958

DeSimone JA, Harms PD, DeSimone AJ. Best practice recommendations for data screening. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2017,36(12):171-181.

5. The results and conclusion presented are not in line with the objectives of the article. Please review.

Response: Thank you very much for your comments about this question. We have revised some statements so that the results and conclusion are in line with the objectives of the article. The objectives, results and conclusion are as follows:


(1) To investigate the dropout rate of trained volunteer group leaders.

(2) To describe the characteristics of the retained volunteer group leaders and the activities.

(3)To explore the factors influencing program performance.


(1) About 67.9%, 53.7%, and 30.0% of the trained volunteer group leaders dropped out of the program in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively.

(2) The retained trained volunteer group leaders were more likely to be females (84.7%), those in excellent health (75.2%) and those with a bachelor’s degree or above (87.6%). Less attention has been paid to frailty care (n=76) than other volunteer caring activities.

(3) VRI (β=0.118, p=0.017), AHO (β=0.134, p=0.021), TCA (β=0.459, p<0.001), and financial sustainability (β=0.179, p<0.001) affected the SCVTP’s performance significantly (adjusted R2 =0.356).


(1) High rate of trained volunteer group leaders’ dropout should be brought to the policymaker’s attention.

(2) The characteristics of the retained trained volunteer group leaders provide a useful reference for the recruitment of trainees in the future. Frailty care may need more training by the volunteer service provider.

(3)In order to enhance volunteer program performance, a better team climate and atmosphere, financial sustainability, and volunteers with appropriate attitude and role identity are necessary.

Reviewer #2:


1. The introduction/literature review should be shortened and reviewed for clarity. Most information under literature review can easily be summarised into a paragraph which that then be included in the introduction.

Response: Thank you very much for the suggestion about introduction/literature review section. The literature review section really seemed to be too long. We have summarized these into a paragraph and included them in the introduction section.

These contents have been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

2. Revise the abstract to make it short, clear and concise. The results in the abstract especially those on multiple regression review in line with other comments below.

Response: Thanks for your comments. We have tried our best to revise the abstract to make it short, clear and concise.

The content we revised has been highlighted in red in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes.

3. The study aims should also be revised to make them clear.

Response: Thank you very much for your suggestion. The aims in the abstract have been revised and included in the background section. The aims in the introduction section were stated in the form of ‘the first aim, the second, the third…’ to make them clear. The aims of the article are as follows: (1) To investigate the dropout rate of trained volunteer group leaders. (2) To describe the characteristics of the retained volunteer group leaders and the activities. (3) To explore the factors influencing program performance.

The content we revised has been highlighted in red in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.


1. Line 75-76 should be revised to make it clearer.

Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions about writing error and statement details. We really did not deal with these details well, and are so sorry about this. Line 75-76 have been revised to be clearer and highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’. (Now: line 78-79)

2. Line 154-155: The part of the statement from “..addressing….performance.” should be deleted.

Response: We have deleted the part of statement from “...addressing…performance.”

3. Line 157: Does “The person..” mean “Everyone”?

Response: We have revised it to make it clear. “The person..” means “sample”. In the study participants and dropout section, we have added more details about population, sample method and sample frame to make this section clearer. (Now: line 108-115)

4. The authors should indicate percentages using brackets.

Response: We have used brackets to indicate percentages.

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

5. Line 257-259: The statement is based on the data presented in Table 4 is unclear. The table is also unclear especially the numbers in brackets.

Response: The options in the “Types of respite care/activities” is multiple choice, the respondents may choose one or more types of care if they did conduct these types of care. All the numbers/percentages cannot be added up to 100%. So, we have to say that the numbers/percentages in brackets seemed to be unclear (Now: table 3), added the expression in the instruments section (Now: line 127-128). We have revised the statement based on table 4 (Now: table3) to make it clear. (Now: line 215-217)

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

6. The authors should use standard statistical abbreviation/notations e.g. M does not represent mean and is confusing when used.

Response: We have revised and used standard statistical abbreviation/notations.

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

7. Table 5 includes a column with possible range. What is possible range and how different is it from range?

Response: ‘Possible range’ refers to minimum to maximum score of the scale,while ‘range’ means to actual minimum to maximum score that respondents answered.(Now: table 4)

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

8. Line 273 should be revised for clarity.

Response: We have revised to make it clear.

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’. (Now: line 231-233)

9. Table 7: The p-values should be presented in a better manner e.g. using asterisks (*/**) to avoid obscuring the correlation coefficients.

Response: We have revised the way p-values presented which used asterisks (*/**).

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’. (Now: table 6)

10. Delete line 287

Response: We have deleted original line 287.

11. Line 287-290 is a repeats information already in Table 8. The authors should report their findings and not repeat information already in the table. For example what does R2 or the various βs mean?

Response: We have given more information about the meaning of R2 and β. The meaning of β is that a unit change in VRI, AHO, TCA, finance increased program performance by 0.155, 0.346, 1.197, 0.478 units, respectively. The adjusted R2 of 0.356 indicated the power of model for prediction its significance at 0.05 level of probability and revealed that 35.6 percent of variance in participation could be explained by four aforementioned variables (Now: line 247-250).

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

12. Table 8 should also be revised to communicate the data effectively. For example, for what values (β, P, B, SE) are the 95% CI for?

Response: We have added that what values (β, P, B, SE) are for. (B: unstandardized regression coefficient; S.E.: Std.Error; β: standardized regression coefficient; p: p-value; CI: confidence interval.)

The content we revised has been highlighted in blue under Table 8 (Now: Table 7) in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

13. I suggest that the authors combine table 3 and 4 and include annual percentages for values in table 3.

Response: We have combined table 3 and 4 and included annual percentages for values in table 3.

14. Line 284: VPPQ should be revised to VPPE.

Response: We are really sorry for this written error. VPPQ has been revised to VPPE.

The content we revised has been highlighted in red in the file ‘Revised Manuscript with Track Changes’.

15. The manuscript would also benefit from further English editing.

Response: We have used the Standard Editing service of American Journal Experts to improve the manuscript.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Sharon Mary Brownie

27 Jul 2020

Retention of volunteers and factors influencing program performance of the Senior Care Volunteers Training Program in Jiangsu, China


Dear Dr.Xianwen Li ​

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Sharon Mary Brownie

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Appropriate revisions have been completed in response to reviewer recommendations.

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #2: The authors have satisfactorily addressed all the reviewers comments. Some minor typographical and grammatical errors need to be revised to improve clarity of some statements e.g.Line 66, Lines 100-102, Line 128, Line 201 and Line 328 ("made an assessment of" to "assessed"). Also, under education consider using "undergraduate" rather than "bachelor".


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #2: Yes: Samwel Maina Gatimu

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 File. Study questionnaire.



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

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