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. 2020 Aug 10;20:746. doi: 10.1186/s12885-020-07248-8

Prognosis of pregnancy-associated breast cancer: a meta-analysis

Chunchun Shao 1, Zhigang Yu 2, Juan Xiao 1, Liyuan Liu 2, Fanzhen Hong 3, Yuan Zhang 4,5,✉,#, Hongying Jia 1,✉,#
PMCID: PMC7418189  PMID: 32778072



Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is defined as breast cancer that is diagnosed during pregnancy and/or the postpartum period. Definitions of the duration of the postpartum period have been controversial, and this variability may lead to diverse results regarding prognosis. Moreover, evidence on the dose-response association between the time from the last pregnancy to breast cancer diagnosis and overall mortality has not been synthesized.


We systematically searched PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for observational studies on the prognosis of PABC published up to June 1, 2019. We estimated summary-adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Subgroup analyses based on diagnosis time, PABC definition, geographic region, year of publication and estimation procedure for HR were performed. Additionally, dose-response analysis was conducted by using the variance weighted least-squares regression (VWLS) trend estimation.


A total of 54 articles (76 studies) were included in our study. PABC was associated with poor prognosis for overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS) and cause-specific survival (CSS), and the pooled HRs with 95% CIs were 1.45 (1.30–1.63), 1.39 (1.25–1.54) and 1.40 (1.17–1.68), respectively. The corresponding reference category was non-PABC patients. According to subgroup analyses, the varied definition of PABC led to diverse results. The dose-response analysis indicated a nonlinear association between the time from the last delivery to breast cancer diagnosis and the HR of overall mortality (P < 0.001). Compared to nulliparous women, the mortality was almost 60% higher in women with PABC diagnosed at 12 months after the last delivery (HR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.30–1.82), and the mortality was not significantly different at 70 months after the last delivery (HR = 1.14, 95% CI 0.99–1.25). This finding suggests that the definition of PABC should be extended to include patients diagnosed up to approximately 6 years postpartum (70 months after the last delivery) to capture the increased risk.


This meta-analysis suggests that PABC is associated with poor prognosis, and the definition of PABC should be extended to include patients diagnosed up to approximately 6 years postpartum.

Keywords: Pregnancy-associated breast cancer, Prognosis, Survival, Dose-response, Meta-analysis


Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide and the most commonly occurring malignancy in women [1]. Due to the trend of delayed delivery, the number of women with breast cancer during a pregnancy or in the subsequent few years after a pregnancy is expected to increase [2]. Breast cancer occurring during pregnancy is a challenging clinical situation since the welfare of both the mother and the foetus must be considered in any treatment plan. Conventionally, pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is defined as breast cancer that is diagnosed during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Definitions of how many years after delivery breast cancer can be diagnosed under this definition have ranged from 0.5 to 5 years, and sometimes even longer [3, 4]. PABC is viewed as a clinically and biologically special type of breast cancer and only comprises 0.2–0.4% of all breast cancers [5, 6]. However, it is the most common cancer in pregnancy and is diagnosed in approximately 15 to 35 per 100,000 births, and the number of breast cancer cases diagnosed during pregnancy is less than after delivery [710].

Pregnancy itself may temporarily increase the risk of developing breast cancer, although it has a long-term protective effect on the development of breast cancer [11, 12]. However, whether PABC has a worse prognosis is currently controversial. A meta-analysis published in 2016 showed that the risk of death increased in women with PABC compared with women with non-PABC (pooled hazard ratio (HR), 1.57; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.35–1.82) [13]. However, other recent studies found no significant difference in the prognosis of PABC and non-PABC [1417]. Meanwhile, the specific definition of PABC has varied and this variability may lead to diverse results on the relationship among pregnancy, postpartum and breast cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the definition of PABC by summarizing epidemiological evidence. This study was initiated to understand the prognosis of PABC and examine the dose-response relationship to provide quantitative evidence for defining PABC.


Search strategy

This meta-analysis was performed in accordance with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We did our best to include studies published to date regarding the prognosis of PABC. Eligible studies were found by searching PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for relevant reports published before June 1, 2019. The keywords used for the search were (“pregnan*” OR “gestation*” OR “childbirth” OR “postpartum” OR “parity”) AND “breast” AND (“cancer” OR “neoplasia” OR “carcinoma”). The references lists of all retrieved articles and previous systematic reviews were manually searched.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

All eligible studies met the following criteria: (1) observational prognostic studies with a follow-up period longer than 6 months; (2) participants were diagnosed with breast cancer by clinical diagnosis and/or histologically; (3) the case group was diagnosed with PABC, and the control group was non-PABC or nulliparity; (4) the outcomes were in terms of overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS) or cause-specific survival (CSS); and (5) the risk point estimate was reported as an HR with 95% CI, or the data were presented such that an HR with 95% CI could be calculated. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) duplicated or irrelevant articles; (2) reviews, letters, and case reports; (3) non-human studies; and (4) studies with inappropriate data for meta-analysis, such as incomplete or inconsistent data.

Data extraction

Two reviewers extracted the data independently using a predefined data extraction form. Any disagreements were resolved by discussion. The extracted data included the first author, publication year, country, PABC definition, control definition, sample size, cancer type, stage or grade, age, matching criteria, adjusted variables, and adjusted HRs with 95% CIs.

Assessment of study quality

The methodological quality of the studies was assessed by the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS) [18]. A score of 0–9 was allocated to each study, with higher scores indicating higher quality.

Meta-analysis and statistical analysis

We used adjusted HRs and 95% CIs, which are most appropriate for time-to-data events. If HRs were not reported, we estimated HRs from the raw data or Kaplan-Meier curves [19]. The I-square (I2) test was performed to assess the impact of study heterogeneity on the results of the meta-analysis. If severe heterogeneity was present at I2 > 50%, a random effects model was chosen; otherwise, a fixed effects model was used. Visual inspection of the funnel plot and Egger’s and Begg’s tests were performed to assess publication bias. Subgroup analyses were performed according to the diagnosis time, PABC definition, geographic region, year of publication and estimation procedure for HR.

Variance-weighted least squares regression (VWLS) model was used to evaluate the dose-response association between the time from the last pregnancy to breast cancer diagnosis and HR of overall mortality [20]. Restricted cubic splines were used to check the time from the last pregnancy as a continuous, nonlinear exposure, and the time was defined by the 5th, 35th, 65th and 95th percentiles of the distribution [21]. The time from the last pregnancy to breast cancer diagnosis reported in each study was converted to months. We used the average value of the lower and upper limits of each category. If the lowest category was open ended, the average value of the upper limit and 0 was used. If the highest category was open ended, the average value was defined as 1.5 times the lower limit. All statistical analyses were performed using STATA Version 13.0. P < 0.05 was considered significant.


Search results and study characteristics

We initially identified 12,414 articles and screened their titles and abstracts (Fig. 1). After duplicated and irrelevant articles were excluded, 54 articles with 76 studies met the inclusion criteria and were thus included in our meta-analysis. The quality of the studies was assessed based on the NOS and ranged from 6 to 9 (mean of 7.2). The characteristics of the studies are summarized in Table 1.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Schematic representation of the study selection process

Table 1.

Characteristics of the studies included in the meta-analysis

Study ID Country No. of PABC cases No. of controls PABC definition Cancer stage or grade Mean/median age of PABC Follow-up years Outcomes measured HR estimate HR 95% CI NOS score Matching criteria Adjusting variable
Mausner, 1969 [22] USA 73 647 Pregnancy & < 6 months postpartum Stage I II III, Grade I II III 35 5 OS indirect 1.36 1.07–1.73 7
Wallgren, 1977 [23] Sweden 15 58 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Grade I II III < 30 10 OS indirect 1.35 0.71–2.58 7
Nugent, 1985 [24] USA 19 155 Pregnancy Stage I II III 32 5 OS indirect 0.96 0.55–1.67 6
Tretli, 1988-Pregnancy [25] Norway 20 40 Pregnancy Stage I II III 33 4 OS indirect 2.41 1.32–4.37 6 Diagnosed year, diagnosed age
Tretli, 1988-Postpartum [25] Norway 15 40 Unspecified Stage I II III 36 4 OS indirect 1.47 0.66–3.27 6
Greene, 1988 [26] USA 8 36 Pregnancy NA <35 14 OS indirect 1.50 0.18–12.62 6
Petrek, 1991 [27] USA 56 166 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA 5 OS paper 0.74 0.37–1.45 6 Node status
Zemlickis, 1992 [28] Canada 102 269 Pregnancy & postpartum (unspecified) Stage 0 I II III IV 33 25 CSS indirect 1.25 0.93–1.69 8 Stage, age at diagnosis
Ishida, 1992 [29] Japan 192 191 Pregnancy & < 24 months postpartum Stage 0 Tis I II III IV 32 10 OS indirect 2.00 1.27–3.16 6
Guinee, 1994-Pregnancy [30] USA 26 139 Pregnancy NA 28(20–29) 10 OS paper 2.83 1.24–6.45 8 Tumour size, number of positive axillary nodes
Guinee, 1994-Postpartum [30] USA 40 139 < 12 Months postpartum NA 28(20–29) 10 OS paper 1.88 0.88–3.98 8
Von Schoultz, 1995 [31] Sweden 173 1740 Pregnancy & < 60 months postpartum NA < 50 7 DFS paper 1.02 0.72–1.43 9 Age, nodal status, tumour size, ER status
Ezzat, 1996-OS [32] Saudi Arabia 28 84 Pregnancy Stage I II III 20–45 7 OS paper 0.90 0.6–1.3 6 Year of diagnosis, date of beginning
Ezzat, 1996-DFS [32] Saudi Arabia 28 84 Pregnancy Stage I II III 20–45 7 DFS paper 1.10 0.8–1.5 6
Anderson, 1996-OS [33] USA 22 205 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage 0 I II IIIa < 30 10 OS paper 2.40 1.28–4.50 8 Stage, axillary LN involvement, adjuvant CT, tumour size
Anderson, 1996-DFS [33] USA 22 205 Stage 0 I II IIIa < 30 10 DFS indirect 3.19 1.20–8.49 8
Bonnier, 1997-OS [34] France 154 308 Pregnancy & < 6 months postpartum Grade I II III 33.9(23.2–46.4) 5 OS paper 1.46 0.72–2.96 6 Clinical tumour size, microscopic lymph-node involvement, inflammatory cancer, age
Bonnier, 1997-DFS [34] France 154 308 Grade I II III 5 DFS paper 1.48 1.00–2.19 6
Olson, 1998 [35] USA 146 NA < 45 15 OS paper 7 Age, tumour size, lymph nodes, ER status, histology
Reeves, 2000 [36] UK Stage I II III IV < 60 > 10 OS paper 9 Age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, hospital, weight in kg
Ibrahim, 2000 [37] Saudi Arabia 72 216 Pregnancy Stage I II III IV, Grade I II III 34 10 OS indirect 0.94 0.62–1.44 6 Age, stage, year of diagnosis
Daling, 2002 [38] USA 83 309 < 24 Months postpartum Stage I II III IV < 45 5 OS indirect 2.30 1.4–3.9 9 Age, diagnosis year
Aziz, 2003 [39] Pakistan 24 48 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA 32(20–45) 7 OS indirect 1.67 0.82–3.41 6 Age, tumour grade, tumour size, axillary lymph node status
Siegelmann-Danieli, 2003-OS [40] Israel 22 192 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA 33(25–27) 5 OS indirect 3.39 0.58–19.81 6
Siegelmann-Danieli, 2003-DFS [40] Israel 20 181 NA 33(25–28) 5 DFS indirect 4.81 1.46–15.9 6
Bladstrom, 2003 [41] Sweden 94 14,599 Pregnancy NA ≤45 5 OS paper 2.40 2.0–2.9 9 Age, time of diagnosis, time period interaction, number of children, age at first child’s birth
Bladstrom, 2003(2) [41] Sweden 94 14,599 Pregnancy NA ≤45 10 OS paper 1.20 0.9–1.7 9
Whiteman, 2004 [42] USA 59 355 < 12 Months postpartum NA 20–45 15 OS paper 1.51 1.02–2.23 9 Surgery, radiation therapy, race, oral contraceptive use, education, BMI, stage history of breast disease
Rodriguez, 2008 [43] USA 797 4177 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage I II III IV < 55 13 OS paper 1.14 1.00–1.29 9 Race, tumour size, AJCC stage, surgery, hormone receptor
Stensheim, 2009-Pregnancy [44] Norway 59 13,106 Pregnancy NA < 50 5 CSS paper 1.23 0.82–1.81 7 Age, diagnostic period, initial extent of disease
Stensheim, 2009-Postpartum [44] Norway 46 13,106 < 6 Months postpartum NA < 50 5 CSS paper 1.95 1.36–2.78 7
Beadle, 2009-OS [45] USA 104 564 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage I II III ≤35 10 OS indirect 1.24 0.87–1.79 6
Beadle, 2009-DFS (distant metastasis) [45] USA 104 564 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage I II III ≤35 10 DFS indirect 1.35 0.98–1.85 6
Beadle, 2009-DFS (locoregional recurrence) [45] USA 104 564 Stage I II III ≤35 10 DFS indirect 1.44 0.78–2.66 6
Halaska, 2009-OS [46] Greece 32 32 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Grade I II III < 45 10 OS indirect 1.42 0.58–3.48 6 Age at diagnosis, tumour size, axillary lymph node status, presence or absence of metastatic deposits
Halaska, 2009-DFS [46] Greece 32 32 Grade I II III < 45 10 DFS indirect 1.82 0.82–4.05 6
Largillier, 2009-OS [47] France 105 788 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Grade I II III <35 10 OS paper 1.51 1.05–2.20 7
Largillier, 2009-DFS [47] France 105 788 Grade I II III <35 10 DFS paper 1.25 0.90–1.74 7
Phillips, 2009 [48] Multicentre 676 NA 10 OS paper 8 Study centre, education, BMI, time since last full-term pregnancy, age at diagnosis
Moreira, 2010 [49] Brazil 87 252 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA ≤ 45 10 OS paper 1.52 1.10–2.10 7 Registration institution, age, registration year
Johansson, 2011 [50] Sweden 1110 14,611 Pregnancy & < 24 months postpartum NA 15–44 15 OS paper 1.51 1.36–1.68 7 Age, calendar time, education
Murphy, 2012 [51] USA 99 186 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Grade 0 I II III 35(24–48) 18 OS paper 0.59 0.29–1.17 7 Age, year of diagnosis Tumour grade, ER status, LN involvement
Azim, 2012-OS [52] Italy 65 130 Pregnancy NA < 50 6 OS paper 1.70 0.80–3.90 7 Age, year of surgery, pathological tumour size, pathological nodal status pN, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, ER
Azim, 2012-DFS [52] Italy 65 130 Pregnancy NA < 50 6 DFS paper 2.30 1.30–4.20 7 Age, pT, pN, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Ki-67, HER2, perivascular invasion
Ali, 2012-OS [53] USA 40 40 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage I II III IV 33(24–42) 16 OS indirect 2.15 1.13–4.09 7 Age and stage-matched
Ali, 2012-DFS [53] USA 40 40 Stage I II III IV 33(24–42) 16 DFS indirect 2.00 1.12–3.59 7
Amant, 2013-OS [54] Belgium 311 865 Pregnancy Stage I II III, Grade I II III 33(31–36) 5 OS paper 1.19 0.73–1.93 8 Age at diagnosis, stage, grading, histologic tumour type, ER/PR status, HER2, chemotherapy
Amant, 2013-DFS [54] Belgium 311 865 Pregnancy Stage I II III, Grade I II III 33(31–36) 5 DFS paper 1.34 0.93–1.91 8
Litton, 2013-OS [55] USA 75 150 Pregnancy Stage I II III 24–45 5 OS paper 1.87 1.04–3.36 7 Age at diagnosis, stage at diagnosis, year of diagnosis Age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, clinical cancer stage, tumour nuclear grade
Litton, 2013-DFS [55] USA 75 150 Pregnancy Stage I II III 24–45 5 DFS paper 2.09 1.19–3.67 7
Valentini, 2013 [56] USA 75 269 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA 32.5(20–45) 15 OS paper 0.79 0.25–2.44 7 Age at diagnosis, tumour size, lymph node status, ER status, use of chemotherapy, oophorectomy
Dimitrakakis, 2013 [57] Greece 39 39 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage I II III IV, Grade I II III 34.3 ± 5.0 5 OS paper 9.28 2.94–29.27 6 Stage, age, year of diagnosis Stage, ER status, grade, age at diagnosis
Calliha, 2013-OS [58] USA 76 86 Pregnancy & < 60 months postpartum Stage 0 I II III IV, Grade I II III ≤45 5 OS paper 2.65 1.09–6.42 6 Tumour biological subtype, clinical stage, year of diagnosis
Calliha, 2013-DFS [58] USA 74 84 Pregnancy & < 60 months postpartum Stage 0 I II III IV, Grade I II III ≤45 5 DFS paper 2.80 1.12–6.57 6 Tumour biological subtype, clinical stage, year of diagnosis, local recurrence
Bell, 2013-OS [59] Australia 13 377 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA < 48 5 OS paper 2.50 0.5–11.7 6
Bell, 2013-DFS [59] Australia 13 377 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA < 48 5 DFS paper 0.90 0.2–4.4 6
Moller, 2013 [60] UK Stage I II III IV 10–54 10 OS paper 7 Age, stage
Framarino-dei-Malatesta, 2014 [61] Italy 22 45 Pregnancy NA 37.2 ± 3.2 10 OS indirect 0.96 0.29–3.21 6 Age
Madaras, 2014 [62] Hungary 31 31 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum 34 10 OS indirect 5.76 2.09–15.98 7 Age, year of first breast cancer diagnosis
Nagatsuma, 2014 [63] Japan Stage 0 I II III IV, Grade I II III 26–44 10 OS paper 7 Age at diagnosis, AJCC clinical stage, histological tumour grade, oestrogen and progesterone receptor status, HER2 status
Strasser-Weippl, 2014 [64] China 109 1274 Pregnancy & < 60 months postpartum Grade I II III < 45 5 DFS paper 1.62 1.04–2.54 8 Age, oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2 status, disease stage
Genin, 2015-OS [65] France 87 174 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Grade I II III 35(27–40) 10 OS indirect 1.09 0.79–1.52 7 Age, year of diagnosis
Genin, 2015-DFS [65] France 87 174 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Grade I II III 35(27–40) 10 DFS paper 1.87 1.05–3.33 7 Age, year of diagnosis Age, ER, HR status, tumour stage, HER2 status, Ki-67 rate
Iqbal, 2017 [14] Canada 501 5832 Pregnancy & < 21 months postpartum Stage I II III IV 20–45 5 OS paper 1.11 0.86–1.45 9 Year of diagnosis, age, tumour size, nodal status, oestrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, et al
Kim, 2017 [66] Korea 344 668 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage 0 I II III IV, Grade I II III 20–45 10 OS indirect 1.85 1.28–2.67 8 Operation period, age, initial stage
Bae, 2018(1) [67] Korea 40 2770 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage 0 I II III 33.5 (27–40) 5 CSS paper 4.00 1.20–12.90 8 Age, stage, chemotherapy
Bae, 2018(2) [68] Korea 411 83,381 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum Stage 0 I II III IV 20–49 15 OS paper 1.03 0.74–1.42 9 Age at diagnosis, stage, high versus low/intermediate, luminal subtype, HER2 subtype, et al
Boudy, 2018-DFS [16] France 49 51 Pregnancy Grade I II III < 46 5 DFS indirect 1.19 0.75–1.91 8 Propensity score
Boudy, 2018-CSS [16] France 49 51 Pregnancy Grade I II III < 46 5 CSS indirect 1.06 0.65–1.72 8
Johansson, 2018 [2] Sweden 778 1661 Pregnancy & < 24 months postpartum Stage 0 I II III IV 15–44 10 OS indirect 0.90 0.55–1.40 9 Age, period, education, region, tumour characteristics, pathologic T stage, N stage, ER/PR
Chuang, 2018 [69] China (Taiwan) Stage I II III 20–50 > 10 OS paper 9 Age and year of diagnosis, stage, tumour size, positive lymph nodes, histological grading, treatments
Ploquin, 2018-OS [15] France 111 253 Pregnancy Stage 0 I II III IV 22–46 5 OS paper 1.10 0.67–1.79 8 Age, clinical T stage, hormone receptor Clinical nodal status, age
Ploquin, 2018-DFS [15] France 111 253 Pregnancy Stage 0 I II III IV 22–46 5 DFS paper 1.15 0.78–1.68 8
Suleman, 2019-OS [70] Saudi Arabia 110 114 Pregnancy Stage I II III IV 20–48 > 10 OS indirect 2.58 1.26–5.26 7 Diagnosed year
Suleman, 2019-DFS [70] Saudi Arabia 110 114 Pregnancy Stage I II III IV 20–48 > 10 DFS indirect 1.18 0.70–1.97 7
Choi, 2019 [17] Korea 63 3804 Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum NA < 50 10 OS paper 1.52 0.82–2.83 8 Histologic type, stage, ER, PR, age at diagnosis, Charlson comorbidity index

BMI Body mass index, ER Oestrogen receptor, PR Progesterone receptor, HER-2 Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2

Overall survival (OS)

Forty-five studies comprising 6602 PABC patients and a total of 157,657 individuals were identified for the meta-analysis of OS. There was an overall increased risk of death for PABC patients compared to controls, with a pooled hazard ratio of 1.45 (95% CI 1.30–1.63). There was significant heterogeneity (I2 = 64.9, P<0.001). The subgroup analysis according to different follow-up durations (4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 10 years and > 10 years) had similar results to the overall analysis (Fig. 2). However, the 6-year and 7-year OS, with few studies, showed nonsignificant results.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Hazard ratios and 95% CIs of studies included in the meta-analysis of OS

Disease-free survival (DFS)

Twenty studies comprising 1786 PABC patients and a total of 9762 individuals were identified for the meta-analysis of DFS. The overall HR was 1.39 (95% CI, 1.25–1.54). There was no significant heterogeneity (I2 = 24.5, P = 0.146). The subgroup analysis according to different follow-up durations (5 years, 6 years, 10 years and > 10 years) had similar results as the overall analysis (Fig. 3). However, the 7-year DFS, with only 2 studies, showed nonsignificant results.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Hazard ratios and 95% CIs of studies included in the meta-analysis of DFS

Cause-specific survival (CSS)

Only 6 studies provided information on CSS with 296 PABC patients and a total of 29,598 individuals. The overall HR was 1.40 (95% CI, 1.17–1.68). There was no significant heterogeneity (I2 = 53.1, P = 0.074). The subgroup analysis (5-year CSS) had similar results as the overall analysis (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Hazard ratios and 95% CIs of studies included in the meta-analysis of CSS

Subgroup analyses

Several factors that may have induced differences in outcomes were investigated with subgroup analyses, including diagnosis time, PABC definition, geographic region, year of publication and estimation procedure for HR. The results consistently showed worse prognoses in women with PABC than in those with non-PABC, except for the subgroup based on PABC definition and year of publication (Table 2). It is worth noticing that the specific definition has varied and this variability led to diverse results. Studies published during the years 2000–2010 and 2011–2019 had a clear trend of poor prognoses, which was less apparent in those published before 2000. The pooled HR of DFS based on studies published before 2000 was 1.27 (95% CI, 0.97–1.72).

Table 2.

Subgroup analyses

Subgroups No. of Articles
(No. of Studies)
HR (95% CI) Heterogeneity Test
I2 (%) P-value
All studies included 54 (76)
Diagnosed time During pregnancy OS 13 (14) 1.46(1.12–1.90) 73.6 < 0.001
DFS 7 (7) 1.30(1.11–1.53) 26.3 0.228
During postpartum period OS 13(13) 1.97(1.67–2.33) 49.0 0.023
DFS 2(2) 1.86(1.17–2.93) 0.0 0.740
PABC definition Pregnancy & < 6 months postpartum OS 2(2) 1.37(1.09–1.72) 0.0 0.852
Pregnancy & < 12 months postpartum OS 20(20) 1.44(1.20–1.72) 60.7 < 0.001
DFS 8(9) 1.52(1.27–1.81) 17.4 0.288
Pregnancy & < 24 months postpartum OS 3(3) 1.42(1.01–2.01) 67.4 0.047
Pregnancy & < 60 months postpartum OS 3(3) 1.48(0.90–2.44) 65.2 0.057
Geographic region Europe OS 15(17) 1.53(1.26–1.86) 71.1 < 0.001
DFS 9(9) 1.32(1.15–1.52) 8.7 0.363
North America OS 16(17) 1.38 (1.17–1.63) 53.2 0.005
DFS 5(6) 1.68(1.35–2.08) 15.5 0.315
Asia OS 9(9) 1.42(1.09–1.85) 60.0 0.010
Others OS 2(2) 1.55(1.13–2.13) 0.0 0.544
Year of publication Before 2000 OS 11(13) 1.46(1.18–1.82) 45.4 0.038
DFS 3(3) 1.27(0.97–1.72) 50.7 0.107
2000–2010 OS 11(12) 1.48(1.19–1.85) 79.0 < 0.001
DFS 4(5) 1.40(1.14–1.71) 20.5 0.284
2011–2019 OS 20(20) 1.43(1.20–1.72) 62.7 < 0.001
DFS 11(11) 1.50(1.29–1.76) 11.5 0.334
HR estimate Paper report OS 24(25) 1.42(1.22–1.65) 73.1 < 0.001
DFS 12(12) 1.35(1.19–1.53) 29.1 0.160
Indirect OS 19(20) 1.43(1.28–1.60) 47.4 0.010
DFS 7(8) 1.48(1.22–1.79) 24.7 0.232

Dose-response association between the time from the last pregnancy to breast cancer diagnosis and HR of overall mortality

As the meta-analysis included studies reporting the HRs with their 95% CIs of overall mortality relating to three or more categories of time since the last pregnancy, all the studies were eligible to be included in the dose-response analysis. A total of ten studies were included in the dose-response meta-analysis, and nulliparous women were taken as the corresponding reference category (Table 3). The analysis of departure from linearity indeed indicated a nonlinear association between the time from the last delivery to breast cancer diagnosis and the hazard ratio of PABC overall mortality (P < 0.001). The nonlinear spline showed a decreasing trend. Compared to nulliparous women, the mortality was almost 60% higher in women with PABC diagnosed at 12 months after the last delivery (HR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.30–1.82), and the mortality was not significantly different at 70 months after the last delivery (HR = 1.14, 95% CI 0.99–1.25) (Fig. 5). These results showed a higher risk of death than that in nulliparous patients, suggesting that the definition of PABC should be extended to include patients diagnosed up to approximately 6 years postpartum (70 months since the last delivery) to capture the increased risk.

Table 3.

Characteristics of the studies included in the dose-analysis meta-analysis

Study ID Time point of breast cancer diagnosis Time after last delivery
No. of participants Adjusted HRa 95% CI
Guinee, 1994 [30] Postpartum 1–12 m 1–12 40 1.88 0.88–3.98
Postpartum 13–48 m 13–48 51 1.09 0.54–2.19
Postpartum ≥49 m ≥49 35 0.54 0.19–1.55
Olson, 1998 [35] Postpartum < 24 m 0–24 42 3.1 1.8–5.4
Postpartum ≥24 m ≥24 352 1.3 0.9–2.0
Reeves, 2000 [36] Postpartum < 60 m 0–60 67 1.56 1.01–2.42
Postpartum 60–108 m 60–108 80 0.88 0.58–1.32
Postpartum > 120 m > 120 525 0.99 0.77–1.27
Daling, 2002 [38] Postpartum < 24 m 0–24 83 2.3 1.5–3.4
Postpartum 24–60 m 24–70 120 1.5 1.0–2.1
Postpartum > 60 m > 70 661 1.2 0.9–1.6
Whiteman, 2004 [42] Postpartum ≤12 m 0–12 59 1.51 1.02–2.23
Postpartum 13–48 m 13–48 213 1.25 0.95–1.64
Postpartum > 48 m > 48 1470 1.06 0.86–1.31
Phillips, 2009 [48] Postpartum < 24 m 0–24 133 2.75 1.98–3.83
Postpartum 24–60 m 24–60 231 2.2 1.65–2.94
Postpartum ≥72 m ≥72 2067 0.98 0.79–1.22
Calliha, 2013 [58] Postpartum < 60 m 0–60 86 2.65 1.09–6.42
Postpartum ≥60 m ≥60 172 1.52 0.71–3.28
Nagatsuma, 2014 [63] Postpartum ≤24 m 0–24 37 2.19 1.05–4.56
Postpartum 36–60 m 36–60 59 1.49 0.79–2.83
Postpartum > 60 m > 60 181 0.81 0.46–1.43
Johansson, 2018 [2] Postpartum 0–6 m 0–6 41 1.16 0.64–2.14
Postpartum 6–12 m 6–12 84 1.3 0.83–2.03
Postpartum 12–24 m 12–24 194 1.01 0.70–1.46
Postpartum 24–60 m 24–60 629 1.22 0.96–1.55
Postpartum 60–120 m 60–120 1106 1.08 0.87–1.53
Postpartum > 120 m > 120 1623 0.98 0.78–1.22
Chuang, 2018 [69] Postpartum 0–12 m 0–12 347 1.29 0.96–1.74
Postpartum 13–24 m 13–24 410 1.27 0.95–1.70
Postpartum 25–60 m 25–60 1583 1.06 0.88–1.27

aCorresponding reference category: nulliparous

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Dose-response relation between the time from the last delivery to breast cancer diagnosis and the HR of overall mortality

Publication Bias

As shown in Fig. 6, each point represents an independent study of the indicated association, and a visual inspection of the funnel plot did not suggest evidence of publication bias among the articles (Egger’s test, P = 0.451; Begg’s test, P = 0.077).

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Funnel plot to explore the presence of publication bias


We reviewed and meta-analyzed the existing scientific literature on the prognosis of PABC to draw a powerful conclusion that PABC is associated with a poor prognosis. Our results are consistent with those of the previous meta-analysis conducted in 2016 [13]. However, the negative effect on OS and DFS appears to be less pronounced in our study overall than in the previous meta-analysis. This is the largest and latest meta-analysis in this field. It included a larger number of participants, thus reducing the small-study effect to a great degree. The studies included in our meta-analysis were of relatively high quality. The mean Newcastle-Ottawa score of the studies was 7.2.

There are two explanations that may account for the results. On the one hand, mammary gland involution following pregnancy has been suggested to explain the poor prognosis [71]. Breast degeneration is the process of tissue remodelling, until wound healing, inflammatory bowel disease and immune infiltration reach a state indistinguishable from the non-productive breast [72, 73], which supposedly promotes tumour progression. On the other hand, pregnancy and breastfeeding lead to less timely detection and clinical examination. The delayed diagnosis allows more time for tumour growth, increasing the metastatic potential of the disease [52, 74]. Pregnancy also makes the treatment strategy more conservative to ensure the safety of the foetus [10, 75]. However, the exact reasons for the poor prognosis of PABC need to be explored in the future.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first dose-response meta-analysis providing comprehensive insights into the association between the time from the last pregnancy to breast cancer diagnosis and the overall mortality of PABC. The scientific value of dose-response meta-analyses is higher than meta-analyses with exposure classified as two categories [20, 76]. Through the variance weighted least-squares regression with a random effects model, we found a nonlinear direct association between the time from the last pregnancy to breast cancer diagnosis and overall mortality. Compared with nulliparous women, the mortality was almost 60% higher in women with PABC diagnosed at 12 months after the last delivery, and the mortality had no significant difference at 70 months after the last delivery. We propose that the definition of PABC should include patients diagnosed up to at least 6 years postpartum to better delineate the increased risk imparted by a postpartum diagnosis. These findings also provide valuable insights into further research. Callihan’s cohort demonstrated that breast cancer patients diagnosed within 5 years postpartum have a significantly higher risk of metastasis and mortality than nulliparous patients [58]. Compared to that cohort, our dose-response meta-analysis provides a higher quality of evidence to expand the definition of PABC. Understanding the differences between breast cancers diagnosed during different times postpartum would better permit the translation of informative data from basic science and epidemiologic studies into the clinical care and treatment of breast cancer in young women.

The present meta-analysis has the following limitations that must be taken into account. First, if HRs and 95% CIs were not directly reported in the included studies, we estimated HRs from the crude data or Kaplan-Meier curves. This may cause bias without adjustment. However, we performed subgroup analysis based on the estimation procedure for HR. This analysis consistently showed a worse prognosis for women with PABC than for those with non-PABC. Second, the meta-analysis was based on data from observational studies; although most of the included studies adjusted for several relevant confounders (including age, year of diagnosis, tumour stage, axillary lymph node status, oestrogen receptor, hormonal receptor status, HER2 status, family history, etc.), residual confounding by other potential factors cannot be ruled out. Third, high between-study heterogeneity is another limitation of the current meta-analysis. This was likely due to significant differences in the sample sizes, definitions of PABC and/or treatment interventions. Last, the language of the studies was limited to English, which may result in potential language bias.


In summary, this meta-analysis suggests that PABC is associated with a poor prognosis for OS, DFS and CSS compared to non-PABC cases. The definition of PABC should be extended to include patients diagnosed up to approximately 6 years postpartum to capture the increased risk of death. Further long-term prospective cohort studies with larger sample sizes should be conducted to validate this article’s findings.


Not applicable.



Pregnancy-associated breast cancer


Hazard ratio


Confidence interval


Variance weighted least-squares regression


Overall survival


Disease-free survival


Cause-specific survival


Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses


Newcastle-Ottawa Scale


Body mass index


Oestrogen receptor


Progesterone receptor


Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2

Authors’ contributions

YZ and HJ designed the research study; CS and JX performed the literature search and statistical analysis; and CS interpreted the data and drafted the manuscript. Both YZ and HJ are corresponding authors. ZY, LL and FH critically revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This research was funded by the Youth Talent Fund of the Second Hospital of Shandong University (2018YT26). The study funders had no role in the design, data acquisition, analyses, or data interpretation of this project.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Yuan Zhang and Hongying Jia contributed equally to this work.

Contributor Information

Chunchun Shao, Email:

Yuan Zhang, Email:

Hongying Jia, Email:


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