Figure 4.
Nox Is Not Involved in ERK Downregulation
(A) Images of the z-projections of confocal stacks in the pupal notum of a live fly expressing miniCic, as well as green fluorescence protein (GFP) and EGFR-CA, under the control of Ay-Gal4 (16 h after puparium formation; APF). (A′) A magnified image of (A).
(B) Distribution of mCherry localization in the clones (16 h APF; control: three nota 222 cells, versus EGFR-CA: seven nota 181 cells or Nox-RNAi: three nota 269 cells).
(C) Images of the z-projections of confocal stacks in the pupal notum of a live fly expressing miniCic (16 h APF).
(D) Distribution of mCherry localization (16 h APF; control: three nota 244 cells, versus Nox-RNAi: three nota 188 cells). The anterior-to-posterior axes of all pupae are oriented toward the left. Scale bars: 10 μm.