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. 2020 Aug 17;15(8):e0237647. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237647

Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives towards technology-assisted diabetes self-management education. A qualitative systematic review

Sneha Rajiv Jain 1, Yuan Sui 1, Cheng Han Ng 1, Zhi Xiong Chen 2,3, Lay Hoon Goh 4, Shefaly Shorey 5,*
Editor: Emily A Hurley6
PMCID: PMC7430746  PMID: 32804989



Diabetes self-management education is a key aspect in the long-term management of type 2 diabetes. The patient and healthcare professional (HCP) perspective on the use of technology-assisted DSME has yet to be studied. Hence, the objective of this study was to better understand the factors that facilitate or hinder the adoptions of such education by adults with type 2 diabetes and their HCPs.


We systematically searched five databases (Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science Core Collection, and PsycINFO) until August 2019. The search included qualitative and mixed-method studies that reported the views of patients and HCPs regarding features, uses, and implementations of technology-assisted DSME. Data were synthesized through an inductive thematic analysis.


A total of 13 articles were included, involving 242 patients, ranging from 18 to 81 years and included web-based, mobile application, digital versatile disc (DVD), virtual reality or telehealth interventions. Patients and HCPs had mixed views towards features of the technology-assisted interventions, with patients’ personal qualities and HCPs’ concerns affecting uses of the interventions. Patients generally preferred technologies that were easy to access, use, and apply and that had reliable information. Patients’ ambitions motivated them, and personal attributes such as poor competence with technology, poor literacy, and language barriers acted as barriers. Patients especially liked the peer support that they received but did not like it when there was no regulation of advice on these platforms. HCPs believed that while the interventions were useful to patients, they faced difficulties with integration into their clinical workflows.


This review explored the features of technology-assisted diabetes self-management education interventions that enhanced positive patient engagements and the negative aspects of both the platforms and the target groups. Technical support and training will be effective in managing these concerns and ensuring meaningful use of these platforms.


Diabetes is a complex disease. Its successful management is as much of an art as it is of a science. While the science behind diabetes is a body of well-understood and stable knowledge, the art of managing diabetes remains a dynamic process that requires constant understanding and updates of the interplay between psychological, social, economic, cultural and behavioural factors affecting patients, healthcare professionals (HCPs), and the society [1, 2]. This is further complicated by the need to blend with emerging science on diabetes and technological breakthroughs in delivering patient education.

As a chronic disease, the responsibility for successfully managing diabetes cannot lie on HCPs alone as it requires the co-sharing of responsibility between patients and various HCPs [3, 4]. Inherently, type 1 and type 2 diabetes are very different. While type 1 diabetes is largely of childhood or juvenile-onset with a genetic component and a lower prevalence [5, 6], type 2 diabetes has a larger prevalence in adult and elderly patients as well as a link to insulin resistance [7, 8]. In terms of management, type 1 diabetes is mainly treated pharmacologically with exogenous insulin [6], while type 2 diabetes consists of education, lifestyle modifications, and oral hypoglycemic agents, all of which require strict adherence to ensure their effectiveness [9]. In this regard, diabetes self-management education (DSME) becomes a very important component of diabetes care since it provides a foundation to help people navigate their decisions and activities in view of their chronic conditions [10]. This is especially the case for type 2 diabetics since it requires one to make complex self-care decisions daily [10]. DSME involves the continuous transfer and facilitation of skills and knowledge for empowering patients with the abilities to self-care throughout their lifetimes, starting from their diagnoses [11, 12]. This can include information and facts about the disease, how to self-monitor blood glucose and its importance, how to prevent or identify and manage unstable glucose levels and other complications, and how to access information updates and reminders on screenings for diabetes-associated complications [13].

The American Association of Diabetes Educators 7 (AADE7) Self-Care Behaviors™, a framework that helps patients to adopt healthy habits, be compliant with medication, and cope with diabetes-related issues, is widely incorporated in most DSME efforts [13, 14]. Indeed, DSME has been shown to enhance patient outcomes in terms of reducing mortality and complications, and improving quality of life through lowering of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, having better control of blood pressure and weight management, and successful implementation of lifestyle changes [13]. This is due to patients having more knowledge, hence being able to take better control of their diabetes by making more informed decisions [15]. This has allowed HCPs in the collaborative care model to more effectively manage their patients [16].

As we head into the fourth industrial revolution, the explosion of disruptive technologies into the scene is transforming the way education is being delivered faster than ever before, and DSME is no exception [17]. Such innovative and novel disruptive technologies have transfomed the traditional face-to-face counselling and delivery of self-management information to patients [18]. They do so by using information and communications technology to create an entirely new avenue for HCPs and patients to acquire information to facilitate care-coordination, promote health literacy and patient activation, and increase accessibility [18]. This ranges from delivering DSME through simple websites to more sophisticated cloud-based platforms [17]. As with many technological advances, availability often may not translate to adoptions of the technology by patients or HCPs for various reasons. On the other hand, technology-assisted efforts may or may not lead to better patient experiences or improved clinical outcomes, relative to non-technology-based interventions [19].

There is a growing diversity of technology-assisted DSME platforms, such as mobile health applications, text messaging systems, gaming systems, internet-based interventions, web-based learning platforms, and computer-assisted education programmes [20]. Previous literature has shown that increased uses of technological interventions, especially web-based interventions, were associated with greater improvements in outcomes, such as significantly decreased HbA1c, decreased postprandial glucose levels, and improved diabetes control [21, 22]. However, there has not been any qualitative systematic review that examined patients’ and HCPs’ perspectives of technology-assisted DSME for type 2 diabetics. While current reviews have examined the effectiveness of such interventions, it is unclear whether there are any barriers or facilitators to their adoptions, how patients may interact with the technologies, how relevant are the contents, how other stakeholders such as nurses and other HCPs in the caregiving network are connected, and interactions between patients’ ‘soft’ needs (e.g. motivations, beliefs, and interests) and technology. By using a qualitative, person-based approach for such technological interventions, it is possible to examine user experiences and to find ideals for users to follow to create opportunities for intended behavior changes [23]. By systematically synthesizing the perspectives of stakeholders, it is possible to use this feedback to create new or improve existing interventions, supplementing the theory behind an intervention’s development [24].

Hence, this qualitative systematic review seeks to answer these questions through existing literature on patients’ and HCPs’ perceptions towards technology-assisted DSME. The aim is to derive insights that will help in the development of more effective and personalized technology-assisted DSME platforms that can be contextualized to any healthcare setting.

Materials and methods

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) [25], and the Enhancing Transparency in Reporting the Synthesis of Qualitative Research (ENTREQ) statements were abided in the synthesis of this review [26].

Search strategy and screening

The following electronic databases were searched from inception to 28 August 2019: Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science Core Collection, and PsycINFO. The search algorithm is attached in S1 Appendix. Review databases such as PROSPERO, Cochrane, Epistemonikos and McMasters Health evidence were checked on 9 April 2020 to ensure that such a review had not been conducted previously. The citations were downloaded, and duplicates were removed with the EndNote X9 software. Two authors (SRJ and SY) independently screened the citations manually using EndNote, and those that did not fulfil the inclusion criteria were excluded, after which a full text review was conducted. Those that met the inclusion criteria were included in this article, with differences being solved by consensus. The PRISMA flowchart in Fig 1 depicts the flow process of the review.

Fig 1. PRISMA flowchart of search results.

Fig 1

Studies were included if they 1) involved technology-assisted DSME, 2) involved only adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus or their HCPs, 3) examined views of uses of their interventions, and 4) were of mixed methods or qualitative (focus group, narrative, in-depth interview). Adults were defined as anyone over the age of 18 years, and searches were limited to the English language. Only original, peer-reviewed papers were considered. Commentaries, reviews, conference abstracts, dissertations and thesis papers were excluded. The screening of the titles and abstracts was carried out by the authors (SRJ, SY, CHN, CZX and GLH). Two authors (SRJ and SY) independently conducted a full-text review using Excel, and discrepancies on the inclusions were discussed and reached a until a consensus was reached, with input from senior authors within the team (CHN and GLH).

Data extraction and synthesis

Two authors (SRJ and SY) independently read the selected articles and recorded and extracted data using a structured proforma on Excel, after which codes were compared to ensure comparability. The structured proforma included the origin and year of publication, methodology, demographics (sample size, gender, and age) of the participants, and primary findings in the Results section. Data were thematically synthesized using Thomas and Harden’s methodology [27] using three stages, namely, line-by-line coding, the derivation of descriptive themes, and the derivation of analytical themes. Articles were individually coded by the two authors (SRJ and SY), and the primary codes were discussed, compared, and analyzed before synthesizing the final primary codes. Descriptive themes were formed by grouping, reviewing, and analyzing similar overarching concepts in the primary codes. Analytical themes were derived using a thematic analysis to interpret new hypotheses and explanations beyond that of the primary research. An example of this thematic synthesis is available in S3 Appendix. Discussions between the authors (SRJ, SY, CHN, GLH, and CZX) were held for clarifications and interpretations of the primary findings and for the final synthesis’ findings [27, 28].

Quality appraisal of the included studies

A quality appraisal of the studies was conducted at the study level using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Qualitative Review Checklist in order to improve the rigor of the synthesis by assessing the strength of the articles based on the validity of the recruitment, data collection, data analysis, and results based on a clearly defined criterion [29]. The checklist was used as a guide to evaluate the validity, results, and clinical relevance of the included studies [29] by assessing the credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability of the qualitative research [30]. The CASP tool is recommend by the Cochrane Methods Qualitative and Implementation group [30]. Two authors (SRJ and SY) independently conducted the CASP assessment, with disagreements resolved with a third author (CHN).


The electronic search results identified a total of 4,233 abstracts and 259 articles were subjected to a full text review, of which 15 papers met the inclusion criteria [3143]. Cumulatively, the articles included a total of 270 adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and HCPs, with five studies originating from the United States, five from the United Kingdom, three from Canada and one from Iran and Belgium respectively. The patients’ ages ranged from 18 to 81 years. There were five types of interventions used in the papers. Nine papers used a web-based interventions [32, 33, 35, 36, 3944], while the others used either a mobile phone applications (apps) [38, 45], a digital versatile disc (DVD) [34], virtual reality [31], or telehealth [37]. Three studies also explored the HCPs’ views on this subject [34, 37, 41]. Nine studies used semi-structured interviews [3338, 40, 44, 45], four used focus groups [39, 4143], while the remaining two used both methods [31, 32]. In this review, HCPs refers to practice nurses, nurse practitioners, patient care technicians, and telehealth nurses. The characteristics of the included papers are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Main characteristics of the included papers.

Author, year Country Participants (number; gender (male %); age (range/mean)) Methodology Perspective Intervention Objective of the study Details of the technology
D. K. King et al., 2012 [42] USA n = 30; 46.7; 58.9 Qualitative; focus groups Patients Asynchronous (web-based) To find what patients with type 2 diabetes want from electronic resources that are designed to support their diabetes self-management. The technology-assisted DSME intervention, MyPath, tested a minimal human contact, 12-month web-based self-management intervention that was designed to provide electronic support for adults with type 2 diabetes to improve their eating, physical activity, and medication-taking behaviors.
S. E. Mitchell et al., 2014 [31] USA n = 16; 0; 40+ Qualitative; focus groups Patients Asynchronous (virtual reality) To characterize participants' experiences of a diabetes self-management education program delivered via a virtual world versus a face-to-face format. A virtual world is a 3D, computer-based simulated environment that presents perceptual stimuli to the user who can in turn manipulate elements of the modeled world. Second Life is an example of a free, open-access, avatar-based virtual world that supports a high level of social networking and immersive interactions with information.
C. H. Yu et al., 2014a [32] Canada n = 23; 29; 40–79 Mixed methods; focus groups, semi-structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (website) To design and test a web-based self-management tool for patients with type 2 diabetes for its usability and feasibility. This is a website focused on facilitating the management of diabetes, including optimizing vascular risk factors. Feedback, goalsetting, peer story-telling, and monitoring tools were incorporated. In order to complement patient health information-seeking behaviors, automated emails with selected content (such as tailored reminders, or new content) were sent, search algorithms to enable self-directed information retrieval were optimized, and tools to facilitate communication with HCPs were included.
C. H. Yu et al., 2014b [33] Canada n = 21; 43; 20–79 Mixed methods; individual semi-structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (website) To determine the effect of a web-based patient self-management intervention on psychological (self-efficacy, quality of life and self-care) and clinical (blood pressure, cholesterol, glycaemic control and weight) outcomes. The Diabetes Online Companion is a self-contained diabetes self-management website that was systematically developed according to the self-efficacy theory. The website had four main components: 1) general information (static), 2) tailored information (interactive), 3) self-monitoring logs (interactive), and 4) a blog (interactive).
N. Patel et al., 2015 [34] UK (England) n = 3; NA; NA Mixed methods; face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews Patient and HCPs (practice nurse) Asynchronous (DVD) To develop and pilot-test the feasibility and effectiveness of an interactive DVD about misconceptions within South Asian communities regarding insulin treatments in type 2 diabetes, for educating patients and community members and training healthcare providers. A DVD was created with researchers who collaborated with a multidisciplinary group of staff from the diabetes education and self-management for ongoing and newly diagnosed team, including nurses and a dietician. The script was organized to acknowledge and then correct a misconception, followed by a question to test understanding. It also included a quiz at the end.
M. Hofmann et al., 2016 [35] UK(England) n = 19; 68; 41–83 Mixed methods; cohort study; semi-structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (website) To explore the impact of using a newly developed internet-based self-management intervention called Healthy Living for People with type 2 Diabetes (HeLP-Diabetes) on the psychological well-being of adults with type 2 diabetes. HeLP-Diabetes is an internet-based self-management intervention. It takes a holistic view of self-management and addresses a wide range of patient needs, including education, lifestyle changes, medicine management, emotional management, social support with forums, and personal stories, and also addresses how patients interact and work with health professionals. Patients were each given a printed guide and had options of receiving weekly phone calls, texts, or emails to remind them to use the website.
J. Jafari et al., 2016 [36] Iran n = 9; 56; 43.3 Qualitative, prospective; semi-structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (website) To explore the educational needs and design aspects of personalized internet-enabled education for patients with diabetes in Iran. NA
D. D. Maglalang et al., 2017 [38] USA n = 45; 38; 57.6 Qualitative; semi-structured interviews Patients Synchronous (telehealth) To assess the acceptability and cultural relevance of the PilAm Go4Health program, a culturally adapted mobile health weight-loss lifestyle intervention including virtual social networking for Filipino Americans with type 2 diabetes. The participants initially received the PilAm Go4Health three-month intervention and were asked to 1) each wear a Fitbit accelerometer daily, 2) self-report food/calorie intakes and weights using the Fitbit diary application, and 3) participate in the private Facebook group. The research staff posted weekly healthy lifestyle education on the private Facebook site and facilitated ad hoc virtual group discussions. After three months, the participants transitioned to a three-month maintenance to continue healthy behaviors on their own.
S. M. Andrew. s et al., 2017 [37] USA n = 18; 100; 60 Qualitative; semi-structured interviews Patients and HCPs (Home Telehealth Nurses) Asynchronous (app) To refine the intervention and inform the delivery of the intervention in other settings, by examining the participants’ experiences. This was a six-month telemedicine intervention in which HT nurses delivered the intervention’s contents to the participants via biweekly calls. During each call, the nurses and the participants reviewed blood glucose, medications, and medication adherence. Nurses delivered self-management support on topics such as managing hypoglycemia. Following each encounter, a study physician reviewed patients’ blood glucose data and recommended medication changes as indicated, and HT nurses implemented these recommendations.
J. Hall et al., 2018 [39] UK (Scotland) n = 15; NA; 18+ Mixed methods, prospective; focus groups Patients Asynchronous (website) To explore perceptions of diabetes knowledge, diabetes education, and uses of technology. NA
L. Poppe et al., 2018 [40] Belgium n = 21; 61.9; 57–81 Qualitative; semi-structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (website) To assess participants’ opinions regarding the usefulness of the implemented self-regulation techniques, the design of the programme, as well as the participants’ knowledge regarding physical activity and sedentary behavior. ‘MyPlan 2.0’ is a self-regulation-based eHealth intervention that targets physical activity and sedentary behavior. The website offers five sessions during which users can learn more about the beneficial effects of being less sedentary or more physically active via tips and quizzes, get feedback on their current levels of physical activity or sedentary behavior using a questionnaire, set their own goals for the coming week, search solutions for potential barriers, think about possible ways to keep track of their behavior changes, read about tips and tricks to become more physically active or less sedentary, and evaluate their behavior change processes each week. After an interval of one week, each user receives an email reminding him/her to start the following session.
K. M. Smith et al., 2018 [41] USA NA; NA; NA Qualitative; semi-structured interviews, focus groups HCPs (nurses, nurse managers, and PCTs) Asynchronous (web-based*) To examine barriers and facilitators of integrating web- based, iPad- delivered diabetes survival skills education (DSSE) into the nursing inpatient unit workflow. The Diabetes to Go program provides an adaptive learning approach and has been effective in improving medication adherence. The program was delivered in English on a web-enabled device. The patients first logged into the delivery platform and completed a 15-item validated survey to assess their knowledge of diabetes survival skills. Responses to the individual survey questions were then used to direct patients to video contents based on their personal knowledge deficits.
Pal K et al., 2018 [43] UK (England) n = 20; 60; 56.8 Qualitative; focus groups Patients Asynchronous (website) To explore patients’ perspectives on unmet needs for self-management and support and the role of DHI in adults living with type 2 diabetes. NA
L Desveaux et al., 2018 [45] Canada n = 13; 61.5; 32–67 Qualitative; semi- structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (app) To evaluate a web-based solution for improving self-management in type 2 diabetes to identify key combinations of contextual variables and mechanisms of action that explain for whom the solution worked best and in what circumstances. The intervention is a commercially available app designed to serve as a web-based coach for patients with T2DM. This allowed participants to enter a range of baseline clinical information in addition to ongoing data related to diabetes management, including blood glucose values, daily medications, food intakes, and activity levels. The app analyzes inputted data to provide tailored messages to coach the participants with respect to their diabetes management. The participants also had the option of emailing reports to members of their care teams via the app, which provided them with an overview of the inputted data over periods specified by the participants.
L Kelly et al.; 2018 [44] UK (England) n = 15; 33.3; 55.4 Qualitative; semi-structured interviews Patients Asynchronous (web-based) To understand the impact of using web-based and mobile technologies to support the management of type 2 diabetes. NA

NA = not available; HCPs = healthcare professionals; PCTs = patient care technicians; DVD = digital versatile disc

*unspecified in the article.

The quality of the included articles by CASP can be found in S2 Appendix. In the thematic synthesis, two analytical themes were generated: i) features and aspects of the intervention and ii) patient’s experiences and perceptions. From the analytical themes, seven descriptive themes were derived. There were four themes under features and aspects of the interventions including: i) accessibility of the interventions, ii) mixed views on the technology, iii) applying self-management interventions, and iv) observations of HCPs. Under patients’ experiences and perceptions, there were three themes, including: i) patient’s motivation to use the interventions, ii) patients’ personal attributes, and iii) views on the support received.

Features and aspects of the interventions

Accessibility of the interventions

Patients preferred interventions with easy navigations, allowing them to know where to find the information that they were looking for, thus increasing their ease of use [33, 42]. They also appreciated the information being concise [40]. A lack of medical jargon facilitated information transfer for patients and enabled those with poorer grasp of language to benefit from the intervention [34]. However, some HCPs were concerned about the mismatch between the complexity of the content and the target audience’s health literacy levels, where only those with better health literacy would benefit from the intervention [41].

Across the studies, patients reported technical difficulties while using the intervention. They reported that they had problems with devices [31], features of the intervention [31, 33, 37, 41], and editing their data [33, 37, 44]. They felt that the younger generation would be more familiar with online communications [33], which were common among technology-based interventions.

“Um, but cause I did go in and I did try and do the tracking and I think cause I thought that was on an ongoing basis was the most useful part of it. But it was kind of a pain in the neck to use itand kind of a pain in the ass getting where I wanted to go. I put some information and I wanted to delete it and I don’t know if I ever succeeded in getting rid of it”. [33]

Patients with limited web access due to poor infrastructure or due to personal reasons were unable to access the interventions [33, 36, 37]. Some had issues with the cost of the interventions, believing that these should be free of charge [42]. This was especially the case for web-based interventions that required smartphones or computers to be accessed [42].

Mixed views on the technology

There were mixed views regarding the information available through the intervention. Patients appreciated the fact that there was new information available that they did not know before [35, 45]. It helped some to gain a better understanding of their symptoms and they welcomed the fact that the information was available to them whenever they needed it [3538, 44]. This instant availability of information promoted uses of the interventions to the patients [32, 35, 38]. Patients with prior knowledge of self-care practices did not find the interventions useful and hence they did not use them [40]. The perception of excessive information was a deterrent to some patients, reducing the interventions’ usage [32, 43].

Patients had varying views regarding the trustworthiness of the information that they could find through the intervention. Patients especially liked the fact that they could get prompt, tailored advice from qualified persons [32, 42]. They used the interventions as adjuncts to their self-management education and found these to be “authoritative sources” since these were compiled, updated and monitored by HCPs [33, 39, 42]. This increased their confidence in the interventions and encouraged them to use them. In contrast, when lay persons were the ones giving advice on community platforms without being monitored by HCPs, patients found the information unreliable [33].

“I find for the most part it’s the blind leading the blind. I guess this one is being moderated but by and large you have a bunch of people who don’t know anything kind of spewing forth” - 54-year old woman [33].

Patients appreciated when the interventions were tailored to fit their specific circumstances [36, 42], and desired for the information to be more relevant to them when it was not [36]. Customized education has more applicability to a patient’s life and will increase engagement with an intervention [42]. However, some felt that the information available was not relevant to real-life applications [33]. Some interventions were not tailored to the target groups, making these difficult to use and deterring them from using these [32, 38, 45].

Both patients and HCPs noted that there was variability in the information available from different sources. There was no standardization of the content and timing of education delivered to patients [41]. This lack of standardization was also evident to patients since they found different information on different websites [36] and were hence deterred from using the interventions.

Notifications for use effectively reminded patients of their diabetes and to use the interventions to manage their conditions [42, 44], acting as a facilitators for the intervention. Patients liked reminders when there was new information present through the interventions [36], since it made them more mindful about and act on their conditions [40].

Applying self-management interventions

Patients’ views of the information were important factors in promoting the use of the interventions. Patients stated that they used the information as a motivator for change [44]. Information acted as a trigger for behavioral changes as patients learned new facts about their conditions and how to manage them [32, 35, 44, 45]. They recognized the value of self-care measures for diabetes through the intervention and were inspired to apply the information that they learned [38]. As a result of the information, they took their conditions more seriously [35].

"It’s broadened my mind about everything. So, it’s opened things up to me that I wouldn’t haveif I’d have just gone on in my own little way, I would still be doing the same things so it has changed me, definitely, and I hope for the better." [35]

Patients used the interventions to address specific concerns and found detailed information regarding these concerns [33]. The use of the information to inspire change and address specific needs facilitated the use of an intervention as a source of information for diabetes self-education.

Patients were supportive of technologies that allowed them to receive support from members of their healthcare teams or diabetes program staff [32, 42]. They expressed strong desires to share their progress with their HCPs either electronically or via a computer printouts [4244]. Features of an application that facilitated communication with their HCPs were deemed attractive to patients [33].

Observations of HCPs

Various HCPs, including nurses, nurse managers and patient care technicians were in favor of using technologies for DSME as well [37]. Nurses strongly felt that there could be better integrations of education into workflows [41, 43]. They also supported DSME involving technology since it helped to provide information and convince patients of the benefits of treatments [34]. However, a lack of integration with the workflows on separate devices from the hospital systems made implementations by the HCPs difficult due to a lack of time to conduct and document them [41]. Other stakeholders, such as hospital workers, had logistical concerns of cost, infection control, and safekeeping of the devices used for education within the hospitals [41].

Patients’ experiences and perceptions

Patients’ motivations to use the interventions

Many patients wanted more information regarding the control of their illnesses [35, 36, 43, 45]. They independently sourced for more knowledge about diabetes to gain a sense of ‘control’ over their diseases and the impacts on their lives [32, 37, 43]. This group found the interventions useful in increasing their awareness of diabetes and its management [31, 37, 45].

Patients described that the interventions acted as a support and increased their responsibilities towards disease management [38, 45]. They also realized what their goals of diabetes management were and became more motivated to control their diseases as results of the interventions [37, 38, 40], and this motivation resulted in increased uses of the intervention [45]. Conversely, a lack of motivation towards the management of their diseases was the key hindrance to patients from seeking information [33, 37, 43, 45]. Some felt that it was pointless to manage the disease and that the complications were going to manifest regardless of any action taken [32, 33, 43] and hence did not attempt using DSME interventions.

“I just find that all of these complications are so predestined, that no matter what you do, you are going to get these. [32]

Patients’ personal attributes

Increased use of the internet had reinforcing effects on patients such that they became more comfortable with using technology and their uses of technology-based interventions increased [33]. However, there were also some patients who had poor competence with technology [33, 38], which prevented them from using the interventions. HCPs noted that few patients could independently navigate the technology-based DSME due to poor literacy, language barriers, physical disabilities, a lack of technical skills, differences in learning needs and a lack of interest [41]. These HCPs proposed that alternative formats for program delivery should be available to accommodate these patients [41].

Another hindering factor against the use of technology-based DSME interventions was that patients had difficulty in finding balance between managing their diabetes and other aspects of life [33, 43, 45]. The struggle to balance various aspects of life left little time for patients to spend on educating themselves about diabetes using the technology-based interventions [33, 36, 37].

“I go back and click on that date and enter all my sugars and meds and what not [all at once]. It’s a lot easier than doing it daily—doing it daily it just eats up so much of my time. I only get a half hour lunch break at work usually…I don’t want to spend my time fussing with it. [45]

Views on the support received

Online forums and chats allowed patients to share their experiences, exchange practical advice, and rely on one another for social and emotional support [32, 33, 35, 42, 43]. Having people with shared experiences of living with diabetes also allowed patients to gain acceptance with each other [31, 38] and fostered a sense of community [32, 33, 44], which was lacking to some in their everyday lives [35]. Patients also liked the anonymity that allowed them to ask peers or experts questions to their peers or experts freely without judgement [33]. The ability to learn from others with previous experiences attracted patients to the interventions that incorporated such interactive features [35, 39].

"Just that you hadsomebody that’s been through it like when you come to the group you’re talking to people you know and you’repicking up wee bits and pieces." [39]

The sense of community made patients more willing to use the interventions to support their self-management education [42].

“So, I think learning to develop your support systems is extremely important for a diabetic. And that having a forum where even if you don’t have a lot of people in your life that you can talk to about this, but having a forum where maybe you can go on and have an online community can be very helpful.. [33]

However, there were patients who were not willing to take part in online forums since they did not want to share and preferred to keep their privacy [32, 42]. Some were self-conscious about people’s judgements if they asked foolish questions [33] and did not participate in the online discussions.

Some patients also felt that there was a lack of social support online. Some preferred real life contacts to make meaningful conversations, deeming them more engaging and interactive [33, 42]. Others felt that there were disconnects between their opinions and those of others on online communities, often leading to frustration [35]. They were unable to relate to what others had shared and hence felt detached and preferred not to use these interventions.


To the best of our knowledge this is the first qualitative systematic review that examined patients’ and HCP’s perceptions towards technology-assisted DSME. The findings fit into two broad themes: 1) features and aspects of the interventions and 2) patients’ experiences and perceptions when interacting with the interventions. The results reflect that technology-assisted DSME has the potential to adhere to the four guiding principles from the American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes care algorithm [10], such as information sharing [33, 3543], psychosocial and behavioral support [3139, 42, 43], coordination of care [37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44] and engagement [32, 42, 43]. As per the existing evidence, patients play key roles in self-care in managing their own chronic diseases [46, 47]. Therefore, motivating them through DSME can be the main focus of the HCPs. While the included technology-based interventions were hosted on different platforms, after an examination of the included articles, it was found that these shared similar features and that patients across the various platforms expressed similar opinions and concerns. Hence, their sentiments had been taken as a whole in this synthesis.

This synthesis highlights that accessibility to technology-assisted DSME is one of the major facilitators for its use, which concurs with previous studies that technology-assisted DSME has the potential to enable patients’ self-care through anonymous deliveries of personalized contents at multiple locations and at convenient times [48]. The convenience of technology can overcome the multiple barriers to accessing DSME, such as distance, time, financial constraints and limited primary care resources, which concur with the findings from other studies [4951]. Moreover, literature has shown that increased access to DSME and HCPs, whether in-person or electronic, can improve diabetes knowledge and self-efficacy [52]. Therefore, it bodes well for an evidence-based and current technology-assisted DSME to complement HCP visits in the management of patients [53].

In this review, it was found that patients had mixed views regarding technology-assisted DSME. On the positive side, patients liked that technology-based education provides anonymous, timely, useful, and up-to-date information, and generally preferred interactive platforms to exchange information with their HCPs and platforms that had technology-based prompts. These perspectives are supported by previous studies that showed that patients’ willingness to use the technology platform was influenced by intervention designs such as having peer and counsellor support, emails or phone contacts and website updates [54], the ability to pace their own learning [55] or choose the complexity modes of information delivery based on literacy levels [56], and technology-based prompts [57]. In addition, similar positive views from this synthesis were reinforced by users’ perceptions that include accepting the technology’s effectiveness, usefulness, and enjoyment, which were mediated by trust [54, 58]. Therefore, this review demonstrates that a flexible and trusted technology platform with appropriate support and interactions is a facilitator for patients to use a technology-assisted DSME. This review discovered that motivated patients who were technology savvy and those who received support from HCPs and peers were more likely to use technology-assisted DSME platforms [59]. Patients who were more accepting to use the technology were those who were more motivated to take charge of improving their conditions, who trusted the technology and familiarised themselves with it, findings which concurred with previous studies [60, 61].

On the other hand, the results of this review showed that barriers to using technology-assisted DSME include perceptions of time constraints [33, 36, 37, 43], costs involved [42], poor motivation [32, 33, 37, 43, 45], and emotional distress or depression [32, 33, 43], which are largely consistent with previous studies about resistance in adoptions of novel technologies in patient-centered practice [60]. Other barriers included resistance to didactic platforms that disregarded patient’s prior knowledge or health literacy levels [40], a lack of standardization of the information provided from different sources [36, 41], healthcare settings with limited technology infrastructure [33, 36, 37, 42], and poor integration of technology into work processes for nurses [41, 43], which are similar to concerns that were raised in the existing literature [60, 62]. This review also found that technical difficulties and concerns about inadequacies of technical skills are common barriers that hinder the use of technology [31, 33, 37, 41, 44], a finding supported by the literature [63]. Therefore, providing initial financial and technical support for patients such as vouchers for purchasing devices or courses for basic digital skills after enrolment into technology-assisted diabetes education may facilitate its use. For HCPs, the barrier of the technologies not being incorporated into routine work flows was similarly supported by the literature which advocates for integrations of the interventions into clinical workloads to ensure the maximal effectiveness of the technologies [64].

This review serves to remind stakeholders that technologies should assist and not hinder care delivery nor replace more direct human contacts and communications when required. Patients and HCPs indicated their views and preferences for effective, feasible, and acceptable technology features with options for selecting stratified delivery modalities that range from more interactive platforms to more static ones that offer facts and information based on each patient’s health literacy, technical readiness, and privacy needs [60, 62, 65, 66].

Implications for future research and practice

This study provides the basis for future research to evaluate the acceptability of technology platforms using standardized quantitative measures in larger scale studies to better inform developers. While qualitative evidence examines the users’ experiences and facilitates the understanding of the behavioral elements of an intervention [23], quantitative data assesses the effectiveness of the intervention. Hence, larger scale original mixed method studies that provide both qualitative and quantitative evidence across a diverse range of patients will be highly informative in providing users’ perceptions, as well as in addressing the impact of technology on clinical practice, healthcare costs to patients and the society, and patients’ physiological outcomes. Further studies can be conducted to include the views of other formal or informal caregivers who are involved in the care of patients with type 2 diabetes, such as family members and community health workers. From the quality assessment conducted of current literature, it was found that there was insufficient information regarding the recruitment strategies and the relationships between the researcher and the participants. By paying careful attention to these factors, future research can prove to be more valid and reliable. Additionally, there are currently limited qualitative studies on the HCPs’ views about technology-assisted DSME, which future research can focus on.


The limitations of this review are as follows. Firstly, only English language publications were considered in this review. Secondly, while an attempt was made to include opinions from a diverse range of patients, the majority of the included studies focused on Western countries with well-developed economies that could support technology implementation. Within and across these studies, there were limited sample sizes and few variations in patient characteristics, hindering our ability to use diversity as a variable in patients’ perceptions. With a small sample size, it is difficult to ascertain that the views from these patients were those held by the general user base. Thirdly, a large proportion of the studies in this paper commented on pilot technologies that have not yet become the standard of care. Additionally, the majority of the included articles involved web-based technology or websites. Hence, views regarding other forms of technology may not be evenly represented. While there was a large range in the ages of the patients in the included articles, age acts as a confounder in the perception of technology, with older generations often being averse to technology [60]. Lastly, while it would have been ideal to include views of all stakeholders involved, we were unable to find opinions from patients’ caregivers, family members, community health workers and their families, hospital administrators, funders and legislators, even though they play an integral role in the education and care of a person with diabetes [67, 68].


The purpose of this review was to analyze empirical evidence to date on the perspectives of patients and HCPs on receiving and delivering technology-assisted DSME. Technology-assisted DSME efforts appear to possess both positive and negative aspects as perceived by patients and HCPs. This review demonstrates that a positive patient mindset about education and the technology, accompanied by accurate, interactive, and timely information exchanges and provisions as well as support from HCPs or peers are key advocating factors for technology-assisted DSME. Technology platforms should be user-friendly, intuitive to use, and cater to older persons who may not be so technology savvy. Technical training and providing support to patients and caregivers who are less technology-savvy will go a long way to ensure the continuing meaningful use of technology-assisted DSME platforms.

Supporting information

S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2009 checklist DSME.


S1 Appendix


S2 Appendix


S3 Appendix


List of abbreviations


Haemoglobin A1c


Diabetes Self-Management Education


Healthcare Professional


Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses


Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This paper is funded independently by one of the authors, Goh Lay Hoon.


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Perspectives Towards Technology-assisted Diabetes Self-Management Education. A Qualitative Systematic Review


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All three reviewers note the importance of this topic and note that this is an interesting paper of interest to this journal. However there are major revisions required before this would be suitable for publication. The reviewers have close read this manuscript and you should consider their recommendations as compulsory revisions. In summary, the paper requires:

1. the rationale should be strengthened in line with comments from Reviewers 2 & 3.

2. methods require some clarification: regarding screening and selection processes; inclusion/exclusion criteria; coding, analysis and inter rater reliability.

3. Editorial revisions are required throughout the manuscript in line with the reviewers' comments. Please address all points made by reviewers, who have close read the manuscript. You also would be advised to secure the services of a proof reading/editorial service in order to meet the publication standards of this journal since the journal does not proof read manuscripts. In addition to the language corrections, you also need to address the lack of supporting citations highlighted by reviewer 2.

Journal Requirements:

When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements:

1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming. The PLOS ONE style templates can be found at and

2. In the methods, please describe how risk of bias was assessed in individual studies (including specification of whether this was done at the study or outcome level, or both, and the specific test employed, such as the I^2 statistic), and how this information was used in any data synthesis.

In addition, please specify any assessment of risk of bias that may affect the cumulative evidence (e.g., publication bias, selective reporting within studies). Please ensure that the specific method of assessment (funnel plot, Egger's test, Begg's test, etc) is mentioned.

3. Please include captions for your Supporting Information files at the end of your manuscript, and update any in-text citations to match accordingly. Please see our Supporting Information guidelines for more information:

[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: N/A


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: An interesting and important topic. There needs to be more demonstration that the review is Protocol driven with a clearer PICO. In particular there is no rationale for including type 2 Diabetes and not type 1. The search strategy should note that review databases were checked, for example DARE.

Implications for future research is misleading: it states that mixed methods studies would be highly informative. As this type of study has been included in your review it's not clear if quantitative review is being suggested.

There are some grammatical and formatting errors throughout and there needs to be more attention to the use of language, including the discussion in first person which does not read well.

Reviewer #2: Thank you for the opportunity to review the current study. The authors’ systematic review and qualitative synthesis explores the perspectives of key stakeholders on diabetes management, a topic which, I believe, falls within the scope of PLOS ONE and is both timely and interesting. The introduction lays out a rationale for the study and the methods are clear and reproducible. The results appear measured and are largely well put into context in the discussion. I hope that the below comments are constructive and may serve to strengthen the paper.

Major Comments

1. The introduction provides good context around DSME, the move to tech-based interventions and the lack of synthesis of the qualitative research. However, I would have liked to have seen more verifiable support for the arguments being made. For example, the introductory paragraph (Lines 51-57) contains no citations to support the concept that diabetes management is an “art” or to highlight the importance of psycho-socio-economic-cultural-behavioural factors. Overall, many claims made throughout the introduction could be linked to citations or made clearer. For example in Lines 90-92, “Previous literature has shown that increased use of technological interventions was associated with greater improvements in outcomes.” It would be useful to note which types of interventions (web sites, text messaging, mobile health, etc) have been studied and which outcomes (HbA1c, weight management, lifestyle changes, etc) have been improved (and by how much).

2. In Line 92 of the introduction, there is a transition made in the authors’ argument. The point is made that technology-based interventions are improving outcomes. The authors then report that no effort has been made to summarise the qualitative literature on this topic. I think the connection between these two ideas could be strengthened. By this I mean: what is the explicit rationale for studying and synthesising the perspectives of stakeholders on technology-based interventions? If existing interventions are inadequate, additional stakeholder input might be useful for improving these interventions or it may be useful to argue for user input to ensure best practice guidelines are being followed. For example, justification for stakeholder involvement might be found in the work of Lucy Yardley and colleagues (a co-author on one of the included studies) who has argued for a person-based approach to digital health interventions. Alternatively, it might be useful to make the case that “identifying existing evidence” is key to intervention development according to the UK’s Medical Research Council. See citations below:

• Yardley, L., Morrison, L., Bradbury, K. and Muller, I., 2015. The person-based approach to intervention development: application to digital health-related behavior change interventions. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(1), p.e30.

• Craig, P., Dieppe, P., Macintyre, S., Michie, S., Nazareth, I. and Petticrew, M., 2008. Developing and evaluating complex interventions: the new Medical Research Council guidance. Bmj, 337, p.a1655.

3. In the methods section, PRISMA is referred to and is recommended by PLOS ONE. However, it may have been useful to have completed the Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research (ENTREQ) statement which might be more appropriate for a qualitative synthesis.

• Tong, A., Flemming, K., McInnes, E., Oliver, S. and Craig, J., 2012. Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research: ENTREQ. BMC medical research methodology, 12(1), p.181.

4. In the methods section (Lines 136-138), the quality appraisal of the included studies was briefly discussed. However, it does not appear that the rationale for this is mentioned. It would be useful for the reader to understand the authors’ rationale for including the appraisal, even if it is not to exclude studies. It might also be useful to comment on the appraisal in the discussion or where you make recommendations for future qualitative research around diabetes self-management. Across the included studies, many seem to fare poorly on two questions in particular:

• Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered?

• Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research?

5. In the results, at times, it can be difficult to identify which study is making a contribution. For me, it would be useful if each claim had a supporting citation. For example, which study supports the claims made in Lines 174-176?

6. As I was reading further about DSME in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journal JMIR Diabetes, I noted a couple of studies that might meet the inclusion criteria. It is entirely possible they were excluded, but I just wanted to highlight them. If they do not meet the criteria, it might be useful to make the inclusion criteria for DSME more explicit in the search strategy and screening section for readers (though it is mentioned briefly in the introduction).

• Kelly, L., Jenkinson, C. and Morley, D., 2018. Experiences of using web-based and mobile technologies to support self-management of type 2 diabetes: Qualitative study. JMIR diabetes, 3(2), p.e9.

• Desveaux, L., Shaw, J., Saragosa, M., Soobiah, C., Marani, H., Hensel, J., Agarwal, P., Onabajo, N., Bhatia, R.S. and Jeffs, L., 2018. A mobile app to improve self-management of individuals with type 2 diabetes: qualitative realist evaluation. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(3), p.e81.

7. In the discussion, it might be worth commenting on the impact of age in the main body of the discussion or in the limitations section. There seems to be diversity in the age across the studies. Yu et al 2014a, for example, ranges rom 20 to 79. Arguably, different age groups might perceive technology-based interventions differently.

8. Overall, the writing is appropriate and the authors’ message is understandable. However, it may be useful to consult a writing coach to make adjustments to the way sentences are written. For example, sometimes prepositions are left out or the tense of the sentence is written in the present where it would be better suited to the past. Having the manuscript reviewed may further improve its readability.

Minor Comments

9. Was any software used to support the coding process?

10. Table 1 is well laid out and enhances the readers’ understanding of the included studies. Two minor issues – it would be useful to have the citations numbered so the reader can tell more easily which study is making contributions in the results. Also, there is some inconsistency in the application of country names with regards the UK. Pal et al 2018 could likely be labelled “UK England” to match Patel et al 2015 and Hofmann et al 2018. Hall et al 2018 could have the “UK” attached to Scotland.

11. In Line 460-462, the citation is missing the journal title “BMC medical informatics and decision making”.

Reviewer #3: Dear Authors

Your review addresses an important issue, but I think it needs major revisions to meet the rigour required for publication. Kindly find the major revisions I recommend and other detailed comments attached.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Willem Odendaal

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files to be viewed.]

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Submitted filename: Reviewer feedback_PONE-D-20-02347_26Mar20.pdf

PLoS One. 2020 Aug 17;15(8):e0237647. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237647.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

7 May 2020

Response to Reviewers

Title: Patients’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives Towards Technology-assisted Diabetes Self-Management Education. A Qualitative Systematic Review

Manuscript ID: PONE-D-20-02347

Comments from Reviewer #1

Reviewer’s Comments Response to Reviewers Lines

There needs to be more demonstration that the review is Protocol driven with a clearer PICO. In particular there is no rationale for including type 2 Diabetes and not type 1. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have included more information about why we are focusing on technology-assisted DSME interventions for Type 2 diabetic adults in the introduction. Lines 59 – 69

The search strategy should note that review databases were checked, for example DARE. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. Four review databases, namely, PROSPERO, Cochrane, Epistemonikos and McMasters Health evidence, were checked for this topic . No previous reviews were found regarding the views on the use of technology-assisted DSME. This is expanded on in the discussion section. Lines 128 – 130

Implications for future research is misleading: it states that mixed methods studies would be highly informative. As this type of study has been included in your review it's not clear if quantitative review is being suggested. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified our suggestions for a future study involving a larger sized and a more diverse patient group, which provides qualitative views on the usage from the patients and HCPs and the quantitative effects of such interventions on the patients’ health. Lines 444 – 459

There are some grammatical and formatting errors throughout and there needs to be more attention to the use of language, including the discussion in first person which does not read well. Dear reviewer, we apologise for the inconsistency and have made amendments throughout the manuscript. Throughout text

Comments from Reviewer #2

Reviewer’s Comments Response to Reviewers Lines

The introduction provides good context around DSME, the move to tech-based interventions and the lack of synthesis of the qualitative research. However, I would have liked to have seen more verifiable support for the arguments being made. For example, the introductory paragraph (Lines 51-57) contains no citations to support the concept that diabetes management is an “art” or to highlight the importance of psycho-socio-economic-cultural-behavioural factors. Overall, many claims made throughout the introduction could be linked to citations or made clearer. For example in Lines 90-92, “Previous literature has shown that increased use of technological interventions was associated with greater improvements in outcomes.” It would be useful to note which types of interventions (web sites, text messaging, mobile health, etc) have been studied and which outcomes (HbA1c, weight management, lifestyle changes, etc) have been improved (and by how much). Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added the relevant citations and supporting information for the arguments made in the introduction. Line 54; Line 84; Line 95; Lines 99 – 102

In Line 92 of the introduction, there is a transition made in the authors’ argument. The point is made that technology-based interventions are improving outcomes. The authors then report that no effort has been made to summarise the qualitative literature on this topic. I think the connection between these two ideas could be strengthened. By this I mean: what is the explicit rationale for studying and synthesising the perspectives of stakeholders on technology-based interventions? If existing interventions are inadequate, additional stakeholder input might be useful for improving these interventions or it may be useful to argue for user input to ensure best practice guidelines are being followed. For example, justification for stakeholder involvement might be found in the work of Lucy Yardley and colleagues (a co-author on one of the included studies) who has argued for a person-based approach to digital health interventions. Alternatively, it might be useful to make the case that “identifying existing evidence” is key to intervention development according to the UK’s Medical Research Council. See citations below:

• Yardley, L., Morrison, L., Bradbury, K. and Muller, I., 2015. The person-based approach to intervention development: application to digital health-related behavior change interventions. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(1), p.e30.

• Craig, P., Dieppe, P., Macintyre, S., Michie, S., Nazareth, I. and Petticrew, M., 2008. Developing and evaluating complex interventions: the new Medical Research Council guidance. Bmj, 337, p.a1655. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We believe that the expansion of the rationale of examining qualitative literature would add value to the article and hence have amended the introduction accordingly. After examining the citations you have provided us, we believe that they help to build on the ideas presented in this paper and have thus included them as well. Lines 108 – 114

In the methods section, PRISMA is referred to and is recommended by PLOS ONE. However, it may have been useful to have completed the Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research (ENTREQ) statement which might be more appropriate for a qualitative synthesis.

• Tong, A., Flemming, K., McInnes, E., Oliver, S. and Craig, J., 2012. Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research: ENTREQ. BMC medical research methodology, 12(1), p.181. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the input. After considering the merits of ENTREQ, we have decided to use this statement as well and we have amended the methodology and results accordingly. Materials and Methods: Lines 121 – 122, 131, 143 – 149, 156, 161, 172 – 173


Lines 217 – 220, 246 – 248, 276 – 278, 318 – 319, 337 – 339, 351 – 352, 357 – 360

In the methods section (Lines 136-138), the quality appraisal of the included studies was briefly discussed. However, it does not appear that the rationale for this is mentioned. It would be useful for the reader to understand the authors’ rationale for including the appraisal, even if it is not to exclude studies. It might also be useful to comment on the appraisal in the discussion or where you make recommendations for future qualitative research around diabetes self-management. Across the included studies, many seem to fare poorly on two questions in particular:

• Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered?

• Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We conducted quality assessment using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) to assess the validity of the recruitment of subjects, data collection, data analysis and results. Doing so improves the rigour of the synthesis and allows the assessment of the strength of the included articles. We have included the rationale in the methodology and expanded upon the recommendations for future research.

Lines 165 – 172

In the results, at times, it can be difficult to identify which study is making a contribution. For me, it would be useful if each claim had a supporting citation. For example, which study supports the claims made in Lines 174-176? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Lines 207 – 209

As I was reading further about DSME in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journal JMIR Diabetes, I noted a couple of studies that might meet the inclusion criteria. It is entirely possible they were excluded, but I just wanted to highlight them. If they do not meet the criteria, it might be useful to make the inclusion criteria for DSME more explicit in the search strategy and screening section for readers (though it is mentioned briefly in the introduction).

• Kelly, L., Jenkinson, C. and Morley, D., 2018. Experiences of using web-based and mobile technologies to support self-management of type 2 diabetes: Qualitative study. JMIR diabetes, 3(2), p.e9.

• Desveaux, L., Shaw, J., Saragosa, M., Soobiah, C., Marani, H., Hensel, J., Agarwal, P., Onabajo, N., Bhatia, R.S. and Jeffs, L., 2018. A mobile app to improve self-management of individuals with type 2 diabetes: qualitative realist evaluation. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(3), p.e81. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We believe that the two suggested papers meet our inclusion criteria and hence have included them in our synthesis. Throughout text; Lines 174 – 434

In the discussion, it might be worth commenting on the impact of age in the main body of the discussion or in the limitations section. There seems to be diversity in the age across the studies. Yu et al 2014a, for example, ranges from 20 to 79. Arguably, different age groups might perceive technology-based interventions differently. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have taken this into account and expanded on this in the limitations section of the discussion. Lines 472 – 474

Overall, the writing is appropriate and the authors’ message is understandable. However, it may be useful to consult a writing coach to make adjustments to the way sentences are written. For example, sometimes prepositions are left out or the tense of the sentence is written in the present where it would be better suited to the past. Having the manuscript reviewed may further improve its readability. Dear reviewer, we apologise for the inconsistency and have made amendments throughout the manuscript. Throughout text

Was any software used to support the coding process? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. The coding process was done independently by the authors on an Excel sheet and a preformed data sheet. Lined 149

Table 1 is well laid out and enhances the readers’ understanding of the included studies. Two minor issues – it would be useful to have the citations numbered so the reader can tell more easily which study is making contributions in the results. Also, there is some inconsistency in the application of country names with regards the UK. Pal et al 2018 could likely be labelled “UK England” to match Patel et al 2015 and Hofmann et al 2018. Hall et al 2018 could have the “UK” attached to Scotland. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Table 1

In Line 460-462, the citation is missing the journal title “BMC medical informatics and decision making”. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Lines 608 – 611

Comments from Reviewer #3

Reviewer’s Comments Response to Reviewer Line

Major Revisions

Provide a rationale for why the different technologies are lumped together. Is there evidence that technology type is not a variable to consider in understanding user perceptions and experiences?

• Is an App on a phone (ref 22) similar enough to a website (in nine of the 13 included studies), and a website similar enough to telehealth (ref 23) to assume that blanket conclusions can be drawn across the types of technology?

• Linked to this is a blanket statement (line 180) that “Some had issues with the cost of the intervention”. If it applied to all the technologies, say so, or tell the reader which technologies raised these concerns. Dear Reviewer, thank you for your comment. While we agree that differences exist between technology types, after examination of our included articles, we found that there can be many similarities drawn across the different platforms. Hence, we were able to group these sentiments together in our synthesis. This has been expanded upon in our discussion. Lines 224 – 225; 382 – 386;

It appears that findings from Biernatzki et al (Information needs in people with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Syst Rev 7, 27: suggest that there may be differences between diverse diabetes populations regarding information needs which in turn may inform patients’ technology preferences. Please provide a rational for not using diverse patient groups as a variable in perceptions and experiences. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. Out of the papers that met our inclusion criteria, it was found that these studies largely examined views of those from Western populations, and across the studies included, the patient characteristics are homogeneous. Hence, we were unable to use diverse patient groups as a variable in perceptions and experiences. This is expanded upon in the limitations section of the discussion. Lines 446 – 450; 463 – 467

Points 1 and 2 should inform a more nuanced Discussion and Conclusions. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We believe that these points hold merit and have incorporated them into the discussion. Lines 382 – 474

Please link this review with effectiveness reviews. This should be addressed in the Background and Discussion, with a deliberate reference on how they complement each other. It will be interesting to know if their qualitative results can help understand effectiveness outcomes. Are the quantitative results of the effectiveness reviews, Reference 32 and 39, not of any relevance to understand the importance of patients’ perceptions and experiences? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We believe that this is a valid suggestion and have expanded on the possibility of studies linking the perceptions to the effectiveness in the ‘Implications for future research and practice’.

Regarding quantitative results of mixed method reviews in this study, we believe that the sole focus of this review is to capture the barriers and facilitators to the use of technology-assisted DSME and hence have not included them in this review. However, future studies can examine the outcomes of these interventions to determine its effectiveness. Therefore, we have commented on a possibility of a future study in the ‘Implications for future research and practice’ section of the discussion. Lines 446 – 459

Provide a rationale why they excluded the perceptions and experiences of informal caregivers such as family members of lay medical workers. I’m not expecting them to be included, but my view is that they play a big part in the self-management of a chronic condition, as healthcare workers, and hence their voices are important? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. From the articles that met our inclusion criteria, we were unable to find the views of these informal caregivers and hence these groups were not included. However, these groups of people are vital in the care of those with chronic diseases like diabetes. Hence we believe that future studies should include their perspectives as well. We have expanded upon this in the ‘implications for future research and practice’ and ‘limitations’ section of our discussion. Lines 474 – 478

Provide more information regarding their methodology:

• Provide the screening tool, i.e. the inclusion / exclusion criteria, in particular the participants and technology.

• Did you have criteria regarding publication date and setting?

• Detail who did the screening: was it the same two authors for title/abstract and full texts respectively, and if Yes, why?

• Add more detail about the coding process: (i) who did it, and (ii) did the referred two authors coded each paper independently and then compared, or did they sat together, or did they do one or two together to draft a coding list, or did they use a different method.

• Substantiate their claim that theirs is the 1st qualitative systematic review by providing evidence that they have searched systematic review data bases, such as: Cochrane library: Epistemonikos: McMasters Health evidence: Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. Based off of your recommendations, we have added more information about the inclusion/exclusion criteria, details of authors who did the screening (in line with the ENTREQ statement recommended), and the coding process in the Methodology.

The claim that this is the first qualitative systematic review was checked in four systematic review databases, namely, PROSPERO, Cochrane, Epistemonikos and McMasters Health evidence. No previous reviews were found regarding the views on the use of technology-assisted DSME. We have added this statement in the Materials and Methods. Lines 126 – 173

Please add quotes strategically that will clarify some of the results.

Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have included quotes from the included articles to better reflect the meaning of the results. Lines 217 – 220, 246 – 248, 276 – 278, 318 – 319, 337 – 339, 351 – 352, 357 – 360

Evidence that the manuscript was proof-read for language. There are too many instances, such as the following, that need a revision to clarify its meaning.

• Lines 33-34: “Stakeholders had mixed views towards features of the technology-assisted interventions and patients’ personal qualities and providers’ concerns that affected their use of the interventions.”

• Lines 309-10: “Since patients were unable to fulfill their preferred method of social support online and felt that these interventions were ineffective in creating peer support.” Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have amended the errors. Lines 309 – 310 have been deleted from the manuscript. We also have edited the manuscript to fix the language. Line 34; throughout text

Important in Text Revisions

Title: Add wording to the title that will make it clear that the review is about patients’ and healthcare workers’ perspectives. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the title accordingly. Line 1

At times you refer to healthcare workers (HCWs) as “professionals” (line 39); “various healthcare providers”, (line 61) which could include all cadres; “Nurses, nurse managers and patient care technicians” (line 247); and “hospital workers” (line 252).

• Decide on a terminology and describe it clearly and use it consistently. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight. We have rectified this by standardising the use of the term ‘healthcare professional’ throughout the text. Throughout text

The Discussion in lines 42-3 looks like a conclusion, and there is no conclusion in the abstract. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We have amended the abstract accordingly. Lines 43 – 46

Add a space between the last word and in-text citation of a reference. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the paper accordingly. Throughout text

Line 21: Add whose perspectives you are referring to. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We have amended the abstract accordingly. Line 21

Line 23: Add HCWs to the sentence, else it seems it is only about patients. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We have amended the abstract accordingly. Line 24

Line 33: Clarify who the stakeholders are, keeping in mind that they may include people other than patients and HCWs Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We have amended the abstract accordingly. Line 34

Line 38: At first, I thought of “Community support” as in the communities where patients live, but in the manuscript, it is about fellow patients. Clarify this in line 38. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the abstract accordingly. Line 39

Line 55: Add a reference. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added the appropriate citation for this claim. Line 54

Line 84: Clarify “caregivers”: is it only HCWs or does it include family members too? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have rectified the section by clarifying which group this statement refers to. Line 93

Line 86: Add a reference. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added the appropriate citation for this claim. Line 95

Line 88: Clarify “disruptive”. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have elaborated on the definition of the term in the text. Line 89 – 91

Line 96: Clarify “stakeholders” Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have elaborated on which group the term ‘stakeholders’ is referring to in the text. Line 107

Line 111: What software did you use to screen, and how did you resolve the differences? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. The citations were screened manually and two authors resolved the differences by consensus. We have added the appropriate information. Lines 131 – 134

Line 118: Did you include original, non-peer reviewed papers? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. Only original, peer-reviewed papers were included. We have rectified the section as such. Line 141

Line 119: What is the difference between a ‘dissertation’ and ‘thesis’? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. A dissertation and a thesis are made at different levels of academia. A thesis is written to show consolidation of knowledge at the master’s level while a dissertation is to contribute new knowledge at a doctoral level. NA

Line 120: Add the software you used. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment, Information regarding the software used has been added into the text. Line 144, 150

Line 121: “a senior author” could be a content expert outside the author team? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified which authors this sentence is referring to. Lines 145 – 146

Line 132: Which authors? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified which authors this sentence is referring to. Lines 161

Line 138: Who was the “independent 3rd author?” ‘Independent’ from the appraisal but part of the team? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. This author was also involved in this appraisal. We apologise for the oversight and have clarified this in the text. Line 173

Table 1:

• Clarify how ‘web-based’ and ‘web-site’ differs in refer 18.

• Provide a rationale why you choose age as a variable and not something like SES or education? Is there literature that links attitude towards technology with age? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. Regarding the first clarification, the article did not provide more details about the intervention, apart from it being web-based. Hence, we are unable to elaborate on the difference between the two.

In this table, age was not chosen as a variable, but rather to list out the baseline characteristics of patients involved in the studies. Table 1

Lines 174-76:

Add references and “with better health literacy will be able to …” should rather be in the discussion or rephrased as a result. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. The sentence has been amended to better convey its intended meaning. Lines 207 – 209

Lines 181-82: Is this not a repeat of line 179-80? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. The sentence has been deleted from the manuscript. -

Line 185: It can be understood as information about the intervention, for example how to use it. My read is that you rather mean the “information made available through the intervention.” If that the is the case, rephrase the sentence. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified the meaning of the sentence in line with your suggestion. Line 228

Lines 196-97: See my query regarding line 185. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified the meaning of the sentence in line with your suggestion. Line 238

Line 208: Add reference. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the text accordingly and have added the comment. Line 253

Lines 209-10: How is it different to lines 190-91? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Lines 209 – 210 have been deleted from the manuscript. -

Line 213: What value is it adding as it repeats lines 216-17? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Lines 216 – 217 have been deleted from the manuscript. -

Line 215: “They felt…”: Assuming these are the older patients, do you have data on what the younger patients themselves said? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. Unfortunately, from the included articles, we were unable to find opinions from younger users, hence have not included them in our findings. -

Line 227: See my query line 185. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified the meaning of the sentence in line with your suggestion. Line 265

Line 244: Add reference. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added the reference to the Line 289

Line 248: This theme is about health workers and not patients. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and we have clarified which group of people this is referring to. Line 292

Line 249: Who are “they”: patients and nurses? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and we have clarified which group of people this is referring to. Line 293

Line 249: Provide an example of “integration with the workflow”. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the suggestion. We have provided an example in the text, as per your recommendation. Line 296 – 298

Line 253: Were the technology used in the hospital? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the sentence to clarify its meaning. Line 299 – 300

Line 260: A repeat of lines 188-89? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Line 260 has been deleted from the manuscript. -

Lines 261-62: Reads like a conclusion and not result. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Lines 261 – 262 have been deleted from the manuscript. -

Lines 303-05: Is this the authors’ opinion or patients’? If the former, move it to the discussion. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Lines 303 – 305 have been removed from the manuscript. -

Lines 356-62: This is just a repeat of results, and should rather be discussed in relation to the literature on these issues. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comments. Based off of your suggestion, we have presented our review’s findings in relation to existing information on these issues. Lines 418 – 441

Line 369: Please provide practical examples of how this support can be provided. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have supplemented the suggestion of providing support with relevant examples. Lines 429 – 430

Line 360: Clarify “providers”; see Query 1 above. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the sentence to clarify who ‘providers’ refers to.

Lines 373-78: Please link this with existing literature. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. The appropriate citations have been added to link this claim with existing literature. Line 441


• Qualitative research is not about numbers, but all the included studies were small. I suggest it as a limitation in a more general sense of studies exploring the use of technology.

• How many of the included studies reported on technology that have become standard care? My sense from the titles are that many of the technologies were being piloted. If that is indeed the case, I think it to be a limitation, because piloting is generally a world apart from standard practice, with the former often being better resourced with project staff who want to make the technology work.

• Nine of the 13 included studies are about web-based technology or website technology. Is this not skewing the results?

• Clarify who the “administrators” are? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the input. We believe the your suggested limitations hold merit and have incorporated them into our limitations. Lines 462 – 478

Line 398: Is there evidence in the results that HCWs were involved in delivering the DSME technology? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. From our included articles, there was evidence that HCPs were involved in delivering the DSME through technology. This has been clarified in the results, under “Observations of HCPs”. Line 296 – 297

Lines 400-03: Is it not that the “positive engagement” resulted from all the issues listed, and not preceded it? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have rectified the sentence to better convey its intended meaning. Line 484 – 487

Line 409: This does not make sense as there are no abbreviations provided Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have amended the section accordingly. Lines 493 – 495

S1 Appendix: I’m missing “technology” in the search terms. If it is missing, is there a reason for not including it? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. The exclusion of the term was based on the recommendation from a medical librarian. -

Line 36: Use a synonym for “impetus” Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have edited the section accordingly. Line 36

Line 45: “was” rather than “is”, that is assuming that the study came to an end. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. That statement has been removed in light of the fact that this paper is no longer funded by the grant. -

Lines 69-72: Too long sentence. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment, we have amended the sentence accordingly, while still keeping with its meaning. Lines 77 – 79

Lines 126-131: Add an example of the coding > descriptive themes > analytic themes as an appendix. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added an appendix as per your suggestion. S3 Appendix

Line 143: Add the number of studies to the countries. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have edited the results section accordingly. Lines 177 – 179

Table 1

- Include the reference number below the author name

- What about adding an appendix with detail of how the technology worked? think it will help the reader to better understand the results

- Be consistent in ‘interviews’ in the Methodology column. Sometimes you used ‘interview’

- 1st time use of “HCP” requires writing in full. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have edited Table 1 accordingly. We believe that your second suggestion holds merit and hence we have also included a column in Table 1 explaining the details of how the technology worked. We feel that it is better to include this information in Table 1 rather than the appendix since this information is vital in the reader’s understanding of how such interventions work. Table 1

Line 184: Rather just “Mixed views on the technology provided intervention” Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We have edited the heading accordingly. Line 196, 227

Line 201: “for diabetes self-management” seems redundant to me. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We have edited the section accordingly. Line 242

Lines 213-17: Does it not belong to “Accessibility of the Intervention”? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We believe that this paragraph belongs in the suggested section and we have edited the manuscript accordingly. Lines 211 – 215

Line 230: Was there another application as to real life? Consider some like: ‘Applying self-management interventions. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We believe that this term better captures the meaning of this section and have amended the section accordingly. Lines 196 – 197, 268

Line 254: Consider “perceptions” rather than “emotions”. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We believe that this term better captures the meaning of this section and have amended the section accordingly. Line 194, 302

Line 274: “had” rather than “has” Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Line 322

Line 318: Will “perceptions” not work better than “emotions”? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the recommendation. We believe that this term better captures the meaning of this section and have amended the section accordingly. Line 376

Lines 322, 362: “previous literature” is not scholarly. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight, and have rectified the paper accordingly. Line 380, 426

Line 365: “hiccups” not scholarly Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight, and have rectified the paper accordingly. Line 427

Lines 381-82: Consider adding “using standardised quantitative measures in larger scale studies, to better…”. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the suggestion. We believe that your suggestion adds value and hence have included it in the writing. Line 445

Lines 382-86: You are saying that mixed-methods are required, but 5/13 (38%) included studies used mixed methods. Why is this not enough? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. The included mixed-method studies all have a small sample size and are hence unable to capture the general consensus regarding DSME interventions. We believe that larger scale mixed method studies would be able to understand the user experience and find the impacts of such interventions. We have thus clarified the sentence to bring out this meaning. Lines 446 – 452

Line 385: How is “biochemical” and “psychological” different? Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have amended the wording to better capture the intended meaning of the sentence. Line 452

Line 405: Which “group” are you referring to? It reads as if it is not diabetic patients but a group of these patients. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have clarified which patients this line is referring to in the Conclusion. Line 488 – 489

Fig 1: 36 studies were excluded because of quantitative analysis. What about the data collection? Consider using “quantitative methods”. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We apologise for the oversight and have rectified the paper accordingly. Fig 1

Appendix 2: Consider adding a column that details your overall assessment: ‘no/very minor concerns’ or ‘minor concerns’ or ‘moderate considerations’ or ‘serious concerns’ about the methodological rigour of a study. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added the suggested column into Appendix 2. Appendix 2


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Emily A Hurley

13 Jul 2020


Patients’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives Towards Technology-assisted Diabetes Self-Management Education. A Qualitative Systematic Review


Dear Dr. Shorey,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Emily A Hurley, M.P.H., Ph.D.

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #2: N/A

Reviewer #3: N/A


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Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #2: (No Response)

Reviewer #3: Dear Authors

Thanks for your comprehensive response to my comment.

A small matter:

Please explain to readers not familiar with technology jargon, what “disruptive technologies” mean. My understanding is that it refers to innovate technologies that create a "new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances". If this is indeed what you meant with 'disruptive' please add, or if you have a different definition, please add that.


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Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Willem Odendaal

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PLoS One. 2020 Aug 17;15(8):e0237647. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237647.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

16 Jul 2020

Comments from Reviewer #3

Reviewer’s Comments Response to Reviewers Lines

Thanks for your comprehensive response to my comment.

A small matter:

Please explain to readers not familiar with technology jargon, what “disruptive technologies” mean. My understanding is that it refers to innovate technologies that create a "new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances". If this is indeed what you meant with 'disruptive' please add, or if you have a different definition, please add that. Dear Reviewer, thank you for the comment. We have added to the manuscript, detailing the meaning of disruptive technology in the context of diabetes self-management education. Lines 89-93


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers_14-07-2020.docx

Decision Letter 2

Emily A Hurley

31 Jul 2020

Patients’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives Towards Technology-assisted Diabetes Self-Management Education. A Qualitative Systematic Review


Dear Dr. Shorey,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Emily A Hurley, M.P.H., Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Emily A Hurley

6 Aug 2020


Patients’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives Towards Technology-assisted Diabetes Self-Management Education. A Qualitative Systematic Review

Dear Dr. Shorey:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Dr. Emily A Hurley

Academic Editor


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    Supplementary Materials

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    S1 Appendix


    S2 Appendix


    S3 Appendix



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