Murine TNF-FLS mediated modulation of TRP agonist response in knee neurons. Representative traces showing capsaicin- (TRPV1 agonist, Ai), cinnamaldehyde- (TRPA1 agonist, Bi), and menthol- (TRPM8 agonist, Ci) evoked responses in knee neurons. Black traces obtained from knee neuron in monoculture, and red trace obtained from knee neuron incubated in TNF-FLS media. White boxes represent perfusion of extracellular solution. Bar graphs showing peak current densities of capsaicin- (Aii), cinnamaldehyde- (Bii), or menthol-evoked (Cii) currents from knee neurons in monoculture (white bar/black open circle), in coculture with control FLS (gray bar/black dotted circle), in coculture with TNF-FLS (light red bar/red dotted circle), and incubated in TNF-FLS media (white bar/red open circle). Comparison between groups made using ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test. Bar graphs showing percent of knee neurons that responded to capsaicin (Aiii), cinnamaldehyde (Biii), and menthol (Ciii) in healthy (neuron monoculture + neuron/control FLS) and inflamed (neuron/TNF-FLS + neuron/TNF-FLS media) condition. Comparison made using χ2 test. *P < 0.05. Data from 4 to 5 female mice in each group. Error bars = SEM. ANOVA, analysis of variance; FLS, fibroblast-like synoviocytes.