Keywords: 尿路上皮癌, 肾, 移植, 自体, 全腹膜外腹腔镜, 吻合术, 外科
To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the totally extraperitoneal renal autotransplantation with boari flap-pelvis anastomosis in the treatment of upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC), and to review the experience of renal autotransplantation for UTUC treatment.
One case of applying the totally extraperitoneal renal autotransplantation with boari flap-pelvis anastomosis to the UTUC treatment was reported, and related literature was reviewed. The patient was a sixty-four-year old man who received right radical nephroureterectomy for right ureteral carcinoma 1 year before and diagnosed as left ureteral carcinoma(G2, high grade) this time. In order to preserve his renal function and avoid the shortness of common kidney-sparing surgery, a totally extraperitoneal procedure, including retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy, ureterectomy, renal autotransplantation and Boari flap-pelvis anastomosis, was performed to the patient.
The operation was completed successfully without perioperative complications. The renal function recovered to preoperative level within 1 week. No deterioration of renal function during the follow-up and no tumor recurrence was observed under cystoscopy at the 3-month postoperative consult.
The totally extraperitoneal renal autotransplantation with Boari flap-pelvis anastomosis is a feasible and effective treatment for UTUC. The innovative procedure has several advantages compared to the former ones. The extraperitoneal procedure results in significantly less pain, shorter hospital stay, decreased overall time to recovery and lower bowel complications risk without warm ischemia time extension. Meanwhile, the Boari flap-pelvis anastomosis simplifies the follow-up protocols and creates an easy route for cystoscopy and topical therapy. From the systematic clinical analysis, as well as the related literature review, it’s been concluded that the renal autotransplantation can be a reasonable option for the patients who have UTUC in solitary kidney or have bilateral UTUC. This type of treatment possesses advantages of preservation of renal function and total resection of malignant lesions. But long-term data and large cohort study on renal function or tumor recurrence are still absent which will be necessary to confirm the advantages of this approach.
Keywords: Urothelial carcinoma, Kidney, Transplantation, autologous, Totally extraperitoneal laparoscopy, Anastomosis, surgical
上尿路尿路上皮癌(upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma,UTUC)占尿路上皮癌的5%~10%[1,2]。对于局限性UTUC,治疗方式包括保留肾单位的手术(包括腔内治疗、经皮内镜手术、输尿管部分切除术等)、根治性肾输尿管切除术和其他辅助治疗(化疗、放疗)。根据2019年欧洲泌尿外科学会指南,有肾积水、肿瘤直径>2 cm、尿细胞学或输尿管镜活检提示高级别肿瘤、存在多种组织学类型、多灶性病变或曾因膀胱癌行膀胱全切的患者被定义为高危UTUC患者,根治性肾输尿管切除术是其标准治疗方式[3]。而对于孤立肾(先天性或功能性)UTUC或双侧UTUC患者,接受根治性肾输尿管切除术意味着患者术后必须进行透析治疗或肾移植,将大大降低生存质量。现将北京大学第一医院开展的1例应用自体肾移植术治疗UTUC的病例进行总结报道,并结合病例进行文献回顾。
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 病历资料
64岁男性,主因“右侧输尿管癌术后1年余,确诊左侧输尿管癌10天”于2019年1月21日入院。患者1年余前因右侧输尿管癌行腹腔镜根治性右肾输尿管切除术,术后病理提示:右侧输尿管乳头状浸润性移行细胞癌,G2,部分G3(高级别尿路上皮癌),部分区域可见尿路上皮原位癌,侵犯黏膜固有层,PT1,未见淋巴结转移。术后每3个月规律复查膀胱镜,每半年规律复查泌尿系增强计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)。8个月前因膀胱复发行经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术治疗,术后病理提示:移行细胞癌,G2(高级别尿路上皮癌),未见明确浸润性生长,考虑PTa。术后行表柔比星规律膀胱灌注化疗。
2个月前复查腹部和盆腔CT平扫示,左侧输尿管中段腔内可见一软组织密度灶,CT值约31 Hu,长度约2.3 cm,继发上方输尿管及左肾轻度积水(图1、2)。尿荧光原位杂交检查提示阳性,输尿管镜活检病理提示左侧输尿管炎伴细胞浸润。10天前行左侧输尿管镜检查+活检术+膀胱肿物诊断性电切术,术中发现左侧输尿管新生物,膀胱颈部见大小约0.5 cm新生物,术后病理示:左侧输尿管乳头状移行细胞癌,G2(高级别尿路上皮癌)。术前血肌酐104.81 μmol/L,肾小球滤过率64.453 mL/(min·1.7 m2)。
1.2. 手术方法
全身麻醉后,患者取右侧卧位,建立腹膜后腔后分别置入3个Trocar(套管针),于10 mm Trocar引入30°电子腹腔镜,分别于两个12 mm Trocar引入分离钳及超声刀(图3)。手术步骤主要分为:全腹膜外途径腹腔镜左肾切取、左侧输尿管切除、自体肾移植、膀胱瓣肾盂吻合术。
腹膜外途径腹腔镜左肾切取术:锐性分离扩大腹膜后间隙,沿后腹壁向肾上极游离,直达膈脚,充分游离显露肾背侧、上极、腹侧、下极及肾动静脉。然后显露左侧输尿管中、上段,向下游离至髂脊上缘,Hem-o-lock钳夹4次后离断输尿管(图4A),随后充分游离肾动脉和肾静脉。做左下腹斜切口(Gibson切口),手辅助下用Hem-o-lock分别钳夹肾动脉及肾静脉2次后离断,取出左肾(图4B、C)。台下将4 ℃ 保存用枸橼酸盐嘌呤溶液经肾动脉注入至肾静脉流出清亮液体,持续灌注肾及修建肾血管。输尿管切缘送冰冻病理,回报阴性。
2. 结果
手术过程顺利,手术时间536 min,术中出血20 mL,无输血。术后住院9天,术后3周拔除尿管。术后病理回报:左输尿管移行细胞癌,G2(高级别尿路上皮癌),肿瘤微小,仅镜下可见,局灶可疑浸润黏膜固有层,考虑分期为PT1,切缘净;左髂外淋巴结(0/2)未见转移。
患者术后1周肾功能即恢复到术前水平(图5),术后3个月内血肌酐维持在96~115 μmol/L。术后3个月行膀胱镜检查,可通过膀胱镜清晰地观察到肾盂(图6),未见局部肿瘤复发征象,同期拔除肾盂内支架管。
3. 讨论
本例患者患有双侧输尿管癌,既往因右侧输尿管癌接受右侧根治性肾输尿管切除术,左侧输尿管癌活检病理为乳头状移行细胞癌,G2(高级别尿路上皮癌),肿瘤位于输尿管中部,直径2.3 cm,同时合并肾积水,属于高危UTUC患者,应接受根治性肾输尿管切除术。但为了保留患者肾功能,同时考虑到腔内治疗及输尿管部分切除术并尿路重建的局限性,我们创新地应用自体肾移植术治疗本例患者。
Study | Year | Case | Approach | Procedure | Follow-up/ months |
Renal function | Tumor recurrence |
Pettersson, et al[9] | 1984 | 8 | Open | Nephroureterectomy,extracorporeal total ureterectomy, renal autotransplantation by Gibson incision and pyelocystostomy | 14-53 | Normal in 7 cases | 3/8 |
Gill, et al[13] | 2000 | 1 | Retroperitoneal laparoscopy |
Nephroureterectomy,extracorporeal ureterectomy, renal autotransplantation by Gibson incision and pyeloureterostomy | 6 | Normal | 0 |
Jarrett, et al[14] | 2001 | 1 | Transperitoneal laparoscopy |
Nephrectomy, intracorporeal ureterectomy and renal autotransplan-tation by extraperitoneal incision | 6 | Normal | 0 |
Kang, et al[15] | 2004 | 1 | Open | Nephroureterectomy,extracorporeal total ureterectomy,renal autotransplantation by Gibson incision and pyelocystostomy | 70 | Normal | 1/1 |
Holmang, et al[10] | 2005 | 23 | Not reported | Not reported | 84-240 | Not reported | 10/23 |
Iida, et al[16] | 2009 | 1 | Retroperitoneal laparoscopy |
Nephroureterectomy,extracorporeal ureterectomy, renal autotransplantation by Gibson incision and pyeloureterostomy | 20 | Normal | 0 |
Cheng, et al[11] | 2014 | 12 | Retroperitoneal laparoscopy |
Hand-assisted nephroureterectomy, extracorporeal total ureterectomy, renal autotransplantation by Gibson incision and pyelocystostomy | 3-24 | Normal | 3/12 |
Bourgi, et al[17] | 2018 | 2 | Not reported | Not reported | 30 (average) | Normal | 0 |
1984年Pettersson 等[9]报道了8例接受自体肾移植术治疗的UTUC患者,其中孤立肾UTUC或双侧UTUC共3例,在14~53个月的随访中, 5例无肿瘤复发,7例肾功能保持正常。该研究认为,对于低分期、低级别的孤立肾UTUC或双侧UTUC患者可以考虑进行自体肾移植术。2005年Holmang等[10]报道了23例接受自体肾移植术治疗的UTUC患者,移植失败率为12%, 9例孤立肾UTUC或双侧UTUC患者在7~20年的随访期内,3例无肿瘤复发且肾功能正常,2例无肿瘤复发但需透析治疗,4例出现了局部复发或远处转移。该研究认为,对侧肾功能正常的UTUC患者不应该考虑自体肾移植术,但对于孤立肾UTUC或双侧UTUC而又不适于腔内治疗或输尿管部分切除的患者,自体肾移植术不失为一种可供选择的治疗方式,同时,该研究还认为术后辅助卡介苗灌注治疗可能提高生存率。2014年Cheng等[11]报道了12例原发性输尿管癌患者成功实施自体肾移植术,其中有2例曾接受对侧根治性肾输尿管切除术,在平均(12.1±6.7)个月的随访期内,12例肾功能均正常,2例膀胱肿瘤复发(pTa),1例肾盂复发。短期内肿瘤复发率和肾功能恢复情况都比较乐观,该研究指出自体肾移植术具有完全切除肿瘤、保留肾功能、便于内镜随诊等优势。
自体肾移植术治疗UTUC的手术方式也在不断改进。1970年第一例手术采用了开放输尿管部分切除、开放肾切取、输尿管膀胱吻合术[8],1979年Pettersson等[9, 12]对尿路重建步骤进行了改良,在切除输尿管全长及大部分肾盂后,将肾盂剩余部分与膀胱直接吻合,即“肾盂膀胱吻合术”,这一改良在保留肾实质的同时,能最大程度切除尿路上皮组织。2000年Gill等[13]报道了第一例腹腔镜辅助的自体肾移植术, 2014年Cheng等[11]报道了手辅助经腹膜外途径腹腔镜肾输尿管切取、体外输尿管全长切除、自体肾移植、肾盂膀胱吻合术,该研究指出腹膜外途径腹腔镜肾切取术相较于之前的方式具有创伤小、腹腔内并发症少、肿瘤播散率低、术后恢复时间短等优势。
Contributor Information
李 学松 (Xue-song LI), Email: pineneedle@sina.com.
周 利群 (Li-qun ZHOU), Email: zhoulqmail@sina.com.
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