Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 22 April 2020
The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete.
“The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the following sources: NIH NIGMS Grant GM032877 to G.M.C. and D.E.S., NSF-PGRP IOS-1339362 to G.M.C. and D.E.S., an NIH NIGMS Fellowship 1F32GM116347 to M.D.B., and a Plant Genomics Grant from the Zegar Family Foundation (A160051).”
should read:
“The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the following sources: NIH RO1 GM121753 to G.M.C. and D.E.S., NIH NIGMS Grant GM032877 to G.M.C. and D.E.S., NSF-PGRP IOS-1339362 to G.M.C. and D.E.S., an NIH NIGMS Fellowship 1F32GM116347 to M.D.B., and a Plant Genomics Grant from the Zegar Family Foundation (A160051).”