Figure 3. Profile of SASP factors released from pellet cultures following senolytic treatment.
(A) Culture media was analyzed by a RayBio Human Cytokine Array. Relative mean densitometry units of the 80 factors were normalized to untreated controls with the most 25 downregulated SASP factors presented: cytokines (A–a), CC-chemokines (A–b), CXC-chemokines (A–c), growth and neurotrophic factors (A–d). Scatter plot showing the distribution in average change of 50 cytokines quantified using cytokine array (A–e). (B) Heatmap displaying quantification of 19 selected cytokines (19-plex Luminex array). Each column represents one individual (n = 5). The rows represent expression of a single protein. Data shown are log2 (fold change) relative to the average expression level in each condition. Donors ID and gender are indicated for each subject. (C) Significantly downregulated factors are presented as mean fold difference ± SEM; (n = 5). Culture media was collected from the same NP cells used in Figure 2. *Indicates significant difference assessed by repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Turkey’s post hoc test for multiple pairwise comparison: p<0.05 and **indicates p<0.01.