The contribution of untuned cells for encoding position. We show an
extreme situation in which one simulated neuron has the same activity
distribution when the animal is in two different locations of the arena. Hence
the neuron is not selective to position. Nevertheless, for a decoder this neuron
can be as important as other selective neurons due to its contribution to the
population coding. a) Activity of two simulated neurons as a
function of time. Top: The simulated animal visits the same discrete location
twice (location A in green, location B in red). Bottom: Simulated traces around
the time of passage through each location. Different responses for the two
neurons are elicited by different experiences, for example due to the different
direction of motion. b) Example of how place cells and non
place-cells can be equally important for encoding the position of the animal. In
the scatter plot, the x-axis represents the average activity of the first neuron
during one pass and the y-axis is the activity of the second neuron. Each point
in the space represents an average population response in a single pass. Their
responses are typically highly variable and are scattered around their mean
values. The two neurons in the example have very different activity profiles:
the first has a strong spatial tuning (place cell) while the second has only a
weak tuning. The distributions of their activities in each location, reported
along the axis, only partially (neuron 1, place cells) or almost completely
overlap (neuron 2). Despite this variability in the single neuron responses, the
neural representations at the population level are well separated, making it
possible for a linear decoder (blue dashed line) to discriminate them with high
accuracy. The resulting decoder’s weight vector has two equal components
corresponding to the importance of the two neurons in encoding position. In this
example both neurons are important for encoding position despite their very
different tuning properties.