VOLUME 284 (2009) PAGES 16170–16182
This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The VSV loading gel immunoblot in Fig. 2G was re-used in Fig. 5D, and the VSV loading gel immunoblot in Fig. 6A was re-used in Fig. S1. The Journal determined that some of the peptide spots in Fig. 7 (C and D) are the same. However, the authors state that similarity is an inevitable occurrence of the robotic “spotting” system that will produce spots/droplets with similar ranges of characteristic shapes over the large panels created. The authors also state that they cannot observe any evidence of “cutting and pasting,” which they state would be easily observed had it occurred. Notwithstanding these issues, the authors stand by the central tenet of this article, namely that cAMP phosphodiesterase-4D5 (PDE4D5) undergoes multisite ubiquitination.