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. 2020 Aug 26;15(8):e0230985. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230985

Testing the efficacy of lionfish traps in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Holden E Harris 1,2,*, Alexander Q Fogg 3, Stephen R Gittings 4, Robert N M Ahrens 2, Micheal S Allen 2,5, William F Patterson III 2
Editor: Athanassios C Tsikliras6
PMCID: PMC7449463  PMID: 32845879


Spearfishing is currently the primary approach for removing invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) to mitigate their impacts on western Atlantic marine ecosystems, but a substantial portion of lionfish spawning biomass is beyond the depth limits of SCUBA divers. Innovative technologies may offer a means to target deepwater populations and allow for the development of a lionfish trap fishery, but the removal efficiency and potential environmental impacts of lionfish traps have not been evaluated. We tested a collapsible, non-containment trap (the ‘Gittings trap’) near artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. A total of 327 lionfish and 28 native fish (four were species protected with regulations) recruited (i.e., were observed within the trap footprint at the time of retrieval) to traps during 82 trap sets, catching 144 lionfish and 29 native fish (one more than recruited, indicating detection error). Lionfish recruitment was highest for single (versus paired) traps deployed <15 m from reefs with a 1-day soak time, for which mean lionfish and native fish recruitment per trap were approximately 5 and 0.1, respectively. Lionfish from traps were an average of 19 mm or 62 grams larger than those caught spearfishing. Community impacts from Gittings traps appeared minimal given that recruitment rates were >10X higher for lionfish than native fishes and that traps did not move on the bottom during two major storm events, although further testing will be necessary to test trap movement with surface floats. Additional research should also focus on design and operational modifications to improve Gittings trap deployment success (68% successfully opened on the seabed) and reduce lionfish escapement (56% escaped from traps upon retrieval). While removal efficiency for lionfish demonstrated by traps (12–24%) was far below that of spearfishing, Gittings traps appear suitable for future development and testing on deepwater natural reefs, which constitute >90% of the region’s reef habitat.


Invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex, hereafter “lionfish”) are now well established in the western Atlantic, including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico [1], and have recently invaded the Mediterranean Sea [2]. Lionfish occupy a wide diversity of invaded marine habitats, including coral reefs, subtropical artificial and natural reefs [3], seagrass beds [4], mangroves [5], estuaries [6], mesophotic reefs [79], and upper continental slope reefs [10]. High population densities of lionfish [3,11] have caused reductions in native reef fish abundances [12,13], altered marine communities [14,15], and likely exacerbate current stressors on marine systems [16,17]. As invasive lionfish populations do not appear to be controlled by native predators [1820], reducing lionfish biomass is a top priority for marine resource managers [21,22]. Population and ecosystem models predict that high levels of fishing mortality over a broad geographic range will be necessary to control lionfish populations on a regional scale [15,2325].

Lionfish are primarily removed by spearfishing on SCUBA [21,26]; however, invasive lionfish have been observed at depths >300 m [10] and diver removals are generally limited to depths <40 m. Over 557,000 km2 of benthic habitat in the western Atlantic invaded range of lionfish lies within mesophotic and upper-bathyal depths of 40–300 m [27,28]. Although survey capacity for deepwater reefs is relatively limited [28], lionfish density has been documented to be higher on mesophotic reefs than on corresponding shallower reefs [9,2931]. Deepwater lionfish populations likely disrupt food webs on mesophotic reefs [7] and provide refuge for larger and more fecund individuals [32]. These protected source populations can provide larvae for sink regions [25,33] and undermine shallow-water control efforts [8,32]. Innovative harvest technologies have been proposed for deepwater lionfish removals, including modifications to existing spiny lobster traps [34], weaponized remotely operated vehicles [22,35], and novel trap designs [36]. Such technologies may offer a safe method for lionfish removal from deepwater reefs inaccessible to spearfishers and could allow a single vessel to multiply effort via simultaneous gear deployments.

Collaborative work by members of non-profit organizations, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have resulted in lionfish trap prototypes [37], which have been further developed into a non-containment trap model [38]. The collapsible, non-containment ‘Gittings trap’ is designed to allow lionfish and native fish to freely move over the trap’s footprint, with traps closing during retrieval (Table 1, Fig 1). Gittings traps are made from common and inexpensive materials, allowing for construction in remote locations where specialized materials may be difficult to source. A low cost of production could expand harvesting capacity for the nascent lionfish commercial fishery, which is currently constrained by inconsistent supply [39,40]. Such a commercial deepwater lionfish fishery may offer additional livelihood strategies for fishers and improve coastal food security [41]. However, it is necessary to further evaluate a potential new harvest gear for possible undesirable effects–including bycatch, habitat damage, entanglement, and ghost fishing–before it is permitted and widely implemented. Traditional fish traps have a broad catch composition [42] and their widespread use has contributed to severe overfishing on many Caribbean coral reef systems [42,43]. Given their potential for bycatch and overfishing, moratoriums on fish traps have been in place in US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico waters for decades [44], with the exception of a limited trap fishery for Atlantic black sea bass (Centropristis striata) [45].

Table 1. Goals of the Gittings lionfish trap with design attributes employed to achieve those goals.

Goals Trap characteristics
Attract and capture lionfish Plastic lattice provides vertical structure to attract lionfish from nearby habitats.
Limit bycatch Non-containment design prevents fish mortality prior to retrieval. Lack of bait reduces recruitment of non-targeted species. Presence of lionfish may also deter native fishes.
Prevent ghost fishing Non-containment design with downward-opening curtain minimizes the likelihood of continued mortality (“ghost fishing”) if a trap is lost.
Limit habitat damage Collapsed trap falls quickly through the water to facilitate placement accuracy. Traps are placed on sand and low relief habitats where snagging is less likely. Low center of gravity reduces likelihood of movement.
Allow for easy transport on fishing boats Traps are collapsible and stackable.
Allow for safe release of bycatch Able to recompress bycatch by descending in a closed trap, releasing fish upon contact with the bottom.

Fig 1. Schematic of Gittings lionfish trap deployment.

Fig 1

Traps are designed to A) descend closed and B) open when the curved deflectors contact the seafloor. C) The traps remain open during deployment then close when the trap is ascended during retrieval.

Here, we report results from testing Gittings traps near artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico (nGOM). Our objectives were to 1) assess gear performance of Gittings traps and 2) examine how lionfish and native fish recruitment (number of fish observed within the trap footprint at the time of retrieval) and catches (fish landed aboard the vessel from a trap) were affected by the lionfish density on the adjacent artificial reef and different Gittings trap deployment configurations. Different trap configurations tested strategies for changing the soak time, the number of Gittings traps deployed, and their distance from the adjacent artificial reef. Gear testing Gittings trap performance involved evaluating deployment success (% of traps that successfully opened on the seabed), lionfish escapement (% of individuals that escaped traps upon retrieval), and whether traps moved on the seabed while deployed. Lionfish size distributions were also compared between Gittings trap catches by distance to the artificial reef and in situ size distributions obtained from spearfishing catches. We consider how the findings from this study can inform further research and development of lionfish traps and innovative harvest technologies to control deepwater lionfish populations.


Twelve Gittings traps were constructed in May and June 2018. Gittings traps have hinged jaws that allow for the trap to remain closed and travel vertically through the water column (Fig 1A), then open when the curved deflectors contact the seafloor (Fig 1B). Trap jaws were made from 4.5 m long sections of #6 rebar (19 mm diameter) bent into two half-hoops with a curved extension on one end of each jaw to act as deflectors for opening the trap when it contacts the seafloor (Fig 2). The jaws pivot around a 2 m long center axle made with #6 round bar. The axle and jaws are connected with two metal hinge plates (4 cm x 10 cm) each with holes approximately 20 mm in diameter. Trap netting consisted of 3 m2 of 22 mm diameter mesh nylon netting (#420 green knotless). A sheet of plastic lattice (71 cm x 75 cm with 2.5 cm openings) provided vertical structure for attracting lionfish (Figs 1C and 2). A two-line harness was attached to the apex of each trap jaw using 12-strand Dyneema fiber rope (Amsteel Blue, 2.78 mm diameter). To prevent the harness line from fouling within the trap, an inline syntactic foam float was secured at the apex of the harness. An instructional video for building similar Gittings traps is provided at

Fig 2. In water photos of a Gittings lionfish traps deployed near artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Fig 2

Lionfish are attracted to the structure made from plastic lattice. The trap jaws are constructed from rebar and bent to make deflectors that open the trap when it contacts the seafloor. The jaws open around a central pivot axle connected with a hinge plate. Fish are captured in the mesh nylon netting when the jaws are lifted via a two-line harness. Images: A. Fogg and H. Harris.

Gittings traps were deployed in depths of 33–37 m near eight artificial reefs on the nGOM Florida shelf. These included four poultry transport units (i.e., chicken coops), one steel pyramid, one cement mixer, and two military tanks located approximately 30 km south of Destin, Florida (Fig 3). The artificial reefs were approximately 3 m x 2 m x 2 m (length x width x height) in size and deployed on sand bottom. No other known reef habitats (artificial or natural) were within 300 m of a given artificial reef. Lionfish density at each reef was surveyed immediately prior to trap deployment and trap retrieval. Surveys were conducted with point-counts by divers on SCUBA within a 15-m wide cylinder with the artificial reef at the center [46]. The diver survey included a lionfish count on the opposite sides of the artificial reef, followed by a count of lionfish within the reef structure [46,47]. Lionfish density (fish per 100 m2) was computed as abundance (number counted) divided by the area sampled (177 m2).

Fig 3. Study site locations for testing Gittings lionfish traps.

Fig 3

A) Traps were deployed adjacent to artificial reefs approximately 30 km offshore NW Florida in depths of 33–37 m. The eight reef study sites were B) separated by >300 m and C) located in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Trap deployments and retrievals (n = 58 replicates; Table 2) were conducted during June through December 2018. Deployment factors for number of traps (two levels: single or paired), distance to reef [three levels: near (5 m), intermediate (15 m), or far (65 m)], and soak time (categorical with five levels: 0.25 day, 1 day, 4–5 days, 8 days, or 12–14 days) were randomized for each deployment. Traps were deployed from the vessel and allowed to descend freely. Single-trap treatments included one trap deployed at the reef. Paired-trap treatments included two traps deployed simultaneously ~3 m apart. Deployment success (i.e., a trap landed upright and opened) for each trap deployment (n = 82 total traps deployed including paired treatments) was noted by SCUBA divers during the survey and unsuccessful deployments were corrected. Underwater visibility ranged from 5–12 m, thus near traps were within direct visual range of the reefs by SCUBA divers, intermediate distanced traps were sometimes within visual range or just outside, and far traps were outside of visual range. Traps were retrieved by SCUBA divers using two, 22-kg lift bags filled with air (video of trap retrieval provided at Recruitment of lionfish and native fish (i.e., the number of fish within the trap footprint) was documented by a SCUBA diver prior to retrieval and subsequently compared to the catch. Although we attempted to use time-lapse camera units to document higher resolution recruitment to the traps, the camera failure rates during this study were too high for the data to be useful.

Table 2. Replicates by deployment factor tested.

Soak time / Distance to reef
# traps 5 m 15 m 65 m
0.25 days
    Single 5 4 0
    Paired 0 0 0
1 day
    Single 4 4 0
    Paired 0 0 0
45 days
    Single 5 4 1
    Paired 3 3 1
8 days
    Single 2 0 2
    Paired 2 0 2
1214 days
    Single 4 2 2
    Paired 4 2 2

Number of Gittings trap replicates by deployment configuration with factors of soak time (0.25 day, 1 day, 4–5 days, 8 days, or 12–14 days), number of traps deployed (single or paired), and distance to artificial reef (5 m, 15 m, or 65 m).

Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were computed to test the effect of deployment factors (i.e., number of traps, distance to artificial reef, and soak time) on 1) lionfish recruitment, 2) lionfish catch, 3) native fish recruitment, and 4) native fish catch (Eq 1). Lionfish density on the adjacent artificial reef site was included as a covariate. Individual artificial reef sites were sampled multiple times with different deployment configurations and soak times, thus the reef site was included in the GLMMs as a random effect (random intercept) and assumed to be normally distributed with a mean of zero and variance σ2. Deployment factors and the lionfish density covariate were evaluated at an experiment-wise error rate (α) of 0.05. Quantile-quantile (QQ) plots were used to determine if errors were best fit with a normal, lognormal, Poisson, or negative binomial distribution. Likelihood was estimated with Laplace approximation based on GLMM fitting and inference protocols [48]. Analyses were conducted in R (version 3.6.1) using the LME4 [49] and MASS [50] packages. See supplemental material for R code and raw data. The QQ plots can be produced by running the R code.

RecruitmentLionfishNegativebinomial(μ)CatchLionfishNegativebinomial(μ)RecruitmentNativefishNegativebinomial(μ)CatchNativefishNegativebinomial(μ)ReefN(0,σ2)log(μ)=Trapnumber+Distance+Soaktime+Lionfishdensity+(1|Reefsite) Eq 1

Total length (TL) was measured for trap-caught lionfish (n = 163) to 1) compare size of lionfish caught in the trap and distance from reef and 2) compare sizes of trap-caught lionfish to those caught via spearfishing (n = 3,063) during the same time period from similar artificial reefs in the study region. Lionfish size samples via spearfishing were collected during monthly lionfish culls by trained volunteer divers [51]. Spearfishing collections were subset for lionfish captured from artificial reefs during the same time period as the trap testing (June–December 2018). During spearfishing, divers attempted to capture all lionfish observed on a given artificial reef regardless of lionfish size. Lionfish detectability was assumed to be unbiased for larger individuals given the relatively low structural complexity of the artificial reefs and the fact that previous serial removals on similar nGOM artificial reef habitats produced homogeneous size distributions [46]. Nonparametric two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) tests were used to compare TL distributions given that the distributions were non-normal with multiple modes present. The TL data met the assumptions of the KS test; data were independent, ordinal, uncensored, ungrouped, and followed a continuous distribution. The KS tests compared the difference between TL distributions 1) for trap-caught lionfish by distance to reef (5 m, 15 m, and 65 m), and 2) between trap-caught or spear-caught lionfish. Given that lionfish recruitment on subtropical reefs varies by season [51,52], TL distributions from trap-caught lionfish was also compared between seasons with a KS test. Seasons were defined as late summer (June–September) and early winter (November–December). Differences in mean size by weight (in grams) were calculated with the weight-length relationship W = a × TLb using allometric parameters a = 3.09E-6 and b = 3.27 estimated for nGOM lionfish [53].

Spearfishers were informed and consented to information about their catch being used for research purposes. Lionfish collection by researchers followed humane sampling protocol with euthanasia via pithing the brain case as reviewed and approved by the University of Florida’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (UF IACUC Protocol #201810225). Authorized use of Gittings traps in US federal waters to collect lionfish for scientific research was granted by a Letter of Acknowledgment from the US National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office in accordance with the definitions and guidance at 50 CFR 600.10.


Gear testing

Traps deployed upright and opened during 56 of 82 (68%) deployments (video of Gittings trap opening during deployment is provided at Traps landed on sand and there was no entanglement on habitat features or attached organisms. The potential for Gittings trap movement was tested during two severe weather events. On Sept 4–5, 2018 the center of Tropical Storm Gordon passed ~150 km west of 12 deployed traps with maximum sustained winds of >110 km/h and recorded seas >5 m. Traps were retrieved two days later with all 12 found upright and no change in location, although traps were heavily fouled with algae (video of trap retrieval after Tropical Storm Gordon is provided at Then, on Oct 9–10, 2018 Category 5 Hurricane Michael passed ~100 km east of six deployed traps with maximum sustained winds >250 km/h and seas >15 m. Traps could not be retrieved for over a month due to extensive damage in the region but, upon retrieval, all six traps were upright at their deployment locations. While these observations indicate high-energy storm events did not move Gittings traps on the seafloor, it is currently unclear if, or to what extent, movement would have occurred with surface buoys attached to the traps.

Gittings traps that were successfully deployed recruited lionfish from nearby artificial reefs (Fig 2). However, an issue of lionfish escapement was clearly indicated with 56% of the lionfish that had recruited to traps escaping during retrieval. The proportion of lionfish that escaped did not appear to correlate with higher recruitment of lionfish to traps (see R code for scatter plots). Because traps were closed for ascent by lift bags that divers attached to traps and filled with air, closing took 3–5 seconds and divers often observed lionfish swimming out in this time. Native fish were not observed escaping during trap closing, although detection of native fishes was an apparent issue, as described below.

Lionfish and native fish trap recruitment

A total of 327 lionfish recruited to Gittings traps during 82 trap sets (n = 58 deployments, including paired sets) with 141 lionfish caught (Fig 4, left). Trap bycatch of native fish consisted of 28 individuals recruiting to the traps and 29 individuals caught from nine different species (Fig 4, right). The fact that one more native reef fish was caught (i.e., landed on the boat from the trap retrieval) than documented as recruited by divers prior to retrieval indicates an apparent detection error by the divers. Four native fishes captured in traps were regulated species: two scamp (Mycteroperca phenax), one Gulf flounder (Paralichthys albigutta), and one blue angelfish (Holacanthus bermudensis). Additional native fish catches consisted of 15 sand perch (Diplectrum formosum), four tomtate grunt (Haemulon aurolineatum), two bank sea bass (Centropristis ocyurus), two porgies (Calamus spp.), one soapfish (Rypticus spp.), and one polka-dot batfish (Ogcocephalus radiatus). Native fish TL measurements were similar to lionfish with a range of 151–350 mm.

Fig 4. Number and species of fishes in the Gittings traps.

Fig 4

Total counts of lionfish caught, lionfish escaped, and native fish caught in traps deployed near northern Gulf of Mexico artificial reefs during 82 trap deployments. Sizes of pie slices correspond to the proportion of total fish caught. Fish images are not drawn to scale.

Lionfish recruitment ranged from 0 to 20 per trap and lionfish catch ranged from 0 to 14 per trap (video of a Gittings trap with high recruitment is provided at QQ plots indicated that the error structures for the recruitment and catch models (Eq 1) were best fit with a negative binomial distribution, which is typical for count data [54]. GLMM results indicated lionfish recruitment and catch were significantly affected by distance to the adjacent artificial reef and soak time (Table 3). Mean lionfish recruitment to paired traps was 56% that of single traps, although the difference was not significant (P = 0.195) due to high variance (Fig 5A). Traps placed at close (5 m) and intermediate (15 m) distances had similar recruitment to each other (P = 0.935), while traps placed far (65 m) from a reef recruited significantly fewer lionfish (P < 0.001) (Fig 5B). Lionfish recruitment was highest for traps deployed for 1 day (Fig 5C). Lionfish catch was 84% lower for the longest soak time of 12–14 days (P = 0.001) and lionfish recruitment for that treatment was 39% lower (Table 3). Lionfish density on the artificial reef study sites ranged from 6 to 36 fish per 100 m2. Unexpectedly, lionfish density on the adjacent artificial reefs was not a significant covariate in predicting lionfish recruitment (P = 0.152) nor lionfish catch (P = 0.267). Mean native fish recruitment and catch were <1 fish per trap (Fig 5) and the GLMM results indicated native fish recruitment and catch were significantly affected by trap number and soak time (Table 2). Paired traps had approximately 75% lower recruitment and catch per trap than single traps (Fig 5A, Table 2). In contrast to the lionfish models where recruitment and catch were lower with longer soak times, recruitment and catch for native fishes increased during the longer soak times of 4–5 days, 8 days and 12–14 days (Fig 5C). Longer soak times predicted 4–12 times higher recruitment and catch of native fish, although only the 4–5 day level in the native fish recruitment model was significant (P = 0.013).

Table 3. Generalized mixed model results testing deployment factors on lionfish and native fish species recruitment and catches by Gittings traps.

Model Factor Level Odds ratio Parameter estimate (#fish / trap) 95% CI z P*
Lionfish recruitment (Intercept) 2.77 1.22–6.33 6.33 0.015
Trap number Paired 0.56 1.55 0.64–3.74 2.09 0.195
Distance 15 m 0.95 2.63 1.55–4.46 4.23 0.860
Distance 65 m 0.03 0.08 0.00–0.69 0.02 0.001
Soak time 1 day 1.89 5.24 2.83–9.64 18.2 0.042
Soak time 4–5 days 1.82 5.04 2.60–9.78 17.8 0.078
Soak time 8 days 1.66 4.60 2.05–10.4 17.2 0.217
Soak time 12–14 days 1.50 4.16 2.11–8.17 12.3 0.245
LF density   1.02 2.83 2.74–2.94 3.00 0.152
Lionfish catch (Intercept)     4.38 1.64–11.7 11.7 0.003
Trap number Paired 0.52 2.28 1.09–4.73 2.46 0.080
Distance 15 m 0.76 3.33 1.71–6.48 4.93 0.419
Distance 65 m 0.06 0.26 0.04–2.19 0.13 0.009
Soak time 4–5 days 1.09 4.77 2.15–10.6 11.6 0.837
LF density 8 days 0.31 1.36 0.35–4.95 1.54 0.076
Soak time 12–14 days 0.16 0.70 0.22–2.10 0.34 0.001
LF density   1.02 4.47 4.29–4.64 4.74 0.331
Native fish recruitment (Intercept)     0.26 0.06–1.13 1.13 0.073
Trap number Paired 0.23 0.06 0.02–0.20 0.05 0.018
Distance 15 m 2.05 0.53 0.22–1.28 2.62 0.107
Distance 65 m 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA
Soak time 1 day 0.36 0.09 0.01–0.91 0.32 0.383
Soak time 4–5 days 4.73 1.23 0.35–4.27 20.2 0.014
Soak time 8 days 2.47 0.64 0.08–5.04 12.4 0.389
Soak time 12–14 days 1.62 0.42 0.08–2.12 3.43 0.559
LF density   1.00 0.26 0.25–0.27 0.27 0.866
Native fish catch (Intercept)     0.23 0.03–1.95 1.95 0.178
Trap number Paired 0.26 0.06 0.02–0.19 0.05 0.024
Distance 15 m 0.80 0.18 0.07–0.47 0.37 0.642
Distance 65 m 0.14 0.03 0.00–0.59 0.08 0.185
Soak time 4–5 days 6.39 1.47 0.19–11.3 72.0 0.074
Soak time 8 days 4.98 1.15 0.11–12.3 61.6 0.185
Soak time 12–14 days 6.55 1.51 0.19–12.0 79.1 0.076
LF density   0.98 0.23 0.21–0.24 0.24 0.454

Effect of deployment factors and lionfish density on mean recruitment (fish observed within the trap footprint during retrieval) and catches (fish landed aboard the vessel) of lionfish and native fish. Factors examined included number of traps (single or paired), distance from the adjacent artificial reef (5 m, 15 m, or 65 m), soak time (0.25 days, 1 day, 4–5 days, or 12–14 days), and adjacent reef lionfish density (fish/100 m2). Differences in means were tested with generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) fit with negative binomial error distributions and reef site as a random effect. The GLMM outputs show the log-linked parameter estimates for mean number of fish recruited or caught per trap, associated 95% confidence intervals (CI) around the parameter estimate, and the odds ratio (proportional effect). Odds ratio and hypothesis testing (z- and P-values) represent the difference from the GLMM intercept, i.e., the difference compared to a single trap deployed 5 m from the reef with a soak time of 0.25 days (recruitment model intercept) or 1 day (catch model intercept).

*P-values <0.05 are bolded.

Fig 5. Lionfish and native fish recruitment.

Fig 5

Mean (± 95 CI) count of lionfish and native fish observed within the trap footprint during retrieval, with the number of replicates per level indicated (n). Trap deployment configurations examined factors of A) distance to the adjacent artificial reef, B) number of traps, and C) soak time.

Lionfish size distributions were multi-modal for both those caught by traps (n = 137) and by spearfishing (n = 3,063) (Fig 6), which is likely due to distinct TL modes for juvenile and adult lionfish [52,55]. Results from the KS test indicated lionfish TL distributions were not significantly different between those captured from traps deployed at distances 5 m and 15 m (Fig 6A, P = 0.591). Lionfish sizes from 65 m distanced traps were not tested because only one lionfish was caught in this treatment. Probability density plots for trap-caught and spear-caught lionfish from similar artificial reefs in the same 6-month period showed that traps captured disproportionately fewer juvenile (<200 mm) and more large adult (>300 mm) lionfish than those caught via spearfishing (Fig 6B). Mean TL for trap-caught lionfish (277 mm) was 19 mm larger than spear-caught lionfish (296 mm) and had a significantly different distribution (KS test, D = 0.149, P = 0.006). Given the length-weight relationship for nGOM lionfish, mean weight for trap-caught fish were estimated to be 62 grams higher. There was no significant difference in the size distributions for trap-caught lionfish between seasons Jun–Sep vs. Nov–Dec (KS test, D = 0.192, P = 0.201).

Fig 6. Lionfish size distributions by distance to reef and harvest gear.

Fig 6

A) Lionfish total length (TL) probability density distributions for lionfish captured in Gittings traps deployed at 5 m and 15 m distances to the adjacent artificial reef. B) Lionfish TL distributions for lionfish harvested by Gittings traps (all treatments) and lionfish sampled concurrently (June–December 2018) by spearfishing on similar northern Gulf of Mexico artificial reefs. Mean TL per distribution is indicated by a vertical dashed line.


The lack of apparent environmental impacts of Gittings traps suggests they may be suitable for further field testing. Lionfish recruitment and catch were >10X higher than that of native fish and traps did not move during severe weather events. Further testing will be needed, however, to determine the potential for movement caused by attaching surface floats. Because wide-scale commercial use of Gittings traps would entail remote deployment and recovery from the surface, design iterations and field tests will be necessary to improve deployment success and lionfish catch rates. Potential gear modifications could include the following: adjustments to flotation and ballast to help the traps maintain a vertical orientation during descent and ensure successful opening, a reconfigured harness that closes the jaws more quickly and keeps them closed during recovery, a looser net that could allow more billowing and not contact lionfish during closure, and faster trap retrieval provided by a shipboard winch. Trap mass will also be a consideration for commercial application. The traps in this study were built with relatively thick (#6) rebar and weighed approximately 35 kg, which made it difficult for a single person to move or deploy. Moreover, the need to contract an industrial rebar bender to bend this thick rebar into the semi-circular jaw frames constituted >50% of their construction costs. Either #4 (13 mm/0.5” diameter) or #5 rebar (15.875 mm/0.625” diameter) are more easily sourced and manipulated, and may be better materials for trap jaws. Recent work has also examined other design modifications for reducing production costs of Gittings traps, such as an octagon rather than a circular shape and weldless construction (pers. comm., S. Delello,

Lionfish removal efficiency by Gittings traps placed near artificial reefs was 12–26%, which is higher than many fisheries where reported removal efficiency is <10% [5658]. A lower removal efficiency, which would leave uncaptured lionfish, will need to be considered when evaluating the potential community benefits offered by lionfish trapping. Lionfish removals do not necessarily translate into ecological benefits [14,59,60], given that lionfish predation [61,62], growth [53,63], and colonization [14,51,60] rates are controlled via density-dependent feedbacks. Ecosystem models may thus be appropriate for examining the potential community effects of a deepwater lionfish fishery [15,64]. Removal efficiency rates by Gittings traps were considerably lower than the >85% removal efficiency estimated for spearfishing lionfish on nGOM artificial reefs [46]. Considering that spearfishing can reduce lionfish densities in areas frequented by divers [6567] and that spearfishing fisheries have caused severe depletion of other reef fishes [6870], we expect spearfishing to remain the most efficient and cost-effective method for removing lionfish biomass at depths <40 m.

Testing different deployment configurations indicated that lionfish catch near artificial reefs is potentially optimized by deploying a single trap 15 m or less from a reef site for one day. Mean recruitment with this deployment configuration was approximately 5 lionfish and 0.1 native fish per trap. Higher lionfish recruitment to traps deployed closer to reefs was likely attributable to the high site fidelity [71] and central-place foraging [13] of lionfish. More sampling at distances between 15 m and 65 m could determine the effective attraction distance of traps and the linearity of this relationship. Given that lionfish are gregarious and often found in groups [72], and that aggregating behavior is driven by broad-scale habitat complexity [73,74], we considered the hypothesis that paired deployments synergistically recruit more lionfish. However, we found lionfish recruitment and catches were similar between single versus paired traps. Tests of alternative soak times indicated that a one-day deployment had the highest recruitment of lionfish and lowest recruitment of native fish. Though these were not significant different from other soak times, it suggests that longer soak times may be unnecessary. It may also suggest that lionfish recruit relatively quickly to traps but gradually leave, while native fish take longer to recruit to traps but tend to stay. Our observation of an inverse correlation between lionfish and native fish abundance, particularly during the early stages of recruitment to the traps, appears consistent with findings from other studies that report indirect effects of lionfish and that their presence deters native fish from occupying reef space [7578].

Overall lionfish recruitment numbers to the Gittings trap were about double the numbers observed on lobster traps deployed near mesophotic reefs in Bermuda [34]. Subsequent experimental tests on Bermudan reefs with modified lobster trap funnels found that, similar to this study, lionfish catches were highly variable and right-skewed: mean recruitment to the lobster trap structure was approximately 3 lionfish per trap and ranged to >15 lionfish per trap [79]. While this variation was likely driven by the spatial variability observed in lionfish densities on Bermuda reefs [9,80], our results unexpectedly indicated that lionfish density on an adjacent artificial reef was not a significant predictor of lionfish recruitment or catch by Gittings traps. We had anticipated that lionfish movement from reefs to traps would be correlated with site density, as high lionfish densities have been related to local prey depletion [12,14,81], cannibalism [82,83], lower body condition [53], and greater movement on coral reefs [61,84].

The apparent selectivity of Gittings traps for larger lionfish could have implications for depleting their populations. Smaller lionfish may have escaped from the traps at greater rates and, in retrospect, it would have been useful to collect size estimates of the lionfish by divers prior to trap retrieval. Alternatively, traps may attract larger individuals. Higher movement rates for larger lionfish is reasonable as they are more physically capable to make such movements and face lower risk of predation in transit [85,86]. Juvenile lionfish risk conspecific predation [82,87], particularly in areas of high lionfish density where this study was conducted [83], and smaller individuals may thus occupy smaller foraging areas near reefs [88]. Given fecundity increases exponentially with length [8991], a gear selectivity bias toward larger fish may have a greater impact on reducing lionfish egg production. High enough reductions of large spawners would lead to recruitment overfishing whereby the reduced spawning stock decreases future population growth [92]. That said, removal efforts aimed to deplete lionfish biomass should also target juveniles. Harvest of faster-growing juveniles [53,55,93] contributes to growth overfishing [94], and age-structured lionfish population models indicate that controlling lionfish population growth requires removing smaller individuals [23,24].

The potential for lionfish traps or other novel harvest technologies to reduce deepwater lionfish biomass will be contingent on their capacity to harvest them from natural reefs. Natural reefs constitute over 99% of the region’s reef habitat, with 90% being mesophotic reefs deeper than 40 m [95]. Even on shallower natural reefs accessible to divers, spearfishing catch rates are limited by lower lionfish density [3,53] and lower removal efficiency [46]. Similar gear testing to that conducted in this study will be needed for traps deployed near natural reefs to evaluate their potential for habitat damage or bycatch, considering that these reefs have differences in benthic structure and community composition [14]. Remote recovery of traps may also influence bycatch rates and species composition as some native fish could have reacted to divers and left the trap footprint before it closed. Ultimately, it will be critical to determine how lionfish attraction to traps deployed near natural reefs compares to the recruitment and catch rates observed in this study. Lionfish densities on nGOM artificial reefs are >10X higher than on nGOM natural reefs [3,46,53], which suggests a trap structure may readily attract lionfish from natural reefs. However, if lionfish movement and home range are largely driven by density-dependence or food availability [14,61,84,96], then the substantially lower densities on natural reefs may critically reduce catch rates. Therefore, the potential economic viability of a lionfish trap fishery should be carefully considered. Future trap field testing should examine design strategies to increase lionfish attraction (e.g., using lights, sound, or different structures) and technoeconomic assessments may identify capital and operational expenses to determine what catch rates could make lionfish trapping commercially feasible.

Supporting information

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S1 Data


S2 Data



We thank Josh and Joe Livingston (DreadKnot Charters), Kara Wall (Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute), Tony Reyer (NOAA), Sal DeLello (, Laura Tiu (Florida Sea Grant), Stacy Frank (Lionfish University), Jim Hart (Lionfish University), Alexandria Tucker (University of Florida), Dominic Andradi-Brown (University of Oxford), Kelli O’Donnell (NOAA), and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission personnel Alan Pierce, Kali Spurgin, Amy Brower, Hanna Tillotson, and Michael Kennison.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

Financial support for this research was provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Grant No. 13416 to R. N. M. Ahrens and H. E. Harris). Support for H. E. Harris was provided by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant Nos. DGE-1315138 and DGE-182473). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Opinions, findings, or conclusions expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of our supporting organizations.


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  • 89.Fogg AQ, Brown-Peterson NJ, Peterson MS. Reproductive life history characteristics of invasive red lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Bull Mar Sci. 2017;93: 791–813. 10.5343/bms.2016.1095 [DOI] [Google Scholar]
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Decision Letter 0

Athanassios C Tsikliras

5 May 2020


Testing the efficacy of lionfish traps in the northern Gulf of Mexico


Dear Mr. Harris,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

More specifically, along with the (many) minor and editorial comments the authors should address the following issues. In discussion the significance of the findings of the manuscript should not be overstated. The size effect should be discussed along with the behavior and some details on the size of native fish. Some details on the density of the lionfish populations should be provided. 

We would appreciate receiving your revised manuscript by Jun 19 2020 11:59PM. When you are ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). This letter should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. This file should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. This file should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Manuscript'.

Please note while forming your response, if your article is accepted, you may have the opportunity to make the peer review history publicly available. The record will include editor decision letters (with reviews) and your responses to reviewer comments. If eligible, we will contact you to opt in or out.

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Athanassios C. Tsikliras

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: This is an interesting manuscript that is very applied in focus, testing the effectiveness of the Gittings lionfish trap. It is a generally well written and concise manuscript that provides much useful information in thinking about approaches to managing lionfish populations in areas that are beyond the depth range of recreations SCUBA diving. I have a few broader comments and some suggestions for improvement, but do not think there is much work to be done for this to be in an acceptable form for publication.

Broader comments:


I think we need a little more info in the methods about the artificial reefs. For example, how large are each of these structures. What’s the dominant habitat type that has established on them. What’s their relief relative to the seabed. What is the composition of the seabed around the structures that the lionfish will have to swim over to get to the traps. What’s the general water visibility typically like there - i.e. are traps in visual distance for fish from the structure. Does the point count for fish done by the diver in a 15m wide cylinder fully encompass the whole of each artificial reef?

L121 and L126 - need to clarify why these n numbers are different. Also define what ‘paired’ means - are these two traps deployed near each other at the same distance from the artificial reef with the same soak time? What was the distance between paired traps. Could be worth adding a image of pairs traps to Figure 1 or Figure 3.

The breakdown of number of replicates between each of the factors is unclear (i.e. how many traps for each combination of number of traps, distance to reef, and soak time. Please add a summary table here that shows the number of replicates for each combination.

Please add a lot more detail on where the spearfishing data came from. Is this a scientific monitoring/lionfish culling dataset? Or does it come from recreation divers and lionfish derbies? Please elaborate on how fishers were able to capture all lionfish regardless of size - note the papers that suggest visual survey methods for lionfish/spearfishing are likely to be biased towards larger individuals anyway: e.g.

Also, there is evidence of recruitment peaks in lionfish populations. Was the spearfishing data collected over a similar time period to the trap data? Note, there is seasonality in size distribution of lionfish in some regions which may also affect the comparability of this data if not collected at the same time of year. e.g. If this is a problem, I think the comparisons between collection methods can still be included, but would note this issue in the discussion.


Table 2 - Why is a soak time of 1 day set as the intercept? This confused me when I first looked at it, as the other other variables all use the smallest unit (i.e. single trap, 5 m distance from reef) as the intercept to compare others levels of those factors to. I suggest using the 3-6 hours soak time as the intercept to compare the 1 day, 4-5 days, and 12-14 days soak times to.

I know this is not directly a question you set out to address, so please feel free to ignore. However, it would be very interesting to know whether there is a relationship between size of lionfish caught in the trap and distance from reef the trap was. There’s a lot of literature on ontogenetic fish movements that would suggest that traps further from the reef would be more likely to be biased towards larger lionfish. Maybe add as a second panel to Fig 6?


There’s some numbers on bycatch from studies of lobster traps for lionfish - e.g. Pitt and Trott 2015, though the authors may be aware of other studies as well. It would be good to place the report numbers in L250 in the context of these other studies.

Pitt JM, Trott TM (2015) Trapping lionfish in Bermuda, part II: lessons learned to date. In: Proceedings of the 67th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Christ Church, Barbados, 3–7 November 2014, pp 221–224

General comments:

Fig 2 - Add scale bars and north arrows to all parts of the figure. The boundaries of the green study area box in the lower right panel seems to be positioned further south than the area indicated in the upper panel. I would suggest labeling each panel A, B, C and then providing a brief description of each panel in the legend.

This manuscript makes extensive references to technical reports and videos. I think the nature of this study requires this, however, for long-term access web links to government sites etc are unlikely to be stable. I notice many of them are by Gittings who is a coauthor. Please could these technical reports and videos be cited via a DOI to ensure they are accessible to readers longer term?

Minor comments:

L18 - add by SCUBA - so that it reads: Spearfishing by SCUBA is currently…

L25 - be clearer what is meant by regulated species

L49-50 - add word ‘invasive’ so that it reads: However, invasive lionfish have been…

L52 - mesophotic is defined from 40 - 200 m depth. So edit sentence to say: ‘lies within mesophotic and upper-bathyal depths of 40-300 m’

L53 - also see this recent review of mesophotic and upper-bathyal lionfish and their potential impacts in the Western Atlantic that may be useful reference to cite here:

L71 - change to: ‘However, it is critical’…

L96 onward - add some labels to Fig 1 to point out the key elements that are being described in the text. e.g. the trap jaws, the pivot axel, the netting, the lattice etc

L111 - show location of Destin Fig 2

L130 - can you be more clear here that you are defining a variable called ‘Lionfish catch’ that you will be reporting on from the models. And also be more clear about defining “lionfish recruitment’ it wasn’t clear to me on my first read that you were defining terms here, and then I was confused when I got to the results how these terms were defined.

L133 - ‘adjacent reefs’ - why is this plural? You mean the lionfish density on the single artificial reef next to the trap? Please rework this sentence to improve clarity

L176-177 - This sentence on trap bycatch is very confusing. I know you explain what you mean in later sentences with the undetected individual, but I would remind readers upfront that ‘recruiting’ means diver in water observations and then give that result, and then remind readers that ‘’caught’ means identified on the surface in the trap after the dive and give the caught result. Then state that clearly there was a detection error.

L224 - these numbers are per trap right, not in sum for the pair? Please clarify

L267 - I think you need to discuss that these results represent diver collected traps. So the intention is that these can longer-term be remotely deployed and recovered from the surface by boat, so need to trial in these conditions/verify that these results hold up with a boat recovery.

L274 - also weight is a big consideration when deploying to much deeper reefs, i.e. winch for boats etc for recovery. As you say in your intro, there is a need for a method that could allow capture down to >300 m!

L288 - though trapping removes worries around health and safety of divers in the water, and can have multiple simultaneous traps deployed

L292 - See the work of Green et al 2014 that specifically identifies target thresholds for culling to translate to ecological benefits. There is a need to calculate these thresholds for mesophotic reefs, and then consider whether traps can reach them:

At some places in the manuscript you refer to people who fish as ‘fishers’ in others you use ‘fishermen’. I would recommend standardizing to fishers, or be clearer why there’s a need for the two terms.

Reviewer #2: Overall the manuscript was clearly and concisely written and provides valuable information about an important marine invasive species of concern throughout the Western Atlantic. The research of the efficacy of utilizing a non-containment trapping device to capture lionfish near artificial reefs is important for improving management strategies regionally to control lionfish populations on mesophotic reefs. The paper highlights the potential of these traps to capture lionfish and a produces a capture rate comparable to trapping of other native target species using fish traps. It discusses recommendations for future directions of research to help improve upon this potential methodology by reducing escape rates of lionfish and placing traps at optimal distance to reefs.

The manuscript is recommended for acceptance with minor revisions described below.

Major Issues

1. The author should be careful to not overstate findings when discussing the significance of larger size of lionfish in traps. There are a few causes of this result that were not addressed and should be if possible (month(s) which most lionfish were capture from traps compared to spear, is there size estimates of all recruits from diver surveys that can be looked at to see if only larger fish recruited to traps. Did more small fish escape the traps.

2. The author fails to discuss the fact that no native fish escaped from the trap. This is relevant information since upwards of 50% of lionfish escaped. Authors should provide a better description of the native fish behavior observed in the traps during this study which could help with improvement to future design.

3. Authors failed to describe what happened to the native fish that were captured in the traps? Were they descended and was that successful (ie did the bycatch survive)? Did the authors estimate the size of these fish? Were they on par with the sizes of lionfish in the traps?

4. The author should provide more detailed information about the density of the lionfish populations at each site. Without this information it will be difficult for future studies assessing efficacy of capture methods to compare their results to this current study. Will these traps work at all on sites with much lower lionfish densities?

Minor issues

Page: 8

Line 25: Is this species or individual fish

Line 25: which "are" regulated

Line 26: Here you have 29 fish captured which is higher than the 28 recruited unless the former is species not individual fish. These sentences are a bit confusing in the abstract. More clearly explained in results.

Line 29: Is this captured or recruited? Can you get estimates on recruited from videos? Would be interesting to know if the smaller fish are more likely to escape or just less likely to recruit to the trap structure. Need to set up some stereocameras probably to get at that question.

Page 9

Line 48 "is a top"

Line 53 - This may be an overstatement at the knowledge of population densities at mesophotic depths throughout the western Atlantic since site specific information is very limited to date.

Page 10

Line 66: Should this be Figure as well if you are introducing a descriptive table, for a ready that has not seen the trap a figure would have more use at this time?

Line 71: "economic viability" and potential undesirable effects.

Page 11

Line 85 - This is different that what was reported in abstract. Compared to spearfishing catch

Page 12

Line 110 - Four of these sites look quite close together compared to the other sites. Did you account for distance to next structure when analyzing recruitment or capture results or lionfish densities at site?

Did you look at artificial reef type when analyzing recruitment results or lionfish densities at site?

Line 116 - Did you estimate size on these surveys as the in situ size estimates referred to above?

Page 13

Line 127 - Need to explain why traps were retrieved by divers and not set as a surface buoy. This would not be a practical way to deploy and retrieve these traps commercially.

Line 130 - Was there a size estimate conducted here by the diver?

Line 135 - Same comment as above...

Four of these sites look quite close together compared to the other sites. Did you account for distance to next structure when analyzing recruitment or capture results or lionfish densities at site?

Did you look at artificial reef type when analyzing recruitment results or lionfish densities at site?

Page 14

Line 145 - was this done at same time period as the trap study? Within a week/month/year? That could greatly influence size distribution.

Line 150

What did you do with the native species captured? Did you descend them? Assess condition upon release and mortality?

Line 152 - Was there any issues with trap entanglement with habitat?

Page 15

Line 177 – Ok this is clear here but this detail makes the abstract a bit confusing without it being explained.

Line 170 – 183 - I would reword this as "Four native species capture in the traps were regulated species:....


"Addition native species catches consisted of 15 sand perch....

Line 183

There is no discussion at all about why all native fish that recruited to the traps were captured. Did any of them try to escape as it was being retrieved? This would be worth discussing to potentially brainstorm why lionfish are more likely to escape and what modifications can be made to take into account their different behavior.

Did a high proportion of lionfish escape when their were more total fish in the trap before retrieval?

Page 16

Line 189 - remove "to"

Line 192 - Since this influences catch would be interesting to look at effects of having multiple artificial reefs nearby.

Line 193 - But did the two traps catch more lionfish in total than one? Because that would suggest it might still worth putting two traps down on a site, particular if they are connected and you can deploy and retrieve them with minimal additional effort than two.

Line 199 - Did you have video data to see if lionfish had recruited to the traps within the 1-5 days when recruitment is highest but then left before you retrieved it day 12-14?

Line 202 - How low was the lowest density. Is this because density was just relatively high at all sites?

Page 18

Line 235

As commented above. Were the fish speared during the same time period (within the same month at least) because if not this could explain less juveniles.

Did you look at videos or estimates during surveys to see if smaller fish escape more easily or are they less likely to recruit?

Page 19

Line 242 - I see the time period here. It would be worth checking if the portion of fish caught in the summer months in traps is similar to the fish caught in the summer months spearing. Since the trap catch sample size is relatively low (especially compared to spearing sample size); if a larger proportion of fish were caught in winter just this could explain less small fish.

Line 251 - Change Would be expected to "was expected"

Line 256 – Is there any evidence of them leaving? Camera footage?

Line 258 - But lionfish were still present during the long soak times no just slightly lower densities? This suggests that native fish may just take longer to recruit not that lionfish necessarily deter them. Unless you compared traps with and without lionfish with native predators densities, but I didn't see that in the results.

Page 20

Line 261 - As stated above, it would be good to know whether the total number of lionfish for the two traps was larger or similar to that of one trap and not just the per trap density. It seems from the table that it is likely the same.

Line 263 - As state above in Results.

What type of densities are we comparing here? That would be useful for the reader to know to understand whether artificial reefs may be at carrying capacity or etc.

Were they all relatively high density?

Line 271 - Wouldn't this loose net increase risk of entangement and ghost fishing

Page 21

Line 297 - You don't know it is higher movement/recruitment of large individuals to the traps. Maybe the small fish escaped the trap more easily and did not get captured. Be careful not to overstate a result here about smaller fish movement.

Line 306 - This sentence (Harvest…) is confusing, not sure exactly what you are saying here

Page 22

Line 318 - But that is because there is no other structure for them to attract to which is not the case as natural reefs. I don't think we can assume traps will readily pull lionfish from natural reefs.

Figure 1C – what is that top line attached to in the schematic? Above the float?

Figure 6 – Density on the y axis is confusing here since it is used in earlier figures and tables to represent density of fish per trap


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Dominic A Andradi-Brown

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files to be viewed.]

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PLoS One. 2020 Aug 26;15(8):e0230985. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230985.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

29 Jun 2020

Dear editor,

The manuscript was revised considerably based on the edits and comments from the referees and editor. Addressing these comments and concerns improved the scientific rigor, clarity, and overall presentation of the study. Please see the revised manuscript uploaded (with and without tracked changes). Specifically, our revision provides details and clarification based on the reviewer guidance for the following: describing the study sites, defining lionfish population densities per site, showing the replicates in the statistical analysis, describing observations of fish behavior, discussing detection error for native reef fish species, clarifying the timing for spearfishing sampling, and discussing other lionfish trap research. Furthermore, we better acknowledge our data limitations, the high variance in some of the results, and walk-back the strength of some of the conclusions made in the discussion (e.g., the difference in fish size). Our purpose in this study was to show our work testing an innovative harvest gear for invasive lionfish, consider the potential limitations and applications based on our findings, and discuss directions of continued research and development. Addressing the reviewer comments helped to better achieve these objectives and we believe publishing this revised article in PLOS ONE will make a valuable scientific contribution.

The 'Response to reviewers' document details our point-by-point responses to the questions, issues, and requested changes by the reviewers. We were able to make nearly all of the requested changes or clarifications from the referees. Any questions or changes that could not be answered are explained or defended. We think the editor will find our revised article suited (or nearly suitable) for publication, and we are happy to make any further changes or address any further issues.

Thank you for your consideration,


27 June 2020


Submitted filename: Response to reviewers (updated 29 Jun).docx

Decision Letter 1

Athanassios C Tsikliras

20 Jul 2020


Testing the efficacy of lionfish traps in the northern Gulf of Mexico


Dear Dr. Harris,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the three minor points raised by one of the reviewers.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Sep 03 2020 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Manuscript'.

If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines for resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter.

If applicable, we recommend that you deposit your laboratory protocols in to enhance the reproducibility of your results. assigns your protocol its own identifier (DOI) so that it can be cited independently in the future. For instructions see:

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Athanassios C. Tsikliras

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Thank you for comprehensively addressing my previous review comments and updating the manuscript. I have no further comments.

Reviewer #2: The author has done a thorough job of addressing the comments and suggestions by both reviewers and improving the clarity of the methodology and results and expanding the discussion of the manuscript. It is an interesting, focused and well-written manuscript and with very minor revisions it will be acceptable for publication.

Minor comments

Line 105 remove space before “,”

Line 219 – This sentence as stated appears unfinished as if you are not going to provide more details since it is the end of the section. May add “as described below.” to the end so the reader knows there is more coming in the next section.

Native Fish Recruitment:

Have you considered that the presence of a SCUBA divers in the water prior to retrieval may have influenced the amount on native fish that were observed “recruitment”.

Certain native species would be more likely to swim away as divers approach compared to lionfish (which are relatively unafraid) and therefore never observed by the divers. These individuals may therefore be at risk of being captured by the trap as bycatch if retrieved by the boat without divers. It could be argued that fish skittish of divers would also be skittish of a moving trap and would have likely escaped as it closed. This may be worth discussing briefly.


The authors have addressed the size issue and edited the results and discussion thoroughly so no addition changes are required.

However, it would be interesting to look at the size distribution of lionfish from the spearfish each month or each season to see if there was larger number of recruiting juveniles captured in June and July by spear and therefore skewing this comparison? Realizing the sample size from the traps is likely not large enough to run this comparison per month but maybe seasonally? June-August and September-December?

Line 344

As you stated in the sentence above soak time may be the factor in the density of native fish not lionfish presence. Careful not to overstate the effect of lionfish presence on native species density. Maybe it was the opposite and the later recruitment of native species chased the lionfish away?


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Dominic A Andradi-Brown

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2020 Aug 26;15(8):e0230985. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230985.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

25 Jul 2020

This revision addressed several minor changes requested by Reviewer 2. All requested changes were made, and they improved the manuscript. The most substantial change was the addition of a test to examine whether season could have affected lionfish size distributions, as described below.

We also took this opportunity to make minor changes to language and syntax to help clarify the material. Although we do not consider any changes substantive, we’d like to point out three in particular to the editor:

1. The term “native species” was changed throughout the manuscript and Fig. 5 to “native fish”. This clarifies the term to represent the number of individual fish, rather than the number of different species: e.g., a mean catch of X lionfish and Y native fish (rather than “native species”) per trap.

2. In Table 3, the column heading “Mean count” was changed to “Parameter estimate (#fish / trap)”. This clarifies that the number given is the mean estimated from the GLMM, rather than the observed mean.

3. One citation was also added [96] for a paper that was recently published (lines 392-393): “. . . if lionfish movement and home range are largely driven by density-dependence or food availability [14,61,84,96] . . .”

Further details of our response to reviewer comments are provided in the updated and attached "Response to Reviewers" document.


Submitted filename: Response to reviewers (2nd revision).docx

Decision Letter 2

Athanassios C Tsikliras

29 Jul 2020

Testing the efficacy of lionfish traps in the northern Gulf of Mexico


Dear Dr. Harris,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,

Athanassios C. Tsikliras

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Athanassios C Tsikliras

3 Aug 2020


Testing the efficacy of lionfish traps in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Dear Dr. Harris:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Prof Athanassios C. Tsikliras

Academic Editor


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    Submitted filename: Response to reviewers (updated 29 Jun).docx


    Submitted filename: Response to reviewers (2nd revision).docx

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