Real-world scenes comprise a blooming, buzzing confusion of information. To manage this complexity, visual attention is guided to important scene regions in real time 1-7. What factors guide attention within scenes? A leading theoretical position suggests that visual salience based on semantically uninterpreted image features plays the critical causal role in attentional guidance, with knowledge and meaning playing a secondary or modulatory role 8-11. Here we propose instead that meaning plays the dominant role in guiding human attention through scenes. To test this proposal, we developed “meaning maps” that represent the semantic richness of scene regions in a format that can be directly compared to image salience. We then contrasted the degree to which the spatial distribution of meaning and salience predict viewers’ overt attention within scenes. The results showed that both meaning and salience predicted the distribution of attention, but that when the relationship between meaning and salience was controlled, only meaning accounted for unique variance in attention. This pattern of results was apparent from the very earliest time-point in scene viewing. We conclude that meaning is the driving force guiding attention through real-world scenes.
Keywords: Attention, scene perception, eye movements
According to image guidance theories, attention is directed to scene regions based on semantically uninterpreted image features. On this view, attention is in a fundamental sense a reaction to the image properties of the stimulus confronting the viewer, with attention “pulled” to visually salient scene regions 12. The most comprehensive theory of this type is based on visual salience, in which basic image features such as luminance contrast, color, and edge orientation are used to form a saliency map that provides the basis for attentional guidance 8,13,14.
An alternative theoretical perspective is represented by cognitive guidance theories, in which attention is directed to scene regions that are semantically informative. This position is consistent with strong evidence suggesting that humans are highly sensitive to the distribution of meaning in visual scenes from the earliest moments of viewing 7,15-17. On this view, attention is primarily controlled by knowledge structures stored in memory that represent a scene. These knowledge structures contain information about a scene’s likely semantic content and the spatial distribution of that content based on experience with general scene concepts and the specific scene instance currently in view 7. On cognitive guidance theories, attention is “pushed” to these meaningful scene regions by the cognitive system 2-7,18.
The majority of research on attentional guidance in scenes has focused on image salience. Little is currently known about how the spatial distribution of meaning across a scene influences attentional guidance. The emphasis on image salience is likely due in part to the relative ease of quantifying image properties and the relative difficulty of quantifying higher-level cognitive constructs related to scene meaning 4. To test between image guidance and cognitive guidance theories, it is necessary to generate equivalent quantitative predictions from both meaning and salience that are in some sense on an equal footing.
Our central goal was to investigate the relative roles of meaning and salience in guiding attention through scenes. To capture the spatial distribution of meaning across a scene, we developed a method that represents scene meaning as a spatial map (a “meaning map”). A meaning map can be taken as a conceptual analog of a saliency map, capturing the distribution of semantic properties rather than image properties across a scene. Meaning maps can be directly compared to saliency maps and can also be used to predict attentional maps in the same manner as has been done with saliency maps 9,13,19,20. With meaning maps in hand, we can directly compare the influences of meaning and salience on attentional guidance.
Meaning is spatially distributed in a non-uniform manner across a scene. Some scene regions are relatively rich in meaning, and others are relatively sparse. Here we generated meaning maps for scenes by asking subjects to rate the meaningfulness of scene regions. Digital photographs of real-world scenes (Figure 1a) were divided into objectively defined and context-free circular overlapping regions at two spatial scales (Figure 1b and 1c). Regions were presented independently of the scenes from which they were taken (Figure 1d) and rated by naïve raters on Mechanical Turk. We then built smoothed maps for each scene based on interpolated ratings over a large number of raters (Figure 1e). (Details are given in Methods.)
It has been suggested that meaning and visual salience are likely to be highly correlated across scenes 3,18,21,22. Yet to date this correlation has not been empirically tested. If such a correlation exists, then attentional effects that have been attributed to visual salience could be due to meaning 22-24. Figure 2 presents the correlation of meaning and salience for each scene. On average across the 40 scenes the correlation was 0.80 (SD = 0.08). A one sample t-test confirmed that the correlation was significantly greater than zero, t(39) = 60.4, p < .0001, 95% CI [0.77, 0.82]. These findings establish that meaning and salience indeed do overlap substantially in scenes, as has previously been hypothesized. Meaning and salience also each accounted for unique variance (i.e., 36% of the variance was not shared). To attribute attentional effects unambiguously to either meaning or salience, the effects of both must be considered together.
We can conceive of meaning maps and saliency maps as predictions concerning how attention will be guided through scenes. The empirical question is then how well the meaning and saliency maps predict observed distributions of attention. To answer this question, it is necessary to quantify attention over each scene. Following common practice in this literature, we operationalized the distribution of attention as the distribution of eye fixations. We had a group of human subjects view each scene for 12 seconds while their eye movements were recorded. Attentional maps in the same format as the meaning and saliency maps were then generated from the eye movement data to represent where attention was directed (see Methods). Figure 3a shows a scene image with eye fixations superimposed, and Figure 3b shows the attention map derived from these fixations.
Our next step was to determine how well meaning maps (Figure 3c) and saliency maps (Figure 3d) predicted the spatial distribution of attention (Figure 3a) as captured by attention maps (Figure 3b). (Please see Supplementary Information for all scenes and their maps.) For this analysis, we used a method based on linear correlation to assess the degree to which meaning maps and saliency maps accounted for shared and unique variance in the attention maps 25.
Figure 4 presents the data for each of the 40 scenes using this approach. Each data point shows the R2 value for the prediction maps (meaning and saliency) and the observed attention maps for saliency (blue) and meaning (red). Figure 4a shows the squared linear correlations. On average across the 40 scenes, meaning accounted for 53% of the variance in fixation density (M = 0.53, SD = 0.11) and saliency account for 38% of the variance in fixation density (M = 0.38, SD = 0.12). A two-tailed t-test revealed this difference was statistically significant, t(78) = 5.63, p < .0001, 95% CI [0.10, 0.20].
To examine the unique variance in attention explained by meaning and salience when controlling for their shared variance, we computed squared semi-partial correlations. These correlations (Figure 4b) revealed that across the 40 scenes, meaning captured more than 4 times as much unique variance (M = 0.19, SD = 0.10) as saliency (M = 0.04, SD = 0.04). Meaning maps accounted for a significant 19% additional variance in the attention maps after controlling for salience, whereas saliency maps accounted for a non-significant 4% additional variance after controlling for meaning. A two-tailed t-test confirmed that this difference was statistically significant, t(78) = 8.42, p < .0001, 95% CI [0.11, 0.18]. Additional analyses indicated that these results held when the scene centers were removed from the analysis, suggesting that they were not due to a concentration of attention at the centers of the scenes, and they replicated using an aesthetic judgment free-viewing task, suggesting that they were not an artifact of the memorization viewing task (please see Supplementary Information). Overall, the results showed that meaning was better able than salience to explain the distribution of attention over scenes.
So far, we have examined the roles of meaning and salience over the entire viewing period for each scene. However, it has been proposed that attention is initially guided by image salience, but that over time, as knowledge representations become available and meaning can be acquired from more of the scene, meaning begins to play a greater role 7,26,27.
To investigate whether the effects of meaning and salience changed over time as each scene was viewed, we conducted temporal time-step analyses. Linear correlation and semi-partial correlation were conducted as described above, but were based on a series of attention maps generated from each sequential eye fixation (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) in each scene. The results are shown in Figure 4. For the linear correlations, the relationship was stronger between meaning and fixation maps for all time steps (Figure 4c) and was very consistent across the 40 scenes. Meaning accounted for 33.0%, 33.6%, and 31.9% of the variance in the first 3 fixations, whereas salience accounted for only 9.7%, 15.9%, and 18.1% of the variance in the first 3 fixations, respectively. Two sample two-tailed t-tests were performed for all 38 time points, and p-values were corrected for multiple comparisons using the false discovery rate (FDR) correction (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995). This procedure confirmed the advantage for meaning over salience at all 38 time points (FDR p < 0.05).
When controlling for the correlation among the two prediction maps with semi-partial correlations, the advantage for the meaning maps observed in the overall analyses was also found to hold across time steps (Figure 4d). The same testing and false discovery rate correction revealed that all 38 time points were significantly different (FDR p < 0.05), with meaning accounting for 25.9%, 22.4%, and 18.2% of the unique variance in the first 3 fixations, whereas salience accounted for 2.7%, 4.8%, and 4.2% of the unique variance in the first 3 fixations, respectively. In sum, counter to the salience-first hypothesis, we observed no crossover of the effects of meaning and salience over time. Instead, in both the correlation and semi-partial correlation analyses, we observed an advantage for meaning from the very first fixation. Indeed, if anything, there was an even greater advantage for meaning in guiding attention over the first few fixations than later in viewing. These results indicate that meaning begins guiding attention as soon as a scene appears, consistent with past findings that viewing task can also override salience as soon as the first saccade 23,28.
The dominant role of meaning in guiding attention can be accommodated by a theoretical perspective that places explanatory primacy on scene semantics. For example, on the cognitive relevance model 22,23, the role of a particular object or scene region in guiding attention is determined solely by its meaning in the context of the scene and the current goals of the viewer, and not by its visual salience. On this view, meaning determines attentional priority, with image properties used to provide perceptual objects and regions to which attentional priority can be assigned based on knowledge representations. On this model, the visual stimulus is used to generate the perceptual objects and other potential targets for attention, but the image features themselves provide a flat (that is, unranked) landscape of attentional targets, with attentional priority rankings provided by knowledge representations 3,22,23. Note that on this view the meaning of all objects and scene regions across the entire scene need not be established during the initial glimpse. Rather, rapidly ascertained scene gist 7,29-31 can be used to generate predictions about what objects are likely to be informative and where those objects are likely to be found 4. This knowledge combined with representations of perceptual objects generated from peripheral visual information would be sufficient to guide attention using meaning. In addition, given that saccade amplitudes tend to be relatively short in scene viewing (about 3.5 degrees on average in the present study), meaning directly acquired from parafoveal scene regions during each fixation would often be available to guide the next attentional shift to a meaningful region.
In summary, we found that meaning was better able than visual salience to account for the guidance of attention through real-world scenes. Furthermore, we found that the influence of meaning was apparent both at the very beginning of scene viewing and throughout the viewing period. Given the strong correlation between meaning and salience observed here, and the fact that only meaning accounted for unique variance in the distribution of attention, we conclude that both previous and current results are consistent with a theory in which meaning is the dominant force guiding attention through scenes. This conclusion has important implications for current theories of attention across diverse disciplines that have been influenced by image salience theory, including vision science, cognitive science, visual neuroscience, and computer vision.
Meaning Maps
Scene patches were rated by 165 subjects on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Subjects were recruited from the United States, had a hit approval rate of 99% and 500 hits approved, and were only allowed to participate in the study once. Subjects were paid $0.50 cents per assignment and all subjects provided informed consent.
Stimuli consisted of 40 digitized photographs of real-world scenes. Each scene was decomposed into a series of partially overlapping and tiled circular patches at two spatial scales of 3° and 7° (Figure 1). Simulated recovery of known scene properties (e.g., luminance) indicated that the underlying known property could be recovered well (98% variance explained) using these 2 spatial scales with patch overlap. The full patch stimulus set consisted of 12000 unique 3° patches and 4320 unique 7° patches for a total of 16320 scene patches.
Each subject rated 300 random scene patches extracted from 40 scenes. Subjects were instructed to assess the meaningfulness of each patch based on how informative or recognizable they thought it was. Subjects were first given examples of two low-meaning and two high-meaning scene patches to make sure they understood the rating task. Subjects then rated the meaningfulness of test patches on a 6-point Likert scale (‘very low’, ‘low’, ‘somewhat low’, ‘somewhat high’, ‘high’, ‘very high’). Patches were presented in random order and without scene context, so ratings were based on context-independent judgments. Each unique patch was rated 3 times by 3 independent raters for a total of 48960 ratings. However, due to the high degree of overlap across patches, each patch contained rating information from 27 independent raters for each 3° patch and 63 independent raters for each 7° patch.
Meaning maps were generated from the ratings by averaging, smoothing, and combining 3° and 7° maps from the corresponding patch ratings. The ratings for each pixel at each scale (3° and 7°) in each scene were averaged, producing an average 3° and 7° rating map for each scene. Then, the average 3° and 7° rating maps were smoothed using thin-plate spline interpolation (Matlab ‘fit’ using the ‘thinplateinterp’ method). Finally, the smoothed 3° and 7° maps were combined using a simple average, i.e., (3° map + 7° map)/2. This procedure was used to create a meaning map for each scene. The final map was blurred using a Gaussian kernel followed by a multiplicative center bias operation which down-weighted the activation in the periphery to account for the central fixation bias, the commonly observed phenomena in which subjects concentrate their fixations more centrally and rarely fixate the outside border of a scene 32. This center bias operation is also commonly applied to saliency maps.
Saliency Maps
To investigate the relationship between the generated meaning maps and image-based saliency maps, saliency maps for each scene were computed using the Graph-based Visual Saliency (GBVS) toolbox with default settings (Harel, Koch, & Perona, NIPS 2006). GBVS is a prominent saliency model that combines conspicuity maps of different low-level image features. The same center bias operation described for the meaning maps was applied to the saliency maps to down-weight the periphery.
Histogram Matching
The meaning and saliency maps were normalized to a common scale using image histrogram matching, with the attention map for each scene serving as the reference image for the corresponding meaning and saliency maps. Histogram matching of the meaning and saliency maps was accomplished using the Matlab function ‘imhistmatch’ in the Image Processing Toolbox.
Eyetracking Experiment and Attention Maps
Seventy-nine University of South Carolina undergraduate students with normal or corrected-to-normal vision participated in the experiment. All subjects were naive concerning the purposes of the experiment and provided informed consent as approved by the University of South Carolina Institutional Review Board. In Matlab, the eye movement data from each subject was inspected for excessive artifacts caused by blinks or loss of calibration due to incidental movement by examining the mean percent of signal across all trials. Fourteen subjects with less than 75% signal were removed, leaving 65 subjects that were tracked very well (mean signal = 91.74%).
Eye movements were recorded with an EyeLink 1000+ tower mount eyetracker (spatial resolution 0.01) sampling at 1000 Hz. Subjects sat 90 cm away from a 21” monitor, so that scenes subtended approximately 33°x25° of visual angle. Head movements were minimized using a chin and forehead rest. Although viewing was binocular, eye movements were recorded from the right eye. The experiment was controlled with SR Research Experiment Builder software.
Stimuli consisted of the same 40 digitized photographs of real-world scenes that were used to create the meaning and saliency maps.
Subjects were instructed to memorize each scene in preparation for a later memory test. The memory test was not administered. Each trial began with fixation on a cross at the center of the display for 300 msec. Following central fixation, each scene was presented for 12 seconds while eye movements were recorded. Scenes were presented in the same order across all 79 subjects.
A 13-point calibration procedure was performed at the start of each session to map eye position to screen coordinates. Successful calibration required an average error of less than 0.49° and a maximum error of less than 0.99°. Fixations and saccades were segmented with EyeLink’s standard algorithm using velocity and acceleration thresholds (30/s and 9500°/s).
Eye movement data were imported offline into Matlab using the EDFConverter tool. In Matlab, the eye movement data from each participant were inspected for excessive artifacts caused by blinks or loss of calibration due to incidental movement by examining the mean percent of signal across all trials. The first fixation always located at the center of the display as a result of the pretrial fixation period was disgarded.
Attention maps.
Across subjects, for every position (i.e., x,y coordinate pair) within a scene, +1 was accumulated for each fixation, producing a fixation frequency matrix. A Gaussian low pass filter with circular boundary conditions and a cutoff frequency of −6dB was applied to the fixation frequency matrix for each scene to account for foveal acuity and eye tracker error.
Supplementary Material
We thank the members of the UC Davis Visual Cognition Research Group for their feedback and comments. This research was partially funded by BCS-1636586 from the National Science Foundation. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Data Availability
Scene images, meaning maps, saliency maps, and attention maps for all scene stimuli are shown in the Supplemental Information. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Competing Interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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