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Korean Journal of Radiology logoLink to Korean Journal of Radiology
. 2020 Jul 17;21(10):1165–1177. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2020.0020

Incremental Image Noise Reduction in Coronary CT Angiography Using a Deep Learning-Based Technique with Iterative Reconstruction

Jung Hee Hong 1, Eun-Ah Park 1,, Whal Lee 1, Chulkyun Ahn 2, Jong-Hyo Kim 1,2
PMCID: PMC7458859  PMID: 32729262



To assess the feasibility of applying a deep learning-based denoising technique to coronary CT angiography (CCTA) along with iterative reconstruction for additional noise reduction.

Materials and Methods

We retrospectively enrolled 82 consecutive patients (male:female = 60:22; mean age, 67.0 ± 10.8 years) who had undergone both CCTA and invasive coronary artery angiography from March 2017 to June 2018. All included patients underwent CCTA with iterative reconstruction (ADMIRE level 3, Siemens Healthineers). We developed a deep learning based denoising technique (ClariCT.AI, ClariPI), which was based on a modified U-net type convolutional neural net model designed to predict the possible occurrence of low-dose noise in the originals. Denoised images were obtained by subtracting the predicted noise from the originals. Image noise, CT attenuation, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were objectively calculated. The edge rise distance (ERD) was measured as an indicator of image sharpness. Two blinded readers subjectively graded the image quality using a 5-point scale. Diagnostic performance of the CCTA was evaluated based on the presence or absence of significant stenosis (≥ 50% lumen reduction).


Objective image qualities (original vs. denoised: image noise, 67.22 ± 25.74 vs. 52.64 ± 27.40; SNR [left main], 21.91 ± 6.38 vs. 30.35 ± 10.46; CNR [left main], 23.24 ± 6.52 vs. 31.93 ± 10.72; all p < 0.001) and subjective image quality (2.45 ± 0.62 vs. 3.65 ± 0.60, p < 0.001) improved significantly in the denoised images. The average ERDs of the denoised images were significantly smaller than those of originals (0.98 ± 0.08 vs. 0.09 ± 0.08, p < 0.001). With regard to diagnostic accuracy, no significant differences were observed among paired comparisons.


Application of the deep learning technique along with iterative reconstruction can enhance the noise reduction performance with a significant improvement in objective and subjective image qualities of CCTA images.

Keywords: Coronary artery disease, Multidetector computed tomography, Computed tomography angiography, Deep learning


The evolution of the computed tomography (CT) technology has led to an increase in the accuracy of coronary CT angiography (CCTA). Thus, CCTA has been used widely as a non-invasive alternative to invasive coronary angiography to exclude coronary artery disease (1,2). The increased use of CCTA has led to concerns regarding an increase in the use of ionizing radiation and potential carcinogenesis over a person's lifetime. Therefore, the need for achieving a low radiation dose has increased.

In the past few decades, advances in CT technology, including new image acquisition and reconstruction algorithms such as iterative reconstruction, low tube voltage, and prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggered axial high-pitch scans, have been made; these advances resulted in a reduction in the radiation dose by approximately 78% (from 885 to 195 mGy*cm) from 2007 to 2017 (3,4,5,6,7). However, further reductions in radiation dose results in the degradation of image quality, mainly because of an increase in image noise. Increased image noise can compromise the diagnostic information of CT images. Therefore, much effort has been made to design better image processing techniques that can further reduce image noise.

Recently, the application of deep learning techniques to medical imaging has rapidly increased and is considered a promising solution to this problem. Especially with regard to CT denoising application, deep learning techniques have shown impressive performance in improving the imaging quality by image noise suppression, structural preservation, and lesion detection over the conventional filtered back projection (FBP) (8,9).

In this study, we hypothesized that the application of deep learning technique could allow for an additional reduction in image noise on the CCTA images reconstructed with an iterative reconstruction technique. We aimed to assess the feasibility of applying a deep learning-based denoising technique to CCTA along with iterative reconstruction for additional noise reduction.


This retrospective study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the requirement for informed consent was waived (IRB Number H1808-113-968).

Study Population

This study retrospectively evaluated the medical records of 82 consecutive adult patients (male:female, 60:22; mean age, 67.0 ± 10.8 years; age range, 25.0–85.0 years) who had undergone both CCTA and invasive coronary artery angiography with a time interval of less than 2 months (mean time interval, 11 ± 10 days; range, 0–36 days) from March 2017 to June 2018 at a single tertiary institution. Those patients who previously underwent coronary artery bypass surgery or percutaneous coronary artery intervention were excluded. Patients were enrolled regardless of CCTA image quality.

CT Scanning Protocol

CCTA images of all patients were acquired using a third generation 192-section dual-source CT scanner (SOMATOM Force, Siemens Healthineers).

For patients with a heart rate of less than 70 beats per minute (bpm), we used a prospectively ECG-triggered data acquisition method with very high pitch values in one heartbeat (FLASH protocol). The acquisition window was applied at a 70% R-R interval. For patients with a heart rate of over 70 bpm, we applied either prospective ECG-triggered sequential mode with 40% R-R interval or retrospective ECG-gated spiral mode with ECG pulsing.

Patients with a heart rate of over 65 bpm were administered 50–100 mg of oral metoprolol (Betaloc, AstraZeneca) 45–60 minutes prior to the CT examination, except in the case of those with a contraindication for beta-blockers. Sublingual nitroglycerin (0.4 mg; Nitroquick, Ethex) was administered to 49 patients; however, this step was excluded for subjects who had a contraindication for nitroglycerin after the completion of calcium scoring scanning. In patients who underwent CT with the FLASH protocol, 70 mL of a nonionic contrast medium (iomeprol; Iomeron 400, Bracco Diagnostics) was injected into the antecubital vein at a rate of 4 mL/s, followed by 30 mL of a contrast-saline mixture in 20:80 ratio. The patients who underwent CT with a sequential protocol were injected 80 mL of a contrast medium and 30 mL of a contrast-saline mixture in 20:80 ratio by using a dual power injector (Stellant, MEDRAD).

The acquisition scan range was from the mid ascending aorta to below the cardiac apex in a cranio-caudal direction. Initiation of scanning was based on the bolus tracking method (CARE Bolus, Siemens Healthineers). The region of interest (ROI) was placed within the ascending aorta and the triggering threshold was set to 100 HU. Attenuation based automatic tube voltage selection (CARE KV, Siemens Healthineers), with the available tube setting from 70–150 kVp in 10 kV increments (reference, 100 kVp), and automated tube current modulation (CARE Dose4D, Siemens Healthineers), with the reference tube current setting of 300 mAs, were applied. The additional scanning parameters used were as follows: gantry rotation time, 250 ms; detector collimation, 192 × 0.6 mm; and matrix size, 512 × 512 pixels.

All the CCTA images were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 0.75 mm and an increment of 0.5 mm. Image data were rendered using a medium smooth (Bv40) reconstruction kernel with an iterative reconstruction technique (ADMIRE level 3, Siemens Healthineers).

Deep Learning-Based Denoising Technique

We developed a deep learning-based denoising technique (ClariCT.AI, ClariPI), which was based on a modified U-net type convolutional neural net (CNN) model (Fig. 1) (10). The conventional U-net architecture was modified to fit to the denoising purpose by reducing the number of convolution filters and applying batch-normalization (BN), which prevent overfitting while improving training stability (11,12).

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of deep learning-based denoising algorithm.

Fig. 1

Figure shows overall procedure of deep learning-based cardiac CTA denoising algorithm. Low-dose simulation tool was applied to standard-dose thorax CTA images to generate set of simulated low-dose images, from which cardiac region was selected and rescaled to 512 × 512 matrix. Simulated low-dose CTA image set was fed into CNN model to train it such that model could extract noise component images from noisy input CTA images. Trained model extracted noise component image from real low-dose CCTA image, which was then subtracted from input image to produce denoised CCTA image. CCTA = coronary CT angiography, CNN = convolutional neural net, CTA = CT angiography

The model consisted of a contracting path and an expansive path, which were connected by a concatenated skip-connection. The contracting path applied a convolution layer with a 4 × 4 kernel size followed by a BN layer, a rectified linear unit activation (13), and 2 × 2 max-pooling layers. The expansive path was almost similar to the contracting path with the exception of the max-pooling layers that were replaced by 2 × 2 up-convolution layers to restore the spatial resolution. The weights and biases of the deep learning model were optimized using an Adam optimizer (14) in a TensorFlow framework (15).

For the training of the model, 55418 standard-dose prospective ECG-gated thoracic CT angiography (CTA) images of 100 patients were used. The scan parameters were as follows: tube voltage of 70–120 kVp, reference tube current setting of 300 mA, mean volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) of 12.1 ± 6.7 mGy, slice thickness of 0.75 mm with iterative image reconstruction using ADMIRE level 3 and Bv40 kernel. A digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM)-based low-dose simulation tool was applied to generate a paired dataset of realistic low-dose CTA images (16) and synthetic noise component images. Varying degrees of low-dose simulations ranging from 50%-dose to 5%-dose levels of the original dose were applied to the CTA image set.

To match the reconstruction field of view (FOV) of the thorax CTA images to that of the CCTA images, the heart regions from the paired dataset were cropped and resized to a 512 × 512 matrix. Training of the CCTA denoising model was performed iteratively to minimize the difference between the ground-truth synthetic noise component images and the predicted noise images from the input noisy low-dose images.

In the final step of the denoising process, the trained deep learning model produced a predicted noise component image of the given noisy CCTA image, and then the noise component was scaled and subtracted from the noisy input CCTA image.

CT Image Analysis

Objective Image Assessment

To compare the objective image quality between the denoised and original CT images, four parameters, namely, image noise, CT attenuation, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were analyzed for each dataset by a single reader, following the previously described methods (17,18).

CT attenuation of the proximal and distal segments of the major coronary arteries (left main [LM], left anterior descending [LAD], circumflex [LCx], and right coronary arteries [RCAs]) was derived from the largest possible scaled ROIs within the first 5 mm of the segment (minimum size, more than 2 mm2) while carefully avoiding the inclusion of the vessel wall and calcification. The image noise was defined as the standard deviation (SD) of the CT attenuation measured at the aortic root, cranial to the left coronary ostium (size, 300 mm2). For the vessel contrast, the CT attenuation of the anterior chest wall adipose tissue was measured (size, 100 mm2) (19). The ROIs were precisely placed at the same location for corresponding original and denoised images.

Consequently, the SNR and CNR used were calculated as follows:

SNR = (CT attenuationmajor coronary arteries / noise)

CNR = ([CT attenuationmajor coronary arteries - CT attenuationadipose tissue of chest wall] / noise)

To evaluate the effect of a deep learning-based denoising technique on image sharpness in a quantitative manner, we additionally analyzed the edge rise distance (ERD) as an indicator of this parameter in original and denoised images. The ERD is defined as the distance required for the edge response to rise from 10% to 90% of the final pixel intensity. A smaller ERD indicates a higher sharpness of the images. To measure the ERD, we used proximal LAD as a main ROI. We drew short line segments perpendicular to the border of the artery. The edge-line profiles were extracted along the short-line segments, averaged, and plotted. We measured the maximum value of the plotted average edge-line profile. Finally, the ERD was calculated as the distance of pixel locations between the shoulder pixel, which corresponds to 90% of the maximum pixel intensity, and the tail pixel, which corresponds to 10% of the maximum pixel intensity (20). The ERD measurements were carried out by a single observer using a software programmed with MATrix LABoratory (MathWorks).

Subjective Image Assessment

Two independent and experienced readers (with 5 and 14 years of clinical experience in cardiac CT interpretation, respectively) who were blinded to the two groups of images (original vs. denoised images) independently reviewed the 164 data sets (82 original images and 82 denoised images); the obtained results were averaged for analysis. In addition, the investigators were not allowed to access data on indications for imaging, patient characteristics, and imaging reports. Each radiologist was allowed to change the window level and width as desired. Overall subjective image quality was evaluated in terms of the vessel wall definition with quantum noise on a 5-point scale as follows: 0 (non-diagnostic) = significant impairment in image quality because of excessive image noise; 1 (poor) = evident limitations in the vessel wall definition owing to poor contrast enhancement of the vessel lumen, blurring of the vessel wall, or severe image noise—acceptable only under limited conditions for the evaluation of a few proximal coronary arteries; 2 (good) = minimal limitations in the vessel wall definition owing to low contrast enhancement of vessel lumen, blurring of the vessel wall, or moderate image noise; 3 (very good) = well-preserved vessel wall definition with a good attenuation of the vessel lumen and minimal image noise; 4 (excellent) = clear vessel wall definition with excellent attenuation of the vessel lumen from the proximal to distal end and barely perceived image noise—fully acceptable for diagnostic interpretation (21,22).

Coronary Artery Analysis Using CCTA

Diagnostic performance of the CCTA was determined by the same readers, who reviewed the coronary arteries while being blinded to details of CT dataset, independently. Using a 15-segment classification system of the coronary arteries (23), all evaluable coronary artery segments, including their side branches with a minimum diameter of at least 2.0 mm (total 1039 segments), were evaluated to determine the presence or absence of significant stenosis (≥ 50% reduction in lumen diameter). In case of inter-observer disagreement, each segment was re-evaluated consensually. Considering invasive coronary angiography as the reference standard, axial images were mainly used for comparing the diagnostic performance of the original and denoised CCTA for the evaluation of the coronary artery stenosis. Multiplanar reconstructions were obtained and evaluated to ascertain indeterminate lesions.

Subgroup Analysis according to the Acquisition Methods, Calcified Burden, and Coronary Vessel Size

To exclude the influence of the acquisition methods (FLASH, prospective or retrospective ECG gaiting) and the calcification burden of the coronary arteries on noise reduction, we performed subgroup analysis based on the acquisition method and the total Agaston score (0; 1–10; 11–100; 101–400; > 400) of the coronary arteries to determine the diagnostic accuracy and objective (image noise, SNR and CNR) and subjective image qualities. Additionally, to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and image quality according to the coronary vessel size (proximal [pLAD, pRCA, pLCx, LM], middle [mLAD, mRCA], distal [dLAD, dRCA, dLCx], branch arteries [diagonal, posterior descending artery, ramus intermedius, obtuse marginal and posterolateral branch]), we performed subgroup analysis accordingly to determine the diagnostic accuracy. There were only two patients in the groups of Agaston score “0” and “1–10,” thus, statistical analysis could not be performed in these two groups.

Invasive Coronary Angiography

Experienced cardiologists performed invasive coronary angiograms according to the standard protocol of our hospital. As for the reference, the severity of the stenosis was documented after an interpretation of at least two projections for each coronary artery using quantitative coronary analysis (QCA, version 3.3, Philips Healthcare).

Statistical Analysis

Paired, two-tailed Student's t test was used to assess whether there were significant differences in objective image quality between the original and denoised images. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to identify if a significant difference existed in the subjective image quality between the two groups. Cohen's kappa and intraclass correlation (ICC) statistics were used to assess the inter-observer agreement in subjective image analysis (0.81–1.00, excellent; 0.61–0.81, good; 0.41–0.60, moderate; 0.21–0.40, fair; and < 0.20, poor agreement). Average ERD was compared using paired, two-tailed Student's t test.

The diagnostic performance of CCTA was calculated based on accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative. We used the McNemar's test for identifying significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity between the two groups. Weighted generalized score statistics were used for the comparison of the PPV and NPV between the two groups.

A p value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The two-tailed Student's t test, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, McNemar's test, and determination of Cohen's kappa were performed using SPSS software (SPSS for Windows, version 22.0, IBM Corp.). ICC and weighted generalized score statistics were determined using R statistical software (R version 3.5.1,, “DTComPair” R package (version 1.0.3, published by Christian Stock), and “ICC” R package (version 2.3.0, published by Matthew Wolak) (24).


Patient demographics, CCTA, and radiation dose parameters are presented in Table 1. Median calcium score (Agaston score) was 263.9 (interquartile range, 57.9–1149.8). The CARE KV lead utility was of low tube potential, between 70 kVp and 90 kVp. The mean values of the CTDIvol, dose length product, and effective dose were 8.79 ± 7.62 mGy, 144.54 ± 129.47 mGy*cm, and 2.03 ± 1.81 mSv, respectively.

Table 1. Patient Demographics, CCTA, and Radiation Dose Parameters.

Demographics and Radiation Dose Data*
Age (years) 67.0 ± 10.8
Male/female 60/22
BMI (kg/m2) 24.7 ± 3.4
Heart rate (bpm) 68.2 ± 14.8
Tube potential (70/80/90 kVp) 35/35/12
FLASH/prospective sequential mode/ retrospective spiral mode 28/20/34
Calcium score (Agaston score) 263.9 (57.9–1149.8)
CTDIvol (mGy) 8.79 ± 7.62
DLP (mGy*cm) 144.5 ± 129.5
Effective dose (mSv) 2.03 ± 1.81

*Data are presented as mean ± SDs, Median and quartiles, Effective dose was calculated by multiplying DLP with conversion factor of 0.014 mSv/mGy*cm (44). BMI = body mass index, CCTA = coronary CT angiography, CTDIvol = volume CT dose index, DLP = dose length product, SD = standard deviation

Objective and Subjective Image Quality

Image noise significantly decreased from a mean of 67.22 ± 25.74 in the original images to 52.64 ± 27.40 in the denoised images (p < 0.001). Both segment-based SNR and CNR of denoised images were significantly higher than those of the original images. Proximal and distal SNR and CNR of the denoised images were also significantly higher (Table 2, Fig. 2).

Table 2. Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Original and Denoised Images.

Image Quality Locations Original Denoised ODD P*
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SEM
Objective quality Aortic root noise 67.22 ± 25.74 52.64 ± 27.40 14.58 ± 0.20 < 0.001
 Lumen density (HU) Left main 697 ± 155 694 ± 155 3 ± 1 < 0.001
Proximal LAD 623 ± 157 625 ± 160 −2 ± 1 0.056
Proximal LCx 624 ± 148 630 ± 151 −7 ± 1 < 0.001
Proximal RCA 646 ± 162 655 ± 167 −9 ± 1 < 0.001
Distal LAD 449 ± 133 456 ± 138 −7 ± 1 < 0.001
Distal LCx 480 ± 143 479 ± 152 −0 ± 2 0.874
Distal RCA 601 ± 190 612 ± 195 −10 ± 1 < 0.001
 SNR Left main 21.91 ± 6.38 30.35 ± 10.46 −8.55 ± 0.51 < 0.001
Proximal LAD 19.66 ± 6.53 27.53 ± 10.71 −7.95 ± 0.52 < 0.001
Proximal LCx 14.21 ± 5.35 20.12 ± 8.53 −5.96 ± 0.40 < 0.001
Proximal RCA 20.29 ± 6.44 28.63 ± 10.54 −8.43 ± 0.52 < 0.001
Distal LAD 19.62 ± 6.05 27.68 ± 10.06 −8.24 ± 0.50 < 0.001
Distal LCx 15.20 ± 5.81 21.29 ± 9.30 −6.14 ± 0.43 < 0.001
Distal RCA 18.69 ± 6.70 26.49 ± 10.82 −7.88 ± 0.52 < 0.001
Proximal segment 20.38 ± 6.39 28.56 ± 10.46 −8.18 ± 0.26 < 0.001
Distal segment 18.60 ± 6.70 22.63 ± 9.95 −6.59 ± 0.26 < 0.001
 CNR Left main 23.24 ± 6.52 31.93 ± 10.72 −8.79 ± 0.53 < 0.001
Proximal LAD 21.28 ± 6.67 29.63 ± 10.96 −8.42 ± 0.54 < 0.001
Proximal LCx 17.04 ± 5.76 23.98 ± 9.22 −7.01 ± 0.45 < 0.001
Proximal RCA 22.03 ± 6.57 30.95 ± 10.87 −9.01 ± 0.55 < 0.001
Distal LAD 21.16 ± 6.11 29.69 ± 10.18 −8.71 ± 0.53 < 0.001
Distal LCx 17.47 ± 6.22 24.20 ± 10.03 −6.81 ± 0.47 < 0.001
Distal RCA 21.31 ± 7.27 30.47 ± 11.93 -9.25 ± 0.59 < 0.001
Proximal segment 21.93 ± 6.49 30.56 ± 10.68 −8.62 ± 0.27 < 0.001
Distal segment 18.61 ± 6.70 26.22 ± 10.84 -7.61 ± 0.30 < 0.001
Subjective quality 2.45 ± 0.62 3.65 ± 0.60 −1.10 ± 0.05 < 0.001

Data are presented as mean ± SDs. *p < 0.001 indicates significant finding. CNR = contrast-to-noise ratio, HU = Hounsfield units, LAD = left anterior descending, LCx = left circumflex, ODD = original-denoised difference, RCA = right coronary artery, SEM = standard error of mean, SNR = signal-to-noise ratio

Fig. 2. Boxplots of objective measurements of both original and denoised images, according to four different protocols.

Fig. 2

A. CT attenuation (lumen density, HU) of major coronary vessels (left main, LAD, LCx, RCA). B. Image noise of aortic root. C. Segment-based SNR. D. Segment-based CNR. Small circles indicate outliers. CNR = contrast-to-noise ratio, HU = Hounsfield units, LAD = left anterior descending, LCx = left circumflex, RCA = right coronary artery, SNR = signal-to-noise ratio

The mean scores of the total subjective image quality were significantly better in the denoised images than in the original images (Table 2, Figs. 2, 3, 4). There were 34 cases (34/82, 41.5%) where the image quality scores improved by more than one point. Forty-four cases (44/82, 53.7%) showed an improvement in image quality by one point, and only 4 cases (4/82, 4.9%) showed no image quality improvement. The inter-observer agreement for the subjective image quality in 164 data sets showed good agreement (Cohen's Kappa, 0.619; ICC, 0.751).

Fig. 3. CT images of 72-year-old male patient.

Fig. 3

(A, B) Original axial CT scan, denoised CT images, and subtracted noise images, (C) example of analysis of ERD, and (D) graph showing results of ERD of original and denoised images. A, B. Denoised images are less noisy images that maintain sharp contour for visual evaluation of vessel structures; original images show moderate image noise. Noncalcified plaque (arrows) with high grade coronary artery stenosis of proximal LAD artery is well depicted on both images. C. Multiple short line segments were drawn perpendicular to border of artery with color overlay to calculate ERD. This example is shown on denoised image. D. Graph showing comparison of average CT number profiles along line segments of original and denoised images. Average ERD values are 0.9589 and 0.9141 for original and denoised images, respectively. ERD of denoised image is smaller than that of original image, indicating that denoised image is sharper than original image in objective criteria. ERD = edge rise distance

Fig. 4. CT images of 50-year-old male patient.

Fig. 4

(A) Original axial CT scan, denoised CT image, and subtracted noise image, (B) example of analysis of ERD, and (C) graph showing ERDs of original and denoised images. A. Denoised image provides sharp contours of vessels because of higher attenuation of vessel lumens and barely perceived image noise. However, stenosis of proximal LAD artery (arrows) is rated to be significant both in original and denoised images. B. Multiple short line segments are drawn perpendicular to border of artery with color overlay to calculate ERD. This example is shown on denoised image. C. Graph showing comparison of average CT number profiles along line segments of original and denoised images. Average ERD values were 1.0219 and 0.9111 for original and denoised images, respectively. ERD of denoised image is smaller than that of original image, indicating that denoised image is sharper than original image in objective criteria.

In the subgroup analysis based on the acquisition method and calcification burden, image noise was significantly reduced in all groups. Indeed, SNR, CNR, and subjective image quality were significantly higher in the denoised images than in the original images in all comparisons. However, the CT attenuation of the major coronary vessels showed inconsistent results between each comparison (Supplementary Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

In terms of the results of objective sharpness, the average ERDs of denoised images were significantly smaller than those of the originals, which means that the denoised images were sharper than the originals (original vs denoised images: 0.98 ± 0.08 vs. 0.90 ± 0.08, p < 0.001) (Figs. 3, 4).

Diagnostic Performance of the CCTA

Table 3 exhibits the diagnostic performance of the two groups. No significant difference was observed among paired comparisons (Figs. 3, 4). There was no significant difference in the diagnostic performance between the original and denoised images in the subgroup analysis (Supplementary Tables 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16).

Table 3. Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA according to Original and Denoised Images*.

Diagnostic Accuracy Original Denoised P
Accuracy 95.1 (988/1039) 95.2 (989/1039)
Sensitivity 84.3 (145/172) 86.6 (149/172) 0.289
Specificity 97.2 (843/867) 96.9 (840/867) 0.375
PPV 85.8 (145/169) 84.7 (149/176) 0.310
NPV 96.9 (843/870) 97.3 (840/863) 0.170
True positive 145 149
True negative 843 840
False positive 24 27
False negative 27 23

*Data are presented as percentage (%, number/total number) or number. NPV = negative predictive value, PPV = positive predictive value


We have described a novel deep learning-based denoising technique, which was based on a modified U-net type CNN model designed to predict the low-dose noise occurring in the originals. Our deep learning-based denoising technique used along with iterative reconstruction demonstrated a significant improvement in CCTA image quality, reduction in image noise by more than 20%, and increase in objective and subjective image qualities by approximately 40% without over-smoothing. Even after adjusting the acquisition method and calcification burden of coronary arteries, the denoised images still showed a significant image quality improvement over the originals.

This new deep learning-based approach has already been shown to reduce image noise even in ultra-low dose CCTA datasets, which were obtained using a tube current of 4% of the maximum ECG pulsing window (MinDose) in an experimental setting (10). In our study, we evaluated the image quality and diagnostic accuracy of CCTA performed with a low-dose CT using iterative reconstruction along with this deep learning-based denoising technique. Although there was no significant improvement in the diagnostic accuracy of the coronary artery stenosis, the proposed technique has achieved significant noise reduction with quantitative and qualitative improvement in image quality and good intra-observer agreement. Our paper verifies that the deep learning-based denoising technique could lead to an additional enhancement of image quality in a routine clinical setting of CCTA.

Unlike other studies investigating the performance of deep learning-based denoise algorithms by applying FBP (8,9,25,26,27,28), the strength of our study is the application of iterative reconstruction-based low-dose CT rather than FBP. We proved that an additional image quality improvement could be achieved by applying the deep learning-based denoising technique to the low-dose CT obtained with iterative reconstruction.

Iterative reconstruction, one of the most widely used noise reduction techniques, has achieved a higher image quality than the FBP by modeling of the image noise with sophisticated mathematical techniques (29,30,31,32,33). However, iterative reconstruction captures the image features from a data-driven formula; it cannot fully achieve the image properties in a personal manner. The strength of a deep-learning based denoising technique over iterative reconstruction is personalization because it learns the image features in a completely data-driven way, and it can be easily customized for specific patients. Therefore, adding the denoising technique to iterative reconstruction can potentially improve the image quality further by better utilizing the learned knowledge of a variety of noise patterns caused by the complex interaction between a photon and patient body. In addition, the deep learning-based denoising technique used in our study has vendor-independency; therefore, it can be used by multiple vendors and will be suitable for older CT machines that do not have the modern denoising CT technology.

Our approach of training the deep learning model required only routinely acquired prospective ECG-gated thoracic CTA images and not true low-dose images. Instead, synthetic low-dose noise images were generated by a DICOM-based low-dose simulation tool. Consequently, our deep learning-based denoising technique has the benefit of learning identically matched low- and routine-dose images. In addition, because the proposed method generated a denoised image by subtracting the predicted noise from the original image, the overall image noise decreased without suffering from over-smoothing and loss of details. Our results confirmed a good noise reduction performance of the proposed technique in routine clinical practice.

The deep learning-based denoising technique has a potential application in various clinical settings, such as retrospectively gated cardiac CT scans with ECG-gated tube current modulation that can provide additional information on a reduced dose-phase: functional information such as ventricular volume measurement and multiphase information for coronary arteries. Considering its noise reduction and SNR improvement, this denoising technique may allow a lower radiation dose acquisition protocol. Further studies considering the possibility of reduction in the radiation dose and utilization of the reduced dose-phase in tube current modulation need to be conducted.

This software with deep learning-based denoising technique can be easily used by radiologists. The software runs on a standard personal computer equipped with a graphics processing unit (GPU) card and provides a convenient and user-friendly interface. A user can select and drag a DICOM folder with the mouse and drop it on the software screen; subsequently, the software conducts the denoising process. The software can also send the denoised images to workstation for further processing. The denoising process took less than 1 minute for a data set of 200 images.

In this study, ECG-gated thoracic CTA images were used instead of CCTA images to train deep-learning based denoising software. Our low-dose simulation model consisted of several key steps including the creation of synthetic sinogram, addition of Poisson noise depending on the attenuation of each ray path, application of FBP with the reconstruction kernel function to the noise component sinogram, creation of noise component CT image by intensity scaling after FBP, and addition of the noise component CT image to the input CT image. Because the CCTA images show truncated reconstruction FOVs, the use of a CCTA image as an input leads to the generation of an incorrect synthetic sinogram, which subsequently results in the generation of an inappropriate noise component, which is unable to reflect the correct attenuation of patient body. Therefore, we used CTA images instead of using CCTA images.

Our paper has several limitations. First, the number of subjects in the study population was relatively small, and data were retrospectively collected in a single institution. Second, the patients included in this study belonged to an intermediate or high pre-test probability population. Therefore, the diagnostic accuracy of stenosis, which can be strongly affected by pre-test probability, may have resulted in an overestimation. Third, the significance of the coronary artery stenosis was visually dichotomized without quantitative analysis according to the presence or absence of significant stenosis. Fourth, the CT quantification was performed with only one CT scanner type and limited CT protocols. Further external validation provided by its application to other CT scanners and protocols will be required before the wider applicability of the proposed denoising method can be known. Fifth, the mean body mass index (BMI) of patients examined in this study was 24.65 ± 3.37 kg/m2, which is smaller than those of average American and European subjects. Further studies are required to determine whether their results also apply to heavier patients. Sixth, despite the occurrence of improvements in objective and subjective image qualities, there were no significant differences in the diagnostic performance regarding stenosis detection between original and denoised images. The original images of our study were acquired on a third generation 192-section dual source CT scanner, which had already been proved to show a good CCTA-related diagnostic accuracy. A limited number of study subjects (82 cases) from a single institution and high proportion of low-BMI patients (mean ± SD, 24.65 ± 3.37), which makes it possible to underestimate noise reduction effects, may also the reasons associated with our results. As with our deep learning based denoising software, iterative reconstruction algorithms, which are an alternative to traditional FBP reconstructions, have been proven by various studies to improve objective and subjective image quality. However, few techniques have been shown to improve the diagnostic accuracy more than FBP, at the same radiation dose (34,35,36,37,38). Instead, most studies have demonstrated that low radiation dose techniques enabled by an iterative reconstruction algorithm while maintaining diagnostic accuracy (39,40,41). Like iterative reconstruction algorithm, although our software did not achieve an improvement in diagnostic accuracy, this technique can be applied in various clinical setting. Our deep learning-based denoising technique has a potential to allow low-radiation-dose acquisition protocol like iterative reconstruction algorithm does (38,42,43). The low image noise associated with our technology can encourage reader's confidence and preference towards it in clinical practice. In addition, our deep learning-based denoising technique has vendor-independency. Thus, it can be carried out in older multiple-vendor CT machines, which do not have the modern denoising CT technology. The deep learning-based denoising technique can be useful for imaging patients who are prone to yield noisy images, such as obese patients. Further studies focusing on the possibility of reduction in the radiation dose using a larger population are warranted.

In summary, our study has demonstrated that the proposed denoising technique applied to low-dose CCTA with iterative reconstruction enables image noise reduction and significantly improves the objective and subjective image qualities without over-smoothing. There is a potential for its utilization in routine clinical practice, further radiation dose reduction, and additional functional image achievement in the future.


Conflicts of Interest: Jong-Hyo Kim is the inventor of the technique and a share holder of ClariPI inc.

Other authors have no conflict of interest including financial or consultant, institutional and other relationship in this study.

Supplementary Materials

The Data Supplement is available with this article at

Supplementary Table 1

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in FLASH Mode

kjr-21-1165-s001.pdf (29.3KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 2

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Prospective Sequential Mode

kjr-21-1165-s002.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 3

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Retrospective ECG-Gated Spiral Mode

kjr-21-1165-s003.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 4

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Agaston Calcium Score, 11–100

kjr-21-1165-s004.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 5

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Agaston Calcium Score, 101–400

kjr-21-1165-s005.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 6

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Agaston Calcium Score, More Than 400

kjr-21-1165-s006.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 7

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in FLASH Mode*

kjr-21-1165-s007.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 8

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Prospective Sequential Mode*

kjr-21-1165-s008.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 9

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Retrospective ECG-Gated Spiral Mode*

kjr-21-1165-s009.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 10

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Agaston Calcium Score, 11–100*

kjr-21-1165-s010.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 11

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Agaston Calcium Score, 101–400*

kjr-21-1165-s011.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 12

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Agaston Calcium Score, More Than 400*

kjr-21-1165-s012.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 13

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Proximal Segment Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s013.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 14

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Middle Segment Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s014.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 15

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Distal Segment Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s015.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 16

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Branch Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s016.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Table 1

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in FLASH Mode

kjr-21-1165-s001.pdf (29.3KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 2

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Prospective Sequential Mode

kjr-21-1165-s002.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 3

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Retrospective ECG-Gated Spiral Mode

kjr-21-1165-s003.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 4

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Agaston Calcium Score, 11–100

kjr-21-1165-s004.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 5

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Agaston Calcium Score, 101–400

kjr-21-1165-s005.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 6

Result of Segment-Based SNR and CNR Measurement and Subjective Image Quality in Agaston Calcium Score, More Than 400

kjr-21-1165-s006.pdf (29.2KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 7

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in FLASH Mode*

kjr-21-1165-s007.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 8

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Prospective Sequential Mode*

kjr-21-1165-s008.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 9

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Retrospective ECG-Gated Spiral Mode*

kjr-21-1165-s009.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 10

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Agaston Calcium Score, 11–100*

kjr-21-1165-s010.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 11

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Agaston Calcium Score, 101–400*

kjr-21-1165-s011.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 12

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Agaston Calcium Score, More Than 400*

kjr-21-1165-s012.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 13

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Proximal Segment Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s013.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 14

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Middle Segment Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s014.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 15

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Distal Segment Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s015.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)
Supplementary Table 16

Segment-Based Diagnostic Accuracy of CCTA in Branch Coronary Artery*

kjr-21-1165-s016.pdf (28.5KB, pdf)

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