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. 2020 Jul 27;8(8):1132. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081132

Table 1.

General features and genome sequencing information for Dissulfurirhabdus thermomarina SH388T according to MIGS recommendations.

Item Description
Strain Dissulfurirhabdus thermomarina strain SH388T
Submitted to INSDC GenBank
Investigation type Bacteria
Project name JAATWC000000000
Geographic location (latitude and longitude) 44°29.469′ N, 146°06.247′ E
Geographic location (country and/or sea, region) Sea of Okhotsk, 250 m from the Kunashir Island shore (Sakhalin oblast, Russia)
Collection date June 2013
Environment (biome) marine hydrothermal vent biome ENVO:01000030
Environment (feature) marine hydrothermal vent ENVO:01000122
Environment (material) marine hydrothermal vent chimney ENVO:01000129
Depth −12 m
General features
Classification Domain Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Deltaproteobacteria
Not assigned to an Order
Not assigned to a Family
Genus Dissulfurirhabdus
Species Dissulfurirhabdus thermomarina
Gram stain Negative
Cell shape short rods
Motility Motile
Growth temperature Thermophilic, optimum at 50 °C
Relationship to oxygen Anaerobic
Trophic level Chemolithoautotrophic
Biotic relationship free-living
Isolation and growth conditions DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.001083
Sequencing technology Illumina MiSeq 2 × 150 bp
Sequencing platform Molecular Research, MrDNA (Shallowater, TX, USA)
Assembler Unicycler (version: 0.4.8-beta)
Contig number 36
N50 240,491
Genome coverage 1384.362×
Genome assembly NCBI ASM1297923v1
Assembly level Contigs
Genomic features:
Genome size (bp) 2,461,642
GC content (mol%) 71.1
Protein coding genes 2267
Number of RNAs 50
tRNAs 47
16S-23S-5S rRNAs 1-1-1