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. 2020 Sep 2;15(9):e0236484. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236484

Factors predicting students’ performance in the final pediatrics OSCE

Maysoun Al Rushood 1,*, Amal Al-Eisa 1
Editor: Oathokwa Nkomazana2
PMCID: PMC7467284  PMID: 32877419



Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) have been used to assess the clinical competence of medical students for decades. Limited data are available on the factors that predict students’ performance on the OSCEs. The aim of our study was to evaluate the factors predicting performance on the pediatrics final OSCE, including the timing of students’ clerkship and their performance on the in-training OSCE and written examinations.


Grades in pediatrics for 3 consecutive academic years (2013–2016) were included. The average scores of the in-training OSCEs, written and final OSCEs and written exams were compared among the three years using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The correlations between performance on the final OSCEs and the in-training OSCEs, in-training written exams and final written exams were studied using Spearman’s Rho correlation test. The effect of the timing of the clerkship on the final OSCE performance was evaluated.


A total of 286 students’ records were included. There were 115 male students and 171 female students (M:F 1:1.5). There were strong positive correlations between students’ performance on the in-training examinations (OSCE and written) and the final OSCE (correlation coefficients of 0.508 and 0.473, respectively). The final written exam scores were positively correlated with the final OSCEs (r = 0.448). There was no significant effect of the timing of the clerkship.


Students’ performance on in-training examinations might predict their final OSCE scores. Thus, it is important to provide students with the necessary intervention at an early stage to reduce failure rates. The final OSCE performance does not seem to be affected by the timing of the clerkship.


OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination. OSCEs have been used to assess the clinical competence of health care professional students for decades [1, 2]. They involve a series of encounters objectively testing clinical skills including history taking, physical examination, communication and data interpretation [3]. The OSCE is a feasible approach to assess clinical competency due to its inherent flexibility [4, 5]. The reliability and utility of this examination have been widely studied [411].

Studying the factors related to students that affect their performance is highly important in order to provide the learners with the optimal educational conditions for the best outcomes in terms of knowledge retention, application and exam performance. The correlations between OSCE performance and measures such as performance on future OSCEs, USMLEs and medical school grade point average have been reported [69]. However, limited data are available on some other important student-related factors affecting their OSCE performance, such as the effects of the timing of one’s clerkship during the academic year, the performance on the written examination components and the performance on the in-training OSCEs [1, 3, 12, 13]. Such correlations are crucial to evaluate if the students have improved their performance throughout the academic year. We believe that students should demonstrate improved skills with each OSCE undertaken. This has important implications for medical schools in providing students with poor in-training performance with the necessary intervention at an early stage to reduce failure rates and improve students’ outcomes.

The aim of our study is to evaluate the factors affecting students’ performance on the Pediatrics Final Year OSCE, including the timing of their clerkship, their performance on the in-training OSCE and their written examination score.

Materials and methods

This descriptive study was conducted with 6th year clinical students at the Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, and it analyzed the grades in the pediatrics rotations for 3 consecutive classes of students for three academic years (2013–2014, 2014–2015, and 2015–2016).

The School of Medicine, Kuwait University, admits an average of 100 students every year and offers a 7-year undergraduate teaching program. The faculty curricula, for both preclinical and clinical programs, were reformed in 2005–2006, and consequently, problem-based learning was introduced [14].

Study setting

In their 6th year, students are divided into 3 groups. They rotate between pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology and 4 other subspecialties in medicine and surgery. There is one pediatric rotation completed by the students. Sixth year medical students spend 12 weeks in pediatrics. Students complete clinical rotations in the general pediatric wards along with 2 weeks in the NICU in the 4 main teaching hospitals in the country; each student rotates in 2 hospitals. Clinical teaching comprises bedside teaching, procedure and communication skills teaching. In addition, the students join the medical team in the ward, where they are assigned patients to follow and present during ward rounds.

In addition to the clinical teaching, there are seminars, medical school days and paper-based problem-based learning (PBL) sessions delivered at the faculty campus.

At the end of the pediatrics rotation, there is an end-of-block examination with both written (computer-based MCQs) and OSCE components. The final exam, which is carried out at the end of the year, is composed of similar components. Six external examiners from Europe and North America are invited every year to assess our students on the final OSCE. External examiners are invited only for the final exam every year.

The OSCE is performed on real pediatric patients, healthy children and simulated parents in the hospital. We run 2 successive cycles with identical stations. The end-of-block OSCE is run in 2 teaching hospitals in one day, while the final OSCE is conducted over 2 days in the 4 main teaching hospitals each day. To maintain consistency, examiners are given protected time immediately before the exam to agree on the physical signs and what the student must demonstrate in order to achieve the score, thereby standardizing the marking process.

The exam consists of 9 clinical stations: neurology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, cardiology, communication skills, history taking, clinical procedure demonstration, normal development assessment and one other station that could be genetics or dermatology. Except for the history taking, which is a 20 minute station, the other stations are 10 minutes in duration. One to two minutes are allowed between stations for students to move and examiners to complete their marks. In addition to a checklist, a global mark is awarded based on fluency and mastery. The department of pediatrics holds an orientation session for the external examiners to explain the guidelines of the exam and what standards are expected from the students. The grading sheets and the global assessment sheets are discussed. Examiners are briefed on each day of the OSCE on the standards expected. The pass mark is set before the exam and no changes on the marks are made after the exam. The grades are expressed as A (≥ 90%), B (80–89%), C (60–79%) and F (<60%). All grades are expressed as percentages. The in-training OSCE is graded, and feedback is provided to failing students at a later date; however, students complete Mini-Cex sessions during their training, which are not graded but are given immediate feedback.

Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Sciences Center Ethical Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University. The Board members are the Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Medicine, who is the head of the committee, and five other members who are full professors in different specialties. The use of students’ grades was approved by the Vice-Dean Academic Office at the Faculty of Medicine. The confidentiality of the identity of the students included was ensured.

Statistical analysis

The data management, analysis and graphical presentation were carried out using the computer software ‘Statistical Package for Social Sciences, SPSS version 25.0’ (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA). The descriptive statistics for students’ overall academic grade performance during the three years were presented as numbers and percentages. The average scores were computed and presented as the means ± standard deviations (SD) with a range for each examination component, and the three years were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the Bonferroni test for multiple comparisons. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check for a normal distribution for all the data studied. Spearman’s rho correlation test was used to find the correlations of the final OSCE performance and the in-training OSCE, in-training written and final written performances. The one-way ANOVA test was used to evaluate the effect of the order of the clerkship on the final OSCE performance. A two-tailed probability value ‘p’ < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


A total of 286 students’ score records were included in the study. The distribution of the number of the students across three consecutive years is presented in Table 1 (The total number of male students was 115 and the number of female students was 171 (M:F ratio 1:1.5)).

Table 1. Mean score for the end of block, final OSCE, end of block written and final written by year.

Year of examination Number of students Gender Male Gender Female End of Block OSCE End of block written Final OSCE Final written
No (%) No (%) Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD
2013–14 92 37 (40.2) 55 (59.8) 77.96±7.2 67.6±7.6 77.71±6.2 74.3±6.5
2014–15 90 30 (33.3) 60 (66.7) 80.7±5.5 69.3±8.1 78.4±6.3 74.5±7.5
2015–16 104 48 (46.2) 56 (53.8) 79.3±6.2 66.2±8.5 77.8±6.4 75.8±6.9
Total 286 115 (40.2) 171(59.8) 79.31±6.4 67.66±8.2 77.95±6.3 74.9±7.0

Students’ grades in each exam component in each year are presented as the means ± SDs in Table 1. No significant difference was noticed in the final grades during the three years (P = 0.701).

The final grades for all the students in individual years and collectively are displayed in Fig 1. Overall, the most scored grade was C (68.9%) followed by B (25.5%).

Fig 1. Distribution of the final grades for the students in individual years and collectively.

Fig 1

Performance on the OSCE (Table 2)

Table 2. Spearman’s rho correlations between the final OSCE and the end of block OSCE, final written and end of block written.

Academic year Examination Correlation Coefficient P value
2013–14 End of Block OSCE 0.539 <0.001
Final written 0.402 <0.001
End of Block written 0.428 <0.001
2014–15 End of Block OSCE 0.434 <0.001
Final written 0.570 <0.001
End of Block written 0.574 <0.001
2015–16 End of Block OSCE 0.536 <0.001
Final written 0.356 <0.001
End of Block written 0.428 <0.001
Total End of Block OSCE 0.508 <0.001
Final written 0.448 <0.001
End of Block written 0.473 <0.001

Over the whole sample, the results showed that there is a positive correlation between the performances on the end-of-block OSCE and the final OSCE with a correlation coefficient r of 0.508. This holds true for each academic year as well, where 2013–14, 2014–15, and 2015–16 had correlation coefficients of 0.539, 0.434, and 0.536, respectively (Table 2).

Performance on the written exam (Table 2)

The results showed a positive correlation (r = 0.448) between the overall scores on the written final and the final OSCE examinations (Table 2). A similar finding was noticed when the end-of-block written was compared to the final OSCE in each year and over the whole sample.

Timing of clerkship (Table 3)

Table 3. Mean final OSCE scores by timing of clerkship.

Year of Examination First Second Third Total Rotation
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
2013–14 78.23±5.59 76.15±7.66 78.62±4.97 77.71±6.16
(n = 32) (n = 29) (n = 31) (n = 92)
2014–15 77.76±6.09 77.23±5.93 80.10±6.55 78.35±6.26
(n = 29) (n = 31) (n = 30) (n = 90)
2015–16 76.54±7.20 78.03±5.93 78.85±5.97 77.81±6.41
(n = 35) (n = 34) (n = 35) (n = 104)
Total 77.47±6.34 77.19±6.49 79.17±5.84* 77.95±6.26
(n = 96) (n = 94) (n = 96) (n = 286)

* Statistically significant difference between third and second, P = 0.029.

Looking at the timing of their clerkships, there was no significant effect on the performance on the final OSCE (Table 3).

The effect of the timing of the clerkship was studied for each academic year and the overall sample. When the means of the final OSCE performances for all the students in the 3 academic years (2013–2016) were compared, there was a statistically significant difference in the final OSCE performance for students who did their rotation last compared to those who did it in the middle of the year but not first (Table 3). The mean score was 79.17 in rotation 3 compared to 77.19 in rotation 2 with a P = 0.029.


Efforts are continuously being made to improve the assessment of medical students. The OSCE has been widely implemented due to its validity and reliability. It has added greater objectivity to students’ evaluation. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that might affect students’ performance and the ways to improve such performance to ensure the acquisition of the clinical skills and ability to apply medical knowledge.

In our study, we have demonstrated that there are strong correlations between students’ performance on prior examinations in pediatrics rotations, both OSCE and written, and the final OSCE, as well as with the final written exam component.

Studies on correlations between formative and summative OSCEs have reported conflicting findings [1, 1214]. Chisnall et al. found that formative OSCEs had a positive predictive value of 92.5% for passing the summative OSCE. Although they have shown that formative OSCEs were associated with improved performance only for identical stations in subsequent summative OSCEs, there was an improvement in the passing rates in the summative exam in other stations as well [14].

Previous reports have shown that repetitive testing enhances knowledge retention [12, 15]. This is extremely crucial in medical education, where the aim is to ensure the attainment of clinical skills for safe practice by the medical graduates. In fact, many previous studies supported the idea of assessment driving learning [16, 17].

Our findings of strong correlations of the final OSCE with the written exam component are consistent with previous studies [3, 8, 1820]. This correlation emphasizes the importance of having a good knowledge base when taking the OSCE.

Couto et al. reported positive correlations between the summative OSCE and formative assessments, including assessments done during PBL sessions [19]. In addition, a study evaluating the predictors of OSCE performance, concluded that students who took a practice National Board of Medical Examiner (NBME) shelf exam did better on both their shelf exam and OSCE [20].

In our study, this correlation might be attributed to the fact that our OSCE is based on real pediatric patients with clinical findings; therefore, students learn to perform in a way that is relevant to the clinical findings. Clinical findings should be sought as the student progresses with patient encounters. They need to give explanations and answer a few questions at the end of the station. The ultimate objective of students’ evaluation for a medical certificate is not only to evaluate the depth and breadth of their knowledge but more importantly to evaluate their ability to apply such knowledge and to correlate it to clinical findings. Our OSCE is clinical performance concentrated.

Previous studies have demonstrated that the closer the students’ rotation is to their final exam, the better their scores were [1, 3, 8]. In our study, the timing of the clerkship did not affect the performance on the final OSCE when looking at individual years. However, when we compared the overall sample size, students who did their rotation at the end of the academic year had slightly better performance than those who did it in the middle of the academic year but not those students who completed their clerkship at the beginning of the year. In our study, this might be attributed to the fact that a clerkship in the middle of the year is interrupted by many holidays. Nonetheless, this was not true when comparing the third rotation to the first or the second to the first. We may conclude that there was no effect of the timing of the rotation on the final OSCE performance. Therefore, dividing students to complete different rotations throughout the year, according to the capacity of the training centers, staff availability, and applied curriculum, should not affect their performance on final exams. It seems that students have good long-term clinical capacities. This is extremely crucial in medicine, as our aim is for students to be able to retrieve the information when needed and to apply it later in their practice.

This is the first study done in the Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University correlating in-training exam scores with final OSCE scores. Our data over the years were comparable. We were able to include the complete score records for entire batches of the period of study.

The limitations of the study include the lack of a comparison group. It would be imperative to study the outcomes of students’ performance when there are no in-training assessments under the same educational settings. However, this was not feasible since there is only one school of medicine in the country. Comparing the grades between different specialties would not be conclusive. The OSCEs differed in their contents over the years. Although we kept similar components (systems to be examined), the exact cases were different. This might be a potential limitation, but it is designed this way to ensure that students do not know the exact content of the exam, which might affect their success in the examinations.


In conclusion, there are positive correlations between students’ performance on the final OSCE and their performance on both the in-training OSCE and the written examinations. Such correlations might be used as predictors of final OSCE grades. Use of these predictors would offer a better opportunity to provide students with the necessary intervention at an early stage to reduce failure rates. The positive correlation between the written exam components and the OSCE supports that adequate performance on OSCEs requires a good knowledge base. Final OSCE performance may not be affected by the timing of the clerkship.

Supporting information

S1 Dataset


S2 Dataset. Edited-final overall grading 13–14.


S3 Dataset. Edited-final overall grading 14–15.


S4 Dataset. Edited-final overall grading 15–16.



The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge Ms. Asiya Tasneem Ibrahim and Dr. Prem Sharma for their assistance with the statistical analysis. We would like to acknowledge Mr. Thomas M. De Souza for his great help in extracting the students’ grades.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

the authors receive no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Oathokwa Nkomazana

26 Jun 2020


Factors Predicting Students’ Performance in the Final Pediatrics OSCE


Dear Dr. Al Rushood,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Oathokwa Nkomazana, MD MSC PhD

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments:

Thank you for an interesting article.

Please address the comments by the reviewer. In addition please address the following:

1. In the Methods section, it will be helpful to have a section titled: Study setting where you describe the setting of the medical school, where the clinical training is done, focusing on paediatrics; how the training is done; How many paediatric rotations do the students do in the course of training?Are the PBL sessions paper based or are they based on real patients? What is entailed in clinical teaching``/

How are the examination quality assured? You only talk to external examiners in the final OSCE. Is there blue printing of the examination? Is there moderation? Is it internal or are there aspects of external moderation? What does it mean that "Examiners are provided protected time just before exams?" what are the examiners briefed on?

In the data collection, make it clear if you followed the same cohort of students over three years, which is what I think you are reporting, but it's not clear. You say that you enrol 100 students a year but do not explain why you do not have 300 students in your study. Who have you excluded?

In the results section, you say that students who did their rotation last performed better than those who did it second, but not not better that those who did it first. Hw do you explain the difference? Could this be attributed to the differences in the assessments?

In the discussion,, the 7th paragraph that talks to differences in performance based on the timing of the rotation, the inferences are not very clear and it's not clear how this is supported by the reported findings. You conclude the paragraph by applauding the recall of information,; in medical education, however, recall is not considered a very high value but rather information literacy and life ling learning capacity as the half life of medical information is very short.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #1: No


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Reviewer #1: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: I read the manuscript with great interest, I suggest the following comments to make it publishable

• There is need to address other factors that may affect the final OSCE like gender, day of the exam (the authors mentioned that they have around 30 students /group and there were 9 stations run in 2 cycles, this mean that the exam either repeated for three days or in three different place), studying these factors will add to the quality of paper.

• Was the in-training OSCE formative without marks, did you provide any feedback for student in the in-training OSCE

• The term error bar is mentioned in the method section but it is not shown in the figure.

• In result section (‘End of block OSCE’ and ‘End of block written’ showed some improvement, especially in the year 2014-15 compared to 2013-14 and 2015-16 (p=0.016 & p=0.031) respectively.) could you clarify this sentence more, what it means and refer to table number. The word improvement here is not perfect with the meaning. (improvement mean that student score improved in this test in comparison to previous test)

• In discussion section, the authors should shed light on the low r value between written and final OSCE, usually the OSCE should be a test of clinical competence and not knowledge try to discuss this point when comparing final OSCE and written test, could be the good correlation between written test and OSCE due to more knowledge concentrated OSCE stations rather than performance OSCE stations.

• To mention reliability of a test there is need for reliability index.

• In conclusion part the first sentence should be removed as it was not detected in the results.

• Try to use some new references that addressed similar problem.

Alkhateeb, N. E., Al-Dabbagh, A., Ibrahim, M., & Al-Tawil, N. G. (2019). Effect of a Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination on the Clinical Performance of Undergraduate Medical Students in a Summative Examination: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian pediatrics, 56(9), 745–748.

English editing is advisable


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Reviewer #1: No

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PLoS One. 2020 Sep 2;15(9):e0236484. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236484.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

1 Jul 2020

1. In the Methods section, it will be helpful to have a section titled: Study setting where you describe the setting of the medical school, where the clinical training is done, focusing on paediatrics; how the training is done; How many paediatric rotations do the students do in the course of training?Are the PBL sessions paper based or are they based on real patients? What is entailed in clinical teaching``/

Our response: A section entitled “Study Setting” was added with the required details (lines 77-87 pages: 4,5).

2. How are the examination quality assured? You only talk to external examiners in the final OSCE. Is there blue printing of the examination? Is there moderation? Is it internal or are there aspects of external moderation? What does it mean that “Examiners are provided protected time just before exams?” what are the examiners briefed on?

Our response:

The pediatric exams are prepared by the staff in the department. Each member contributes in each exam. There is a blue print for each exam that it is followed. A departmental assessment committee, including academic staff in the department, evaluate each exam thoroughly. Then the exam is sent to the Faculty of Medicine exam committee for further evaluation and approval. Exam moderation is done internally. External examiners are involved as examiners in the final OSCE, in addition, they evaluate the written final exam (line 91, page 5).

“Examiners are provided protected time just before exams” Our response: before the start of the final OSCE, Examiners are assigned time to check on patients physical signs in the different exam stations and agree on what students should demonstrate (lines 96-98, page 5).

what are the examiners briefed on? Our response: Few days prior to the final exam, the department of pediatrics, representing by the head of the department and the chair of the assessment committee and other members, hold an orientation session to the external examiners to explain the guidelines and the lay out of the exam, what standards are expected from the students so to define the pass/fail marks. The grading sheets and the global assessment sheets are discussed. (lines 105-108, page 6).

3. In the data collection, make it clear if you followed the same cohort of students over three years, which is what I think you are reporting, but it's not clear. You say that you enroll 100 students a year but do not explain why you do not have 300 students in your study. Who have you excluded?

Our response: We did not follow the same cohort for 3 years. We included the students rotated in pediatrics in the following academic years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.

The total number of students involved in the study was 286 students because the faculty admits, on average, 100 students every year, yet 14 students had early drop-out for different reasons (lines 67-69, page 4).

4. In the results section, you say that students who did their rotation last performed better than those who did it second, but not better that those who did it first. How do you explain the difference? Could this be attributed to the differences in the assessments?

Our response: There are no differences in assessments. We expected that students’ performance in the final OSCE is best for those who did their pediatrics rotation towards the end of the year and closer to the final exam. However, this was not consistent, especially when compared with those who did their rotation in the beginning of the academic year. Students, doing their pediatric rotation second (ie in the middle of the academic year), perform less in the final OSCE. An explanation to this would be the fact, the rotation in the middle of the year is interrupted by many holidays (New year, Christmas and our National days). The students might be distracted. Of note, this difference was only statistically significant when we compared the whole study population, it was not demonstrated among students in each year, or when compared last to beginning or middle to beginning of the year. (lines 225-228 p 12)

5. In the discussion, the 7th paragraph that talks to differences in performance based on the timing of the rotation, the inferences are not very clear and it's not clear how this is supported by the reported findings.

Our response: We reported no significant differences in the final OSCE performance between the 3 groups each year. The only significant difference was when we looked at the whole study sample, there was a slight improvement in the final OSCE performance between the students rotating last compared to those rotating in the middle of the year (Means= 79.17 vs 77.19, P=0.028) however, this was not true comparing the third rotation to the first, or second to first. Therefore, there might be no effect of the timing of the rotation on the final OSCE performance. Therefore, dividing students to do different rotations throughout the year, according to the capacity of the training centers, staff availabilities, applied curriculum, should not affect their performance in the final exams (lines 220-228, page12).

6. You conclude the paragraph by applauding the recall of information; in medical education, however, recall is not considered a very high value but rather information literacy and life-long learning capacity as the half-life of medical information is very short.

Our response:

We agree. Recall of information was not meant. It is the life-long learning capacity and the ability to perform the skills learned fluently and efficiently it was clarified in line 232 page12.

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The format was modified accordingly

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The manuscript was edited by AJE

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'Ethical approval was obtained from The Health Sciences Ethical Committee. The use of students’ grades was approved by the Vice-Dean Academic Office at the Faculty of Medicine. Confidentiality of identity of students included was secured.'

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Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Sciences Center Ethical Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University. The Board members are the Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Medicine as the head of the committee and five other members who are full professors in different specialties.

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The data will be available and shared. To be able to share the data, we need to apply for a permission from the administration at the Faculty of Medicine, which is a lengthy procedure and because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown situation in the country, we will not be able to have the permission in timely manner. We will be able to share the data when the situation is back to normal in the country.

6. Please include your tables as part of your main manuscript and remove the individual files. Please note that supplementary tables should be uploaded as separate "supporting information" files.

The tables were included as part of the main manuscript file. The supplementary files were removed.

Response to reviewer #1 comments:

Thank you for your valuable comments. We have responded and made necessary changes a follows:

5. Review Comments to the Author

Reviewer #1: I read the manuscript with great interest, I suggest the following comments to make it publishable.

• There is need to address other factors that may affect the final OSCE like gender, day of the exam (the authors mentioned that they have around 30 students /group and there were 9 stations run in 2 cycles, this mean that the exam either repeated for three days or in three different place), studying these factors will add to the quality of paper.

Our response: We agree. Gender and the day of the examination, if it is conducted in more than one day, are important factors that might affect the exam performance. In our medical school, the end of block OSCE is conducted in one day in 2 hospitals. The final OSCE is run over 2 day in 4 hospitals per day (lines 94-96 in page 5). A study on the effect of students’ demographic information, including gender, age, type of housing, order among siblings and others is being carried out.

• Was the in-training OSCE formative without marks, did you provide any feedback for student in the in-training OSCE?

Our response: The in-training OSCE is graded. Feedback is provided to the students who failed the exam station only. During their 3 months of clerkship, the students perform Mini-Cex, where immediate feedback is given (lines 110-112, page 6)

• The term error bar is mentioned in the method section but it is not shown in the figure.

Our response: This was a mistake. There was an error bar, but we opt to remove it in the final version of the manuscript as it does not add much to data analysis. This sentence should have been removed from the text prior to submission. Thank you for pointing it out.

(Lines 125-126, page 7) was removed.

• In result section (‘End of block OSCE’ and ‘End of block written’ showed some improvement, especially in the year 2014-15 compared to 2013-14 and 2015-16 (p=0.016 & p=0.031) respectively.) could you clarify this sentence more, what it means and refer to table number. The word improvement here is not perfect with the meaning. (improvement mean that student score improved in this test in comparison to previous test)

Our response: The word improvement is misleading, I agree, as it implies comparing the performance of the same students over time. In this paragraph, we refer to table 1, showing the stability of our exam grades over the years, which make the study data comparable and hence, conclusions can be withdrawn. There are no significant differences between the grades of different exam components over the years. However, we think that it is confusing, so it was removed from the text ( lines 144-146, page 8).

• In discussion section, the authors should shed light on the low r value between written and final OSCE, usually the OSCE should be a test of clinical competence and not knowledge try to discuss this point when comparing final OSCE and written test, could be the good correlation between written test and OSCE due to more knowledge concentrated OSCE stations rather than performance OSCE stations.

Our response: We agree, OSCE should measure clinical competence. Many studies reported correlations between written exam performance and OSCE (3,8,18-20 in the references). As we have real patients in the OSCE run in our institution, we think that students should have a good knowledge base in order to perform well. Clinical findings should be sought as the student progresses with the patient encounter. They need to give explanations and answer few questions at the end of the station. The OSCE is conducted to ensure mastering the clinical skills. More clarification to the paragraph, with new references, was added (lines 203-219, pages 11,12).

• To mention reliability of a test there is need for reliability index.

Our response: True. The sentence was removed from the text as it might be confusing (line 205, page 11).

• In conclusion part the first sentence should be removed as it was not detected in the results.

Our response: Agree. The sentence was removed (lines 250,251, Page 13).

• Try to use some new references that addressed similar problem.

Alkhateeb, N. E., Al-Dabbagh, A., Ibrahim, M., & Al-Tawil, N. G. (2019). Effect of a Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination on the Clinical Performance of Undergraduate Medical Students in a Summative Examination: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian pediatrics, 56(9), 745–748.

Our response: Thank you for the reference. This article and other 2 new references were added. References 14, 19 and 20.

English editing is advisable.

Our response: The manuscript was edited by AJE


Submitted filename: response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Oathokwa Nkomazana

9 Jul 2020

Factors Predicting Students’ Performance in the Final Pediatrics OSCE


Dear Dr.Maysoun Al Rushood ,

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Kind regards,

Oathokwa Nkomazana, MD MSC PhD

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Oathokwa Nkomazana

21 Aug 2020


Factors Predicting Students’ Performance in the Final Pediatrics OSCE

Dear Dr. Al Rushood:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Academic Editor


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    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Dataset


    S2 Dataset. Edited-final overall grading 13–14.


    S3 Dataset. Edited-final overall grading 14–15.


    S4 Dataset. Edited-final overall grading 15–16.



    Submitted filename: response to Reviewers.docx

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