Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-020-65784-6, published online 01 June 2020
This Article contains errors. The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete.
“We would like to thank Matthew Smith for providing the Green Castle, Jamaica specimen; Kitty Emery and the Environmental Archaeology Program Laboratory at the Florida Museum of Natural History for facilitating access to guinea pig specimens from Finca Valencia, Puerto Rico (Catalog #0547); William Keegan and Corinne Hofman for analysis of specimens from Giraudy, Saint Lucia; Daniel S. Sandweiss for permission to analyze the Lo Demás specimens housed at the Florida Museum of Natural History and site information; Ana Maria Boada for providing samples from El Venado, Colombia; and Martha Zierden (on behalf of Charleston Museum) and Elizabeth Reitz for providing the Charleston sample, site information and comments on the manuscript. Kuelap samples were selected and exported legally according to the Ministry of Culture of Peru Resolución Viceministerial no. 095-2015-VMPCIC-MC (August 2015). We thank Susan Duser for assistance in creating Figs. 1A and 2. We acknowledge Peter Stahl for his review of the manuscript prior to publication. Funding for this research was provided to EM-S by the Department of Anatomy, University of Otago. Open access funding provided by Stockholm University.”
should read:
“We would like to thank Matthew Smith for providing the Green Castle, Jamaica specimen; Kitty Emery and the Environmental Archaeology Program Laboratory at the Florida Museum of Natural History for facilitating access to guinea pig specimens from Finca Valencia, Puerto Rico (Catalog #0547); William Keegan and Corinne Hofman for analysis of specimens from Giraudy, Saint Lucia; Daniel S. Sandweiss for permission to analyze the Lo Demás specimens housed at the Florida Museum of Natural History and site information; Ana Maria Boada for providing samples from El Venado, Colombia; and Martha Zierden (on behalf of Charleston Museum) and Elizabeth Reitz for providing the Charleston sample, site information and comments on the manuscript. Kuelap samples were selected and exported legally according to the Ministry of Culture of Peru Resolución Viceministerial no. 095-2015-VMPCIC-MC (August 2015). We thank Susan Duser for assistance in creating Figs. 1A and 2. We acknowledge Peter Stahl for his review of the manuscript prior to publication. Funding for this research was provided to EM-S by the Department of Anatomy, University of Otago. Open access funding provided by Stockholm University. We would like to thank Marceline Denis and Cécile Ansieau (on behalf of the Walloon Heritage Agency) for providing the specimen from Mons, Belgium.”
Additionally, there are typographical errors. In the legend of Figure 2,
“The routes depicted are purely hypothetical; people may have translocating guinea pigs using routes other than those depicted.”
should read:
“The routes depicted are purely hypothetical; people may have translocated guinea pigs using routes other than those depicted.”
In the Author Contributions section,
“E.L., E.M.-S., S.d.F., M.J.L. conceived the study. E.L. carried out the laboratory work and analyses with assistance from C.C., S.dF., M.J.L., F.P., P.E., C.E., S.M.F., P.F.H., M.F.M.-P., J.L.G., E.R.R., M.D., A.S.U., G.A.P.L., J.M.T., A.D., K.M.M., C.LD., and C.Z. provided samples.”
should read:
“E.L., E.M.-S., S.d.F., M.J.L. conceived the study. E.L. carried out the laboratory work and analyses with assistance from C.C.. S.dF., M.J.L., F.P., P.E., C.E., S.M.F., P.F.H., M.F.M.-P., J.L.G., E.R.R., M.D., A.S.U., G.A.P.L., J.M.T., A.D., K.M.M., C.LD., and C.Z. provided samples.”
Contributor Information
E. Lord, Email:
E. Matisoo-Smith, Email: