(Cell 181, 1423–1433.e1–e11; June 11, 2020)
It was recently brought to our attention that our paper was missing information regarding when the patient chest computed tomography (CT) scans were obtained and that there were some discrepancies in the clinical metadata, associated with the very large image dataset, that we made publicly available through the China National Center for Bioinformation (http://ncov-ai.big.ac.cn/download?lang=en). All of the chest CT and clinical metadata used in our prognostic analysis were collected from patients at the time of hospital admission, and we have now added this statement to the STAR Methods section of our paper. We believe that the errors in the clinical metadata were introduced when the chest CT images, clinical metadata, and codes were transferred to the web server, and we have now corrected the errors manually. Although these corrections do not alter any of the conclusions made in the paper, we do apologize for these errors and any confusion that they may have caused.