Dear Editor,
We are sorry to inform you that we have made a mistake in the description of the units in the Materials & Methods, Results, Tables, and Figures. The units should be corrected as shown below (changes are marked in red). We apologize for our mistake and any inconvenience you may have incurred.
Page 402 (left column, line 45): 0.0156 µg/mL
Page 404 (left column, line 14-15): ...was much higher than that measured previously by Wang, et al.20 (0.26 µg/mL vs. 86 ng/mL).
Page 404 (right column, line 13): 0.85 µg /mL
Table 2. Serum and Urine Nephrin Levels Throughout Pregnancy and at Postpartum
REF, reference value.
Values expressed as least square mean±SE.
*p-value by Linear mixed model.
Table 3. Comparison of Levels of Serum and Urine Nephrin between Normal and Subsequent PE Patients
PE, preeclampsia.
Values are expressed as median (range).
*p-value by Mann-Whitney U test.
Fig. 1. Mean serum (A) and urine (B) nephrin according to gestational weeks. *Represent values that are significantly different from the reference value <15 weeks of gestation.
Fig. 2. Longitudinal plots of nephrin levels in serum (A) and urine (B) according to gestational weeks before the onset of PE. Solid lines for normal pregnant controls and dashed lines for subsequent PE patients. PE, preeclampsia; PP, postpartum.