Figure 1.
Infectivity of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) derived from the pLXB-SMV infectious clone in N. benthamiana and soybean. (A) Confirmation of the pLXB-SMV infectious clone by restriction endonuclease digestion. M: DL15000 marker. Lane 1: plasmid control without enzyme digestion. Lanes 2–5: individual recombinant plasmids digested with SalI. (B) RT-PCR analysis of SMV via coat protein region (CP)-specific primers in N. benthamiana and soybean leaves at 12 days post infection (dpi). The internal reference gene actin was used as a control. (C) Symptoms of pLXB-SMV-infected N. benthamiana plants and representative leaves. (D) Symptoms of pLXB-SMV infected soybean plants and representative leaves.