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. 2020 Jun 20;75(9):764–770. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2019-214321

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics in 5500 patients who underwent pulmonary resections for lung cancer in Sweden during 2008–2017 according to quintiles of household disposable income

All patients Household disposable income by quintile P value
Q1 (low) Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (high)
Number of patients 5500 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Age, years, mean (SD) 68.0 (8.1) 69.3 (8.4) 68.7 (8.3) 68.7 (8.2) 67.7 (7.5) 65.5 (7.8) <0.001
Female sex 3030 (55.1) 680 (61.8) 616 (56.0) 584 (53.1) 576 (52.4) 574 (52.2) <0.001
Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (SD) 25.9 (4.8) 25.9 (5.0) 25.6 (5.0) 26.0 (4.7) 26.0 (4.5) 26.2 (4.7) 0.107
Household composition <0.001
 Two adults, no children 2425 (44.1) 56 (5.1) 295 (26.8) 642 (58.4) 768 (69.8) 664 (60.4)
 One adult, no children 2260 (41.1) 1016 (92.4) 711 (64.6) 334 (30.4) 126 (11.5) 73 (6.6)
 1–2 adults and ≥1 child(ren) 815 (14.8) 28 (2.5) 94 (8.5) 124 (11.3) 206 (18.7) 363 (33.0)
Education <0.001
 <10 years 1981 (36.0) 500 (45.5) 461 (41.9) 392 (35.6) 383 (34.8) 245 (22.3)
 10–12 years 2452 (44.6) 499 (45.4) 484 (44.0) 512 (46.5) 504 (45.8) 453 (41.2)
 >12 years 1067 (19.4) 101 (9.2) 155 (14.1) 196 (17.8) 213 (19.4) 402 (36.5)
Household disposable income, kSEK, mean (SD) 311 (171) 128 (233) 201 (210) 273 (228) 372 (340) 580 (142) <0.001
Smoking status <0.001
 Never smoker 851 (15.5) 141 (12.8) 151 (13.7) 178 (16.2) 175 (15.9) 206 (18.7)
 Former smoker 2907 (52.9) 493 (44.8) 570 (51.8) 589 (53.5) 629 (57.2) 626 (56.9)
 Current smoker 1644 (29.9) 442 (40.2) 355 (32.3) 315 (28.6) 278 (25.3) 254 (23.1)
 Unknown 98 (1.8) 24 (2.2) 24 (2.2) 18 (1.6) 18 (1.6) 14 (1.3)
Alcohol dependency 330 (6.0) 120 (10.9) 69 (6.3) 56 (5.1) 46 (4.2) 39 (3.5) <0.001
Preoperative FEV1, L, mean (SD) 2.24 (0.68) 2.07 (0.64) 2.18 (0.68) 2.22 (0.64) 2.26 (0.67) 2.46 (0.72) <0.001
Performance status <0.001
 0 3411 (62.0) 622 (56.5) 666 (60.5) 666 (60.5) 703 (63.9) 754 (68.5)
 1 1984 (36.1) 451 (41.0) 411 (37.4) 410 (37.3) 377 (34.3) 335 (30.5)
 2–3 105 (1.9) 27 (2.5) 23 (2.1) 24 (2.2) 20 (1.8) 11 (1.0)
Hypertension 2043 (37.1) 429 (39.0) 425 (38.6) 408 (37.1) 403 (36.6) 378 (34.4) 0.169
Ischaemic heart disease 972 (17.7) 217 (19.7) 192 (17.5) 198 (18.0) 198 (18.0) 167 (15.2) 0.089
Atrial fibrillation 475 (8.6) 98 (8.9) 96 (8.7) 93 (8.5) 102 (9.3) 86 (7.8) 0.798
Hyperlipidaemia 693 (12.6) 148 (13.5) 139 (12.6) 146 (13.3) 129 (11.7) 131 (11.9) 0.659
Heart failure 295 (5.4) 82 (7.5) 52 (4.7) 62 (5.6) 55 (5.0) 44 (4.0) 0.005
COPD 991 (18.0) 251 (22.8) 221 (20.1) 210 (19.1) 171 (15.5) 138 (12.5) <0.001
Diabetes mellitus 763 (13.9) 170 (15.5) 157 (14.3) 154 (14.0) 172 (15.6) 110 (10.0) 0.001
Prior stroke/TIA 507 (9.2) 121 (11.0) 116 (10.5) 99 (9.0) 83 (7.5) 88 (8.0) 0.016
Peripheral vascular disease 454 (8.3) 108 (9.8) 108 (9.8) 94 (8.5) 80 (7.3) 64 (5.8) 0.002
Chronic kidney disease 114 (2.1) 20 (1.8) 29 (2.6) 24 (2.2) 21 (1.9) 20 (1.8) 0.621
Preoperative radiotherapy 166 (3.1) 38 (3.5) 26 (2.4) 32 (3.0) 34 (3.2) 36 (3.3) 0.630
Preoperative chemotherapy 224 (4.2) 46 (4.3) 35 (3.3) 42 (3.9) 43 (4.0) 58 (5.4) 0.174
Preoperative PET 4615 (90.0) 898 (88.2) 915 (90.3) 909 (89.0) 923 (90.2) 970 (92.1) 0.039
Lobectomy or more 4465 (81.2) 884 (80.4) 900 (81.8) 876 (79.6) 897 (81.5) 908 (82.5) 0.416
VATS 1166 (21.2) 207 (18.8) 213 (19.4) 216 (19.6) 231 (21.0) 299 (27.2) <0.001
Expanded surgery* 230 (4.2) 57 (5.2) 44 (4.0) 52 (4.7) 37 (3.4) 40 (3.6) 0.177
Lymph node sampling 4610 (86.1) 920 (86.0) 922 (86.5) 901 (84.4) 916 (85.2) 951 (88.4) 0.083
Incomplete resection 258 (4.7) 48 (4.4) 59 (5.4) 52 (4.7) 53 (4.8) 46 (4.2) 0.725
Postoperative histopathology <0.001
 Squamous cell lung cancer 1036 (18.8) 242 (22.0) 240 (21.8) 190 (17.3) 209 (19.0) 155 (14.1)
 Adenocarcinoma 3266 (59.4) 592 (53.8) 632 (57.5) 656 (59.6) 656 (59.6) 730 (66.4)
 Other 638 (11.6) 127 (11.5) 127 (11.5) 134 (12.2) 132 (12.0) 118 (10.7)
 Unknown 560 (10.2) 139 (12.6) 101 (9.2) 120 (10.9) 103 (9.4) 97 (8.8)
Stage† 0.055
 IA 2148 (39.1) 398 (36.2) 408 (37.1) 443 (40.3) 431 (39.2) 468 (42.5)
 IB 1276 (23.2) 271 (24.6) 282 (25.6) 252 (22.9) 251 (22.8) 220 (20.0)
 IIA 701 (12.7) 139 (12.6) 148 (13.5) 143 (13.0) 139 (12.6) 132 (12.0)
 IIB 608 (11.1) 129 (11.7) 133 (12.1) 115 (10.5) 118 (10.7) 113 (10.3)
 IIIA 767 (13.9) 163 (14.8) 129 (11.7) 147 (13.4) 161 (14.6) 167 (15.2)

Data are n (%) unless otherwise noted.

*If any structure other than the lung or lymph nodes was included in the resection (eg, pericardium, diaphragm, thoracic wall).

†Pathological stage.

kSEK, 1000 Swedish Krona; PET, positron emission tomography; Q, quintile; TIA, transient ischaemic attack; VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery.