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. 2020 Jul 9;61(7):1491–1502. doi: 10.1111/epi.16573



Median percent reduction in seizure frequency per 28 days during the perampanel treatment duration by 52‐week treatment intervals A, including dropouts a and B, excluding dropouts ( Full Analysis Set). All patients with any recorded efficacy data during a single respective year were included in the efficacy analysis for that year. a The analysis including early dropouts used the last observation carried forward approach, in which patients who completed or withdrew from the study had their last year of treatment carried forward to later timepoints. bWhen including dropouts, the median reduction from preperampanel in GTCS frequency per 28 days was 85.5% at Year 4 (n = 138). However, efficacy data were only recorded for three patients with GTCS at Year 4, and median reduction from preperampanel in GTCS frequency per 28 days was 100.0% when excluding dropouts. FBTCS, focal to bilateral tonic‐clonic seizures; GTCS, generalized tonic‐clonic seizures