Fig. 5.
FLIO patterns after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). A. Color coded (range: 200–600 ps) fluorescence lifetime (FLIO) images of the short spectral channel (SSC) and the long spectral channel (LSC), FAF intensity images, infrared images, and OCT images are shown. In the LSC, red spots of short lifetimes (white arrows) stand out. Corresponding subretinal fluid pockets can be identified in the OCT scans (1–3). A temporal inferior region of diffuse shorter lifetimes (asterisk) corresponds to diffuse subretinal fluid in the OCT scan (3) as well. One spot of prolonged lifetimes in the SSC (black arrow) corresponds to a hyperreflective focus in the OCT (1) and can also be observed in the FAF image. B. The FLIO lifetimes were significantly shorter in the red dots, when compared with the adjacent retina of same eccentricity, (n = 11, mean difference ± SEM: 32.65 ± 4.79 ps). C. In this superior temporal RRD, the LSC reveals a discrete demarcation line (white arrowheads), that corresponds to the demarcation line seen in the infrared image. Subfoveal disturbance (5, white arrowhead) can be observed, but parafoveal OCT scans (4) present normal retinal structures in the region of the demarcation line. D. This case shows retinal folds in the OCT scans (6/7, black arrowheads), that correspond to wave-shaped signs of short fluorescence lifetimes in the LSC. The infrared image also shows these wave-shaped signs.